-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 116 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"A great part of that order which reigns among mankind is not the effect of
government. It had its origin in the principles of society, and the natural
constitution of man. It existed prior to government and would exist if the
formality of government was abolished. The mutual dependence and reciprocal
interest which man has in man, and all the parts of a civilized community
upon each other, create that great chain of connection which holds it
--Thomas Paine, 'The Rights of Man'
--Black-Shirt Coup In Florida
--Anti-Castro Miami Crowd Disrupts Florida Recount
--Eyewitness to a Travesty
--What if Bush supporters had mistakenly voted for the Socialist Workers
--Real Vote Victims: Minorities
--Will The Revolution Be Televised?
Linked stories:
        *U.S. clash on global warming
        *Loyal Opposition: Election Bias
        *Smash The Nader Backlash
        *The Dirty Business Of Internet Porn
        *Study: Carnivore needs honing
        *A peace platform?
Begin stories:
Black-Shirt Coup In Florida


Pro-Bush Mobs Overrun Dade County Board


In a move resembling the uprising of the fascist mobs which brought
Mussolini to power in 1922, pro-Bush mobs stormed the offices of the
Dade County Canvassing Board earlier today. Shouting "Let us in, " "No
more Gore" and other pro-Bush slogans, the mob rushed into the
offices, overwhelming authorities, and engaging in what CNN called "a
near riot." Through intimidation, the threat of force, and mass action
against the legally constituted authorities, these mobs coerced the
Canvassing Board into suspending the manual recount. The "black shirt"
aspect of this affair is being downplayed by the mainstream media, but
there are strong indications that the board had decided on a complete
recount until the mobs stormed the Dade County Canvassing Board

CNN correspondent Bill Schneider reported,

"I saw something I thought I would never see. A near riot by
Republicans. Republicans are not the kind of people to riot."

He observed that, "The canvassing board is under tremendous pressure."
CNN's interlocuter asked, Are you surprised by what appears to be a
complete turnaround on the part of the Board? Does it makes sense that
they would go to the extent of "staging a near riot perhaps to
intimidate the Dade County Canvassing Board"?

Schneider replied, "That is part of the game plan." He went on to add
that all forces are in play, and that the Republicans felt such moves
were necessary for them to achieve their goals.

There was no tone of condemnation, or moral indignation at the use of
mobs by the Republicans to coerce the board. As usual, the mainstream
media supports virtually any illegal or intimidating "mass action"
when employed for elite interests. Mass action on the part of
disenfranchised blacks, progressive working class forces, or
"strident" radicals would be met with cries of horror on the networks
and standard news cable channels.

"Tempers flare in South Florida," said one correspondent introducing
the story. The notion of a black shirt coup, a la Mussolini, is alien
to the corporate controlled journalists.

The alternative media should seriously analyze such a notion. This
reporter noted in a previous release that the Bush family had
connections with vast numbers of covert assets, especially in
Florida. George Herbert Walker Bush, former head of the CIA, employed
these assets against Fidel Castro in Cuba, against the Sandinistas,
and elsewhere in Latin America. These assets, many of which are based
in the far right-wing Cuban community in Florida, were spawned by the
creation of "operation mongoose," a CIA black operations group. They
originally included thousands of mercenaries on the CIA payroll, and
millions of dollars worth of front businesses. They have been employed
both inside and outside the US, according the de-classified
documents. Bush Senior's present connection to these assets has been
commented on by numerous and domestic observers, though the issue has
been ignored by the corporate press.

Make no mistake. The Bush family is prepared to use both force and the
THREAT of force to attain their goals. This is only the first taste of
Bushite tactics during the current crisis.

Anti-Castro Miami Crowd Disrupts Florida Recount


by Rich Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
22 Nov 2000

I'm no fan of Fletcher Prouty but the point about the dangers
of right-wing mobs, unmatched by left-wing counterprotesters, is real.
Here's another summary of what just happened in Miami.  The liberals
are relying only on courts -- and repressing liberal protesters --
meanwhile the conservatives are winning a political battle that may
result in reactionaries getting appointed to thousands of judicial
positions.  The piece below is straight news.

