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Pan Am 103 & The Charge Against Libya:
Case Closed or More Disinformation?

by William Blum

Pan Am Flight 103? Oh yes, Christmas time 1988, those two Libyans did it, but
the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar Qaddafi has refused to allow them to be tried
in an American or British court. He knows they’ll be found guilty, and the
whole world will condemn him.

He does indeed. But not necessarily because the two men are guilty. The
acquittal of the Los Angeles police in the Rodney King beating was sufficient
confirmation of the Libyan leader’s lack of illusions about the workings of
the American justice system.1 The verdict in the O.J. Simpson case may well
have reinforced that view, while “The Guilford Four,” the “Birmingham Six,”
and other infamous miscarriage-of-justice cases in Britain have reportedly
imparted to Qaddafi a similar lesson about the U.K.2

Now, with December 21 having marked the tenth anniversary of the tragedy that
took two hundred and seventy lives in Lockerbie, Scotland, the United States,
the United Kingdom, and Libya have agreed, at least in principle, to try the
two Libyan suspects in the Netherlands, before Scottish judges, and under
Scottish law.

In actuality, the evidence against the Libyans, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi
and Lamen Khalifa Fhimah, who worked for Libyan Arab Airlines at the Malta
airport, is thin to the point of transparency. There is no forensic evidence
to support the charge that they placed a suitcase containing the fatal bomb
in an Air Malta plane in Malta, tagging it so it would eventually be
transferred to Flight 103 in London. No witnesses, no fingerprints. Nothing
to tie them to that particular brown Samsonite suitcase. No past history of

Among the reported pieces of evidence casting suspicion on the two Libyans or
on the Libyan government is an entry on December 15, 1988, in a diary kept by
Fhimah, which, according to the U.S. indictment, says: “Abdel Basset is
coming from Zurich with Salvu...take taggs from Air Malta.” It is all in
Arabic except for the misspelled “taggs.” “Salvu” is not explained.3

However, the indictment further states that “Air Malta...was the handling
agent for Libyan Arab Airlines” for flights to and from Malta, “and as such
utilized Air Malta luggage tags on luggage destined for Libyan Arab Airline
flights.” It therefore seems rather unsurprising that Fhimah might have had
some normal business reason to be using such tags. More importantly, if he
were actually planning a murderous covert operation using the tags, why would
he mention them on paper? And then leave the diary in his office where it
could be taken?

Another piece of evidence presented by U.S./U.K. investigators, out of which
they derived much mileage, is that the type of timing device used in the bomb
was sold only to Libya. It was later revealed that, in fact, the
investigators were told in 1990 by the Swiss manufacturer that it had also
sold the same timers to East German intelligence, which had close contact
with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command
(PFLP-GC) and numerous other “terrorist” groups.4


The investigators’ failure to disclose this information can best be described
by the word “coverup.” And in any event, there is no reason to assume that
Libya could not have given one of their timers to another party.

Malta became a focus for investigators, even before serious Libyan
involvement was presumed, when tests indicated that the suitcase which
contained the bomb also contained several items of clothing manufactured in
Malta and supposedly sold in a particular clothing shop on the island. The
present U.S./ U.K. version of events would have the world believe that
al-Megrahi has been identified by the shopkeeper, Tony Gauci, as the
purchaser of the clothing. But there is no such evidence. Al-Megrahi has
never been presented to Gauci in person, and there has been no report that
Gauci has even been shown his photo. Moreover, the Maltese shopkeeper has
already made several erroneous “positive” identifications, including one of a
CIA asset.5

Before the indictment of the two Libyans, the press reported police findings
that the clothing had been purchased on November 23.6 But the indictment of
al-Megrahi states that he made the purchase on December 7. Can this be
because the investigators can document his being in Malta on that date but
cannot do so for November 23?

The identification of al-Megrahi is even more questionable than the above
indicates.7 The fact that the investigative authorities do not make clear
exactly how al-Megrahi was identified by Gauci is indicative of the weakness
of their case.

