
When sex abuse can lead to murder

Award-winning journalist Nick Davies concludes a series looking at the evils
of paedophilia by confronting the grim mysteries of snuff movies. Today: The
Amsterdam connection

Monday November 27, 2000

A year after Bristol detectives finally started to unravel the ring of
paedophiles who had been abusing children there for up to 20 years, they
found an informant with an alarming story. The man, whom we will call Terry,
had a long history of sexually abusing boys. He did not come from Bristol
but, by chance, he had come across some of the paedophiles the detectives
were investigating - in Amsterdam, where he said they had become involved
with a group of exiled British child abusers who had succeeded in
commercialising their sexual obsession.
The exiled paedophiles were trafficking boys from other countries; running
legitimate gay brothels and selling under-aged boys "under the counter";
they had branched out into the production of child pornography. And they had
killed some of them. One boy had simply been shot through the head, Terry
said: he had been causing trouble and had been executed in front of several
pae dophiles. Another, he believed, had been thrown into one of the canals.
But the one about whom he spoke the most was a boy who had been tortured and
killed in the most painful fashion in the course of producing a pornographic
Terry said he had seen most of the video himself and had vomited before he
could reach the end. The few detectives who specialise in the investigation
of child abuse invariably say the same thing about "snuff" movies: they have
often heard of them, sometimes pursued them but never found one. The videos
remain one of the great unsolved mysteries of the burgeoning underworld of
international sexual exploitation.
Twice told tale
Terry's account was so hideous as to invite disbelief. It was clearly
possible that he was inventing the story in an attempt to curry favour with
the detectives as they turned over Bristol's paedophile subculture. And yet
the detectives discovered that the allegation had been made before.
Not just once but repeatedly, evidence had come to the attention of police
in England and the Netherlands, that, for pleasure and profit, some of the
exiled paedophiles in Amsterdam had mur dered boys in front of the camera.
Some of the evidence had been pursued. Some of it had been ignored. None of
it had led to a murder charge. For a short while, the Bristol detectives
thought they might be able to make progress in tracking down the truth; but
when two of them flew to Amsterdam in the autumn of 1998 to pass on their
information to Dutch officers, they hit a wall.
Terry had described the flat in Amsterdam where he had seen the video; he
had named the owner of the flat who was, by implication, also owner of the
video; he had provided the name of the man who carried out the killing; he
had described events on the video in detail; he had provided the approximate
age and the first name of the dead boy.
Dutch police said it was not enough: without the full name of a victim, they
would not begin an investigation. Having fought their way through the swamp
of inertia which surrounds British policing and prosecution of child abuse,
the Bristol detectives had now hit the deeper swamp of virtual paralysis
that afflicts its international policing. Within their own jurisdictions,
there are now specialist paedophilia detectives - for example, in London and
Amsterdam - who will work relentlessly to lock up predatory child abusers.
But when they try to move abroad, the potentially powerful machine starts to
misfire. The result is that there is now a flourishing underground trade in
boys who are being exported from the economic chaos of eastern Europe, as
well as from the streets of London, to be put to work in the sex industry of
western Europe. And no effective police operation to deal with it.
Predatory paedophiles cross whatever borders they like in order to pursue
their obsessions; the police who might follow them are almost always trapped
within their own narrow jurisdictions, partly by differences in law and
procedure, partly because they lack the manpower and money to work
internationally. There is an exception to this rule of parochialism, in the
highly funded war against drugs, but in the perverse world of modern
policing, the trafficking, rape and alleged murder of children has a far
lower priority. 
We have uncovered an international paedophile ring whose roots spring from
Amsterdam, where, in the late 1980s, a group of British paedophiles set up a
colony, exploiting the freedom of the city's gay community as cover to make
a business of their fantasies.
Legal front
One of the first to do so was Alan Williams, the "Welsh Witch", who already
had a vicious history of abusing boys in south Wales. Williams arrived in
Amsterdam in 1988, aged 21, and soon set himself up as the manager of a gay
brothel called Boys Club 21 at 21 Spuistraat, near the central station.
