Zulfikar had to alert the media.  Captain Zulfikar "Zodiac"
Zolkoski of the Mosquitoes Police Department (MPD) intended to
let everyone know the true character of the notorious Dr. K, also
known as Kansan1225.

     Zodiac called up his pal, CNN's roving correspondent Rhonda

     Zulfikar "Zodiac" Zolkoski:  "As-Salaam 'aleykum, ya Rhonda!"
("Peace be unto you, oh Rhonda!")

     Rhonda Schlepper:  "Wa 'aleykum as-Salaam, ya Zulfikar!"
("And unto you Peace, oh Zulfikar!")  "Eid Mubarak!"  ("Blessed is
the Feast at the end of Ramadan!")

     Z.Z.Z.:  "Eid Mubarak!  Merhaba!"  ("Hello!")

     R.S.:  "Merhabteyn!"  ("Two hellos!")

     Z.Z.Z.:  "Alf merhaba!"  ("One thousand hellos!")

     R.S.:  "Keyf hal-kom fee Mosquitoes?"  ("How are you all
doing in Mosquitoes?")  (Mosquitoes:  the Texas metropolis
formerly known as Houston.)

     Z.Z.Z.  "Kulu tamaam!  Everything is A-OK, except, of course,
for the matter of the Catholic Protest compound and that trouble-
maker, the notorious Dr. K."

     R.S.:  "What's up with Kansan1225?"

     Z.Z.Z.:  "As I have told you before, he is continuing on his
leftist deviationist path.  He is indulging himself in a cult of
personality of his own creation."

     R.S.:  "I heard that he is capitalizing on the fact that his
birthday is Christmas Day.  He was born just before the Blue Moon
of December 1952."

     Z.Z.Z.  "Yes, and he even thinks that the first hydrogen bomb
explosion in November 1952 was the star in the East that marked
his birth."

     R.S.:  "Do you think he will claim that Hiram "Hank" Williams,
Senior's musical talent has been transferred to him, since Hank died
one week after Kansan's birth?"

     Z.Z.Z.:  "No, he hasn't done that yet, but I will tell you what:
it's more likely that Joseph Stalin's spirit was transferred to Kansan,
since Stalin died on March 5, 1953."

     R.S.:  "I can see that.  Stalin was an Orthodox seminarian in his
youth, studying to be a priest.  That fits with Kansan's religious
posturing, while using Stalinist methods all along."

     Z.Z.Z.:  "I told you so, he is KGB all the way."

     R.S.:  "Captain, you, as a Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)
expert, what do you think of Nikolai Alexandrovich, the self-
proclaimed Czar Nicholas III?"

     Z.Z.Z.:  "That fraud claims that his father, Alexander, named
him after the late Czar Nicholas II.  He forgets to mention that his
father was a minor Communist Party functionary and named him
after another Nick, after Nikolai Lenin."

     R.S.:  "Well, I'm glad you are on the case, Zodiac.  Lupus will
be pleased, too."

     Z.Z.Z.:  "I always try to do what is needful.  And how is your
wonderful husband, Mr. Lupus Blister?  I never miss his show on

     R.S.:  "He is thinking of coming down to Texas to cover the

     Z.Z.Z.:  "Acha'"  ("Good.")  (Zulfikar reverted for a moment to
his mother tongue, Urdu.)  "I hope I can meet him then.  I have
some more background information for him."

     R.S.:  "What about?"

     Z.Z.Z.:  "I can not go into too many details over the phone, but
Law Enforcement Officials (LEO) suspect Kansan's involvement in
the heart attack suffered by Dick Cheney on November 22, the
anniversary of President Kennedy's death."

     R.S.:  "Wow, he would stop at nothing to make his theories
come true.  And what about the young Jenna Bush?"

     Z.Z.Z.  "LEO think that Kansan may have cast a spell on her to
get acute appendicitis on Christmas Day, on this fiend's birthday."

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