This is an opportune time to illuminate a virtually unknown dynamic in
politics that was explained to me by Barry Goldwater.  Ferdinand Lundberg
named his
epic expose THE RICH AND THE SUPER RICH for good reason.  There is a layer at
the top
of the economic spectrum where there is unimagined wealth.  This is the
level where it takes hundreds of millions to belong.

All we are told in high schools colleges and TV is the dynamic of the RICH
versus the

What about the dynamic between the RICH and the SUPER RICH?  Barry Goldwater
convincing arguments to me that this was the only dynamic in American
politics that

The RICH and the SUPER RICH are united when it comes to exploiting the
ignorance of
the general hoard.  More than 55% of Americans own 0 assets or are in debt.
About 25%
of Americans are the professional class that enforce the will of the RICH and
SUPER RICH.  The bottom of the SUPER RICH begins at the top 1/2 of one

Goldwater saw the small millionaires and the billionaires locked in a lethal
competition.  Economically it is the RICH that pose the greatest competition
to the
SUPER RICH.  Both the RICH and the SUPER RICH set up front groups to
manipulate the
underclases to employ the unwashed masses in their struggle with each other's
interests.  The POOR has virtually no representation other than these front
secretly supported by the RICH and the SUPER RICH.

The tactic of the SUPER RICH has been the control of resources and markets
government control of these things.  The small millionaires want free
markets.  Barry
Goldwater articulated this in his book THE CONSCIENCE OF A CONSERVATIVE.  H.
L. Hunt
as a secret alley of the Rockefellers subverted legitimate conservative
groups and
perverted them into ineffective Rush Limbaugh type organizations.  Limbaugh
would make
Barry Goldwater puke.

The producer Roger Ayles that set up Limbaugh in radio was an aid to George
Bush.  He
is the SUPER RICH agent defusing conservative focus as the media masquerades
him as
the definitive conservative spokesperson.  Goldwater's use of the words
LIBERAL ESTABLISHMENT was a euphemism for the Rockefellers, Bushes, and

Below are my observations of the moments Goldwater came to the realization
that he
could no longer resist the force of the SUPER RICH.

Brian Downing Quig

Brian Downing Quig wrote:

