Gideon means Judge - and it was said in Judges that he stood every man
in his place.

So Gideons must be a military front organization, this bible toting
company - once known as Christian Commercial Travelers - traveled in
pairs, and sound like the Mafia.

So Gideon and his three hundred - and from his prey he took the golden
earrings for they were story claims from these
earrings he made the mercy seat.   Solid gold.

So Gideon and his 300 took the gold but turned down the crown, Gideon
did, but one thinks of John D. Rockefeller and his weekly bible reading remembers how the labor unions and the big business
boys fought it out using the bible as justification for their cause -
BREAD not roses was the call.....

Pinkertons sent in as strike breakers.....the Molly McGuires hanged -
all wearing red roses....Pinkertons founded the first Sercret Service in
this country - and one still wonders who really did in Lincoln.....

Well once they built a railroad - but never saw any of them begging for
a dime yet.....

The unions have been "busted"......are all in the same boat now with CFR
- oh so impressed with this oh so social group.

Anybody can join their local CFR which is nothing but self glorified
Chamber of Commerce in export and import and boy the snow really flies
when some of those ships, come maybe I join local CFR if we
have one as they have in Chicago and Boston.

Big deal - sit with a millionaire or king, but these peons who were
admitted still go home to their lowly stable at night....oh this


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