-Caveat Lector-

[Insight uncovers a Canadian spy probe in the United States into
the theft of computer software that allegedly allows surveillance
of top-secret government computer systems.]


Nothing Is Secret

By Kelly Patricia OMeara

Insight uncovers a spy probe in the United States by the Canadian
government into the theft of computer software that allegedly
allows surveillance of top-secret government computer systems.

Good morning, Mr. McDade. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has
reason to believe that the national security of Canada has been
compromised. A trojan horse, or back door, allegedly has been
found in computer systems in the nations top law-enforcement and
intelligence organizations.

       Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to
establish whether this is the PROMIS software reportedly stolen
in the early 1980s from William and Nancy Hamilton, owners of
Inslaw Inc., and reportedly modified for international espionage.
As always, should you or any of your associates be caught, the
governments of Canada and the United States will disavow any
knowledge of your actions. This recording will self-destruct in
five seconds. Good luck, Sean.

       Sounds like the opening taped message from an episode of
the 1960s TV action series Mission Impossible. But just such a
mission was offered and accepted by two investigators of the
National Security Section of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
(RCMP). The Mounties then covertly entered the United States in
February of last year and for nearly eight months conducted a
secret investigation into the theft of the PROMIS software and
whether and by whom it had been obtained for backdoor spying.
PROMIS is a universal bridge to the forest of computer systems.
It allows covert and undetectable surveillance, and it and its
related successors are unimaginably important in the new age of
communications warfare.

       In this exclusive investigative series Insight tracks the
Mounties and explores the mysteries pursued by the RCMP,
including allegations involving a gang of characters believed to
be associated with the suspected theft of PROMIS, swarms of spies
(or the spookloop as the Mounties called them), the Mafia,
big-time money laundering, murder, international arms smuggling
and illegal drugs to name but a few aspects of the still-secret
RCMP probe.

       But the keystone to this RCMP investigation is PROMIS,
that universal bridge and monitoring system, which stands for
Prosecutors Management Information System a breakthrough computer
software program originally developed in the early 1970s by the
Hamiltons for case management by U.S. prosecutors. The first
version of PROMIS was owned by the government since the
development money was provided by the Department of Justice
(DOJ), but something went awry on the way to proprietary

       For more than 15 years the story of the allegedly pirated
Hamilton software, and how it may have wound up in the hands of
the spy agencies of the world, has been hotly pursued by
law-enforcement agencies, private detectives, journalists,
congressional investigators, U.S. Customs and assorted U.S.
attorneys. Even independent researchers have taken on the role of
counterespionage agents in a quest to uncover the truth about
this allegedly ongoing penetration of security.

       But each new U.S. investigation has failed fully to
determine what happened. While the Mounties encountered a similar
fate, officers Sean McDade and Randy Buffam have been the most
successful to date. Last May, with the assistance of Hercules,
Calif., detective Sue Todd, the Mounties walked away with a
package of startling evidence that many believe will solve the
case of the pirated software and its reported continuing use for
international espionage and a host of other illegal activities.

       Insight has spent months retracing the steps of the two
RCMP officers and interviewing their sources, poring over copies
of documents they secured, listening to tape recordings of
meetings in which they were involved and reviewing scores of
reports and depositions that have been locked up for years.

       The result is this first installment of a four-part
investigative report about how the Mounties conducted their
covert border crossings and investigation that ranged across the
United States and back again before returning to Canada where
they discovered their cover had been blown. By late summer of
2000 the Canadian press was reporting not only the existence of
this secret national-security probe Project Abbreviation but that
if the reported allegations prove true it would be the
biggest-ever breach of Canadas national security. Confusing
official comments about the probe added further mystery. But
Insight has confirmed many of the details, including the fact
that the investigation is continuing. And its serious stuff.

