-Caveat Lector-

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Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 21:25:50 -0800
From: Nicola Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Taiwanese invisibility technology is true


By Alan Yu

Part II (B2):There are twelve reasons to prove that inside
information of invisibility technology from Taiwan is completely

                                          <Back to Index>

Twelve reasons prove that the inside information of invisibility
technology from Taiwan is completely true?

To investigate and seek the truth in an important case, two
scientific methods are usually used; (1). Injunctive method: It
involves reasoning from particular facts or individual cases to a
generalization -a generalization is made on the basis of some
observed occurrences. (2). Deductive method: A process of
reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the
premises presented.

After using above two scientific methods to examine all of
information that I have gathered, I can conclude that the
invisible personnel have been used in surveillance
station/system. Also, they can secretly enter people's
homes/workplaces, vehicles to keep people under close
surveillance, secretly interrogate a citizen at home with
microwave voice device, and criminally induce illness/death on
any unaware citizen. This also proves that inside information
from Taiwan is completely true (see details latter).

How could I make above conclusion?

First, I use inductive method to examine different particular
facts and individual cases (e.g. the invisibility technology
tested by US Navy in Philadelphia Experiment, US mind control
research history, the mind machine, microwave voice device
technologies, illness/death inducing techniques, scientist's
papers/book on mind control technology, de-classified CIA
document, mind control researcher's report, Zbigniew Brzezinski's
prediction (National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter),
reported cases in the article "Microwave Harassment & Mind
Control Experimentation", and reports on the development and
functions of so-called nonlethal weapons from news media, etc. I
make the generalization that the invisible personnel of
surveillance station/system exist and can secretly enter people's
homes/workplaces, vehicles to keep people under close
surveillance and control. Also, they can induce illness/death on
an unaware target.

Second, using the deduction method and with successful
development of invisibility technology (invisible personnel) by
US Navy as the premise, a logical explanation can be made to show
the motivation and reasoning behind the mind control technology
development and a logical explanation can be given for many
different puzzling events which occurred in the past decades
(e.g. US Navy learned mind control technology from Nazi after
WWII and conducted first mind control research "Chatter" in 1947.
Why did US Defense Department and CIA develop illness/death
inducing techniques, why was CIA interested in brain map and
remote electric method developed for bodily control from 1960-70,
In 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski, predicted a "more controlled and
directed society" would gradually appear, linked to technology, a
1971 speech by then House Majority Leader Boggs saying that
"Today, as we in the Congress undertake to recover and restore
the people's liberty, we find that it is ourselves who are called
to account, ourselves who are under surveillance, ourselves who
are prisoners of the power which our silence permitted to come
into being." Thus, he emphasized that "1984 is closer than we
think" -see details on Congress Record on 4/22/1971).

After using the above two scientific methods to examine
chronological development of technology such for mind control,
thoughts-reading, etc. both chronological and then examine the
situation by tracing through the steps in reverse order based on
history and available facts to seek the truth, I conclude that
invisible personnel of surveillance station/system can secretly
enter people's homes, vehicles for surveillance and criminally
induce illness/death on any unaware target.

Comparing above conclusion with the inside information of
invisibility technology from former Taiwan President Chiang
Kai-Shek, it proves that the inside information is true.

Now, I would like to explain it in more details:

According to inside information from Taiwan, invisibility and
interdimensional-travel technology tested in the Philadelphia
Experiment had been successfully developed by the US during WWII.
Later, these technologies and Life Control Surveillance System
(LCSS) were transferred to Taiwan because Taiwan was being used
as a testing ground. About that time, Taiwan also tested
illness/death inducing techniques (based on acupuncture
practices) developed by the US and Taiwan (mostly developed by
Taiwan's acupuncturists using acupuncture theory).

Why did Taiwan become a testing ground for life control
surveillance system?

Taiwan has many acupuncture doctors and are also licensed in
Taiwan. With some of these acupuncturists' help, traditional
acupuncture practices were adapted and applied using chronal
gun's bullets (or laser beam, laser gun, etc.) in place of
acupuncture needle to manipulate people's health & induce
illness/death on people (within a short distance) through
stimulation of different acupuncture points.

Since 1960s, operatives of Taiwan's LCSS have used invisibility
technology and invisible personnel to secretly enter important
Taiwan political leaders' properties (homes/offices, cars, etc.)
and keep these leaders under close surveillance and/or to control
their lives. This was

the case in Taiwan and it should also be the case in US because
these technologies were being transferred by US to Taiwan for
field-test. In the 60s to 80s, invisible operatives induced
illness/death on many of Taiwan's citizens/public officials whom
former Taiwan President Chiang Ching-Kuo disliked (see details on
Part IX).

(attachment) _Psychic Warfare--Fact or Fiction_ edited by John
White, 1988 =========== The 1988 book, PSYCHIC WARFARE--FACT OR
FICTION, edited by John White, carried several articles by Thomas
E. Bearden, leading U.S. expert on Soviet Tesla and psychotronic
weapons. In his article titled, "Soviet Psychotronic Weapons, A
Condensed Background," Bearden stated: "The psychotronic
patterns/effects can be modulated onto electromagnetic signals,
even of very low intensity" (such as ELF and VLF), "and still
affect living systems because of the KINDLING EFFECTS; i.e., the
psychotronic virtual state modulations are stripped off by a
SKIN) and introduced onto the human nervous system where they
begin to superpose coherently as time passes. Such collection
eventually reach the quantum threshold and OBSERVABLE PHYSICAL

"... By modulating psychotronic (PT) signals onto electromagnetic
(EM) carriers, visible light squelching can be overcome. The PT
modulations are then delivered to the biological (or material)
targets through the light-- photons go right through other
photons without interaction except in the most extreme cases--and
Adamenko, discovered that acupuncture points form plexuses or
groupings, THAT ARE FREQUENTLY SENSITIVE. Further, these plexuses
are coordinated with and to specific body locations. BY CHOICE OF

Why can the invisible personnel of surveillance station/system
secretly enter people's homes/workplaces vehicles, etc. for
surveillance and secretly induce illness/death on their target?

