-Caveat Lector-

 MC: Bush Body Count & Mind Control Empire.


                     Paul Wilcher
                     His partially decomposed body was found in his home,
   seated on the toilet. According to the Washington Times, "...he was
   investigating the theory of an 'October Surprise' conspiracy during
   1980 federal election campaign. He had been interviewing an inmate
   who claimed to have piloted George Bush to Paris so he could secretly
   seek to delay the release of 52 American hostages in Iran."

                     Sid Adger
                     Mr. Adger, a Houston oil supply company executive
 and Bush
   family friend, died in 1996 of unknown causes. Adger was the
   mysterious businessman who approached General James Rose and
   asked him to help George W. Bush avoid Vietnam by recommending
   him for a pilot position with the National Guard.

                     General James Rose
                     General Rose recommended George W. Bush for a pilot
   position with the Texas National Guard. He died of unknown causes in
   1993. He was immediately buried and no autopsy was performed.

                     Orlando Letelier
                     He was torn to bits by a car bomb on the streets of
   Washington DC just before he was to testing against the Chilean
   dictator Pinochet. After the bombing, CIA Director George H. W. Bush
   told the FBI that there had been no Chilean involvement whatsoever. In

   1991 the post-Pinochet Chilean Supreme Court asked George H. W.
   Bush if he would submit to questioning. BUSH REFUSED.

                     Ronni Moffit
                     She was Letelier's assistant. She and her husband
   riding in the car with Letelier when the bomb exploded. Mr. Moffit
   survived. Ronni didn't.

                     Amiram Nir
                     He was a former Israeli agent who was in Jerusalem
   George Bush during Iran Contra. He went under the assumed name of
   Pat Weber. Nir was scheduled to testify to the Senate subcommittee
   and it was feared he would reveal the truth. He perished when his
   aircraft was shot down with missiles from the helicopter of a man
   Gene Tatum, 25-year CIA deep cover agent.

                     Senator John Tower
                     He was appointed by the Reagan/Bush Administration
   chair the bipartisan committee to investigate the Iran/Contra
   He directed the Tower Report and had all the Iran Contra documents
   that told the real story. He was killed in an airplane crash later in
   in 1991. Also killed was his daughter, Marian.

                     Mario Ruiz Massieu
                     An apparent suicide, Massieu was facing charges that
   laundered money for the cocaine cartels. A Houston, Texas jury had
   found that $8 million in his bank accounts was paid to him by cocaine

                     Steve Kangas
                     His web site, Liberalism Resurgent, was meticulously

   researched and presented such a problem to the "real boss" of George
   Bush, Richard Scaife, that he hired a private detective to look into
   Kangas' past. Steve Kangas was found in a 39th-floor bathroom outside
   of Scaife's offices at One Oxford Centre, in Pittsburgh, an apparent
   suicide. Mr. Kangas, a very prolific writer, left no note. He had
 brought a
   fully-packed suitcase of clothes with him to Pittsburgh. He bought a
   burglar alarm shortly before he left for Pittsburgh. Why did he need a

   burglar alarm if he was going to commit suicide? An avowed advocate
   of gun control, he nevertheless bought a gun. What was he afraid of?
   Why did he go to Pittsburgh? After his death, his computer was sold
   $150 and its hard drive wiped clean. Everything in his apartment was
   thrown away.

                     Mohammed Zia al-huk
                     Dictator of Pakistan, and knew all about
 Iran/Contra, the
   training, funding, and arming of narco-terrorists like Osama bin
 Laden. In
   August 1988, the same day George Bush got the Republican
   nomination, his plane crashed into the ground with all engines
   The Pakistanis kept the bodies around (in violation of Islamic custom)

   for weeks, awaiting US experts. They showed up three weeks later and
   never checked the bodies. Why?

                     Malcolm Baldridge
                     Commerce Secretary May 1987. Baldridge was familiar
   the Bush family ties to the Communist Chinese. He died in a mysterious

   horseback riding accident.

                     Karla Faye Tucker
                     She was executed in spite of enormous protest from
   public, even those religious groups that advocate the death penalty.
   Even Pat Robertson thought that Karla was truly repentant and asked
   George W. Bush to spare her life. He refused. Afterward, in a Talk
   Magazine interview, this stalwart of the Republican Party made fun of
   woman whose death warrant he had sanctioned. How compassionate!

                     President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
                     An internal FBI memo reported that on November 22 a
   reputable businessman named George H. W. Bush reported hearsay
   that a certain Young Republican had been talking of killing the
   when he came to Houston. The Young Republican was nowhere near
   Dallas on that date. According to a 1988 story in The Nation, J. Edgar

   Hoover said in a memo that Mr. George Bush of the CIA had been
   briefed on November 23rd, 1963 about the reaction of anti-Castro
   Cuban exiles in Miami to the assassination of President Kennedy.
   George H. W. Bush has denied this, although he was in Texas and
   cannot account for his whereabouts at the time.

