URL for this article is http://emperors-clothes.com/interviews/ivkovic1.htm

Serbian Minister of Science Speaks out:
An Interview with Bane Ivkovic

[Emperor's Clothes]

Bane Ivkovic is Serbian Minister of Science and Technology. He was forced
from this position after the Oct. 5 coup d'etat.

Mr. Ivkovic had been in charge of the highly successful program of rebuilding
bridges, factories and homes destroyed by the NATO bombing.

We interviewed Mr. Ivkovic at the end of October and again in early November.
This is the first interview. The interviewer is Jared Israel, editor of

Interview with Bane Ivkovic

Israel: I understand you were in charge of reconstruction after the bombing.

Ivkovic: Yes. For four years I had been Serbian Minister of Construction and
then starting in 1998 I was Minister for Science and Technology. During the
bombing I organized a special group to help the 130,000 workers left jobless
by NATO bombing their factories. We wanted to do more than just rebuild; we
tried at the same time to restructure our economy, to increase the number of
small and medium enterprises. We were able to set up 1050 such businesses.
This created 33,000 new jobs.

Israel: Private or public sector?

Ivkovic: Mainly private. The Ministry developed relations between the
[scientific and technical] Institutes and these displaced workers. We
collected 2900 plans for small and medium businesses, programs to produce
goods using Serbian resources instead of importing these products. To finance
these new businesses, after the bombing we collected money by asking everyone
with a job to give one or two day's pay and using this as well as money from
the Serbian government we offered the displaced workers five year loans at
excellent rates so they could set up their own production facilities.

Israel: So these businesses were privately owned by groups of employees?

Ivkovic: Yes. Up until then we had relatively few small and medium
enterprises. We wanted to strengthen the small business sector, especially in
the villages. It's our opinion that these small, profitable businesses are
the way to stop the flow of young people to the towns.

Israel: Just to get clear, these enterprises were privately owned by the
people who worked there?

Ivkovic: Yes.

Israel: Not just by one man?

Ivkovic: No no no by the people. Each unemployed worker could take a loan for
himself, but several workers could get a collective loan and apply it to one
business. 50 of them could get 50 times more money.

Israel: So they could start something of some size.

Ivkovic: Yes, but it would be their own. Their own factory. Their own

Israel: You know the Western propaganda says Yugoslavia was run so that a few
people made a lot of money and everybody else got nothing.

Ivkovic: It's not true. You must understand a couple of things here. First of
all, there is private business in Serbia, and this is nothing new. After 1945
we had people who owned land in the villages, people who owned private
enterprises. Not so much in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. But in the 1970s and
1980s this became far more common. A lot of these people established their
own small offices, markets, enterprises and factories and now I think 50% of
our economic life is in the private sector and it's a very profitable private
sector. These owners are people of varying political viewpoints.

The second thing is, we have been under a United States imposed embargo for 8
years and during that embargo some people who had previously been criminals
went into business exporting or importing goods which were under embargo, and
they made a lot of money. Those people are not the socialist party. We are a
party of over 500,000 people, mainly ordinary working people. Of course
whenever a party is in power it attracts some opportunists, some who are
there for reasons other than principle; but those people have left us or are
leaving us now and as for the ones who remain, what possible gain is there in
it for them?

Foreign investment

Ivkovic: When I was Serbian Minister for Construction I proposed a Federal
Law On Foreign investment. On the [Serbian] Republican level we have a
concession law and a law for ownership transformation. But then came the
embargo and we couldn't do as much as we wanted at that time.

Israel: So you want foreign investment?

Ivkovic: Yes, why not? In the past I was involved in negotiations with
several very powerful groups of foreign investors about concessions in road
construction and electric power production. Unfortunately everything that
happened with Kosovo and Metohija put a halt to those negotiations. [Kosovo
and Metohija is the Serbian name for what the West calls 'Kosovo.']

Israel: I don't know if you read the piece that Chossudovsky and I wrote
about the IMF and the World Bank and their harmful effects.

Ivkovic: Yes.

Israel: We argued that when the IMF and the World Bank enter a country it is
subjected to piracy - you know, basically stripped.

Ivkovic: It's a problem for me to express myself in English. The IMF and the
World Bank have some special propositions which, how shall I say, cover a
country with a very strong hand. This can put a country in a very bad
position. I prefer that foreign investors come here with their own money. If
we were covered by the World Bank we would be in chains.

Israel: They're sharks.

Ivkovic: Yes. That is true. That is true. You see Bulgaria and Romania are
now in a worse position than Yugoslavia. We had sanctions and we were bombed
yet we are in a better position than Bulgaria and Romania because they have
been put into IMF chains and now, in addition to being worse off, they will
also have to repay loans for the next 20 or 30 years. Repay with interest.

