-Caveat Lector-


Newsweek: Gore, Lieberman 'Totally Charged Up' By Fight For
Presidency, Christopher 'Radicalized,' Daley 'Struggling'
Cheney's Power In Bush Camp Growing, Edging Aside Strategist Rove
'Spontaneous' Demonstrations In Miami-Dade Led By Senior
Republican 'Operatives; 'Democrats Decry 'Brownshirt' Tactics

NEW YORK, Nov. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- Vice President Al Gore and his
team of advisors are combative and defiant in the face of the
latest twists in events to elect a president, write Assistant
Managing Editor Evan Thomas and Investigative Correspondent
Michael Isikoff in the December 4 issue of Newsweek. An aide says
Gore and running mate Sen. Joseph Lieberman are ``Totally charged
up,'' while other advisors, like campaign manager Donna Brazile,
are urging a fight to the finish. ``This is war without
bloodshed,'' says Brazile, denouncing the Republicans for their
``goddam guerrilla tactics.''

(Photo: NewsCom:
http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20001126/NEWSWEEK )
Surprisingly, former secretary of State Warren Christopher,
brought in to oversee the post-election day effort, has also been
``kind of radicalized by this process,'' one campaign aide says
in the current issue (on newsstands Tuesday, November 28).
Christopher, who was once expected to be the elder statesman who
would tell Gore when it was time to gracefully exit, was taken
aback when his Bush camp counterpart, James Baker, virtually
invited the Florida Legislature to overturn a Gore victory on a
recount. Christopher's ``become really pissed off at Baker,'' the
aide said. ``He thinks he's been arrogant and presumptuous. And
with Christopher, the absolutely worst thing you can be is
arrogant and presumptuous.'' Contrarily, campaign chairman Bill
Daley, expected to play hardball, is unsure how far the fight
should go. ``Daley's a pro. But he's struggling with this,'' says
an aide. Daley told Newsweek the night before the final deadline,
``I know what they [the Republicans] are going to try to do.
They're going to 'find' some more votes at the last minute and
try to surprise everybody - make the margin bigger than
expected.'' Daley's own father, Mayor Daley of Chicago, was
accused in the 1960 presidential election of vote-stealing to
ensure that the Democratic vote would put John F. Kennedy over
the top.

Newsweek reports that last Tuesday night, as the Gore camp
anxiously awaited the results of the Florida Supreme Court, which
was set to rule on whether the hand recounts would count, the
high command held a conference call. There was silence on the
phone, which burst into relief and elation all around when the
court ruled in their favor. Gore, who came on the line a few
minutes later, was businesslike, almost clinical, as he has been
with his staff since Election Day. He peppered them with detailed
questions on whether the court said anything about how to
evaluate the chads. No one knew for sure. Call me back when you
get it, said Gore, and hung up.

In the Bush camp meanwhile, Republican running mate Dick Cheney's
power appeared to be growing, despite his recent heart attack.
There were signs last week that Texas Gov. George W. Bush's once
all-powerful campaign strategist, Karl Rove, was being edged
aside in the post-election maneuvering by Cheney and Jim Baker -
top cabinet advisors to W's father, former president Bush. Both
Cheney and Baker are constantly on the phone to candidate Bush,
write Thomas and Isikoff.

Newsweek also reports on how the ``spontaneous'' demonstrations
in Florida were led by senior Republican ``operatives.'' They
were summoned from all over by e-mail from the Bush campaign,
provided with plane tickets and hotel rooms. These election
``observers'' were handed placards to wave, T shirts to wear
(SORE-LOSERMAN) and led in chants. Their commanders included Ed
Gillespie, a well-known Washington lobbyist; Barry Jackson, the
chief of staff to Ohio Republican Congressman John Boehner; and
Ken Mehlman, the national field director for the Bush campaign
who had flown in from Austin.

When Miami-Dade officials decided to recount ``undercounted''
votes in a small glass-enclosed room that lacked seating for the
press or public, a congressional aide, Martin Torrey, alerted his
boss, New York Rep. John Sweeney. ``We should shut this thing
down,'' replied Sweeney. ``I'll be right over.'' Another
Republican, Brendan Quinn, the executive director of the New York
state GOP, began urging demonstrators to head upstairs to the
19th floor. One of the shock troops was Duane Gibson, who had his
trip to Miami paid for by the Bush team and is an aide to Alaska
GOP Congressman Don Young. He told Newsweek he was angered by
what he saw outside the canvassing board's ballot-counting room.
``I thought, 'My gosh, they're taking those ballots to a closed
area and they're not going to let us see them.''' He insisted the
angry demonstrations were ``spontaneous.''

But the Democratic chairman of Miami-Dade, Joe Geller, described
the demonstrations as ``classic brownshirt tactics.'' Geller
arrived at the center Wednesday morning to pick up a sample
ballot to show an expert witness who planned to testify in the
coming court challenges. As he slid the ballot into his pocket, a
woman yelled at the top of her lungs, ``He stole a ballot!'' ``It
was totally a deliberate thing,'' said Geller. ``How else did
they know I was a lawyer? It was designed to intimidate people.''

In Miami-Dade, where the election canvassing board halted the
hand recount, an official tells Newsweek that David Leahy, the
county's election supervisor, was against the recounts from the
beginning. ``His view is, once you start with these recounts, you
find all kinds of problems,'' the official said. But Leahy denies
being intimidated by protesters to stop the counting. ``The only
thing that forced [our hand] was a deadline that we didn't have
before and which we felt we couldn't meet,'' he said. And one of
his colleagues on the canvassing board, County Judge Myriam Lehr,
was also reluctant to continue the counts. County officials said
Lehr, an Orthodox Jew, complained about working on the Jewish
Sabbath to complete the recount on time. But she may have felt
other pressures as well, write Thomas and Isikoff. Though
officially nonpartisan, Lehr is married to a Republican activist,
Miami lawyer Bruce Lehr, who two months ago was appointed to the
Dade County Republican Executive Committee. A spokeswoman for the
Florida Trial Courts in Miami said that Lehr and her husband ``do
not discuss anything that goes on with the canvassing board.''

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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