The inside information states that by using the invisibility
technology of Philadelphia Experiment, the personnel and
equipment become invisible and tiny in the strong electromagnetic
field. That's why this invisibility technology cannot be used for
military purposes and only can be used in surveillance system.
The tiny size and invisibility allow these operatives to secretly
enter people's homes/workplaces, cars, etc. without people's
knowledge and keep people under close surveillance & control.

Furthermore, after entering the invisible electromagnetic field
(secret dimension), the personnel and their equipment have the
characteristic of levitation (floating in the air as if in
weightless condition). The informant referred to the secret
dimension as magnetic dimension because they create strong
magnetic-field on personnel & equipment to become invisible.
Thus, by using propulsion equipment, every invisible personnel
can move as a single-seated "plane" (with carried equipment such
as weapons & mind machine). Since the invisible operatives and
equipment have the characteristic of levitation (in the secret
magnetic dimension) and every invisible operative can use the
small propulsion device to move as small "plane", it enable these
operatives to lightly fly onto people's head to control people's
brain functions. Thus, they also can lightly land on a target's
body (on any organ) to induce illness/death without most victims'
knowledge after they secretly enter people's homes/workplaces.
vehicles, etc.

According to the inside information, although the invisibility
technology have been used for over five decades, their top
scientists still do not know: (1). Why would invisible personnel
become tiny? (2). What dimension do the invisible personnel
enter? Since the top scientists of the world cannot explain the
above two facts, other persons certainly cannot explain it also.
Thus, they can easily falsely accuse other as mentally ill if one
dare tell the fact (of tiny invisible personnel in the invisible
electromagnetic field or secret dimension) to public.

Since 1960s, Taiwan's invisible personnel have secretly entered
important persons' homes/cars and successfully used the
illness/death inducing techniques on their victims (see detais on
Part IX). These invisible personnel's codename was "little
spirits" in 1960s becuase they would be used to induce
illness/death on their targets (as same as the little spirits in
Pandora box). However, to prevent their secret leaking, the
codename has been changed to "bees."  These illness/death
inducing techniques & invisibility technology should also have
been used in the current US surveillance stations/system.

Why am I certain that the inside information (invisibility
technology has been developed successfully and invisible
personnel have secretly enter people's homes/offices, cars, etc.
to induce illness/death on their targets when keeping targets
under close surveillance) is true?

*The following eleven reasons tell why this Inside Information is

1. This inside information about the use of invisibility
technology in Taiwan was originally, directly given to Legislator
Yu in 1967 by former Taiwan's President Chiang Kai-Shek.
Legislator Yu was a long-time co- chairman of Defense committee
in Legislative Yuan (equivalent to Military & Intelligence
Committee of U.S. Senate) from 1947 to 1968.

In 1967, Taiwan's President, Chiang Kai-Shek, was suffering from
bad knees conditions. The knees conditions limited his mobility
and prevented him from making surprise field inspections on his
subordinates. Consequently, he spent most of his times in the
Presidential Mansion/Office and delegated many of his duties to
his son, Chiang Ching-Kuo. About that time, President Chiang
Kai-Shek was secretly informed that Taiwan's intelligence
agencies (which was under Chiang Ching-Kuo's control) had
acquired invisibility technology from the U.S. in 1950s. Since
1960s, by using invisibility technology, the invisible operatives
of Taiwan's surveillance systems have entered important Taiwan's
governmental officials' residences/office, vehicles etc. to keep
them under close surveillance and control. Also, invisible
personnel had induced illness/death on Taiwan's public officials
whom Chiang Ching-Kuo disliked (e.g., they induced liver
dysfunction on Taiwan's former Vice President Chang-Chen - for
details see Part IX-A of my web site). The information also
mentioned symptoms caused by invisible operatives using chronal
guns to induce illness/death. If the chronal guns was used on the
acupuncture points on the target's knees, blood circulation to
the lower- legs would be temporarily cut-off and causing the
victim's legs to go numb. After receiving the information,
President Chiang Kai-Shek became concerned that his knee
condition might not be curable.

After he had received the information, Chiang Kai-Shek sent an
invitation to Legislator Yu for a regular annual meeting at the
Presidential Office. During the meeting, President Chiang
Kai-Shek asked if Legislator Yu knew about Taiwan's intelligence
agencies acquiring invisibility technology. The answer was no.
President Chiang Kai-Shek chose to discuss this information with
Legislator Yu because Legislator Yu had been a long-term chairman
of defense (military & intelligence) committee in Taiwan's
Congress. Also, Legislator Yu was originally trained under Chiang
Kai-Shek in Whampoa Military Academy and his long-time loyal
supporter. Also, most officers in the military and intelligence
agencies would not dare to criticize Chiang Ching-Kuo at that
time. In the meeting, President Chiang Kai-Shek ordered
Legislator Yu to audit budgets of Taiwan Defense Department and
intelligence agencies for secret projects. Then, check if one of
these project was being used to fund the invisible personnel.

Unfortunately, Legislator Yu did not gather enough information
before invisible operatives struck against him. The invisible
personnel used chronal gun to induce cerebral hemorrhage on
Legislator Yu in 1968. On that morning, Legislator Yu had also
met with President Chiang Kai-Shek in the Presidential Office.
Then, Legislator Yu went to Legislative Yuan (Taiwan's Congress)
to hear prime minister's report. He suddenly suffered cerebral
hemorrhage while on the floor of Legislative Yuan.