                     Hale Boggs
                     He sat on the Warren Commission, which concluded
   President Kennedy was slain by a lone assassin. Later, in 1971 and
   Boggs said that the Warren Report was false and that J. Edgar Hoover's

   FBI not only helped cover up the JFK murder but blackmailed Congress
   with massive wire-tapping and spying. He named Warren Commission
   staff member Arlen Specter as a major cover-up artist. Congressman
   Boggs' plane disappeared on a flight to Alaska in 1972. The press, the

   military, and the CIA publicly proclaimed the plane could not be
   Investigators later said that was a lie, that the plane had been

                     George de Mohrenschildt
                     A rich Russian oilman, he was described with his
 wife as
   being the two people friendliest to Oswald at the time of the
   assassination. De Mohrenschildt was the man who moved Oswald to
   Dallas. In the late 1970's, shortly before the first meeting of the
   Select Committee on Assassinations, de Mohrenschildt started seeing
   a new doctor in town. He quickly became mentally unstable, at which
   time his wife convinced him to stop seeing the doctor. They moved away

   and left a false forwarding address. On the same day that the
   Committee tried to contact him about testifying, he was found dead of
   gunshot wound. In his personal address book was the entry Bush,
   George H.W. (Poppy) and Zapata Petroleum Midland (the oil company
   owned by George H.W. Bush).

                     Barry Seal
                     He was supposedly murdered by Medellin cartel
   but a 6-month investigation by Sam Dalton, attorney for three of the
   accused murderers, into Mr. Seal's life and death uncovered some
   interesting points. The accused's cartel connections were well known,
   but not their association with Oliver North's enterprise. Mr. Seal was
   drug smuggler, up to his armpits in smuggling cocaine for - guess who?

   - the CIA. During the penalty phase of the Columbians' trial,
 testimony by
   one government witness on the activities of Mr. Seal was so damaging
   to the government that 2 of the jurors wanted to change their verdict
   "not guilty". The personal telephone number of George H. W. Bush was
   found in the trunk of Mr. Seal's car.

                     William Colby
                     This former CIA director disappeared in an apparent
   accident, and a body was later discovered (minus the life jacket
   friends insisted he always wore while boating) and buried promptly.
   John DeCamp, a lawyer from Lincoln, Nebraska, and Colby's close
   friend and confidant, said Colby's death was not an accident. He
   that Colby was prepared to disclose that missing P.O.W.'s were working

   for a dope smuggling operation orchestrated by General Colin Powell,
   Pentagon official Richard Armitage, and George H. W. Bush.
                     Mrs. E. Howard Hunt
                     In December 1972, while George H. W. Bush was at the

   Republican National Convention, a United Airlines flight carrying Mrs.

   Dorothy Hunt, CIA operative and wife of Howard Hunt, (CIA operative
   and suspect in the Kennedy assassination) crashed. Believed to be
   carrying $25,000 in "hush money", she died in this crash.

                     Vince Foster
                     It has been conjectured that Mr. Foster was killed
   Republican operatives for George Bush after he found evidence of Bush
   involvement in the death of Mrs. E. Howard Hunt when reviewing the
   White House Travel Office files.

                     Danny Casolaro
                     He was working on a book that tied together the
   surrounding the presidency of George H. W. Bush. He told his friends
   was going to "bring back" the head of the Octopus. Instead, his body
   was found in a hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia, on August 10,
   an apparent suicide.

                     Don McCoy
                     Mr. McCoy had agreed the day before to turn state's
   in an FBI investigation that threatened some of El Paso's most
   prominent business leaders. On February 19, 1988, he took off from El
   Paso International Airport, banked to the right and headed southwest
   approximately 2 ˝ miles before it slammed into the I-10 right-of-way
   exploded. With him was his secretary and her 11-year old son. All
   were killed.

                     Olof Palme
                     He was the prime minister of Sweden, assassinated in
   Oliver North, the golden boy of the Bush/Reagan machine, had met with
   Mr. Palme to discuss the possibility of obtaining false end-user
   certificates for the plethora of weapons that were being purchased, so

   that they would seem to have come from a country other than the U.S.
   Mr. Palme refused to participate, after the plan was presented to him.

   He was dead within weeks.

                     Archbishop Oscar Romero
                     Archbishop Romero was a true hero, speaking out
   atrocities by a Bush/Reagan-backed fascist government. He refused to
   appear in public with any army or government personnel, and was a
   voice for the thousands of tortured, slaughtered and oppressed in El
   Salvador. He was shot in the back while preparing Mass. The death of
   Archbishop Romero is one among many. There is not enough space to
   list the hundreds of thousands who died under Reagan/Bush-backed,
   right-wing governments.