[The interview continued with the addition of a translator.]

Israel: Is it your opinion that the IMF and World Bank should be kept out of

Ivkovic: Yes. We've been living through hard times. Eight years of sanctions
plus last year's bombardment made our lives very harsh. The level of
production in our country is 40% of 1990. We're certainly in a need of a
fresh injection of money. To help this situation we passed a Federal law on
foreign investments and a law covering ownership transformation. And on the
Republican level, the Republic of Serbia passed a law on foreign concessions.
There are some related laws regarding taxes and customs regulations. These
laws are designed to allow foreign investments but at the same time to make
sure the profit drawn from such investments are reinvested in the country.

Israel: So it can't be taken out?

Ivkovic: Right. We are by current law [i.e., laws passed before the October
5th coup] open to foreign investments. We have developed a very extensive and
detailed plan for utilizing our resources such as energy, roads, highways,
railways and waterways and also agricultural land for industrial-agricultural
exploitation. We had all these plans in place but the sanctions and last
year's bombing and destruction hindered our ability to go ahead.

Speaking as a citizen, I am inclined to accept capital or investment coming
from corporations rather than from the International Monetary Fund and World
Bank. It is my opinion that both the IMF and the World Bank set up stringent
rules that bring a country close to colonial status.

Israel: Perhaps that's why they don't like you.

Ivkovic: At this time in particular it would be extremely dangerous for these
two banks to enter our country. But corporations and other financial groups
would be more welcome. We and they both would benefit.

We are still a very rich and resourceful country despite all our difficulties
and ordeals. We have a huge amount of state and public assets that have not
been privatized. In 1966 we sold Italian and Greek partners 49% of our
telecommunications industry. That brought in one billion 750 million
Deutschmark. About 800 million dollars.

Israel: Isn't that a little low for half your telecommunications industry?

Ivkovic: Well I would say we did better than the Hungarians who sold similar
facilities for a much larger portion of ownership and got less.

The electrical energy system and the ownership of electrical energy assets,
meaning production and distribution, has not been privatized. For example
consider the thermoelectric power plant called Kolubara. The state invested
500,000,000 dollars in this plant. It's run on coal. There is room for
another three hundred million dollars investment, open to foreign capital as

Israel: Would you keep the majority of ownership?

Ivkovic: Look, Jared, this is an interesting deal. The investment would be OK
if the foreign investors got 100% providing there was a time limit on foreign
control. It could be five years; it could be ten years. It depends on the
mutually accepted conditions. So the foreign investors could be given the
biggest chunk providing their period of control was limited by mutual

Regarding the oil industry, in our country, privatization hasn't touched it
but it's a huge prospect for investments. The same goes for the exploitation
of railroad traffic. Regarding the development of highway communications
there is great potential for foreign investment considering our geostrategic
and commercial position in the Balkans, as a connection to the Middle East.

We developed a privatization law regarding large state run facilities like
the machine facility in Trstenik which used to manufacture hydraulic
equipment for Boeing. There are so many such valuable assets intact in
Serbia, untouched by privatization, free for very lucrative investments. We
had that all worked out before the sanctions and aerial destruction stopped
further progress.

We developed detailed plans that could apportion part of the profit from
these foreign investments into pension and other social funds so it would be
just. At te same time our plans involve reinvestment of profit within the

Yugoslavia has a very rich pool, a highly educated working class and
technical class, ready to get to work, to produce.

Israel: If foreigners invest in Yugoslavia, and if in return they get a
facility which previously was socially owned, doesn't the country become a

Ivkovic: We have legal restraints to prevent accepting conditions that would
make us a colony. Foreign investors have to agree to abide by our laws as
part of any deal.

Our country has around 2 billion dollars frozen in foreign banks as a result
of the sanctions imposed on us and we would like to get this returned with
interest accrued. We expect the international community to show understanding
for our plight and to relieve us from credit and debts to some extent and
give us some priority in that regard.

Israel: Are you saying you expect that or that in a just situation it would

Ivkovic: That has been our request. We would request these concessions but
I'm personally pretty pessimistic about them doing it.

Israel: When you say you're going to request these concessions, or when you
say that you have these laws, you beg the question of the political
situation, this semi-coup d'etat.

Let me spell out my own view.

