-Caveat Lector-

Now Prudy after Civil War, Republicans were called Black Republicans and
no because of their color - when my mother died they played Dixie at her
funeral and she still called Republicans, Black Republicans and Lincoln
- well she was a very proper lady and good thing.

Thought I might suggest this - something someone tried to tell me a long
time ago when I was raising cain and ruffling feathers over my charges
that a certain secret society murdered JFK, RFK, and King......

This man had son in law at Langley - a younger Colonel......he said
something about two bars, what does that mean - supposedly it meant
ordnance - someone in military -

It occurred to me, license to kill......who really has license to kill,
but the military......they hold court martials of soldiers, some who go
AWOL and they can put in stockaces for years but the EXECUTE, they do
not murder - the EXECUTE JUDGMENT.....therefore in their own eyes, are
innocent of any wrong doing.

Kennedy had been charged with treason....he was Commander in Chief and
he was executed by an EX marine.....who got their hooks onto Oswald.

So somewhere out there is a high tribunal comprised of military - they
execute judgment and murder - read one story on them once in an old, old
book now removed from all shelves.....

They would meet at midnight......and like the Apollyons used draconian
laws and probably like Jack the Ripper signed death warrants in blood
(or at least red ink)

There was a great General, Robert E. Lee, and no doubt descendent from
the real General Lee....he and this General Walker got into trouble in
Germany....General Lee called my brother in law for help....he was in
deep.....some say he had had a breakdown, but he had been a house guest
many times at their home and a wonderful man - he was onto the communist
threat - but at one time Life Magazine did an article on him, calling
him the Air Force's most valuable man.

So what if there is a group of men, former military, playing God....like
the Mafia or do they hire Mafia killers....always have lots of guns and
bombs - and know this country has been in great danger - so they take
military law and disregard constitutional law, etc.  for when a man goes
into the service it seems he loses his civil rights.

That one guy executed for going AWOL...Private Slovick - made a movie of
him, woulnd't you know starring Martin Sheen......Eisenhower used him as
an example....First he was court martialed and thrown out of the army -
and then he was executed....it would seem to me once he was tossed out
of arm, they had no legal control over the man.

So get out your Gideon Bible.......These people believe they operate
within the law  military law....and as Commander in Chief, does this
mean a President has the right to order a hit....

Well from look of Clinton's body bag count - I would say yes.

Maybe this is why JFK was charged with treason for death sentence  of
these killers - can only be used for Treason or Murder.....

Remember the Black Bordered Ad?
But then remember behind this all, we have War Hogs out for big
bucks......love that Admiral Crow - can only compare to Dr. Death.

It took the KKK Grand Dragos to weed out the Walker spies when KGB
formed a klan.

So to each his own..........we are dealing with a non official military
element here........no wonder Clinton had 10,000 body guards.


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