       McDade began his extended trip into international
espionage early last year. It began at least on Jan. 19, 2000,
with an e-mail that said: I am looking to contact Carol (Cheri)
regarding a matter that has surfaced in the past. If this e-mail
account is still active, please reply and I will in turn forward
a Canadian phone number and explain my position and reason for
request. This communication, from e-mail account simorp (PROMIS
spelled backward), was the first of hundreds sent during an
eight-month period from dear hunter, also known as Sean McDade.
It reached Cheri Seymour, a Southern California journalist,
private detective and author of a well-regarded book, Committee
of the States.

       Seymour became one of the most important of McDades
contacts during the Mounties continuing investigation. Although
she had agreed to remain silent about their probe until McDade
filed a report with his superiors, she changed her mind when news
of the probe began to leak in the Canadian press. It was then
that the Southern Californian contacted Insight and offered to
share what she knew about the investigation if this magazine
would look into the story. And what a story it is.

       A petite, attractive, unassuming middle-aged woman,
Seymour looks more like a violinist in a symphony orchestra than
an international sleuth. But one quickly becomes aware of the
depth of her knowledge not only of the alleged theft of the
PROMIS software, but also of other reported illegal activities
and dangerous characters associated with it.

       Seymours involvement with PROMIS began more than a decade
ago while working as an investigative reporter on an unrelated
story about high-level corruption within the sheriffs department
of the Central California town of Mariposa, near Yosemite
National Park, where deputies reportedly were involved in
illegal-drug activity. The dozen or so who were not involved
repeatedly had begged the journalist to conduct an investigation.
When she learned that one of the officers had taken the
complaints to the state attorney general in Sacramento and within
weeks was reported missing in an alleged boating accident on
nearby Lake McClure, she launched her probe.

       The owner of the local newspaper, the Mariposa Guide, in
time contacted ABC television producer Don Thrasher and the story
of the corruption within the Mariposa Sheriffs Department ran in
1991 on ABCs prime-time television news program 20/20. Seymours
investigation is chronicled in a draft manuscript called the Last
Circle, written under her pseudonym Carol Marshall but made
available anonymously on the Internet in 1997. PROMIS then was
only a sidebar to the larger story, but it was this obscure
Internet posting that led RCMP investigators McDade and Buffam to
Seymours living room two years later.

       According to Seymour: Nothing [previously] came of the
work I did. Even though in October of 1992 I had sent a synopsis
of my work to John Cohen, lead investigator on the House
Judiciary Committee, looking into the theft of PROMIS and its
possible connections to the savage death of free-lance journalist
Danny Casolaro. But by then the committee had completed its
report and published its findings. It was a closed case. Nothing
ever happened with the connections I was able to make among the
players involved in the theft of PROMIS and illegal drug
trafficking and money laundering. That is, until McDade sent his
first cryptic e-mail.

       Within a week the Mountie had arranged to meet Seymour at
her home to discuss aspects of his own secret investigation and
begin the laborious task of copying thousands of documents
Seymour had collected from an abandoned trailer in Death Valley
belonging to a man at or near the center of the PROMIS
controversy, Michael Riconosciuto, a boy genius, entrepreneur,
convicted felon and the man who has claimed that he modified the
pirated PROMIS software. The documents provided specific
information about Riconosciutos connections to the Cabazon Indian
Reservation, where he claims to have carried out the
modification, but they also painted a clear picture of the men
with whom Riconosciuto associated, including mob figures,
high-level government officials, intelligence and law-enforcement
officers and informants even convicted murderers.

       Before McDade focused on a three-day copying frenzy, the
Mountie gathered Todd, Seymour and an impartial observer invited
by Seymour to corroborate the meeting around Seymours dining-room
table and began to tell a dramatic tale of government lies and
international espionage.

       I sat there with my mouth wide open and my eyes
practically popping out of my head you know, that
deer-in-the-headlights look, Seymour recounts. I couldnt believe
what this guy was telling us. It wasnt anything I anticipated or
even was prepared to hear. She says, McDade told us his
investigation had to do with locating information on the possible
sale of PROMIS software to the RCMP in the mid-1980s. He had
found evidence in RCMP files that PROMIS may have been installed
in the Canadian computer systems, and he said an investigation
was initiated by his superiors at the RCMP.