> This is a very fine abstract of Bush family information.  Actually I can
only take
> exception to one sentence.
> >>>7/17/1980 The Los Angeles Times reported: "According to sources in the
> >>>Reagan campaign, Bush was urged upon Reagan by his chief of staff, Ed
> >>>Meese, and by his top political strategist, Richard Wirthlin...Without
> >>>rejecting Bush flatly...Reagan nonetheless resisted accepting him.
> I can tell how Bush was selected by Reagan in 1980.  Remember that this was
> REPUBLICAN convention that Barry Goldwater made his speech before the
largest TV
> audience ever, where he put his notes down at the end and said, "This could
be the
> last REPUBLICAN convention and in two weeks the last DEMOCRATIC convention.
> are dark forces working from within the country to subvert the
> I was in Barry's office the Monday after that speech talking to his
> director who was an important player at the convention.  As the secretary
> a hundred times to callers while we spoke, "Yes, that is what the senator
> Yes, he was speaking about the TRILATERAL COMMISSION." I was told how Bush
> selected for VP.  I was told that Reagan did not want to name Bush but
Gerald Ford
> and Walter Cronkite put his feet to the fire.  The words used were "Here is
> brush we will use to tar you if you do not select Bush."  Cleon Skousen was
> Reagan insider who gives the exact same story.
> I saw what happened to Barry Goldwater then.  Not one newspaper spent a
drop of
> ink on this startling speech.  Goldwater realized that he would never have
a forum
> as strong as this again.  That is when Goldwater stopped fighting the
> LIBERAL ESTABLISHMENT which was always a euphemism for the Rockefellers.
> Brian Quig
> >
> >
> >
> >   ------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Subject: Re: Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] -Is PEMEX deep into the drug trade???
> > Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 14:54:45 -0600
> > From: Linda Minor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > From:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Thu Aug 20, 1998 10:59am
> > Subject: Background to Mena: George Bush, Clinton's boss
> >
> > from alt.politics.bush
> > -----
> > As always, Caveat Lector.
> > Om
> > K
> > -----
> > <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.bush:5578">Background to Mena: George
> > Bush, Clinton's boss</A>
> > -----
> > Subject: Background to Mena: George Bush, Clinton's boss
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Goldman)
> > Date: Sat, Aug 8, 1998 7:00 PM
> > Message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > >>>Subject:      Re: GEORGE  BUSH - Spook City USA
> > >>>From:         "Tracy Riddle" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >>>Date:         1998/06/28
> > >>>Message-ID:   <01bda2ae$2aa668c0$6a84d4cc@triddle
> > >>>Newsgroups:   alt.conspiracy.jfk
> > >>>[More Headers]
> > >>>[Subscribe to alt.conspiracy.jfk]
> >
> > >>>George Bush was one of the main players in our National Security State
> > >>>during the Cold War. God only knows what crimes he was involved in
that we
> > >>>haven't found out about yet. Let's dig out some stuff on Poppy from my
> > >>>files:
> >
> > >>>1960 Bush and Mexican oil man Jorge Diaz Serrano entered into a joint
> > >>>venture in a Mexican drilling firm called Permargo; Bush's 50%
interest was
> > >>>hidden because of Mexican law. Permargo had contracts with the
> > >>>oil company, Pemex, and 1975-80 Serrano was head of Pemex. 1976 the CIA
> > >>>began using Pemex as an operational cover. 1983 Serrano was convicted
> > >>>imprisoned for looting Pemex of millions of dollars. Jonathan Kwitny
> > >>>that the key Zapata records concerning Bush's relations with Serrano
> > >>>1960-66 were "inadvertently destroyed" early in 1981. (Barron's
> >
> > >>>1961 in the Bay of Pigs invasion (code-named Operation Zapata) two
> > >>>had been renamed "Houston" and "Barbara":  It may very well just be a
> > >>>coincidence, but at the time of the invasion Bush was living in Houston
> > >>>with his wife Barbara, and the name of his company was Zapata.
> >
> > >>>11/29/1963 FBI memo from Hoover stated that "George Bush of the CIA"
> > >>>be assessing reaction to the assassination by the Cuban-exile
> > >>>(The Nation 7/1988)
> >
> > >>>10/13/1970 Chuck Colson memo to HR Haldeman: "'Dusty' Miller, who
heads the
> > >>>Southern Region for the Teamsters, is actively backing George Bush with
> > >>>money and political support...Be sure this guy is in our Labor book and
> > >>>rewarded appropriately." (Secret Files of RN p163)
> >
> > >>>7/24/1971 Colson memo to Pat O'Donnell: "We should always consider
> > >>>George Bush more often as a good speaking resource...he takes our line
