From: Alan DeWalton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, 1 December 1999 15:22
Subject: [TheEagle-L] Shape-shifting reptilians in FEMA!?

Come-on folks, these stories are coming in from all over the
place, from all different sources... and still people think it's
all a joke!?  If a bunch of FEMA "collection agents" appear at
your door when/if Martial law hits, BWEARE, they may not even
be HUMAN!  This information comes from the latest "issue" of
THE STRANGE e-magazine.



#2. The Bauers And The Lizard Man Of FEMA / From RAH 11-14-99

Forwarded by: Mike Harman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

A few years ago I became aquainted with a lovely person with the
surname of
Bauer. We had many varied and wide ranging discussions. During
one of these
talks, the subject of schizophrenia came up. She said it ran in
her family.

Asking for more detail, she told me her mother and great aunt
had been
afflicted by it. It was the vision hallucination type. The odd
thing is that
the hallucinations were incredibly similar. Their
'hallucinations' were of
people 'of royal blood' turning into giant lizards! Having just
read David
Icke's book recently, this information didn't seem too relavent
at the time.

I was at FEMA training headquarters in Fredricksburg, Maryland
attending a
radiological defense pilot course in 1982 for the Washington
state Department
of Emergency Services. During the orientation, Louis Guiffreda,
one of the
head honchos and a cousin of George Bush, came in to observe.
When he sat
down I noticed a dark haze around him. I kept looking at him to
see if my
eyes were playing tricks on me or what, but it stayed the same.

I was up in the seats alone as I like to be in these things.
Soon, I noticed
he was staring at me! This unnerved me. I closed my eyes and
tried to relax.
When I opened my eyes again, I saw him coming toward me. He sat
down a few
rows behind and to the left of me. I glanced back and saw him
leaning forward
with his eyes closed. I figured he was just tired and decided to
take a rest
with me.

While sitting there trying to relax, I heard a strange hissing
and swishing
sound come from behind me. I opened my eyes, but was afraid to
look around. I
saw a woman in our group looking up in our direction with a look
astonishment and shock on her face. She kept looking up
nervously in our

Eventually, Guiffreda left with his body guards(waxy faced suits
sunglasses) and the presentation continued.

After the orientation, I walked outside and found this woman
sobbing and
shaking in the arms of another participant. I intruded and said
I wanted to
know why she was looking up with that look on her face. She
didn't want to
say, but with repeated assurance from me she told me. She had
seen Guiffreda
'turn' into a lizard! The other guy said Guiffreda had the
nickname of lizard
man in the circles around FEMA and he has a skin disease that
makes his skin
look like scales.

We tried to assure her that she was just stressed or something.
I thought
maybe too many drugs or over active imagination. But she was
very adamant
about what she saw and was visibly shaken by it. The other guy
also said
there was scuttlebutt of an underground rail system that ran
under the FEMA
facility. Just as he said that, we felt a low rumbling beneath
our feet like
a subway. We noticed some suits coming in our direction and
headed off.

Over the course of the next two weeks we all got to know each
other fairly
well. All these people where professionals in their fields. I
found them all
reasonable and fine examples of who I would call true friends. I
forgotton about this experience until I read David's book. It
was just one of
those odd things that didn't make sense. Now it does. I also
posted info on
the Bauer family earlier. I was in quite a bit of shock when I
finally made
all the connections. So, what more can I say? I don't just
believe it's real,
I 'know' it is. Unless, of course, I want to deny my own
experience and
senses. Web Forum © by Bravenet Web Services

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