I learned about these facts because Legislator Yu is my father.
After my father was discharged from the hospital, he tried to
rehabilitate his legs at home. During a break from military
academy, I learned from my father that the invisible personnel
can secretly enter any political person's properties (residences,
offices, vehicles, etc.) to keep a target under close
surveillance and/or induce illness/death. That's because the
invisible personnel's' secret activities (to keep a target under
close surveillance and induce illness/death on a target) have
been proven to be true in Taiwan.

How? It's because my father later received secret information
that gave details information on what caused his stroke: an
female invisible operative (named Seo-Yun Sheo) used the chronal
gun to induce cerebral hemorrhage on him in Legislative Yuan
(Taiwan's Congress). Also, my father recalled that before he
suffered cerebral hemorrhage and collapsed, he felt a sudden pain
on the top of his head, and it must be caused by the invisible
operative's attack with chronal gun. That's because my father was
in very good, health condition since he had practiced Chinese
martial art for over fifty years and never had any warning signs
for stroke (see details on my webpage Part IX-B). This experience
showed that invisible operatives can secretly enter public
officials' properties (homes/offices, vehicles, etc.) to spy or
induce illness/death on a target, and it has been proven to be
true in Taiwan (see details on my webpage Part IX-A, B).

2. The invisibility technology was invented in 1939 (in Princeton
University) and had been fully tested on a ship successfully at
the Brooklyn Navy Yard in 1940. During WWII, U.S. Navy tested the
invisibility technology for military application in the
Philadelphia Harbor ("The Philadelphia Experiment"). In 1940,
after research using Tesla's approach, they decided they were
ready for a full test at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. They had a small
ship and a tender ship at each side. One ship provided the power
and the other supplied the drive for the coils. They were
tendered to the test ship by cables. The idea was that if
anything went wrong they could cut the cables or sink the test
ship. Everything worked and the project was declared a success.

(attachment)-Interview From "The Metaphysical Experience" by
Peter Moon and Preston Nichol

The Philadelphia experiment originally began back in the 1930's
in Chicago with three people. Dr. John Hutchinson Sr., who was
the Dean of the University of Chicago, Nickola Tesla, who was an
Austrian physicist and Dr. Kurtenaur who was on staff at the

They decided to do something with the speculation regarding the
concept of things and people being invisible. This subject had
been discussed for several year. They got together and did some
research at the University of Chicago around 1931 or 1932. In
1933 the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton was formed
and the project was transferred there in 1934. One of the people
on staff at the Institute was Dr. John Erich Von Neumann, who was
from Budapest Hungary. He got his degree in chemistry in 1925 and
his Ph.D. in mathematics in 1926. He taught in Europe for about
four years and transferred to the United States. He taught at the
graduate level for three years and was invited to join the
Institute. Other people at the Institute included Albert
Einstein, who left Germany in 1930. He went to the California
Institute of Technology for three years and taught there and then
went to the Institute upon their invitation and acceptance. A lot
of other people showed up there as time went on. The project
expanded about 1936. In the meantime, Tesla was named director of
the project. He was a friend of president Franklin Roosevelt,
whom Tesla met in 1917 when FDR was secretary of the Navy. Tesla
was asked at that time to do some work for the government for the
war effort, which he did. He accepted and became director of the
invisibility project until he resigned in 1942. In 1936, after
intensive study, they decided to have an initial test of their
work. They achieved some partial invisibility. The Navy and
everyone else was encouraged to continue the work, and the Navy
supplied money for research. In 1940, after research using
Tesla's approach, they decided they were ready for a full test at
the Brooklyn Navy Yard. They had a small ship and a tender ship
at each side. One ship provided the power and the other supplied
the drive for the coils. They were tendered to the test ship by
cables. The idea was that if anything went wrong they could cut
the cables or sink the test ship. Everything worked and the
project was declared a success.

3. US Navy had successfully tested invisibility technology on
both ship and personnel at Philadelphia Experiment several times
in 1943. The above facts prove that invisible personnel have been
developed and appeared during WWII.

Based on witnesses' reports, the ship and personnel had visually
disappeared before them and then came back in Philadelphia
seaport. However, to prevent the invisibility technology secret
from exposing, Some witness falsely claimed that Philadelphia
Experiment were related with de-materialization and time travel
but not invisibility technology.

(attachment) The Philadelphia Experiment- A Personal Saga in
time/inter-Dimensional Travel Written by Drue

Drue and Debra lecture on Time/interdimensional Travel and the
Philadelphia Experiment. They have appeared on NBC Television's
Ancient Prophecies III and The Other Side. They have appeared on
numerous radio stations and are internationally known.

It was the early hours of August 15th, 1943 ... When we switched
the generators to full power, it had created a strong
electromagnetic field,

which totally overcame and engulfed us within a heavy fog or a
mist. It was at this precise moment that I sensed myself being
shook violently from a strong vibration and at the same time I
noted the ship disappearing from around and below me....

(attachment)-_WITHOUT A TRACE_ by Charles Berlitz

"...In mid-October 1943, the United States Navy allegedly
conducted a series of tests at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, at
Norfolk-Newport News, Virginia, and at sea Although a certain
amount has been written about the 'Philadelphia Experiment' in
books, magazines, and both domestic and foreign newspapers, basic
sources of information remain clouded. .

According to Jessup the purpose (of the Philadelphia Experiment)
was to test out the effect of a strong magnetic field on a manned
surface craft. This was to be accomplished by means of magnetic
generators (degaussers). Both pulsating and non-pulsating
generators were operated to create a tremendous magnetic field on
and around the docked vessel. The results were as astonishing as
they were important, although with unfortunate after effects on
the crew. When the experiment first began to take effect, a hazy
green light became evident, something like reports we have from
survivors of incidents in the Triangle who tell of a luminous
greenish mist. Soon the whole ship was full of this green haze
and the craft, together with its personnel, began disappearing
from sight of those on the dock until only its water outline was
visible. The destroyer was subsequently reported to have appeared
and disappeared at Norfolk, Virginia, which may have been the
result of a trial invisibility run,...