> > >>>beautifully." (Secret Files p302)
> >
> > >>>12/11/1972 Robert Dole resigned as GOP National Committee chairman and
> > >>>Nixon replaced him with George Bush. Human Events reported that
> > >>>in Congress were "furious" with the "shabby" way the White House
> > >>>Dole after all his work for Nixon.
> >
> > >>>1/30/1976 George Bush becomes CIA Director. Colby had been pushed out
> > >>>Ford for being too cooperative with congressional investigators.
> >
> > >>>9/15/1976 memo from George Bush to his deputy director of central
> > >>>intelligence: "A recent Jack Anderson story referred to a November
1963 CIA
> > >>>cable, the subject matter of which had some UK journalist observing
> > >>>Ruby visiting [Santos] Trafficante in jail [in Cuba.] Is there such a
> > >>>cable? If so, I would like to see it."
> >
> > >>>10/13/1976 Bush wrote Richard Helms and John McCone telling that they
> > >>>be called before the grand jury investigating the assassination of
> > >>>Letelier, and he offered them his full support and CIA assistance.
> >
> > >>>10/22/1976 White House Counsel Phillip Buchen wrote Ford that Bush's
> > >>>obstructionism could "abort the pending investigation [of the Letelier
> > >>>assassination] and lead to no prosecution" and worried that it would
"set a
> > >>>precedent for never investigating or prosecuting a confidential source
> > >>>information, even though he may have committed perjury; also for not
> > >>>prosecuting anyone for any crime if the evidence to do so would involve
> > >>>disclosing confidential CIA sources or methods." Ford was unable to get
> > >>>Bush to cooperate.
> >
> > >>>11/1/1976 Washington Post reported that the CIA, including director
> > >>>Bush, did not believe the Chilean regime was responsible for Letelier's
> > >>>death. Of course, the facts would later prove otherwise.
> >
> > >>>11/18/1976 McCone wrote Bush that he was "greatly troubled" that a CIA
> > >>>official had perjured himself in testimony before Congress.
> >
> > >>>1/24/1980 Los Angeles Times publishes a Robert Scheer interview with
> > >>>candidate George Bush. He stated that a nuclear war was winnable by
> > >>>"a survivability of command and control, survivability of industrial
> > >>>potential, protection of a percentage of your citizens, and you have a
> > >>>capability that inflicts more damage on the opposition than it can
> > >>>on you. That's the way you can have a winner, and the Soviets'
planning is
> > >>>based on the ugly concept of a winner in a nuclear exchange."
> >
> > >>>3/1/1980 Washington Post reported "no presidential campaign in recent
> > >>>memory - perhaps ever - has attracted as much support from the
> > >>>community as...George Bush."
> >
> > >>>7/17/1980 The Los Angeles Times reported: "According to sources in the
> > >>>Reagan campaign, Bush was urged upon Reagan by his chief of staff, Ed
> > >>>Meese, and by his top political strategist, Richard Wirthlin...Without
> > >>>rejecting Bush flatly...Reagan nonetheless resisted accepting him.
Part of
> > >>>Reagan's hesitation was personalities. 'Reagan has never liked Bush,'
> > >>>staffer said... Reagan 'just couldn't see Bush as the inheritor of his
> > >>>political legacy,' an aide said. Instead, Reagan was said to prefer
> > >>>Jack Kemp...the main spark for the effort to recruit Ford, Reagan
> > >>>said, came not from Reagan himself but rather from his campaign manger,
> > >>>William J. Casey, who served in the Ford administration. 'Casey's been
> > >>>planning that for months,' one Reagan aide said...Reagan's feeling
> > >>>Ford...was not much more favorable than his attitude toward Bush. 'He
> > >>>doesn't like Ford much either,' said one insider. 'But he has been
> > >>>to find any way at all that he could not to pick Bush.'"
> >
> > >>>3/10/1981 UPI reported press secretary James Brady as saying that
"Bush is
> > >>>functioning much like a co-president. George is involved in all the
> > >>>national security stuff because of his special background as CIA
> > >>>All the budget working groups he was there, the economic working
> > >>>the Cabinet meetings. He is included in almost all the meetings."
> >
> > >>>3/25/1981 Bush was named the leader of the US "crisis management"
staff "as
> > >>>a part of the National Security Council system."
> >
> > >>>3/29/1981 John Hinckley spends the night in the Park Central hotel,
> > >>>across the street from Secret Service headquarters. Hinckley's brother
> > >>>George Bush's son very well and was going to have dinner with him that
> > >>>night. (4/1/1981 "The Assassination Attempt," Earl Golz, Dallas Morning
> > >>>News.) His father, John Hinckley Sr., was a Denver oilman.
> >
> > >>>3/31/1981 the Houston Post reported that Hinckley's brother, Scott was