Across the road at number 44, another British paedophile, a chubby Londoner
named Warwick Spinks, then aged 25, was running a similar club called the
Gay Palace. Both clubs had a legal business, running a bar and offering the
services of adult male prostitutes.
But Williams and Spinks had much crueller interests. Williams had fled to
the Netherlands after being convicted in Britain of indecent assaults on
boys. In Amsterdam, he boasted of the day in south Wales when he had seen a
10-year-old boy on his bike, grabbed him, raped him, and, when he cried,
strangled him. From Boys Clubs 21, he organised the importing of boys from
Cardiff and London, inflicting intense violence on any who defied him.
Spinks had been running a mail order pornography business from Brighton,
before he moved to Amsterdam, where he pioneered the trafficking of boys as
young as 10 - first, from the streets of London, and, after the collapse of
the Soviet Union, from the poverty of eastern Europe. Having brought them to
Amsterdam, he used these "chickens" himself, sold them into the brothels or
through escort agencies and put them in front of the camera. Some resisted,
some ran away, but most were made to comply through the removal of their
passports and doses of drugs and violence.
By 1990, these two clubs on Spuistraat, together with Boys for Men, De Boys,
the Blue Boy and the Why Not, had become the busiest watering holes in the
international paedophile jungle. Dutch police estimated there were 250
paedophiles involved in the production of child pornography in Amsterdam
with an unknown floating population of child sex tourists from all over the
world - and it was the British who formed the hard core consumers: Stephen
Smith, who had helped to found the Paedophile Information Exchange, fled
there when police in England prosecuted the organisation; Russell Tricker,
now 58, a former private school teacher who was convicted of child sex
offences in the UK, used his job as a coach driver to ferry suitable boys
from London; John Broomhall opened a porn shop on Spuistraat and was caught
with more than 1,000 copies of videos of under-aged boys; Mark Enfield, now
41, sold a video of himself abusing a drugged boy.
Alan Williams introduced two paedophile friends from Wales, John Gay and Lee
Tucker, both of whom were to become central targets for Bristol detectives.
The two men found they could sell Welsh boys into the clubs on Spuistraat
and then make more money by investing in child pornography. They bought
video equipment, set up TAG Films, and visited Amsterdam regularly to make
films, which they sold through distributors in the US and Germany. At the
time, Dutch law punished production of child pornography with a maximum
sentence of only three months.
By October 1990, detectives on the old obscene publications squad at
Scotland Yard were picking up worrying signals. An informant told them that
someone called Alan Williams was trafficking boys into Amsterdam and that
Williams had asked him to smuggle a child porn video back into the UK.
Another informant told how he had smuggled a dozen tapes in the opposite
direction: they had been produced, he believed, in north London, equipped
with a bondage room for boys. He had delivered the tapes in Amsterdam to
"Alan from Cardiff" at Boys Club 21. The informant said he had visited the
Gay Palace across the road, where he watched videos of boys in bondage, aged
11 to 14, being buggered by masked men.
Soon, other informants were offering more detail. One man said he had seen
Warwick Spinks selling a special video for £4,000. It showed a boy whom he
thought was only eight or nine being sexually abused and tortured by two
men. But the most startling allegations came from a gay man, "Frank", who
had gone to Amsterdam in July 1990 and found himself caught up in this
paedophile underworld. In 1993, he spoke to the same officers at Scotland
Frank told police that Warwick Spinks had invited him to come on a trip to
the Canaries, where he had suggested Frank should help him sell videos and
showed him a sample. Frank said he watched in growing horror as the video
played out a murder - a boy who seemed to be no older than 12 was beaten and
attacked with needles, before being castrated and cut open with a knife. The
video seemed to have been shot in a barn, and detectives later learned that
Williams and his friends had been talking about making a video in a barn
that belonged to a German from one of the Spuistraat clubs.