I would like to point out that the above two incorrect theories
have been mainly used to mislead the public and conceal the truth
concerning the Philadelphia Experiment. Why?

First, de-materialization was not involved in the Philadelphia
Experiment. It might be possible to de-materialize and then
re-materialize non-living objects like a ship, but if a living
being like a sailor was de-materialized along with the ship, the
sailor would be dead the instant it happens. Thus the theory
concerning the Philadelphia Experiment which says both the ship
and its crew de-materialized and later rematerialize, with the
crew still alive, is not possible. This is very basic logic.

Second, time travel was also not involved in the Philadelphia
Experiment either. In the successful trial which occurred on
October 28, 1943, the ship and its personnel actually became
invisible and experienced interdimensional travel from one point
on Earth to another (from Philadelphia harbor to Norfolk port in
Virginia) in a few seconds. They went neither to the past nor to
the future (see Part II-E for details).

The above facts prove that de-materialization and time travel
didn't relate with Philadelphia Experiment. Thus, the
disappearance from vision about the ship and personnel at
Philadelphia Experiment only can use invisibility technology to
explain and it was the original plan of the experiment.

Thus, the Navy's personnel (officers and crew) on ship had become
invisible personnel at Philadelphia experiment. The theory of
de-materialization also used to incorrectly explain that why
their personnel become tiny in the invisible electromagnetic
field (or magnetic dimension).

4. The mind control research history proves that US Navy first
learned mind control technology from Nazi after WWII and
conducted mind control research in 1947 (earlier than any other
unit). It proves that US Navy has developed invisibility
technology successfully although the truth of Philadelphia
Experiment has been a top secret and falsely claimed that the
experiment were time travel and caused de-materialization.

(attachment)-"Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" by
David G. Guyatt

Following the conclusion of the war, the U.S. Naval Technical
Mission was tasked with obtaining pertinent industrial and
scientific material that had been produced by the Third Reich and
which may be of benefit to U.S. interests. Following a lengthy
report, the Navy instigated Project CHATTER in 1947.

According to Walter Bowart's Operation Mind Control- Fontana
Books, London 1979, the first goal of mind control researches is
to develop a reliable assassin. And the second goal of mind
control researches is to develop a method [which can be used by
invisible personnel] for citizens control

Why would US Navy learned mind control technology from Nazi after
WWII and conducted US first mind control research Operation
Chatter in 1947 if the first goal of mind control research is to
develop the reliable assassins and the second goal is to develop
a method for citizens control?

The only reason is that the invisibility technology in
Philadelphia Experiment has been secretly developed successfully
by US Navy to use on the personnel, although Navy would never
admit it to keep the invisibility technology using in
surveillance system a top secret.

The above two goals (to develop reliable assassin and a method
for citizens control) are obviously not related with the US
Navy's regular affairs. However, the above two goals can only be
related with invisible personnel who are under Navy's development
at that time (in and after WWII). However, after using
invisibility technology, the personnel and equipment become tiny
beside invisible. Thus, this technology is not suitable for
military purpose but can be used in surveillance system (see
details on Part II-A, D1, F, G). However, the involved LEO would
develop the invisible personnel to become reliable assassin (to
kill enemy leaders) and control citizens (By developing brain map
and use tiny invisible personnel to control citizens' bodily
functions). Thus, Navy learned mind control technology from Nazi
after WWII and conducted mind control research Operation Chatter
in 1947 for the invisible personnel. The above histories are just
facts and prove that the inside information from Taiwan is true.

After the invisible personnel widely using in surveillance
system, they can secretly enter people's homes/workplaces,
vehicles, etc. to keep people under close surveillance and
control. Thus, the involved LEO of surveillance system always
arrogantly say that people can run but they never can hide

5. According to Washington Post article (2 April 1979): Since
1950s, Office of Strategic Services (the World War II predecessor
of the CIA) researched on methods to induce death (cancer & heart
attack) to knock off or assassinate their targets, so the targets
appeared to die of natural causes. Why would CIA research the
death inducing technique in 1950s? It only proves that the
invisible personnel have been used in surveillance system in
1950s for surveillance purpose. However, the above research tells
that CIA would further train these invisible personnel with death
inducing techniques (beside they have learned mind control
technology in Operation Chatter of Navy) to become the more
reliable assassins.

Obviously, beside invisible personnel, no one can use these death
inducing techniques to kill a target without being seen by

6. Another illness/death inducing technology was developed in the
Operation Pandora of U.S. DARPA during 1965-1970s. The codename
"Pandora" is a reference to a Greek myth. According to Greek's
myth, the little spirits in Pandora box are tiny, invisible and
would spread illness/death on man. The above hidden meaning of
"little spirits" also proves that inside information from Taiwan
is true (The invisible personnel are tiny, invisible and can
secretly enter people's homes, vehicles, etc. to induce
illness/death on them). Furthermore, the classified research of
Operation Pandora also proves that another inside information
from Taiwan is true (that cerebral hemorrhage is a induced
illness/death by invisible personnel of surveillance
station/system). "Under U.S. Navy funding", their studies
included demonstrating how to induce heart seizures, create leaks
in the blood/brain barrier.

(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" by
David G. Guyatt (8 March 1996)

>From 1965 through to 1970, Defense Advanced Projects Research
Agency (DARPA), with up to 70-80% funding provided by the
military, set in motion Operation PANDORA to study the health and
psychological effects of low intensity microwaves with regard to
the so-called "Moscow signal." This project appears to have been
quite extensive and included (under U.S. Navy funding) studies
demonstrating how to induce heart seizures, create leaks in the
blood/brain barrier and production of auditory hallucinations.

How could we know that the above research was mainly developing
illness/death inducing techniques for invisible personnel?