       According to Seymour, McDade said that the details of his
findings in Canada could conceivably cause a major scandal in
both Canada and the United States. He said if his investigation
is successful it could cause the entire Republican Party to be
dismantled that it would cease to exist in the U.S. Hyperbole,
perhaps, but bizarre stuff from a professional lawman.

       Then, continues Seymour, he said something that was just
really out there. He stood in my dining room with a straight face
and told us that ... more than one presidential administration
will be exposed for their knowledge of the PROMIS software
transactions. He said that high-ranking Canadian government
officials may have unlawfully purchased the PROMIS software from
high-ranking U.S. government officials in the Reagan/Bush
administration, and he further stated that the RCMP has located
numerous banks around the world that have been used by these U.S.
officials to launder the money from the sale of the PROMIS

       Seymour was stunned. First, she says, I wondered if this
guy was for real and, second, did he have something against
Republicans. Just when she thought things couldnt get any
weirder, McDade detailed a December 1999 meeting at the Los
Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico attended by the heads of
the intelligence divisions of the U.S. [CIA], Great Britain
[MI6], Israel [Mossad] and Canada [CSIS]. McDade said the topic
of the discussion was UNIQUE ELEMENTS, and that during this
meeting it allegedly was revealed that all four allied nations
share computer systems and have for years. The meeting was called
after a glitch was found in a British computer system that had
caused the loss of historical case data.

       McDade continued with this scenario by telling the
astonished group: The Israeli Mossad may have modified the
original PROMIS modification [the first back door] so it became a
two-way back door, allowing the Israelis access to top U.S.
weapons secrets at Los Alamos and other classified installations.
The Israelis may now possess all the nuclear secrets of the
United States. According to Seymour, he concluded by saying that
the Jonathan Pollard [spy] case is insignificant by comparison to
the current crisis.

       This was pretty heavy stuff for a foreign law-enforcement
agent to be bandying with complete strangers. And it made those
present uncomfortable. Was McDade making up wild tales for some
as yet unrevealed purpose or was he, in fact, reporting what he
knew to be true based on information he had gleaned from his

       Insight has tried repeatedly to contact McDade and his
superiors to discuss the Mounties accounts of espionage and other
crimes only to be rebuffed through official channels. But in
carefully assembling and independently checking disparate pieces
of the McDade story line Insight was able to confirm that there
was indeed a December 1999 meeting at the Los Alamos National
Laboratory and the topic of the meeting was, indeed, code-named

       Seymour never learned further details about that meeting,
though she tried, alerting several U.S. senators, including
Charles Robb, D-Va., Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., and Richard Bryan,
D-Nev., about what McDade had told her in February nearly four
months before the public was made aware of massive computer
problems at Los Alamos (see DOE Green Book Secrets Exposed, Jan.
1). Ironically, Congress was probing such lapses, but only Bob
Simon, Bingamans staff director on the Senate Energy and Natural
Resources Committee, responded. Simon advised that he would show
the letter to the senator and possibly refer some or all of the
information in the letter to Ed Curran, director of the
Department of Energys [DOE] Office of Counterintelligence.

       Seymour never had any further communication from Bingamans
office, the DOE or any federal investigator seeking to discover
which foreign agent had told her of severe computer leakage from
Los Alamos long before it became public knowledge.

       How McDade knew what he claimed may never be made public.
But what is known can be pieced together from the many contacts
he had with individuals having historical knowledge of the
allegations surrounding PROMIS and a host of other seemingly
unrelated criminal enterprises and crimes.