Scotland Yard was in a difficult position: the informants were British and
so was Spinks, who by this time had left Amsterdam and was living in
Hastings, East Sussex. But everything else in the story was scattered round
Europe. After long negotiations within Scotland Yard and with their
counterparts in the Netherlands, the detectives set up Operation Framework,
and, as the Guardian reported in 1997, they recruited an undercover officer
to pose as a child abuser and befriend Warwick Spinks in England.
In a series of meetings, Spinks described how he picked up boys in Dresden,
in Bratislava in the Czech Republic, and in Poland, where, he claimed, they
cost only 10p. The undercover officer asked Spinks if he could get him a
sado-masochistic video featuring boys as young as 10, and Spinks replied
that he knew people in Amsterdam who could: "I know, well I knew, some
people who were involved in making snuff movies and how they did it was,
they only sold them in limited editions, made 10 copies or something, 10
very rich customers in America, who paid $5,000 each or something like
Spinks divulged no more about the video and failed to produce a copy of it.
Without more evidence, Scotland Yard could not justify the expense of
keeping the undercover officer or of sending officers to Amsterdam, where,
in any event, they lacked police powers. They arrested Spinks in Hastings
and charged him with adbucting and raping two homeless boys from the streets
of London and selling one of them into a Spuistraat brothel. He was jailed
for five years. But the allegation of murder would not go away. As the
Guardian reported in 1997, another gay man, Edward, claimed to have seen
five Amsterdam videos, each featuring the sexual torture and death of a boy.
Dutch police investigated and said they could find no evidence.
Now, Terry had offered the Bristol detectives more evidence about life on
Spuistraat. He explained how John Gay and Lee Tucker set themselves up as
video pornographers, first taking a group of boys to an isolated farmhouse
in France, and then making visits to Amsterdam to film with the boys there.
And dealing with snuff movies he told how, in 1989, he had been alone in a
flat which belonged to one of the key figures in the Amsterdam paedophile
scene, whom he named; he had found a video and watched as it played out a
murder - a boy was beaten before being castrated and cut open with a knife.
At first sight, Terry might have been describing the video Frank saw but its
details differ: Frank described a video shot in a barn; Terry says his was
shot in a flat. Frank described the abuse and murder of one boy; Terry says
there was a second boy, who was also being abused and who was alive at the
point he turned off the tape. And yet, the overlap is striking: the specific
nature of the violence is identical; and Terry names the man who actually
committed the killing - he is the same German whose barn was allegedly
picked as a porn studio by the child porngraphers.
Terry, Frank, Edward and Spinks certainly mixed with the paedophile colony
in Amsterdam in 1989/90 and all four separately claim at least one boy was
killed on video. Spinks told the undercover officer that a German boy was
killed; Frank says Spinks once hinted to him that a German boy named Manny
had been murdered; we have confirmed from talking to boys who worked in
Spuistraat at the time that a boy of that name and nationality, then 14, did
disappear. Terry, however, says he thinks the victim of the video which he
saw was Dutch, named Marco and probably 16.
Currying favour
At one end of the scale of possibility, every one of these men may be lying
in an attempt to score favours with the police or to cause trouble for
others on the Amsterdam scene, and certainly it was not unusual for boys to
disappear from Spuistraat simply because they had had enough of being
At the other end of the scale, the truth is that one or more boys was killed
in a snuff movie - and the murderers have got away with it.
The Bristol detectives can get no further. The Dutch say they will not
investigate, and Avon and Somerset police have neither the funds nor the
legal power to run their own inquiry in the Netherlands.
There have been successful paedophilia operations between British and
European police. Scotland Yard detectives recently have twice arrested
wanted men and extradited them to the Netherlands for trial on child sex
offences. Within their borders, the Dutch paedophilia unit have arrested
several of the key British paedophiles, and, since January 1996, the
Netherlands has introduced a tougher law, which threatens up to six years
for production of child pornography. The clubs on Spuistraat are no longer
the paedophile playground they were. But the wider picture is of police
trapped within their borders with the result that the European trade in boys
for sexual exploitation has been allowed to grow without restraint.