The recount in Miami/Dade -- the only county with a recount
that was expected to produce enough votes to erase the Bush
lead -- has just been stopped by the local county canvassing
board after a noisy protest by 100-200 Bush supporters,
largely made up of anti-Castro Cubans.

CNN said that the canvassing board had decided that given
the tight deadline of Sunday at 3pm, they would start their
recount with just undervotes (ballots that were not read by
the machine.)  According to the Orlando Sentinel, in an
article on 11/10, this partial recount procedure is exactly
the procedure that was used in Seminole County (see article at
<http://orlandosentinel.com/elections/1110sem.htm> ).  CNN also
said that there were 10,750 "undervotes" to be counted and
that the majority were from "African-American precincts"
likely to yield more votes for Al Gore.

FOX news said that the mob outside, predominantly made up of
anti-Castro Cubans, got wind of this partial recount and
massed in the hallway right outside, on the 18th floor.
FOX showed footage of this group, many of whom were holding
signs showing federal agents removing Elian Gonzalez from the
home of his Miami relatives.  According to FOX, dozens of
protesters were "banging on the wooden doors" of the room
where the recount was taking place begging to be let in.
According to MSNBC, the room on the 18th floor where
some of the machines needed in the recount were located did
not offer enough space for all of the observers.  When
many were excluded from the room, the crowd then became
suspicious of what was taking place behind closed doors
and began shouting.

After these incidents, the recount was stopped and the
canvassing board met again to hear testimony and reconsider
its decision, in the presence of dozens of journalists and
two Republican congresspersons from the Miami area.  The
half-hour hearing was televised on all major cable news

The board, which had voted 2-1 to continue the recount just
days earlier, voted 3-0 to stop the recount completely.

The Gore team immediately announced that it was considering
a challenge to this decision.  But there are now thousands of
pro-Castro Cubans who have been encouraged by their Congresswoman
in a speech just after the decision to defy the Florida Supreme
Court ruling and protest a recount.  There is evidence that
the crowd is interested in physically disrupting any further
ballot counting and Miami/Dade has not provided adequate
security to allow them to continue.  At this point, it will
take more than just court action for the all the recounts
requested by the Gore team to take place.

Eyewitness to a Travesty

This is no high-minded "civics lesson."

By Observer X
National Review

I've just returned as a vote-counter from the mess in Florida
that the media insists on portraying as a high-minded "civics
lesson" for the nation.  A lesson is certainly being taught, but
the curriculum is more along the lines of a master's class on how
political wars are won and lost. Guess who's winning?

A life-long Republican, I am all too familiar with the spectacle
of bare-fanged Democrats scenting blood going up against the
rule-abiding, ever-hopeful, flat-learning-curve Republicans.
It's like watching the Bloods and the Crips take on the kids in
the playground, bent on stealing more than their lunch money.
But I had never seen it up close before, able to touch it, had my
nose rubbed in it.

At my vote-counting post, I witnessed many, many things that
would disturb any sentient creature interested in the well-being
of the Republic and the Republican Party, ranging from the mass
in-flocking of clueless, strutting, and ultimately useless
Republicans to the roll-out of successive "strategies" that would
make French war-planners look masterly.  But I will focus on the
process of vote counting itself.  For some reason, the phrase
"Idle hands are the devil's workshop" seems appropriate.

I confess to having arrived a skeptic of the Republican spin that
"manual counts are inherently unreliable." Huh?  On TV, the
process looks as close to being idiot-proof as one can get: four
sets of adult eyes riveted on a simple piece of paper, jointly
tasked with identifying a single, tell-tale hole.  Any mammal
could be trained to do it; one can readily imagine a pod of
dolphins whipping through these things in record time, eager for
their reward of fish.  The process is brainless enough to be a
perfect candidate for automation (there's an idea!).  In the
thousands of ballots I examined, there were virtually none for
which any reasonable person would have any trouble identifying
the choice.

So where is the problem?  Hanging chads?  I examined thousands of
ballots; I never saw a single one in the presidential column.
Ambiguity? Just how ambiguous can a hole in a piece of paper be?
Even lawyers would have a tough time arguing that the ballots I
saw were tough calls.