According to above information, Defense Advanced Projects
Research Agency (DARPA) coordinated Operation Pandora to study
the health and psychological effects of low intensity microwaves.
This project appears to have been quite extensive and included
(under U.S. Navy funding) studies demonstrating how to induce
heart seizures, create leaks in the blood/brain barrier and
production of auditory hallucinations."  Obviously, the above
research include cerebral hemorrhage inducing technique, inducing
heart to fail and production of auditory hallucinations. Also
such kind of illness/death inducing techniques only can be used
by tiny invisible personnel who have entered people's
homes/offices, vehicles for surveillance. If the invisible
personnel didn't exist, who can secretly enter people's
homes/workplace, vehicle etc. for surveillance and induce
illness/death on their victims.  Also, even microwaves can be
developed to use as surveillance tool and weapon, they still need
invisible personnel to use these equipment & weapons at people's
homes, cars, boat, plane, etc.

Thus, the invisible personel must exist and have entered people's
homes/workplace, vehicles, etc. to keep people under close
surveillance and life control. Also, only tiny invisble personnel
can easily create auditory hallucinations on a target or secretly
induce cerebral hemorrhage or induce heart to fail on a target at
victim's home/workplace, vehicle, etc.

The code-name Operation Pandora is a reference to a Greek myth
(in which the little spirits released from Pandora's Box brought
illness/death upon Man). This hidden meaning ("little spirits")
of Operation Pandora's code-name confirms an inside information
from Taiwan that operatives of surveillance system become
invisible & tiny (as little spirits) after using invisibility
technology on their personnel & equipment. The Pandora reference
also confirmed that the illness/death inducing technologies were
developed to be used by these tiny, invisible operatives (as
similar as the little spirits).

7. The Citizens control method in mind control research proves
that the inside information from Taiwan is completely true and
can only be used by invisible personnel to secretly control
citizens. CIA mind-control technology was developed during the
1950s-70s. One major goal was to develop a method which can be
used by invisible personnel of surveillance system for citizens
control. This method is through brain functions control to
control the activation & bodily functions of the human organism
via remote-means. Upon achieving this, they developed brain map,
adapted the remote-electronic method (to manipulate human
organism's activation and bodily functions) and the bioelectric
sensing method for use in surveillance and interrogation.

(attachment) _The Body Electric_ by Dr. Robert Becker (1985)

The Central Intelligence Agency funded research on
electromagnetic mind control at least as early as 1960, when the
notorious MKULTRA program, mostly concerned with hypnosis and
..., included money "for adapting BIOELECTRIC sensing methods to

Their goal (development of method to remote-control human beings'
activation and bodily function) can be clearly illustrated by
three major focuses of the mind control research program (as
documented in John Marks' book, The Search for the Manchurian
Candidate, an investigative report on the CIA's mind control

(1).To construct a brain map and then use the map to remotely
control the activation and bodily functions of the human

In 1953, the mind control program "MKULTRA" began. Concurrently,
NIH scientist, Dr. John Lilly, was developing a "brain map". He
"map the body functions controlled from various locations in the
brain." By electrically stimulating monkeys' brains, he
discovered the precise center of a monkey's brain that causes
pain, fear, anxiety and anger. He had also found some separated
parts of the brain that can control erection, ejaculation, and
orgasm in male monkeys. Soon, CIA officials approached Dr. Lilly
seeking collaboration. The cooperation quickly ended, and Dr.
Lilly abandoned his research because he could not tolerate that
CIA might use the remotely controlled electrodes (strategically
implanted) in human brains.

In 1960, Dr. Stephen Aldrich (head of Office of Research &
Development in the CIA) led the scientists working under him to
advance the "brain map" research. After searching through all
available literature on the brain, they mapped out the parts of
animals' brains that produced reactions when stimulated.

(2).Based on the "brain map" research, scientists developed
method of using radio (or electrical) signals to remotely control
the activation of animal organisms and animals' activities:

"The researchers actively placed the electrodes in the brain of
animal and-probably-men. Then, they use the electrical and radio
signals to control their subject's movements."

In April, 1961, they reported "we now have production
capability." It means they can control subject's bodily functions
(e.g., induce erection, ejaculation) and mental function (e.g.,
emotional reaction) by influencing different parts of the
subject's brain (See John Marks' book The Search for the
Manchurian Candidate).

(3).Adapt remote control technique developed on the animals for
use on man:

De-classified CIA's mind control research document confirmed that
they can remote-control animals' activities by 1961. The document
goes to say these methods would be adapted for use on man.

(attachment) _The Search for the Manchurian Candidate_ by John D. Marks

In November, 1961, a CIA document stated that: "The remote control of
activities in several species of animals had been demonstrated (...).
The evaluation will be conducted toward the application of selected
elements of these techniques to Man."

Clearly, the mind-control researchers can remote-control the
activation of human organism with electric signals since the
early 1960s. It should take only a year to adapt these
technologies developed on animals to be used on man.

The mind control technologies developed by the CIA were
incorporated into the surveillance system. Armed with
remote-control electronic methods, invisible operatives
manipulate the activation and bodily functions of human organism
to collect people's health/life information.

Operatives also use health/life information to identify targets
for surveillance purposes. These remote electronic technique can
be used within a short distance by a nearby invisible operative
who secretly enter people's homes/workplaces, vehicles, etc.
Thus, after the invisible operatives secretly enter people's
homes/workplaces, etc., they can use the remote electric method
to manipulate people's health (bodily functions) within a short
distance & torture people for interrogation purposes.

8. As early as 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski, later National Security
Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, predicted a "more controlled
and directed society" would gradually appear, linked the
technology. The above information also proves that invisible
personnel would use mind control technology to keep people under
close surveillance and control.

In 1970s, mind-control technologies (e.g., EM Mind Machine &
remote electronic method to control activation & bodily function
of human organism) was added into surveillance systems. It was
used to build a "more controlled and directed society." This
society would be dominated by an elite group which impresses
voters by allegedly superior scientific know-how.

