I tendered a political science thesis entitled INSTANTANEOUS
circa 1970.

Observing the obscene distribution of wealth in this country
and the world and the seemingly cancerous behavior of
depriving so many of our species the basic necessities to
live healthy lives and the obvious measures that the
oligarch families have taken to perpetuate this condition I
postulated that, as remote as it might be, if the family
oligarchs were ever over turned that it was unlikely that
they would ever reassert this order.

I also observed a public at the total mercy of corporate
mass media interlocked with the oil and banking industries
that by nature had to direct the rank and file to overt
purposes while short circuiting those instructions at the
top level.  The reporters are to to find narcotics
corruption but the publishers do not print the biggest
stories for one example.

My thesis was that this was an innately unstable system
capable of going renegade --- ie actually reporting real
unfiltered news.  As I observed improvements in
communications technology I foresaw that these innovations
would increase the instability.  I projected that triggered
by some unforeseen event INSTANTANEOUS TECHNOLOGICAL
REVOLUTION would be possible and that in historical
reference it would be practically instantaneous and
bloodless and unpredictable.

I personally favor the Baby Bush presidency.  Baby Bush is
not a mental giant.  He goes to pieces when ever he has to
say something that was not scripted by his dad's flack.  He
has looked like a dear caught in the headlamps from the
start of this campaign.  His handlers have not permitted
journalists to speak with the candidate and none have cried

I think the Baby Bush presidency is giving the SKULL AND
BONES enough rope to hang themselves.  It will be far easier
explaining to a not too bright American public how the SKULL
AND BONES runs the presidency with Bush in office rather
than Gore.  Joe Six Pack does not appreciate the elegant
arguments Hopsicker makes about Tony Cohelo being the CIA
Bush/ENTERPRISE cut-out for Barry Seal.  It is so much
easier pointing the SKULL AND BONES finger at Bush.

I expect the presidency under this Mongoloid idiot to be

Brian Downing Quig

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Putting aside my suspicion that JUDICIAL WATCH is another
intelligence front, this post below certainly adds weight to
my other suspicion that this TOO CLOSE TO CALL SKULL AND
BONES ELECTION is contrived by both candidates working

Brian Downing Quig

Why are both parties afraid of an independent review?

November 28, 2000
Contact: Press Office
(202) 646-5172


Politicians Try To Prevent Judicial Watch From Examining Disputed Palm Beach Ballots

(Miami, FL) Al Gore and George W. Bush are trying in court to prevent Judicial Watch from counting disputed ballots from the presidential election in Palm Beach. Judicial Watch began examining the disputed ballots at 10:00 am today. Circuit Court Judge Jorge LaBarga ordered Palm Beach to give access to Judicial Watch under Florida state law, which allows citizens to inspect ballots. Johnson Lambert & Co., a public accounting firm with expertise both in counting ballots and in fraud, will help oversee the Judicial Watch effort.

Gore is seeking to deny Judicial Watch volunteers access to over 3,300 ballots that the Gore forces believe are in dispute. Gore is seeking to remove the 3,300 disputed ballots to Leon County, where they are in court contesting aspects of the Florida presidential election. Gore does not object to Judicial Watch examining any of the other ballots in Palm Beach. (Under Florida state law, Judicial Watch will not be able to touch ballots, but merely examine them.) George W. Bush is also seeking to prevent Judicial Watch access to the ballots at this time.

Our examination is continuing as scheduled in Palm Beach. The fact that both Gore and Bush are trying to stop us shows Judicial Watch must be doing something right. What are Al Gore and George W. Bush afraid of? Our examination is non-partisan, independent and under the guidance of a certified public accounting firm. This ballot examination process will be followed according to law -- and Al Gore and George W. Bush should stop trying to thwart the American people s access to ballots. The American people are rightfully tired of these legal games, stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Over 400 citizens from across the country have volunteered to help Judicial Watch count the disputed and other ballots, such as absentee military ballots. Judicial Watch plans to conduct an independent analysis of disputed and other ballots throughout the state of Florida, beginning with Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties.
So here is your literary break:

poetry of democracy...

> Some relief from the dreary battle for a win...
> >For starters, history buff Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
> >
> >Listen, my children, don't dare ignore,
> >The midnight actions of Bush and Gore
> >In early November, the year ought-ought,
> >Hard to believe the mess they wrought.
> >Two billion bucks of campaign bounty
> >All came down to Palm Beach County.
> >What result could have been any horrider
> >Than the situation we found there in Florider?
> ===============
> >Edgar Allen Poe is his usual gloomy self:
> >
> >Once upon a campaign dreary, one which left us weak and weary
> >O'er many a quaint and curious promise of political lore
> >While we nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a yapping,
> >As of some votes overlapping, energy_zapping to the core
> >"Tis a mess here," we all muttered, as the network anchors stuttered,
> >Stuttered over Bush and Gore.
> >Could there be another election with such a case of misdirection, yet
> >fraught with tension to the core? Quoth the ravers,
> >"Nevermore."
> ++++++++++++++
> >Britain's Edward Lear's limerick is lighter:
> >
> >There once was a U. S. election
> >That called for some expert detection:
> >How thousands of pollers
> >Could become two holers
> >Like outhouses of my recollection
> ****************
> >Ditto Ogden Nash:
> >
> >I regret to admit that all my knowledge is
> >What I learned at Electoral Colleges,
> >So tell me please, though I hate to troubya,
> >Will the winner be Al, or that be Dubya?
> """"""""""""""""""""""
> >Joyce Kilmer's a media analyst:
> >
> >I thought that I would never see
> >The networks all so up a tree.
> ????????????????
> >Walt Whitman is lyrical, as always:
> >
> >O' Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip's not done
> >The ship has weather'd every rack, but nobody knows who won.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >Alfred Noyes rhythmically rumbles:
> >
> >And still of an autumn night they say, with the White House on the line,
> >When the campaign's a ghostly galleon and both candidates cry, "'Tis mine!"
> >When the road is a ribbon of ballots, all within easy reach,
> >A highwayman comes riding,
> >Riding,
> >Riding,
> >A highwayman comes riding and punches two holes in each.
> @@@@@@@@@@@
> >Dr. Seuss takes a look at election officials:
> >
> >I cannot count them in a box
> >I cannot count them with a fox
> >I cannot count them by computer
> >I will not with a Roto-Rooter
> >I cannot count them card-by-card
> >I will not 'cause it's way too hard
> >I cannot count them on my fingers,
> >I will not while suspicion lingers.
> >I'll leave the country in a jam--
> >I can't count ballots, Sam-I-Am.
> ###############
> >Clement Moore adopts a holiday theme:
> >
> >'Twas the month before Christmas, when all through the courts,
> >all the plaintiffs made stirringly  bad ballot reports.

Happy holidays,  and here's to the real winner, whoever he turns out to be!

Dr. Tom

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