But the so-called "pregnant chads" are altogether a different
thing.  I did see quite a few of those, but, interestingly, only
in the presidential column.  Now, some ballots have up to twenty
holes in them (there were other people and things to vote for in
this election, after all), all cleanly and confidently punched.
And a few of these riddled ballots have a pregnant chad in the
presidential column, still clinging desperately by all fours to
the ballot, refusing to give way.  The Democrats are loudly
spinning these aborted acts as clear evidence that weakened
voters were unable to complete the arduous task of tapping that
spring-loaded puncher one more time.  In this scenario, those
over-taxed voters were somehow able to draw upon their last
reserves of strength, gently tap the lever (utilizing the
approximate energy of a flea jumping up and down), and thereby
barely imprint an impression of their "intention," much like a
murder victim summoning his last breath to whisper the guilty
party's name.  One presumes that they then collapsed and were
dragged from the voting booth.

That sounds good; I sort of leaned towards that explanation
myself. After all, what else could an indented chad mean than the
register of an intent?  Well, that was before I saw the evidence.
Having examined these ballots up close, real close, by the
thousands, it's clear that the most reasonable explanation is
that the voter changed his mind in the process of voting and
chose not to vote for a particular presidential candidate.

How else to interpret those numerous ballots where there is a
clear punch for a presidential candidate along with a pregnant
chad for his rival?  Either the voter changed their mind or
realized they were making a mistake and pulled back at the last
moment.  Is it so difficult to imagine not wanting to vote for
any candidate?

Many of the ballots I saw had a clear punch in every column
except for that of president: every chad in that last column was
as flat as if it had been ironed.  Clearly, the voter was so
disillusioned by the choices available that they chose to vote
for "none of the above" (note: the Democratic observers
inevitably identified these blank columns as votes for Gore,
demonstrating a keenness of eyesight unparalleled in my

Why is this important?  Well, the ultimate decision-makers of
these and other disputed ballots are canvassing boards dominated
by Democrats, every one of whom understands what's at stake and
what's expected of them.  The voter's intention?  What could be
more simple?  The experts can deduce paternity just by looking at
the swollen belly of a pregnant chad where the rest of us might
be hampered by doubt or the possibility that the intact chad was
more likely to represent voteris interruptis than consummation.

Now, even the Democrats understand that the public's gullibility
is not infinite, even with the services of a complicit press.
So they will resort to counting pregnant chads for Gore only if
all other avenues of boosting his vote totals fail.  Because of
the smell factor, they're holding the pregnant chads gambit in
reserve.  Which is a good insight into the Democratic strategy,
or rather strategies (they're always pursuing several
simultaneously).  If one fails, there's always another moving
ahead on a different front.  It's analogous to shark's teeth,
stacked up in reserve: when one falls out, another pops right
into place.  Sharks never run out of teeth.

I come away from the experience surprised at what I've learned.
I now have no doubt that, even with the best of intentions and
the most conscientious of participants, a manual recount cannot
but be inherently inaccurate, and will be far more inaccurate
than any conceivable machine count.  I have personally witnessed
scores of incidents — miscounted votes, wrong tallies entered,
boxes of ballots being carted off by unescorted individuals to
God-knows-where — that convince me that the Democrats would have
to be lazy and incompetent not to be able to steal this one.
And when have they ever been accused of that?

So, I've been to school and have received a "lesson." It's being
openly taught, free of charge, by the Democrats.  Well, not quite
without cost: I was actually forced to participate in a fixed
election, watched it happen, and was unable to do anything about
it.  I'm not disillusioned; I don't fear for the Constitution.
I just want to take a bath.

What if Bush supporters had mistakenly voted for the Socialist Workers Party?

by Holly Sklar

Imagine if George W. Bush had lost Florida because thousands of conservatives
in heavily Republican Lee County mistakenly voted for Socialist Workers Party
candidate James Harris? Does anyone really believe Bush would concede?

What a mockery of democracy if Bush is elected thanks to liberal Jewish
voters, some of them holocaust survivors, who mistakenly voted for Pat
Buchanan--the man who urged Reagan to close the Justice Department office
pursuing Nazi war criminals living in America and visit Bitburg Cemetery in
Germany where Nazi officers lay buried.

