So for anyone interested in this name game, I have connected something
that may mean something.

Telah - they control Heaven's Gate
Kore   - well, David Kore(sh) and his flying              fiery serpent
Laden   - or bin meaning son of, bin Laden

In the bible you find bin Laden's name it was there all the time and lo
and behold, it links to Telah code name and Kore(sh)....all on same

Laadan - this is the origin on the name bin Laden.   Sons of Laadan.
The Dan, meaning  God's Judge.

However and get this - guess what the name Laadan means?

It means "To Put in Order" or "order".

New World Order.

No way Osama bin Laden took out those twin towers but it is all the name

The Master Plan at work and this also means Osama bin Laden, is Jewish
name.   Or why would this name be in my very special old bible, which
belonged to an ancestor who was member of Clarendon Press who revised
bible in late 1800 period. why would Jerry Falwell be changing some of the names,
their meanings?

But there is is - bin Laden  is one of the Sons of the Prophet, he is
Osama bin Laadan.....

Now we had Daniel in the Lion's Den.....

So Heaven's Gate - Doomsdayers, and Telah now has their site.

David Kore(sh) real name Vernon Howard, met a fiery death and the
children the slaughter of the innocoents....but at the end they raised
the Fiery Flying Serpent Flag.

The Name of the Game is not only Fame, but Avengers - Revenge.

Are we sure we want to play this game?
We do not even know if Osama bin Laden or bin Laadan is mastermind.....

Cockatrice eggs hatching - more fiery serpents in making and the Voice
of the Turtle will be heard in the land.

But then, this is all "under the rose", isn't it.

Laadan - New World Order Puppet.


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