New World Order
Bob Djurdjevic Nov. 28, 2000 

New World Order and the Serbs
EUrosaurus in EUrassic Park

Yugoslavia's new president, Vojislav Kostunica, had said repeatedly that he
wants to take his country "back to Europe." Apart from the historical
incongruity - the only time Serbia was ever a part of Europe was then foreign
troops occupied the country - this statement also comes at a time when even
some major European Union (EU) members are so disillusioned with the Brussels
anachronistic, leftist, centrist bureaucracy, that they are looking for a way
out of this prison of nations.
In late September, for example, the Danish voters said "no" to the euro,
refusing to join Europe's common currency, and turning their backs on the
rapid European political integration championed by France and Germany.
The rejection appeared to contain an ominous warning to EU leaders that they
may have raced ahead of their electorates in adopting the euro, pressing for
the intensified political cooperation needed to support the currency and
talking of European federalism. The phrase "democratic deficit" is now heard
often in discussion of Europe, the New York Times noted in its Sep. 29
report, filed from Denmark.
The Danish vote was in line with a broad political trend in Europe toward the
rediscovery of national identity and away from supra-national Europeanism, at
least in its current form. Pia Kjaersgaard, a nationalist Danish leader
similar to Jörg Haider in Austria, has been a leader of the campaign against
the euro. She will now be strengthened.
Nor is Denmark alone in its repudiation of the EU. This writer received the
following tongue-in-cheek contribution from Greg Lance-Watkins, a reader from
Wales, who says that his comments represent the views of "several people and
organizations who do not wish to be known, including several politicians and
household names" in Britain: "Advantages of a Monster-state over Superstate -
Exploding the Myths about EUrosaurus
Monsters are reputed to have been quite agile but rather dim. Yes, we thought
about this one. For instance we noticed that dinosaurs only had two brains
which is obviously too few. From the start, EUrosaurus was fitted with six
brains, the latest version has 1.5 decabrains brains and we have plans to
increase brain power to 2.7 decabrains. You need not worry, the EUrosaurus is
indeed very brainy.
But the EUrosaurus has stopped walking, and is sinking into the mire.
The original heart fitted was designed for a six-brained animal, and is
overworked in the 1.5 decabrain animal. We have been pumping more oxygen into
the heart, but I am afraid this is a case of too little too late. No expense
has been spared employing a good family firm, the Kinnocks, who have
extensive experience with rotten hearts, to design a new one. He, his wife,
children and extended family are all working hard and assure us that they are
making very good progress.
Lots and lots of oxygen will be needed. But I cannot understand a thing it is
This is a failing of yours (individual brains), not the EUrosaurus. You seem
to have forgotten that the EUrosaurus has 15 brains and can speak 15
languages simultaneously. Until you learn 15 languages, you cannot hope to
have a meaningful conversation with the EUrosaurus.
I could advise you to learn 15 languages, but remember that the EUrosaurus is
a much brainier than you, and can learn new languages faster than you. Quite
probably by the time you have learnt two new languages, the EUrosaurus will
probably be speaking 27 languages. You have to learn your place, and accept
that the EUrosaurus is much cleverer than you will ever be. Once you have
understood this, you will find it easier to refrain from trying to be
involved with the decisions that the EUrosaurus needs to make on your behalf.
It seems to squash things.
Ho, ho, ho. you are contradicting yourselves again. As you pointed out
yourselves, the EUrosaurus stopped walking because of its heart condition and
is sinking in the mire. So when it stopped walking it stopped squashing.
Anyway we are working on this problem; that is why we are giving it the keys
to the gun cupboard. In future the EUrosaurus will shoot, bomb or blow up
things. But does it care about us?
Of course it cares about you, just as it cares about itself. Without you, how
would it be able to feed itself and where would its oxygen come from? Rest
assured it depends on you and loves you with all its rotten heart. In defense
of the British peoples and our Nation or the rights and freedoms of any
peoples, against the EU, NAFTA, WTO, IMF, OWG, NWO or the Regionalization
Policy, designed to break up YOUR Country on a divide and rule basis."
Despite such derision from the U.K. or Denmark, there are some Eastern
European countries that are clamoring to join the EU, Hungary and Romania,
among them. It is instructive to look through the eyes of some local people
at what the western reforms - a prerequisite for the EU membership - have
done to these two countries.
From Godless Socialism to Godless Capitalism