The stakes are a lot higher than accepting the outcome of a game after a
disputed foul call. Basketball games don't decide who makes lifetime
appointments to the Supreme Court or policy on Social Security, the
environment or national security.

We've got time to do this right. The anachronistic Electoral College doesn't
meet until December 18. We aren't "leaderless." Bill Clinton is President
until Inauguration Day, January 20.

Weeks of uncertainty now are far better than years of uncertainty later.

The possibly illegal Palm Beach County ballot has confusing punch dots for
every candidate except Bush at the top and the Natural Law candidate at the
bottom. The ticket of Al Gore and Joe Lieberman, the first Jewish vice
presidential candidate, is listed second on the ballot, but the second punch
dot corresponds instead to Buchanan. Even Buchanan says many of his 3,400 odd
Palm Beach votes, about a fifth of his Florida total, aren't really his.

Voters say precinct workers refused them assistance and erroneously denied
them replacement ballots when they made a mistake. The 19,210 ballots thrown
out in Palm Beach for double voting are not mystery ballots--most of them are
marked for both Gore and Buchanan.

Florida voters aren't sore losers. Election Day complaints started pouring in
to election officials and reporters hours before Florida became decisive.

Serious allegations elsewhere in Florida have gotten less press, among them
that Black motorists were stopped by state troopers on their way to the
polls, registered Black voters were told they weren't on the rolls or that
they had already voted in person or by absentee ballot when they had not, and
polls closed early with people still waiting. NAACP President Kweisi Mfume
said that as early as 3 pm on Election Day they had gotten so many complaints
they deployed 200 additional volunteers in Florida.

Last spring, Black voters upset with Governor Jeb Bush for executive orders
eliminating affirmative action in university admissions and state purchasing
marched on the state capitol, vowing to "Remember in November." Blacks turned
out in record numbers to vote last week, but many say they were turned away.

There is legal precedent in Florida and elsewhere for reversing unfair
election results. In my home state of Massachusetts, Rep. William Delahunt
lost, and then won a congressional primary in 1996 after punch ballots were
recounted by hand.

MA Secretary of State William Galvin said if Florida votes are hand counted,
"They're going to discover that tens of thousands of punch cards were not
read by the machines because the voters were unable to punch a clear hole."
The sample recount results prompting Palm Beach County officials to call for
a countywide hand count have borne this out.

Bush's attempt to stop the hand recount is based on fear, not law. Bush is
not giving back the presidential votes he gained from hand recount in New
Mexico, and he signed bipartisan Texas legislation in 1997 declaring that "a
manual recount shall be conducted in preference to an electronic recount."

Let election procedures run their course in Florida and other states. Voting
irregularities must not be rewarded.

The bolder democratic solution would be to have a national runoff for
President. Let's see who Americans want now that everyone knows their vote

Speed is not of the essence here, democracy is.

Our democracy would suffer long-term damage if Bush took office after losing
the popular vote nationally and winning a Florida election that did not
reflect the will of the people.
Holly Sklar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is co-author of "Shifting Fortunes: The Perils
of the Growing American Wealth Gap."

Real Vote Victims: Minorities

by Juan Gonzales
Columnist, NY Daily News

What will it take for the American public to realize that
Florida's presidential election last week was tarnished by
something far worse than a confusing and possibly illegal
butterfly ballot in Palm Beach County?

Black and Hispanic leaders have insisted ever since Election
Day that gross violations of the Voting Rights Act occurred
all over the state, yet the Justice Department and the media
keep ignoring the allegations.

Congress passed the act specifically to dismantle the Jim Crow
laws - including poll taxes and literacy tests - that kept
blacks from voting in the South for most of the 20th century.

Yet here is a presidential election that may be swayed because
federal law was violated in one state.

Section 11(a) the Voting Rights Act says: "No person acting
under color of law shall fail or refuse to permit any person
to vote who is ... otherwise qualified to vote, or willfully
fail or refuse to tabulate, count and report such person's

Nothing like that happened in Florida, you say?

Well, listen to these accounts.

Stacy Powers is a middle-age white woman, a former cop who is
the news director of WTMP, an AM radio station in Tampa.

On Election Day, she traveled around city neighborhoods
providing regular news reports to her station.

What she saw, Powers said, made her want to cry.