The original goals were to use the latest modern techniques for
influencing public behavior and keeping society under close
surveillance and control. Therefore, this so-called elite group
obviously includes law enforcement officers (LEO) and their
invisible operatives. That's because LEO are responsible for the
surveillance and control of society.

(attachment) Angels Don't Play This HAARP by Jeane Manning & Dr. Nick
Begich 1995 (p. 200)

As early as 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski, later National Security
Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, predicted a "more controlled
and directed society" would gradually appear, linked the
technology. This society would be dominated by an elite group
which impresses voters by allegedly superior scientific know-

Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this
elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using
the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and
keeping society under close surveillance and control. Technical
and scientific momentum would then feed on the situation it
exploits, Brzezinski predicted.

According to former Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo statement, the
local police chief must have used the invisible operatives of
surveillance station/system to enter people's homes/offices, car,
etc, for surveillance purpose before 1971.

The former Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo boasted in 1971 when he
was police chief: "We know everything about the troublemakers.
And we know who comes into the town, we know who's going to leave
it. when they're going to leave it." (see details on Uncloaking
the CIA_, p. 181 published by The Free Press in 1978). Police
chiefs can know everything about troublemakers under one of the
following two conditions. (1). Totalitarian regime: The entire
population is under surveillance and population's mobility is
restricted. Thus, everybody are forced to stay within fixed
community, so the police and everybody know exactly who the
trouble-makers are. It is kind of like living in a small town,
everybody know each other. Thus, if any stranger enter the town,
he will be identify as stranger by everyone who meet him in town.
However, this does not applies to Philadelphia City because it is
a large metropolis. (2). They use invisible personnel in
surveillance system and these personnel can enter people's homes
for close surveillance. If there were no invisible personnel in
surveillance system to secretly enter people's homes/offices,
vehicles, etc. and keep a close eye on these troublemakers, a
police chief of a large city certainly cannot know everything
about them. This event shows that the invisible operatives have
been secretly used in local surveillance station/system before

9. According to Congressional Record on April 22, 1971, Majority
Leader Boggs also said that "Today, as we in the Congress
undertake to recover and restore the people's liberty, we find
that it is ourselves who are called to account, ourselves who are
under surveillance, ourselves who are prisoners of the power
which our silence permitted to come into being." Thus, he
emphasized that "1984 is closer than we think" (see details on
Congress Record on 4/22/1971).

This further shows that the invisible personnel have been used in
surveillance station/system and will secretly enter people's
(including Congressmen) homes/workplaces, vehicles, etc. To keep
people under close surveillance and control. Thus, "1984 is
closer than we think."

(attachment)-Congressional Record on April 22, 1971

On April 22, 1971, House Speaker Carl Albert granted Majority
Leader Boggs permission to speak. Here is some of what Boggs
said: "...we have granted to the elite and secret police within
our system vast powers over the (daily lives) and liberties of
the people. At the request of the trusted and respected heads of
those forces, and their appeal to the necessities of national
security, we have exempted those grants of power from due
accounting and strict surveillance. "Liberty has yielded. Today,
as we in the Congress undertake to recover and restore the
people's liberty, we find that it is ourselves who are called to
account, ourselves who are under surveillance, ourselves who are
prisoners of the power which our silence permitted to come into
being." ....Thus, he said:"Mr. Speaker, I submit that 1984 is
closer than we think."

10. In his pioneering work, Dr. Ross Adey determined that
emotional states and behavior can be remotely influenced merely
by placing a subject in an electromagnetic field. With GWEN's
electromagnetic field covering the entire country, it is the same
to place all people in a electromagnetic field. Thus, after the
invisible operatives secretly enter people's homes/workplaces,
etc. they can be as similar as the experiment's scientist Dr.
Ross Adey to remotely influenced the emotional states and
behavior of a person with directing a carrier frequency within a
short distance.

(attachment)-"Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons"

In his pioneering work, Dr. Ross Adey determined that emotional
states and behavior can be remotely influenced merely by placing
a subject in an electromagnetic field. By directing a carrier
frequency to stimulate the brain and using amplitude modulation
to shape the wave to mimic a desired EEG frequency, he was able
to impose a 4.5 CPS theta rhythm on his subjects.

Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) was begun in the 1980s by US
government and consists of approximately 300 towers. Each tower
is 300-500 feet high and broadcast signals in the VLF (very low
frequency) range 150 - 175 kHz. The signal is transmitted by
ground wave - electromagnetic field which hug the ground-rather
than radiating into the atmosphere. Each GWEN station transmits
to a 360-degrees circle radiating out from it to a distance of
about 250 to 300 miles." (_Cross Currents_ by Dr. Robert
Becker-Please see details on my webpage Part I-C).

11.Col. John Alexander is dedicated to the development of new
technologies to increase the abilities (include using mind
machine) of 'invisible warrior. "

John Alexander is a very infamous death science expert working on
mind control, soft killing technology & remote viewing. John
Alexander is also deeply involved with current life control
surveillance system. The above information show that the
invisible personnel have been used in surveillance system to spy
on people at their homes/workplaces, vehicles and induce
illness/death on their victims.

The above facts and information prove that inside information
from Taiwan former President Chiang Kai-Shek is compeltely true.

Who is John Alexander?

John Alexander is an US scientist who has learned death science.
Col. John Alexander wrote a article on December 1980's MILITARY
describing Soviet development of psychotronic weapons, Alexander
stated: "The ability to ... CAUSE DEATH can be transmitted over
distances, thus inducing illness or death for no apparent reason.
These "weapons would be able to induce illness or death at little
or no risk to the operator."

According to above information, it tells that so-called nonlethal
weapons are mainly used to mislead public in order to induce
illness/death on human for no apparent reason. Based on above
John Alexander's message, you can know that Col. John Alexander
is an expert who teach others how to use nonlethal (psychotronic)
weapons to induce illness/death on a target as if natural cause
(for no apparent reason).

