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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Professor Thomas Hoban: Biotech's Leading Propagandist/Pollster in
the USA
PR Watch <www.prwatch.org/> Volume 6 #4 Fourth Quarter 1999

The Professor Who Can Read Your Mind

by Karen Charman

Tom Hoban is a man with a mission: to convince people to embrace
engineered food. I had the opportunity to experience this firsthand
at the
Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) annual conference in New
York City in
June 1998 while we were lining up for lunch. Seeing the press pass
around my neck, he made a beeline for me and proceeded to attempt to
educate me about the wonders of food biotechnology.

That might not seem strange--plenty of people push biotech--but Hoban
not a public relations flack or salesman at a company peddling biotech
food. He is a
professor in the sociology department at North Carolina State
Hoban specializes in consumer behavior and the psychology of
conflict, a
position that gives him a veneer (but only a thin veneer) of

Industry promoters widely regard Hoban as the pre-eminent expert in
attitudes on gene-altered food, and he is listed in several industry
guides for journalists. Over the last ten years, he has conducted a
of government-and industry-funded surveys, which he says consistently
"two-thirds to three-quarters of U.S. consumers are positive about
biotechnology." Considering the controversy swirling around biotech
overseas and the likelihood that it will erupt on these shores, such a
finding must be comforting to industry. His data, however, is

Hoban says he helped design the questions in a much-touted consumer
conducted for the International Food Information Council (IFIC) but
out by the Republican political and polling firm, the Wirthlin Group.
survey was first done in March 1997 and then repeated in February
ostensibly so that a trend could be established. Besides trumpeting
support for genetically engineered food, the nine-question survey
that consumer awareness of biotech food is low. It also claims there
little support for labeling biotech foods.

The problem with the survey, however, is that the questions it asked
are loaded
with language designed to bias the answers. Examples include:

"How likely would you be to buy a variety of produce, like tomatoes or
potatoes, if it had been modified by biotechnology to taste better or

"How likely would you be to buy a variety of produce . . . if it had
modified by biotechnology to be protected from insect damage and
fewer pesticide applications?"

"Biotechnology has also been used to enhance plants that yield foods
cooking oils. . . . Would this have a positive effect, a negative
effect, or no
effect on your purchase decision?"

"Some critics . . . say that any food produced through biotechnology
should be
labeled even if the food has the same safety and nutritional content
as other
foods. However, others, including the FDA, believe such a labeling
requirement has no scientific basis, and would be costly and
confusing to
consumers. Are you more likely to agree with the labeling position of
the FDA
or with its critics?"

James Beniger, a communications professor at the University of
California and past president of the American Association for Public
Research, reviewed the IFIC survey and said it is so biased with
questions favoring positive responses that any results are
UCLA communications professor Michael Suman agreed, adding that the
questions "only talk about the food tasting better, being fresher,
protecting food from insect damage, reducing saturated fat and
benefits. It's like saying 'Here's biotechnology, it does these great
things for you, do you like it?'" The results might be different,
offers, if it contained questions biased in the other direction such
"Some people contend that some foods produced from biotechnology cause
higher rates of cancer. If that is so, what effect would that have on
buying decision?"

Ignorance is bliss

Hoban's rap, either while presenting a paper at a biotech industry
conference or
in a one-on-one interview, is equally questionable. It goes something
this (my paraphrase): "The public is much more positive about food
biotechnology than the activists would have you believe. Most people
know much about
biotechnology, but that's because it is not important to them.
Europeans who have been through traumatizing food scares--have great
in the public agencies that regulate our food supply. Since the FDA
genetically modified food is safe, that is good enough for most. The
position on labeling is sensible because a label for biotech food
only confuse consumers and hike the cost. Activist types are
suspicious of
biotechnology, but they are probably technophobic and only represent a
minority view. Biotechnology is no different than what crop breeders
been doing all along--it's just more sophisticated and more precise,
what's the big deal? People support biotechnology in food because it
benefit them. People's views on food are based on whether they think
will bring them a tangible benefit--fresher, better taste,
higher nutrition, and
price. Environmental and food safety concerns only surface if there is
irresponsible and sensational media attention that stirs up fear.
biotechnology is good for farmers, and Americans--unlike Europeans--
like to
support their farmers."