Hungary was the first Eastern European country behind the Soviet "Iron
Curtain" to embrace some form of capitalism. Remember the phrase "goulash
communism?" It predates the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989.
Furthermore, Hungary has received more foreign investments per capita than
any other Eastern European nation since the end of the Cold War. In
comparison to much larger countries, such as Russia, for example, Hungary got
19 times (!) more western money during the 1990-1998 period (see A Cleaner,
Neater World? Hardly. But Deadlier, for Sure..., Feb. 3, 2000). It got more
than double the amount of foreign investment per capita that Mexico attracted
during the same period; over three times more than Brazil; over eight times
more than China.
So you'd think that streets are paved with gold in Hungary by now, right?
Think again. Because even if there are some glitzy shopping areas in
Budapest, for example, that's only "fools gold," the only kind the EU and New
World Order pirates trade with, before making off with a target country's
more valuable resources, while destroying its soul.
Here's a letter, for example, this writer received from Dr. Bela Szepesi, a
Hungarian-American scientist, now based in Maryland, who has just returned
from a trip to Hungary:
"Dear Bob, I have just returned from Hungary last night. I start the morning
at 5:30 with a shot of plumb brandy - to remind me where I have come from.
The trip was centered at Szeged, but I went to Miskolc by bus, which took me
over the 'eastern route' of the plains and returned to Szeged by train, which
took me over the 'western part' of the plains.
Everywhere I traveled, I heard people complain. Intellectuals had developed
ways of moving to Socialism, but not back from it. Nor do they like the
reverse transition and profit from the chaos of the transition politically.
Shock therapy worked in Poland, a country with a strong Christian practice.
Russia followed a slower route. It did not work. Hungary tried to copy and
learn from others-with mixed results. The Czechs are Czechs. Slovakia is dirt
poor as usual. Romania is a mess and remains a third world country.
As a solution to its problems, it offers chauvinism - a Greater Romania
including Moldova, and parts of Hungary to the Tisza. And some Hungarian
politicians want Transylvania and the Vajdasag (Vojvodina, Serbia) back. As
if including those lands into Hungary would restore past greatness, rather
than bring the misery of war and more chaos.
And there are jackals like Soros and the "capitalists" who buy factories and
close them, so they can peddle their Western-made goods.
Everywhere I went I heard people talk of earnings, money, misery, poverty and
riches, jobs and factory closings and such. And of the deterioration of
morality. No one mentioned God and His laws; that He had given us the tools
to live well, all we got to learn is to help and serve others, starting with
helping the poorest.
I despaired. Then I saw God's mercy and hand among the believers north of
Szeged. Bujor is a Romanian who had come to faith this year. He had lived in
Hungary for three years, and speaks accentless Hungarian. The government of
Hungary is busy trying to deport him, because he does not have the requisite
job he needs.
Bujor called me 'testver' (brother, literally, a member of the body by
blood), kissed me on the cheek and tried to do for me as much as he could.
And we tried to bring peace to his heart as he is about to be torn from the
family he found. May God turn the hearts of millions of Romanians like his.
Then they can have Transylvania and there will be peace and prosperity.
I see the change has finally come to Serbia. And it is very hard. It will be
made all the harder if the move is from godless Socialism to godless
capitalism. But, misery is often the way God has of turning peoples' heart
softer, so they can listen to Him. And blessings follow."
As if on cue, Stefan Escu, a reader from Romania, also sent me the same day
the following comments, which echo Dr. Szepesi's sentiments, only in a more
depressing form:
A System Worse Than Slavery "Congratulation for the small light you are
keeping alive in this vast darkness of the propaganda media. Small light but
extraordinary work, I have been appreciating for almost two years now. I am
writing you to warn and to suggest.
The need to warn came to my mind when the events in Yugoslavia reminded me
the 1989 ones in Romania. Do not do the same mistakes as we did, do not let
Serbian peoples to be fooled, do not let Yugoslavia to be ruled by the IMF
and the World Bank!
It has been now 11 years since the "democratic" changes were brought to us by
the "revolution", and the bill is as heavy as the bill of a war. The
population downsized by a million out of 23 million. But no, the one million
fewer Romanians was not genocide. No, Sir.
Three millions elderly are dying in the streets because it is not
economically efficient to feed them. But no, this is not Nazism. No, Sir.
Expenses for health and education are cut down. People are basically denied
medical care. Studying is becoming more of a luxury.
Orphans are sold out with the complicity of the government to be slaughtered
for organs. The whole economy has been sold out to strangers, excuse me.
The army has been ordered to disband by the IMF. After the problems they had
with Yugoslavia, no wonder. There is basically no justice. People speaking
the truth too loudly are murdered - as in the case of Victor Sahleanu.
The political class is tight with the mafia and mobsters. Just bribe them and
you can steal millions. More than 10 $US billions are out, in foreign banks,
while the country has a rampant debt of at least the same size.
All the mineral richness is now privatized. Romanians have not a word to say
- see the case of Danube poisoning with cyanide
Forests are sold cheaply, driving the country into the ground. Plants have
been driven to bankruptcy to be bought cheaply. The "investors" make no
investment in technology, they just throw out workers.
Some multi-million plants have been sold for less than 10 $US. The 10th
lartgest commercial fleet of the world has been reduced to the price of scrap
And all those changes were made in the name of "a better society" by the same
opportunistic lackeys that were shouting communist slogans. "A better
society", what a great mask for human decay. Great name for a system worse
than slavery."
To which this writer replied:
"Thanks for your feedback and for sharing your despair with us, Stefan. I am
a little more optimistic, both when it comes to technology as a weapon of
truth, and regarding the decay of which you write. As you probably know from
history, most empires have been destroyed by decay; the rot from within. The
same will be true of the New World Order empire."
And so, while some European countries are trying to figure out a way out of
the EU prison of nations, the EUrassic park guarded by the Brussels
EUrosauruses, as our British reader put it, Kostunica is happily leading
Yugoslavia into it, with millions of Serbs cheering him on.
Doesn't anybody in Serbia remember anymore that happened to dinosaurs and
eurassic parks in the end?


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