I see President Kostunica as a fundamentally illegal figure who is and could
only be in power because of international intrigue which created a subversive
apparatus that committed crimes against people and property. People in
government and business have been intimidated and forced to sign documents
under pressure, turning state or private property over to what amounts to
thugs and gangsters, and this has been glorified by the Western media which
has suddenly discovered that it loves popular revolutions. In the present
situation to give this interview is an act of heroism. Therefore you are not
talking about carrying out these measures in the present tense. You are
talking about what the legal government had planned. A plan you would like to
return to. Is that correct?

Ivkovic: Let us say that in the present circumstances of instability and
turmoil foreign investors may not be much attracted to our country.

Israel: Sharks will be attracted. Sharks like turmoil. It justifies an iron
hand and you can steal a lot in the midst of confusion.

.Ivkovic: In regard to what you say, the Bulgarian and Romanian examples are
very educational for our future. I agree that the coup d'etat was well
organized and conducted with the participation of certain parts of the
so-called international community.

Israel: Isn't 'international community' a great euphemism? The United States,
Germany, Britain and a few hangers-on = the international community. In 'Der
Spiegel' magazine they had this article which reported all of them boasting
and competing over how much money they gave the 'Yugoslav democratic
process.' Nothing like a well-financed democratic process. Of course the
article said the U.S. government gave, but then it quoted the Germans saying,
'We gave too!' and then Norway piped in: "Us too, us too!" This was the Oct.
7 'Der Spiegel'. The article also said that Kostunica was actually picked to
run for President by U.S. Secretary of State Albright and German Foreign
Minister Fischer at a meeting, I believe it was in December.

You know, Yugoslavia is a beautiful fish and all the sharks want a chunk. So
even though it politically hurts their various proxies in DOS [the
pro-Western parties that now control the Yugoslav government] and the civil
society groups and the independent media, even though having these foreign
powers boast that they funded these guys hurts them, the foreign powers have
to boast because they all want to stake their claim.

So the sharks say, "We did it!" and meanwhile their local quislings say "No
no, we're independent! We resent your help!" And then the sharks say "Yes!
You're right! You're independent! We don't even like you because you are
extremely nationalistic!" You see?

Ivkovic: [Laughs] I see everything. Each is striving each to get a head of
the others. They made such a grave mistake. They boasted that they planned
the details of this coup d'etat five or six months before it took place which
means of course that the coup had nothing to do with the outcome of the
Presidential elections.

Factors Leading up to the Coup

Ivkovic: Unfortunately, the proper authorities did not counter this vicious
plan. We know that Mr. Montgomery, the US envoy in Budapest, provided an
immense pool of money for the coup. Money flowed in like water. But these
illegal activities were not properly dealt with.

There are two more things I must say. The Socialist Party made some mistakes
in the election campaign. Apart from that and the unprecedented external
interference, the economic sanctions and the NATO bombardment had a big
effect. They caused the standard of living to drop considerably and at the
same time, because of the bombardment we had to apportion much of the budget,
which otherwise would have gone for salaries for teachers, professors and
other social employees, into rebuilding bridges, roads and infrastructure
which the bombing destroyed, as well as building housing and setting up
businesses. This created a lot of dissatisfaction. The diversion of
resources, amidst harsh circumstances, was cunningly exploited by the DOS
people leading up to and during the election, providing a social basis for
carrying out the coup d'etat.

Political Situation Since the Coup

Ivkovic: The elections were Federal [Yugoslav] but the coup d'etat affected
the Republican structure as well.

Israel: How?

Ivkovic: The opposition commandos forced their way into offices and
production facilities or government facilities in a systematic way, kicked
out the tenants or official employees and replaced them with their own. And
the Interior Ministry authorities did not interfere..

Israel: Is that terror still going on?

Ivkovic: Because of all these circumstances we had to compromise our position
and accept DOS as a part of the administration. They filled up some
departments they'd never been in before. But we insisted that they agree to
return all the kicked-out officials to their positions again, to restore the
condition of legality and order we had before.

Israel: Has that happened?

Ivkovic: This is on the promise level now.

Israel: Who made the promise and what did the Socialist Party give in

Ivkovic: The agreement was signed by Kostunica for DOS, by the President of
the Republic of Serbia, Milutinovic, from the Socialist Party and by the
Serbian Renewal Party. The Socialists let DOS into Serbian government
positions and in exchange DOS promised to restore order and return all those
who had been kicked out to their positions.

Israel: Have they been returned?