Furthermore, after the world was assured that these items of clothing were
sold only on Malta, it was learned that at least one of the items was
actually “sold at dozens of outlets throughout Europe, and it was impossible
to trace the purchaser.”8

Once Malta became a focus due to the clothing, it appears that the next
“logical” conclusion for the investigators was that the suitcase containing
the bomb and the Maltese clothing was put together there; and thus the
suitcase was somehow put aboard Air Malta flight KM180 to Frankfurt without
an accompanying passenger, on the first leg in its fateful journey. News
reports presenting the latter as a certainty have alternated with reports
like the following: The Lockerbie investigating team “discovered [that] the
list of luggage checked into the hold against passengers’ names on Air Malta
KM180 to Frankfurt bore no resemblance to what the passengers had checked in.
The Air Malta list was a shambles, one officer said.”9

Air Malta itself made an exhaustive study of this matter and has
categorically denied that there was any unaccompanied baggage on KM180 or
that any of the passengers transferred to the Frankfurt to London flight.10
And a report sent by the FBI from Germany to Washington in October 1989
reveals profound doubts about this thesis. The report concludes: “There
remains the possibility that no luggage was transferred from Air Malta 180 to
Pan Am 103.”11

In January 1995, more than three years after the indictment of the two
Libyans, the FBI was still of the same mind. A confidential Bureau report
stated: “There is no concrete indication that any piece of luggage was
unloaded from Air Malta 180, sent through the luggage routing system at
Frankfurt airport, and then loaded on board Pan Am 103.” The report added
that the baggage records are “misleading” and that the bomb suitcase could
have come from another flight or was simply a “rogue bag inserted into the

To accept the Malta scenario is to believe that the suitcase itself led the
following charmed life: 1) loaded aboard the Air Malta flight to Frankfurt
without an accompanying passenger; 2) transferred in Frankfurt to the Pan Am
103A flight to London without an accompanying passenger; 3) transferred in
London to the Pan Am 103 flight to New York without an accompanying

To the magic bullet of the JFK assassination, can we now add the magic

Under international airline rules, baggage unaccompanied by passengers should
not be allowed onto aircraft without being searched or x-rayed. Actual
practice is, of course, more lax, but how could serious professional
terrorists count on this laxness occurring three times in a row for the same
suitcase? Regular airline passengers would not make such an assumption.
Moreover, since the perpetrators in all likelihood wanted to time the
explosion to occur over the ocean, adding Malta as an extra step could only
add much more uncertainty.

In any event, the Pan Am x-ray operator at Frankfurt on December 21 testified
in court that he had been told to look for a radio in such baggage, but found

A passenger could conceivably have accompanied the suitcase on the first,
and/or second leg, but this would carry with it the sizeable risk of
subsequent identification.

We must also ask why Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, writing in her 1993
memoirs about the U.S. bombing of Libya in 1986, with which Britain had
cooperated, stated: “But the much vaunted Libyan counter-attack did not and
could not take place. Qaddafi had not been destroyed but he had been humbled.
There was a marked decline in Libyan-sponsored terrorism in succeeding

Finally, it should be pointed out that even if the two Libyans were involved,
there is no reason to assume they knew that the suitcase contained a bomb,
and not drugs, or some other contraband.

Alternative Theory

There is, moreover, an alternative scenario, laying the blame on Iran and
Syria, which is much better documented and makes a lot more sense,
logistically, politically, and technically. Indeed, this was the Original
Official Version, delivered with Olympian rectitude by the U.S. government–
guaranteed, sworn to, Scout’s honor, case closed– until the Gulf War came
along and the support of Iran and Syria was needed, and Washington was
anxious as well to achieve the release of American hostages held in Lebanon
by groups close to Iran. The distinctive scurrying sound of backtracking then
became audible in the corridors of the White House. Suddenly–or so it
seemed–in October 1990, there was a New Official Version: It was Libya, the
Arab state least supportive of the U.S. buildup to the Gulf War and the
sanctions imposed against Iraq, that was behind the bombing after all,
declared Washington.

The two Libyan airline employees were formally indicted in the U.S. and
Scotland on November 14, 1991. “This was a Libyan government operation from
start to finish,” declared the State Department spokesman.15 “The Syrians
took a bum rap on this,” said President Bush.16 Within the next 20 days, the
remaining four American hostages were released along with the most prominent
British hostage, Terry Waite.

The Original Official Version accused the PFLP-GC, a 1968 breakaway from a
component of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), of making the bomb
and somehow placing it aboard the flight in Frankfurt. The PFLP-GC was led by
Ahmed Jabril, one of the world’s leading terrorists, and was headquartered
in, financed by, and closely supported by, Syria. The bombing was done at the
behest of Iran as revenge for the U.S. shooting down of an Iranian passenger
plane over the Persian Gulf on July 3, 1988, which claimed 290 lives.

The support for this scenario was, and remains, impressive, as this sample

In April 1989, the FBI–in response to criticism that it was bungling the
investigation–leaked to CBS the news that it had tentatively identified the
person who unwittingly carried the bomb aboard. His name was Khalid Jaafar, a
21-year-old Lebanese-American. The report said that the bomb had been planted
in Jaafar’s suitcase by a member of the PFLP-GC, whose name was not

In May, the State Department stated that the CIA was “confident” of the
Iran/Syria/ PFLP-GC account of events.18

On September 20, The Times of London reported that “Security officials from
Britain, the United States, and West Germany are ‘totally satisfied’ that it
was the PFLP-GC” behind the crime.