She said she entered several polling places in the black
community where people were being turned away and told their
names were not on voter lists. She tried to intercede with poll
workers, reminding them that a person can file an affidavit
and vote even if they don't appear on the list. She was rebuffed,
Powers said, and ejected from several polling places.

Later in the day, Powers saw several police cars running a traffic
check at the entrance to a polling place in another black
neighborhood. She said she watched in disbelief as two officers
searched an elderly African-American man.

Powers told her story at a public hearing held by the NAACP this
weekend in Miami, and she repeated it to me this week.

She was only one of more than a score of witnesses who told how
they had been prevented from voting. A Miami woman, Donnise DeSouza,
was told she was not on a voting list even though her newly
registered son was. She was sent to various polling places to find
her name and never was allowed to vote.  The next day, she checked
with the elections board and found that her name was indeed on the

Others said they were told they had been dropped from the rolls as
convicted felons, even though they'd never been arrested. Black
college students testified that they had registered this summer
but their names did not appear on voter lists.

In Tampa, a black Republican named Joe Robinson has filed a suit
contesting the results in Hillsborough County. He alleges that 1,209
absentee ballots were rejected by the county's three-member
canvassing board the day before Election Day. His suit calls for all
disqualified ballots to be inspected.

Then there is the amazing story of Jacksonville and surrounding
Duval County.

We all know about the 19,000 ballots in Palm Beach County, where
people mistakenly voted for two presidential candidates.

Well, in Duval, a Republican area, nearly 27,000 were disqualified,
22,000 of them for overvoting for President. Of those 22,000, more
than 12,000 came from four districts that are virtually all black.

The four districts, with less than one-third of all the voting
precincts in the county, had nearly 60% of the disqualified votes.

In some black precincts, more than 30% of the votes were
disqualified, said Mike Langton, head of the Gore campaign in
northern Florida.

Langton said canvassing board officials never told him about all
the disqualified votes. He learned of them when he was contacted
by a reporter a few hours before the deadline to ask for a manual

By then, the Gore campaign had already announced that it was
focusing its manual recount request on four other counties.

Isaiah Rumlin of the Jacksonville NAACP said the mix-up was caused
because the presidential candidates were printed on two pages, but
the instructions at the front of the ballot told people to vote on
every page.

Duval County had one of the highest ballot disqualification rates
in the state, 9.3%. That's triple the voided-ballot rate of the
last presidential election.

There have been so many complaints of voting-rights violations that
the Congressional Black Caucus yesterday urged Attorney General
Janet Reno to begin an investigation.

"This is a corrupted, tainted process, an attempt to steal an
election," the Rev. Jesse Jackson said yesterday during a press
conference in Manhattan.

The South of Jim Crow days has not totally changed, Jackson said.
Blacks, Hispanics and even Jews must still defend the right not
only to vote, but to have their votes counted.

While the Gore and Bush campaigns lock horns in the courts, Jackson
called for demonstrations at federal buildings across the country
- beginning today at noon in Foley Square - to demand that all of
Florida's votes be counted.

Will The Revolution Be Televised?

by Lorenzo Komboa Ervin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was reading a letter from an activist a few days ago about the protests
around the Democratic and Republican political conventions this past Summer,
and about how the media distorted and covered up everything that happened.
Did you know that over 3,000 persons have been arrested since the November
30, 1999 demonstration in Seattle? There has been widespread police
brutality and repression of all those protests mentioned, and those in
Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, Cincinnati, and other cities in the USA. For
instance, in San Francisco this past October, a demonstration of thousands
for death row political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal, was broken up by a "riot
squad" of city cops and state police, for no reason other than to express
cop hatred and to exert police power over the participants. Young people
were beaten, sprayed with toxic chemicals, and illegally arrested for no
other reason than police state terrorism.

Yet the corporate mass media has said nothing about these incidents, and if
any of them has been reported it has been in a sensationalistic fashion,
designed to justify the cop violence. They broke windows, were not "the
right kind of people", or were troublemakers. So go ahead and beat them
officers! To the media there is no thing such thing as police brutality, nor
a conspiracy to stifle the right to dissent by those in power. Instead it
gives more attention to a 3-legged dog, a cat with mutton chops, talk show
contestants, or the latest actions of "officer Friendly" with toddlers at
pre-school, than reporting on police corruption and murder. The media likes
to pretend it is objectionable and that it is a bulwark of the masses of
people against government excesses, but what it really is is a handmaiden to
the lies and distortion of the government and its agents.