At industry gatherings, Hoban emphasizes--and pokes fun at--the
illiteracy of the general public. At the BIO meeting, after telling
audience that consumers decide what food to buy based on taste,
value, and
convenience, not on how the seed was produced, he quipped: "Lots of
American consumers probably don't know seeds are involved in
agriculture--they don't even know farms are involved in agriculture."

"Everybody's going to be
using biotech foods
pretty soon, so there
won't be a lot of alternatives."

--Professor-cum-Pollster Tom Hoban

In a recent telephone interview, he said that when he asks people
concerns critics have been raising about the technology, most
respondents only
express a vague sense that biotech may result in some unwanted and
consequences somewhere down the line. But again, ignorance shapes
response. "People tend to think the positive is going to outweigh the
negative when we describe it for them. In general, they don't know
about it to get into all the details--that a plant is going to
somehow have
its genes transferred to another plant," he said. "When you present
that to
people in a focus group, they will scratch their head and not really
what you are talking about."

Comfort Food

Hoban sees such public ignorance as a great opportunity for industry
"proactively educate" consumers to gain trust in biotechnology. At
the BIO
meeting, he complimented biotech companies and industry groups like
and BIO for "paving the way for biotechnology in the U.S." and making
public "comfortable" to the point that he predicted genetically
food "will not be an issue for the vast majority of consumers."

Hoban miscalculated the extent to which genetically engineered food
become an issue in Europe. At the June 1998 BIO meeting, he said
like Greenpeace had gotten all the media attention but they didn't
represent the average European consumer. Today he concedes the biotech
industry made some mistakes in being too aggressive about pushing the
technology and not
labeling the products so that European consumers could make their own
However, he blames most of Europe's reaction on an out-of-control
media that
"terrorized" European citizens with daily headlines of Frankenfood,
combined with the aftershocks of betrayal over mad cow disease in
and dioxin
contamination in Belgium.

European controversy or not, Hoban doesn't seem to be too worried
about the
future prospects of the industry. He says non-GMO products are
difficult to find, and "everybody's going to be using biotech foods
soon, so there won't be a lot of alternatives."

Expert for Hire--Attorney Included

A short biography of Hoban precedes an interview with him that
appeared in the
May 1996 issue of PBI Bulletin, a publication of the Canadian
National Research
Council. It describes him as an Associate Professor and Extension
Specialist at NCSU whose "main responsibilities involve working with
agencies, industry and others to improve the assessment and transfer
of new
technologies." Much of his work "focuses on how people accept new
products and
respond to change," including "ethical and educational implications of
biotechnology." Besides a PhD in rural sociology, Hoban has master's
degrees in
agricultural journalism and water resource management, plus a BS in

Hoban advertises his social research consultant services on his own
web page
(sasw.chass.ncsu.edu/~tom/). The page says he has "unique and
perspectives" and "provides a practical focus for managing change."
It also
says, "Dr. Hoban provides timely advice and expert assistance in a
of areas including: consumer response to new products; public
of food
biotechnology; management of innovation and change; public opinion
technology and the environment; and issue and crisis management."
skills listed include: "survey and focus group research; team
building and
partnering; strategic planning; policy analysis; needs assessment; and
technology forecasting."

Hoban was out of the country when I called to ask who his clients
are, so I
called NCSU to request the "External Professional Activities For Pay"
that the university requires its faculty to file when they take on
work. The university replied that the forms were "confidential
information" and refused to provide them. When I called Hoban later to
request the information, he refused and was furious that I had
the university. He added that he had checked out PR Watch, found it
to be
very biased, and threatened that his attorney would look closely at
anything we wrote.

Organic Consumers Association - Home
6101 Cliff Estate Rd, Little Marais, MN 55614,  about us
Activist or Media Inquiries: (218) 226-4164,  Fax: (218) 226-4157

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