Ivkovic: Well there have been no returns but they did stop some of the
harassment. It's amazing how they persecute. They have developed an
atmosphere of suspicion, spying, investigation. Everybody is suspicious,
everyone is investigating everyone else. The most critical problem is the
media outlets. It's much worse than what they claimed when the Socialist
Party was in power. I think many journalists will be kicked out and left

Effects on the Press

In the past we could buy Politika and Politika Ekspres, two major Belgrade
papers pulling to the Left. At the same time we could purchase Glas, which
means Voice, and Blic, both on the Right, and we used to buy Novosti,
'Evening News' in the Center. So everybody had a chance to find the truth.
Now journalists will be jobless because we have just one paper: all papers
publish the same stories, written the same. You can switch 20 TV channels and
you just see DOS.

I watch only TV ANEM and listen to radio B2-92. It used to be the most fierce
opposition voice; to be honest they are still in opposition; they are the
only station I can go and talk on. Also the other radio, student radio,
called INDEX.

Israel: That's wacky. B2-92 is funded by the U.S.

Ivkovic: That's right. But now they are the only outlet for the truth.

Israel: Unbelievable.

Ivkovic: On the TV station ANEM the journalists seem somewhat independent.

Israel: But that was funded by the National Endowment for Democracy.

Ivkovic: Yes yes yes. Jared, imagine what the other TV outlets are like when
these two are considered the most open to different views.

Israel: Sounds like the U.S.

Ivkovic: [Laughs.]

Jared: Here's my concern. In terms of this agreement that Milutinovic has
signed, this DOS promise to restore law and order, I am afraid that DOS'
masters, the US and Germany, want the job finished. The big problem the
pro-U.S. and pro-German forces have is they didn't succeed in turning the
army. Now they want to get into a position where they can take more extreme

Ivkovic: Yes that's also my major concern: how the army will position itself.
In our country an open market is the place where all the politics are loudly
and openly expressed but now the market is silent - no whisper - people are
very depressed - they move from one channel on the radio and TV to another
and they see the same exact news presented in the same way and now it is
dawning on them where they have arrived.

We have agreed to elections for the Serbian Parliament, for December 23rd.

Israel: Won't those elections take place in a situation where the parties
opposed to Kostunica have no media?

Ivkovic: That is quite correct. And these elections were initiated under
heavy pressure. We have no media access. Holding these elections a year
earlier than required was agreed to under pressure. Following the coup d'etat
pressure was brought to bear on the Republican level regarding Parliament and
the Serbian government.

Israel: So all the anti-DOS parties, the Socialist Party, the nationalists,
the Radical Party and others - all their media is gone?

Ivkovic: They are allowed one hour a day. DOS seized all TV and radio outlets
with armed units. There are only a few left untouched, a few newspapers, a
few TV and radio stations in the interior.

Israel: But they haven't seized control of the Army by force. Is that correct?

Ivkovic: There have been no changes in the Army ranks so far.

Israel: Aren't there laws in Yugoslavia that make it illegal for foreign
agents like Djindjic to take money from foreign countries and distribute it
to over-throw the government?

Ivkovic: Of course. It's all punishable under the law.

Israel: In other words since the so-called civil society groups like the
Committee for Free and Fair Elections, the G-17 so called economists, the
Women in Black, you know Vesna Pesic and the others, the Civic Union gang,
this Mayor Ilic from Cacak - on the internet a researcher found news articles
where he is described as meeting with U.S. Special Balkans Robert Gelbard
seven times - when you have all these groups funded and organized and trained
by the U.S. and Germany with massive foreign bribes, why were these foreign
agents permitted to operate? Is there any country in the world where such
people would not have been jailed?

Ivkovic: Jared, I agree this is a very strange situation. Why some people in
the Ministry of the Interior did not do the job, as required by the law,
remains to be investigated.


Further reading

Concerning the terror directed against socialists and nationalists since the
Oct. 5 coup, please see:

* 'On the list, they had me marked as a nationalist' at
Interview conducted the day before the Oct. 5 coup.

* 'These Djindjic people are brown shirts' at
An interview conducted after the Oct. 5 coup.

* 'Reign of Terror in Serbia', at http://emperors-clothes.com/news/attack.htm
Statement of Serbian Socialist Party on nationwide attack on their offices.

For more on the general situation in Yugoslavia now, see:

Concerning the U.S. creation of a subversive apparatus in Yugoslavia, see
'U.S. Arrogance and Yugoslav Elections' at

For more on what's been happening in Yugoslavia now, see:

* 'Djindjic Calls for Complete Yugoslav Submission to U.S.' at
Discusses the consequences of turning Yugoslavia into a U.S. protectorate

* 'The International Monetary Fund And The Yugoslav Elections' at
On the G-17 group of economists and what they have planned for Yugoslavia.

* 'Kostunica Coalition Drives Up Prices & Blames...Milosevic' at


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