       For instance, in January 2000 McDade contacted PROMIS
developers and owners Bill and Nancy Hamilton, explaining what
his investigation was about; what, to date, had surfaced; and
what the implications might be. McDade said my government made
two untruthful statements in 1991 [the year congressional
hearings were held on the theft of PROMIS], Bill Hamilton tells
Insight. The first was that they [Canada] had developed the
software in-house. McDade said that wasnt true, it just
materialized one day out of nowhere. The second untruth was that
they [the Canadian government] had investigated this. McDade said
that his investigation was the first.

       Hamilton further explained that McDade believed PROMIS
software was being used to compromise their [Canadas] national
security. Needless to say, this was interesting news to Hamilton,
given that it was the second time the Canadian government has
said they have our software, only to retract the admission later.
The first time was in 1991, he recalls. They contacted us to see
if we had a French-language version because they said they only
had the English version which, by the way, we did not sell to
them. At first we didnt take it seriously because it was before
we were aware that the software was reportedly being used in
intelligence. We just knew that the U.S. Department of Justice
acted rather strangely, took our software and stiffed us. It
never occurred to us that the software was being distributed to
foreign governments, Hamilton tells Insight.

       When they [Canada] followed up their call with a letter
saying PROMIS software is used in a number of their departments
900 locations in the RCMP, to be exact Nancy and I said Hey, wait
a minute.

       Of course, laughs Hamilton, when one of our newspapers in
the U.S. got hold of that information and printed it, the
Canadians retracted and apologized for a mistake. They now said
the RCMP never had the software.

       It is important to note that the alleged theft of PROMIS
software was well investigated. However, no investigation by any
governmental body, including the U.S. House Judiciary Committee,
which made public its findings in September 1992, the Report of
Special Counsel Nicholas J. Bua to the Attorney General of the
United States Regarding the Allegations of Inslaw, Inc.,
completed in March 1993, nor the Justice Departments Review of
the Bua Report, which was published in September 1993, confirmed
that any agency or entity of Canada had obtained and used an
illegal copy of the Hamiltons PROMIS software.

       A Justice report commissioned by Attorney General Janet
Reno concluded the same but did confirm that a system called
PROMIS was being used by Canadian agencies but claimed that this
system was totally different it was just a coincidence that the
two software programs had the same unusual name and spelling.

       So what happened over the course of 10 years to lead the
RCMPs top national-security investigators to probe the matter
anew and to do so with such secrecy throughout the United States
and Canada? Why would McDade, by all accounts a seasoned and
well-respected Mountie, tell whopping tales to so many people,
including not only Bill Hamilton but strangers Seymour, Todd and

       The answers may be found in the pattern of people who were
questioned by the Mounties. The information for which they were
asked and which they reportedly provided, may reveal that the
alleged theft of the breakthrough PROMIS software was not, in
fact, the focus of the investigation, but was secondary to how
the software has come to be used.

       In August 2000, McDade told the Toronto Stars Valerie
Lawton and Allan Thompson, There are issues that I am not able to
talk about and have nothing to do with what youre probably making
inquiries about, which centered on PROMIS. Was the Mountie
revealing that his investigation had reached the level he had
unguardedly revealed to Seymour and friends?

       Surprisingly, McDade did not focus his investigation on
interviews with government officials who were involved with the
PROMIS software. Rather he focused on people who claimed to have
knowledge of the purported theft, many of whom also have been
connected to other illegal activities, including drug trafficking
and money laundering. And Michael Riconosciuto was at the top of
McDades list.

       With the help of Detective Todd, who had facilitated the
Mounties meetings with the hope of also obtaining information
about the 1997 execution-style double homicide of Neil Abernathy
and his 12-year-old son, Benden, McDade was given access to
Riconosciuto and people and information that even few
law-enforcement officers in the United States have secured. In
fact, the assistance the Mountie received secretly from U.S.
authorities was stunning and included access to information from
highly confidential FBI internal files and case jackets
(including the names of confidential witnesses and wiretapping
information), U.S. Bureau of Prisons files, local law-enforcement
reports and reportedly even classified U.S. intelligence data.