John Alexander has directed to develop the mind control
technology, sound & radiation wave weapons (so-called Nonlethal
weapons) for involved LEO (federal & local) of surveillance
station/system. That's because he know the LETHAL nature of many
of the so-called "non-lethal" weapons.

(attachment)-New World Order & ELF Psychotronic Tyranny by C. B. Baker
on December 1994

Alexander first became known to the public through his December,
1980 MILITARY REVIEW article titled, "THE NEW MENTAL
BATTLEFIELD." That article clearly described the LETHAL nature of
many of the so-called "non-lethal" weapons that are now being
targeted against American civilians. Alexander stated:
"Psychotronics may be described as the interaction of mind and
matter. ... The possibility for employment as weaponry has been
explored. To be more specific, there are weapons systems that
operate on the power of the mind and whose LETHAL CAPACITY HAS
ALREADY BEEN DEMONSTRATED." Describing Soviet development of
psychotronic weapons, Alexander stated: "The ability to ... CAUSE
DEATH can be transmitted over distances, thus inducing illness or
death for no apparent reason." These "weapons would be able to
induce illness or death at little or no risk to the operator. ...
The psychotronic weapon would be silent (and) difficult to

In the Oct-Nov., 1993 NEXUS MAGAZINE article: "Psychic Warfare &
Non-Lethal Weapons." Nexus reported that Alexander has worked
closely with Dr. C. B. Scott Jones, who SERVE AS HEAD OF THE
ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION. NEXUS reported that Col. Alexander is
currently involved in over twenty separate projects at the Los
Alamos Laboratories. Alexander's associate, Janet Morris,
"confirmed John Alexander's involvement in mind control and
psychotronic projects" at the laboratory. NEXUS also reported:
"Morris seeks to establish a doctrine for the use of non-lethal
weapons by the U.S. in crisis 'AT HOME or abroad.'

MICROWAVE NEWS (on Nov/Dec 1993) report, In November, 1993, a
three day top-secret non-lethal weapons conference took place in
the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in
Maryland. The main purposes of the meeting was to prepare leading
law enforcement officials for the use of psychotronic
mind-control weapons. Amongst the subjects covered at the
TECHNOLOGY, ACOUSTIC TECHNOLOGY" (used to transmit subliminal
voices into a victims head), VOICE SYNTHESIS, and APPLICATION OF
Col. John B. Alexander, Program Manager for Non-Lethal
(psychotronic) Defense, Los Alamos National Laboratory, served as
conference chairman.

Above report from NEXUS MAGAZINE also proves that Col John
Alexander is deeply involved with mind control and so-called
Non-Lethal weapons (psychotronic project-The secretly
illness/death inducing weapons because it can kill target

(attachment) "Some Aspects of Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons"

PSI-TECH operate in the private sector and have received a number
of classified government contracts. In a lengthy telephone call,
British researcher Armen Victorian pointed out a number of
relevant and interesting facts: A) Maj. General Stubblebine is no
longer with Psi-Tech -- he was removed in a "palace coup"
engineered, Armen says, by Major Ed. Dames and Col. John
Alexander. B) In addition to his (DoD backed) Ad Hoc advisory
role on Non Lethality for NATO, Alexander has now moved to head
up multi-millionaire R. Bigelow's new Nevada-based National
Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS). Bigelow is recruiting
"top draw" personnel to study fringe science subjects including
Remote Viewing, UFO's, etc. Jacques Vallee, the renowned
French-born UFO researcher, is also part of the team.

Alexander wrote a book an article (and later co-authored a book
entitled The Warrior's Edge) published in Military Review in
which he outlined a number of hitherto "fringe" subjects
--including telepathy - - that should be broughtin to the battery
of future weapons. Alexander is dedicated to the development of a
super-human soldier with enhanced abilities leading to an
"invisible warrior."

According to above information, Col. John Alexander (mind control
technology and life control weapons expert) is dedicated to the
development of new technologies to increase the abilities
(include using mind machine) of 'invisible warrior. " The above
information also proves that inside information about invisible
personnel can induce illness/death on people is true. The all of
information on above are either facts or history, and they prove
that inside information from former Taiwan President Chiang
Kai-Shek is true.

12. There are many victims of invisible personnel have been
reported on different cases. These cases prove that inside
information from Taiwan is true because only tiny invisible
personnel can achieve these attack, deliver microwave voice to a
target at victims' homes/workplaces, cars, etc. and public
school, hospital.

In 1976, George H. Heilmeier, director of Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) responded to a mailgram to
President Ford from Don Johnson of Oakland, parapharsing
Johnson's concern, and assuring him that the DARPA sponsored
Army/Navy Pandora experiments "were never directed at the use of
microwaves as a surveillance tool,.."(see details on REMOTE MIND
CONTROL TECHNOLOGY by Anna Keeler). The above response of George
H. Heilmeier stated that microwave only can be used as indirectly
surveillance tool. That's because any surveillance tool needs man
to use it ( e.g. agent use it on airport, or the invisible
personnel use it in people's homes/workplace, vehicles, etc.,
business stores' video camera need store's personnel to use it at

If the tiny invisible personnel didn't exist, who can secretly
enter people's homes/workplace, vehicle etc. for surveillance and
induce illness/death on their victims. Also, beside invisible
personnel who can use the surveillance tool and weapon at
people's homes, cars, boat, plane, etc.