                     David Wayne Spence
                     David Wayne Spence was executed in Texas in 1997 in
   of compelling evidence of his innocence. Two of the State's witnesses
   were co-defendants who testified to avoid the death penalty, one of
   whom changed his story three times in response to discrepancies. He
   later testified that D.A. Simons encouraged him to alter his
   Two other witnesses for the State were jailhouse snitches who recanted

   later and stated that Simons offered them favors in exchange for
   testimony. All of this and more was supposedly reviewed by Governor
   George W. Bush, but Bush refused to commute his sentence, and did
   not order the Board of Pardons and Paroles to review his request for
   clemency. It is a myth that a Texas Governor can do nothing to stop
   executions; the Board will almost always go with his recommendation.
   Bush washed his hands of the matter and did nothing. Reasonable
   doubt is not a factor in Texas justice.

                     Gary Graham
                     Gary Graham was convicted of the robbery and murder
 of a
   white man in 1981. Nearly two weeks after the crime, the state's prime

   witness could not pick Gary's picture out of a photo line-up. Mr.
   was arrested with a 22 caliber pistol. The victim had been killed with
   22, but the police firearms examiner determined that Mr. Graham's gun
   DID NOT fire the fatal bullet. Four witnesses said Gary Graham was
   them, miles away from the convenience store, when the murder occured.
   All four took and passed polygraph tests. George W. Bush, predictably,

   expressed his faith in the Texas judicial system and allowed Mr.
   to be put to death. Mr. Graham maintained his innocence to the end.

                     William Casey
                     William Casey was CIA Director during the
   Administration. He died 2 days before he was to testify about his and
   others' involvement in the Iran/Contra scandal.

                     Lt. Colonel William Harris, Jr.
                     Lt. Col. William Harris was one of two commanding
   who could not perform George W. Bush's annual evaluation covering the
   year from May 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973. They stated in their filing
   "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period of this

   report." Fortunately for George W. Bush, Lt. Col. Harris is not here
   verify his 1973 statement. He's dead.

                     Lt. Colonel Jerry B. Killian
                     Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian was another of George W.
   commanding officers. He cannot testify in a court of law as to George
   Bush's dereliction of his sworn duty. Lt. Col. Killian is dead.

                     Edmond J. Safra
                     Banker Edmond J. Safra died mysteriously when a fire
   his Monaco penthouse apartment. His banks had been used for
   laundering money by the Bush Iran/Contra traitors.

                     Charles Ruff
                     Attorney Charles Ruff successfully defended
 President Bill
   Clinton against the smear campaign by the reich wing Bush machine.
   He died of an accident in his home. Details of the accident are
   Ruff had been assisting Vice President Al Gore's legal team during the

   recount proceedings in Florida, where a battle for the right to know
   will of the people is raging.

                     Lars Erik Nelson
                     Lars-Erik Nelson was a reporter for the New York
 Daily News
   and a constant critic of George Bush throughout the 2000 Presidential
   campaign. He wrote a series of articles on how Bush was trying to
   the Florida election. Found dead in his living room of an apparent
   on November 21, 2000, the very day that Bush lawyers were making
   their arguments before the Florida Supreme Court.

                     Henry B. Gonzalez
                     Henry Gonzalez, former Congressman from Texas, was
   Chairman of the House Banking Committee during the Reagan and
   Bush years. He oversaw hearings on the S&L fiasco which nailed Neil
   Bush, and tried to have both Reagan and George Bush impeached. In a
   speech before Congress on July 27, 1992, Gonzalez revealed that
   George Bush signed a top secret National Security Decision directive,
   known as NSD 26, ordering closer ties with Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
   Henry Gonzalez died of unknown causes on November 27, 2000.

                     Charles M. McKee and Matthew Gannon
                     Charles M. McKee, ostensibly a military attache for
 the DIA in
   Beirut, Matthew Gannon, CIA Deputy Station Chief in Beirut, and three
   others were on board Pan Am Flight 103, which exploded over
   Lockerbie, Scotland. They were part of a counterterrorist team in
   investigating the possible rescue of 9 American hostages in Lebanon.
   The McKee team uncovered evidence that a rogue CIA unit called
   COREA, based in Wiesbaden, was doing business with a man called
   Monzer Al-Kassar, a Syrian arms dealer and drug trafficker. Al-Kassar
   was part of the covert network run by U.S. Lieut. Colonel Oliver
   Outraged that the COREA unit in Wiesbaden was doing business with a
   Syrian who had close terrorist connections and might endanger their
   chances of rescuing the hostages, the McKee team decided to fly back
   to Virginia unannounced and expose the COREA unit's secret deal with
   al-Kassar. They never got there. "For three years, I've had a feeling
   if Chuck hadn't been on
                     that plane, it wouldn't have been bombed," said
   McKee, 75, Charles McKee's mother, to Time Magazine. Four months
   after her son was killed for his efforts to expose the CIA, Mrs. McKee

   received a sympathy letter from George H. W. Bush. Mrs. McKee has
   never been satisfied with the government's version of events.

                                    with any
   army or government personnel, and was a voice for the thousands of
   tortured, slaughtered and oppressed in El Salvador. He was shot in the

   back while preparing Mass. The death of Archbishop Romero is one
   among many. There is not enough space to list the hundreds of
   thousands who died under Reagan/Bush

 EcoNews Service


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