       It was with this kind of help that McDade was able to walk
away with what many believe to be key material evidence in the
PROMIS software legal case material evidence of which only
Riconosciuto had knowledge. After extensive interviews with
Riconosciuto in a federal penitentiary in Florida, McDade in May
2000 made a $1,500 payment on a defaulted storage unit in
Vallejo, Calif., that belonged to Riconosciuto. Poring through
floor-to-ceiling boxes, McDade hit pay dirt when he found six
RL02 magnetic tapes that Riconosciuto said were the PROMIS
modification updates the boot-up system for PROMIS he claimed to
have created.

       Coupling those storage-unit files with the thousands of
pages of documents Seymour had obtained some years earlier from
an abandoned trailer Riconosciuto had rented in the desert,
McDade walked away with the whole kit and caboodle without so
much as a peep out of U.S. law-enforcement or intelligence
agencies. At least until now.

       Today, that evidence is in the hands of foreign agents our
neighbors up north in Canada. When questioned about the magnetic
tapes, the RCMP would neither confirm nor deny that they were in
its possession. Michele Gaudet, the RCMP spokesman, did tell
Insight that the investigation is ongoing and it is very much
about the PROMIS software software that may or may not involve
back-door entrance into the most secret computer systems in the
Western world.


Overview of Insights Four-Part Series

By Paul M. Rodriguez

       This four-part series is about how a foreign
law-enforcement agency, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP),
covertly entered the United States and for nearly eight months
conducted a secret investigation about the alleged theft of
PROMIS software and the part it may play in suspected security
breaches in Canada, the United States and other nations.

       In Part 1, Insight tracks the early movements of two RCMP
national-security officers Sean McDade and Randy Buffam to
contacts throughout the United States, including private
detective Cheri Seymour, an author and former investigative
journalist. Seymour has spent years investigating the alleged
theft of PROMIS and illegal activities reportedly associated with
it. McDade outlined the nature of his investigation and what is
at stake. He described potential security breaches in his country
and detailed top-level secret meetings at U.S. national
laboratories about similar security problems in the United
States. Here, readers also will learn how with the help of a
small-town California detective, Sue Todd, the Mounties managed
to leave the United States with material evidence that may be
crucial to solving a major espionage puzzle.

       In Part 2, Insight follows the Mounties to the California
desert in search of confirmation of allegations made by Michael
Riconosciuto, the boy genius who reportedly modified the stolen
PROMIS software for international espionage while working as
research director of an alleged Cabazon/Wackenhut Joint Venture
on the Cabazon Indian Reservation in Indio, Calif. It also is at
Cabazon that other characters reportedly involved in the theft of
the software were revealed and Riconosciutos connections to them
confirmed. It is a strange mix of alleged players the Wackenhut
Corp., government officials, mob-related goodfellows and
murderers. Insight also will look at claimed arms deals and
government research at the Cabazon reservation, including a
secret weapons demonstration in Indio attended by many of the
same cast reportedly key to the theft of PROMIS.

       In Part 3, readers will watch as the Mounties begin a
lengthy review of a U.S. government official, Peter Videnieks,
the Justice Department employee overseeing the PROMIS contract,
who allegedly made the theft of the software possible. The U.S.
Customs Service began an investigation of Videnieks based on its
suspicion that he committed perjury when he testified at a 1991
trial of Riconosciuto. Based on documents obtained from federal
law-enforcement agencies, Insight looks at a U.S. Customs Service
investigation of Videnieks, which ultimately was dropped. The
Mounties also probed a Customs investigation of reported drug
trafficking and technology transfers over the Maine/Canadian

       In Part 4, Insight will review the numerous investigations
conducted by law enforcement, beginning with the Mounties,
concerning the alleged theft of the PROMIS software and
individuals reportedly associated with that theft. Readers will
see how each investigation began with review of the theft but
quickly led into other suspected illegal activities, including
technology transfers. This last part also will review how each
new investigation has overlooked key evidence and seen careers

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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