A couple of years ago, I sat in the Blue Boy club on Spuistraat, amid the
dry ice and the boys in thongs, and flicked through the catalogue on the
bar, offering "truly the best boys in town", and watched a Japanese
businessman make his purchase. In search of their origins, I went to Berlin,
to the Bahnhof Am Zoo, where the trains arrive from all over eastern Europe,
bringing the destitute in search of a dream. A specialist social worker
there, Wolfgang Werner, told me there were some 700 east European boys, aged
from 11 to 17, who had ended up in the sex industry in Berlin. But, to his
knowledge, many hundreds of others had been taken off on a kind of
underground railroad which fanned out to Zurich and Hamburg and Frankfurt,
and, most of all, to Rotterdam and Amsterdam.
Werner told me, for example, about the Romanian boys who had been sold by
their parents to a wandering Polish criminal, who had paid cash for some and
a bottle of vodka for another, before putting them on to the streets of
I followed the trail of two men, Peter Goetjes and Lutz Edelman, identified
as traffickers in the Berlin press. Eventually, I spoke to a friend of
theirs, who said that, of course, they had been trafficking. They must have
sold 150 between them, before Goetjes was caught on the Polish border in the
summer of 1992 with a boy in his boot. Goetjes was charged with smuggling,
released on bail and then drove away and never came back for his trial.
About that time, he and Edelman stopped trafficking, not so much because of
Goetjes's arrest but because they had been told some of the boys were being
used in snuff movies. Plenty of others carried on.
Unheeded warning
In May 1995, Bjorn Eriksson, then president of Interpol and chief of the
Swedish police, told a conference on cross-border crime that organised
paedophile networks were operating across European frontiers and as many as
30,000 paedophiles were believed to be linked to organisations or
publications throughout Europe. His warning went unheeded.
In the late 1990s, trafficking of boys from Berlin to the Netherlands hit
the north European press when police belatedly tried to find out what had
happened to a 12-year-old Berliner, Manuel Schadwald, who went missing in
July 1993. The Berlin police had simply listed him as a runaway. By 1997,
however, Dutch journalists had dug out a history of sightings which
suggested he had been put to work in a brothel in Rotterdam, run by a
German, Lothar Glandorf, now 36. After ignoring complaints for 18 months,
Rotterdam police targeted him and found he had been selling hundreds of
boys. Of those they could trace, nearly half were under 16.
The Guardian has obtained an extraordinary report which was produced by
Rotterdam police. It captures some of the ruthlessness of life in the city's
boy brothels: "Even if Glandorf knew the perversions of a customer, he would
still send a boy to a customer who had a preference for sado-masochism."
In the midst of all this, Rotterdam police were looking for Manuel
Schadwald. Their report reveals three boys had run away from Glandorf's
world and reported sighting the missing Berliner. Police logs leaked to a
Dutch TV programme, Netwerk, reveal that one night, three Rotterdam
surveillance officers saw Glandorf with a boy all three believed to be
Manuel Schadwald but they failed to rescue him: they were reluctant to break
cover for fear of jeopardising their operation. With the Dutch and German
press baying for action, police in the two countries set about trying to
find him - four years after his disappearance. They failed.
The same cross-border weakness persists. Investigating Glandorf, the
Rotterdam police found that British paedophiles were routinely using his
brothels, but they never sent a copy of their report to Scotland Yard.
Glandorf had little fear of international policing. When a senior Dutch
civil servant phoned him from Poland to say he was bringing back a boy,
police phone taps recorded Glandorf saying: "When you get to the bridge at
the border, let him out so he can go on foot so they can't catch you." That
was all it took. 
Within their borders, the Dutch did finally jail Glandorf for five and a
half years, and yet the Amsterdam paedophiles remain relaxed. Some have
resettled in Prague, where the law is lax. The trains still pull into the
Bahnhof Am Zoo with their consignments of vulnerable children. The
international boy business is alive and well, and, quite possibly, getting
away with murder. 
€ Identities of all police informants have been disguised.


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