We have now also seen years of media concentration and buyouts by mega
telecommunications  corporations, which means that there are even fewer
independent or progressive voices out there and hardly any in the mainstream
media. So when the state and the rich capitalists own the media, so how can
the truth ever be told? Now there are no governmental controls on media
operations or corporate restructuring. I mean the same company, whether the
phone company, newspaper company, or even the public utilities, can own all
media outlets in a community, ensuring that only one voice will ever be
heard, and that there will be no challenges to the status quo. So what are
we to do?

A number of things: one is to create and support independent and radical
media like the Michigan Citizen, Z Magazine, African Frontline News, and
other radical media. Also there are the online publications like the
Independent News Services in over 39 cities and 10 countries around the
world, which was instrumental in getting even the minimal word out that did
get to us. And the various Black community newspaper have been around for
ages, they are the oldest alternative press service in the USA.

Yes, alternative and underground media are important, but they are not
enough, just yet anyway, to contend with the mass media, which reaches
millions. We have to demand accountability from the capitalist mass media as
well. Although they have control of the airwaves, they do not *own* them.
That belongs to the people, not the capitalists or the government. So we
must fight to liberate them, not just assume that we can do nothing. I
believe that accountability is possible, but will not happen without a fight.

Actually this is a free speech issue as well as a political issue. It's a
free speech issue in that we are fighting to get our words out to a wider
public, and our fight is political because we are fighting entrenched
corporate power on behalf of the masses of people.

What can we do? I believe that instead of unanswered letters to the media or
FCC, we need to start to have demonstrations at TV stations and networks,
and even try to disrupt live and taped broadcasts, hold picket lines outside
TV studios and sit-ins at the offices of management, and other protests. We
need to fight for media access for our grassroots community groups and
insurgent political groups to tell our own stories, and counter the lies of
the government and corporations. We need to also put pressure on corporate
sponsors of news and entertainment programs to not push these pro-police,
racist, and demogogic entertainment shows. We need to fight to get other
perspectives than the government line [i.e. radical Left views] on nightly
newscasts. We must end media censorship of our ideas.

I know this is not a perfect plan, but I wanted to get us to thinking on
this. We need a direct action campaign against the capitalist media, as well
as the WTO, the racist cops, crooked bosses, and other oppressive
institutions under this system. I remember something somebody told me a long
time ago, no other revolution had to contend with television and its mass
brainwashing of the populace like in modern America and the world. The
revolution won't be televised, but it must be neutralized!

Linked stories:
U.S. clash on global warming
A new Department of Energy report undermines the position of U.S.
negotiators at a U.N. conference on reducing greenhouse gases.

Loyal Opposition: Election Bias
With the grandest political prize at stake, every utterance from
the bipolar political class is suspect. Is there any doubt that if
the circumstances were reversed the Democrats would be
arguing the case for finality and Republicans would be praising
the noble, age-old tradition of hand-counting ballots?

Smash The Nader Backlash
The liberals and lefties bashing Nader for (apparently) costing
Gore the election are just wrong, not to mention
counterproductive. Nader led the Greens to some important
gains -- but capitalizing on those victories will be a major

The Dirty Business Of Internet Porn
Online porn sales will rise to $366 million by 2001, making smut
one of the only profitable areas of the Internet. But faced with
increasing scrutiny from the government, some of porn's most
powerful moguls are trying to clean up the industry before
regulators do it for them.

Study: Carnivore needs honing
    While the Justice Department's handpicked reviewer basically gave
    a thumbs-up to the FBI's Carnivore e-mail snooping system, he did
    admit that it needs to be modified to keep it from illegally
    intercepting routine communications. (11/22/00)

A peace platform?
    The lack of a "mandate" by the next president just might spur
    officials to reassess current commitments and reduce U.S.
    vulnerability to violence and conflict in other parts of the
    world. (11/22/00)


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        -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
        -J. Krishnamurti
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