Thus, the inside information from Taiwan about tiny invisible
personel must be true and have secretly entered people's
homes/workplace, vehicles, etc. to directly keep people under
close surveillance and life control. Also, only tiny invisble
personnel can secretly enter victim's home, vehicle, etc. to
create auditory hallucinations on a target, or induce cerebral
hemorrhage (or induce heart to fail) on a target without seen by
victim and others.  Thus, the tiny invisible personnel of
surveillance station/system are trained profesional
assassins/murderers and mind controllers in many classified mind
control researches.  Although the invisible personnel/operatives
of local surveillance station/system are responsible for
surveillance & citizens control, these invisible personnel have
abused their equipment & weapons to induce illness/death on
citizens who know the involved LEO's corruption, or whom the
involved LEO dislike.

The following reported cases happened in many victims'
homes/workplaces, cars, or public hospital, school, etc.
Although these cases have many different situations and victims
include civilians, political leaders, researcher, students, etc.,
these cases can be easily solved if people know above conclusion
that tiny invisible personnel have been used in surveillance
station/system. It also means that these caases' criminals
(murderers or mind controllers) are only the tiny invisible
personnel of surveillance station/system (from local level to
federal level and including military intelligence agents who use
invisibility technology).

I hope people can read the following cases carefully because
these cases further prove that the above conclusion must be true.

(a). The reported cases of Microwave harassment & mind control
Experimentation" prove that some victims had been attacked by
radio-waves and "hearing" microwave voice at their homes, cars,
hospital, etc.

(attachment) "Microwave Harassment & Mind Control Experimentation" by
Julianne McKinney

FBI spokesmen do acknowledge that they have received a large number of
requests for assistance ..who believe that they are being "zapped
by radio waves" and/or "are hearing voices..."
There are eight cases has been reported in such kind situation. ....
Another individual, during a telephone conversation, was Told by an
employee of a local power company that, if she Value the lives of her
children, she would drop the her opposition to the company's
installation of high power lines. Since receiving that threat, the
individual's 11-year-old daughter has been reduced to extremes of pain,
resulting in her recurrent hospitalization treatment of illness which
cannot be diagnosed. It's now also apparent to this individual that her
three-year-old son is on the receiving end of externally induced
auditory (Alan Yu note: microwave voice) input. ....

(b). Some victims had reported the staged car accident cases (see
details on Part I-E2 from my webpage).

(attachment)- "Microwave Harassment & Mind Control Experimentation" by
Julianne McKinney

Staged accident:

It should be noted that, in some of these cases "accidental"
deaths do occur.

One individual in contact with us reported that his mother drove
off a cliff to her death, during a period when he was researching
evidence that a still-respected, high-level State Department
official had passed A-bomb secrets to the Soviet Government
during World War II. The accident occurred shortly after her car
had undergone routine maintenance. She was returning from a
dental appointment when the accident occurred. Witnesses state
that it appeared that she had suddenly stepped on the accelerator
before running off the road. The accident served to terminate
this person's research project.

A woman in Lexington, MO, who was killed when the brakes on her
tractor failed. We are informed that she had been collecting
affidavits from persons who believe they are another the targets
of government harassment and experimentation when her "accident"
occurred. We are also informed that those affidavits have

(c). A few reported cases show that some US military lethal
weapons (e.g. acoustic weapon, sonic weapon, laser, etc.) have
been secretly used by involved LEO & operatives of surveillance
station/system on their victims. These weapons are not even
allowed to be used on real enemy by US military for the
humanitarian reason.

(attachment)-"Microwave Harassment & Mind Control Experimentation" by
Julianne McKinney

Isolation of the individual from members of his/her family --
virtually assured when highly focused forms of electronic
harassment commence.

The exception to this is when elderly parents and young children
in the family become targets for apparent purposes of
intimidation. This situation has been reported in eight of our
cases, to date.

One individual (driven to extremes of stress by ongoing
electronic harassment focusing on her children) killed one child
in an effort to protect her from further pain.(2) It appears that
lasers were being used in this individual's case.

How could these Defense department "lethal" weapons (e.g. laser,
sonic weapon, acoustic weapon) be allowed to be used on US
citizens (who are the life control victims) by involved LEO &
operatives? The only reason is that these invisible personnel of
surveillance station/system and involved officials of military
intelligence agencies are all members of life control.  These
life control members have secretly cooperated for several decades
to protect their common interests and illegal life control
powers.  Thus, they have become a real family members in the
society.  Therefore, the invisible personel of military
intelligence agents could use their military leathal weapons to
secretly assist other involved LEO of surveillance station/system
to eliminate a special target. On the other hand, they can
secretly "lend" these lethal weapons out of the military storage
area (to local invisible personnel of surveillance
station/system) during non-working hours for use on their victim
and return these weapons before working hours.

Also, by using invisibility technology, involved LEO & operatives
have so far avoided being punished by the law after they commit
crimes of stealing military weapons and/or inducing illness/death
on citizens with sound or radiation wave weapons.

(d). Some political leaders (see details on Part II-K2, Part X),
judges (seee details on Part V-B1 from my webpage), expert (see
details on Part

II-K1) had been murdered by invisible personnel with death
inducing techniques.

For example, Former Florida Governor Lawton Chiles (who strongly
supported gun rights) was a typical victim of invisible personnel
of surveillance station/system. Lawton Chiles had been used
chronal gun to induce cerebral hemorrhage in 1995 and murdered
with inducing heart to fail technique in 1998 by invisible
personnel of surveillance station/system (see details on Part X
from my webpage).

(e). Some mind control school shootings-Some school shootings'
murderers had been delivered microwave voices by invisible
personnel and driven to kill (see details on Part VI about Oregon
and Mississippi school shooting from my webpage).

Unfortunately, after the invisible personnel secretly enter
people's homes/workplaces, vehicles, etc. to keep people under
close surveillance and control, they also criminally induce
illness/death on some citizens whom they dislike. Thus, the
surveillance system has been secretly, illegally changed to the
life control surveillance system.

To further prove the inside information of invisibility
technology is true, there are more detail information about the
invisible operatives' activities and how they induce
illness/death on some political victims in Taiwan (see details on
Part IX).

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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