In December, Scottish investigators announced that they had “hard evidence”
of the involvement of the PFLP-GC in the bombing.19

A National Security Agency (NSA) electronic intercept disclosed that Ali
Akbar Mohtashemi, Iranian interior minister, had paid Palestinian terrorists
ten  million dollars to gain revenge for the downed Iranian airplane.20

Israeli intelligence also intercepted a communication between Mohtashemi and
the Iranian Embassy in Beirut “indicating that Iran paid for the Lockerbie

Even after the Libyans had been indicted, Israeli officials declared that
their intelligence analysts remained convinced that the PFLP-GC bore primary
responsibility for the bombing.22

In 1992, Abu Sharif, a political adviser to PLO chairman Yasser Arafat,
stated that the PLO had compiled a secret report which concluded that the
bombing of Pan Am 103 was the work of a “Middle Eastern country” other than

In February 1995, a former Scottish Office minister, Alan Stewart, wrote to
the British Foreign Secretary and the Lord Advocate, questioning the
reliability of the evidence which had led to the accusations against the two
Libyans. This move, wrote The Guardian, reflected the concern of the Scottish
legal profession, reaching into the Crown Office, the equivalent of the
office of the Attorney General, that the bombing may not have been the work
of Libya, but of Syrians, Palestinians, and Iranians.24

Key Question

A key question in the PFLP-GC version has always been: How did the bomb get
aboard the plane in Frankfurt, or at some other point? One widely
disseminated explanation was in a report, completed during the summer of 1989
and leaked in the fall, which had been prepared by a New York investigating
firm called Interfor. Headed by a former Israeli intelligence agent,
Interfor–whose other clients included Fortune 500 companies, the FBI, the
IRS, and the Secret Service25–was hired by the law firm representing Pan Am’s
insurance carrier.

The Interfor report said that in the mid-1980s, a drug and arms smuggling
operation was set up in various European cities, with Frankfurt airport as
the site of one of the drug routes. The Frankfurt operation was run by Manzer
Al-Kassar, a Syrian, the same man from whom Col. Oliver North’s shadowy
network purchased large quantities of arms for the contras. At the airport,
according to the report, a courier would board a flight with checked luggage
containing innocent items; after the luggage had passed all security checks,
one or another accomplice Turkish baggage handler for Pan Am would substitute
an identical suitcase containing contraband; the passenger then picked up
this suitcase upon arrival at the destination.

The only courier named by Interfor is Khalid Jaafar, although this may well
have derived from the many news reports already citing Jaafar as a prime

The report spins a web much too complex and lengthy to go into here. The
short version is that the CIA in Germany discovered the drug operation at the
airport and learned also that Al-Kassar had the contacts to gain the release
of American hostages in Lebanon. He had already done the same for French
hostages. Thus it was that the CIA and the German Bundeskriminalamt (BKA,
Federal Criminal Office) allowed the drug operation to continue in hopes of
effecting the release of American hostages.

According to the report, this same smuggling ring and its method of switching
suitcases at the Frankfurt airport were used to smuggle the fatal bomb aboard
Flight 103, under the eyes of the CIA and BKA. Because of several warnings,
these same officials had reason to suspect that a bomb might be aboard Flight
103, possibly in the drug suitcase. But the CIA, for various reasons,
including not wanting to risk the hostage-release operation, told the BKA to
do nothing.

Interfor gave three of the baggage handlers polygraphs, and two of them were
judged as being deceitful when denying any involvement in baggage switching.
However, neither the U.S., U.K. or German investigators showed any interest
in the results, or in questioning the baggage handlers. Instead, the
polygrapher, James Keefe, was hauled before a Washington grand jury, and, as
he puts it, “they were bent on destroying my credibility–not theirs [the
baggage handlers].” To Interfor, this attempt at intimidation was the
strongest evidence of a coverup.26

Critics claimed that the report had been inspired by Pan Am’s interest in
proving that it was impossible for normal airline security to have prevented
the loading of the bomb, thus removing the basis for accusing the airline of

The Interfor report was likely the principal reason Pan Am’s attorneys
subpoenaed the FBI, CIA, DEA, State Department, National Security Council,
and NSA, as well as, reportedly, the Defense Intelligence Agency and FAA, to
turn over all documents relating to

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