> > >>>have been a dinner guest that night (Tuesday) at the home of Bush's
> > >>>Neil. Bush had admitted the day before (3/30) that he knew Scott
> > >>>casually, and knew the Hinckley family (which had made large
> > >>>to Bush's 1980 campaign). Neil and Scott both lived in Denver in 1981.
> > >>>Scott was the VP of Vanderbilt Energy Corporation and Neil was working
> > >>>Standard Oil of Indiana. Neil told the press he didn't recall having
> > >>>John Hinckley before.
> > >>>Neil Bush told reporters that Scott was a friend of his, but he had
> > >>>met John or their father. He then denied that the Hinckleys had
> > >>>money to Bush in 1980. Neil and his wife Sharon had previously
referred to
> > >>>campaign donations by the Hinckleys. Neil Bush and John Hinckley had
> > >>>lived in Lubbock, Texas in 1978 (Neil was running his brother George's
> > >>>congressional campaign, and John was going to Texas Tech University).
> > >>>(Rocky Mountain News (Denver), 4/1/1981)
> >
> > >>>10/26/1981 LAPD narcotics officer Mike Ruppert complained of CIA drug
> > >>>dealing to one of Reagan's senior aides, Craig L. Fuller, then
Assistant to
> > >>>Reagan for Cabinet Affairs. Ruppert recalled, "What did Craig say when
> > >>>made the statement? Nothing. He didn't move. He didn't seem to breathe
> > >>>until I changed the subject. The only thing I noticed after my visit
> > >>>that George Bush asked Craig to serve as his Chief of Staff during the
> > >>>second Reagan term - the years of Iran-Contra."
> >
> > >>>5/15/1984 Bush visited Pakistan's dictator Gen. Zia, praising his
> > >>>government for its anti-drug efforts and promising more aid. At that
> > >>>CIA weapons shipments to the Afghan rebels were being trucked (by a
> > >>>owned by the Pakistani military) from Pakistan, and then came back
> > >>>with raw opium from Afghanistan (which is used to make heroin.) ("Bush,
> > >>>Drugs and Pakistan: Inside the Kingdom of Heroin," The Nation,
> >
> > >>>9/12/1984 When asked if his failure to recall his previous support for
> > >>>abortion rights presented a credibility problem, Bush explained,
"There are
> > >>>an awful lot of things I don't remember."
> >
> > >>>10/11/1984 Shortly after the debate with Geraldine Ferraro, Bush's
> > >>>secretary admitted, "You can say anything you want in a debate and 80
> > >>>million people hear it. If reporters then document that a candidate
> > >>>untruthfully, so what? Maybe 200 people read it." (Columbia Journalism
> > >>>Review Mar-Apr 1985)
> >
> > >>>1/15/1986 CIA and Mossad employee Richard Brenneke wrote a letter to
> > >>>telling him the details about his work in the illegal arms sales to
> >
> > >>>8/5/1987 Bush explained that he was not at the meeting where
objections to
> > >>>the Iran arms deal were raised because "I was off at the Army-Navy
> > >>>game…We were not in the loop."
> >
> > >>>1/1992 George Bush told reporters he believed the Warren Commission:
"I saw
> > >>>no reason to question it. Still see no reason to question it." He went
> > >>>to compare assassination conspiracy theories to rumors that Elvis was
> > >>>alive. Later Bush would threaten to veto any Congressional bill
> > >>>the release of all documents relating to the JFK assassination.
> >
> > >>>12/11/1992 White House informs prosecutor Walsh that Bush kept diaries
> > >>>relevant to Iran-Contra which were never shown to investigators.
> >
> > >>>12/24/1992 Bush pardoned Weinberger, Clarridge, McFarlane, Fiers,
> > >>>and George in the Iran-Contra scandal. Weinberger's trial was
scheduled for
> > >>>1/5.
> >
> > >>>1/18/1993 Bush granted executive clemency to a heroin trafficker
> > >>>time in a North Carolina prison, 32-year-old Pakistani Aslam P. Adam.
> > >>>was allowed to return home to Pakistan. (Wash. Post) Former head of
the US
> > >>>Customs Service William von Raab called it "one of the most bizarre
> > >>>I ever heard." Prosecutors in the case were also mystified. Bush had
> > >>>granted very few pardons and commutations in his presidency. The White
> > >>>House would not answer any questions about the case. Adam was a
> > >>>drug trafficker and had been arrested and jailed 1985, sentenced to 55
> > >>>years. FOIA documents show that the office of Jesse Helms, an ally of
> > >>>Pakistani government, had been involved in getting Adam's case to the
> > >>>president. (Rolling Stone 10/6/1994)
> >
> > >>>Tracy
> >
> > -----
> > Aloha, He'Ping,
> > Om, Shalom, Salaam.
> > Em Hotep, Peace Be,
> > Omnia Bona Bonis,
> > All My Relations.
> > Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
> > Amen.
> > Roads End
> > Kris
> >
> >
> >
> >      Message 47 of 15780
> >
> >
> >
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