In a message dated 11/28/00 1:43:08 PM Central Standard Time, AOL News writes:

Subj: World Bank renews commitment to tackling AIDS epidemic
Date: 11/28/00 1:43:08 PM Central Standard Time
From: AOL News
BCC: Ahab42

World Bank renews commitment to tackling AIDS epidemic

WASHINGTON, Nov 28 (Reuters) - The World Bank on Tuesday reaffirmed its
commitment to "unlimited" funding to tackle the AIDS epidemic and said
Eastern Europe must overcome its "denial" to properly tackle the killer

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World Bank renews commitment to tackling AIDS epidemic

WASHINGTON, Nov 28 (Reuters) - The World Bank on Tuesday reaffirmed its commitment to 
"unlimited" funding to tackle the AIDS epidemic and said Eastern Europe must overcome 
its "denial" to properly tackle the killer disease....

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