-Caveat Lector-

> Targeting Good People: The Liberal Slander Machine at Work
> Phil Brennan
> Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2001
> They're at it again. The same slimy crew that smeared Clarence Thomas and
> Judge Bork and turned their confirmation hearings into torture chambers
> now zeroing in on three of President-elect Bush's Cabinet nominees, one of
> whom they've already driven out of the running.
> What's behind this revival of the Salem Witch trials? What's motivating
> these people to start erecting tent poles on which they hope to hang the
> scalps of good and decent people?
> The answer is simple. For one thing, they ARE good and decent people, and
> certainly can't have that sort running things in post-Clinton America.
> That's the main thrust of the attack on John Ashcroft - he is a good man,
> devout Christian, a dedicated public servant, a patriot and a man
> to the rule of law. And those are all qualities the left abhors. They
> an attorney general in the image of Janet Reno, a women who possesses none
> of Ashcroft's virtues and most of the vices the left cherishes.
> Listen to the litany of charges against John Ashcroft and you'll hear a
> recitation that betrays the absolute dedication of the liberal chorus to
> their agenda of corruption, public depravity, total contempt for the rule
> law and the sacredness of human life.
> Some of the witless anti-Ashcroft rhetoric has bordered on the absurd. One
> of his critics, for example, expressed horror at Ashcroft's alleged kind
> words about Robert E. Lee and T.J. Jackson. Imagine, finding something
> to say about Stonewall Jackson, a man so sunken in depravity that his
> was "Duty is mine, Consequences are God's." Obviously one's admiration of
> anyone who could say things like that disqualifies that person for high
> office. Words such as "duty" and "God" are not part of the left's
> vocabulary, and one's use of them sets off all sorts of alarms in what
> passes for the liberal mind.
> Among the serious charges being leveled against John Ashcroft is his
> dedicated opposition to the slaughter of the unborn - certainly a position
> that flies in the face of our current pagan morality, which elevates
> convenience above morality. I heard one senator voice the fear that
> Ashcroft opposes abortion he would be unable to enforce laws against
> violence at abortuaries - an accusation that falls flat on its face when
> considers that he is a firm adherent of the rule of law and therefor bound
> to enforce it even when it is distasteful.
> His record of racial tolerance has been writ large, time and again, yet he
> is being tarred with the racist brush because he opposed the elevation to
> the federal bench of a soft-on-crime black judge whose apparent motto is
> "Turn 'em loose."
> The campaign of vilification of this fine man is being waged on false
> grounds. The reasons cited for refusing him confirmation are not the real
> reasons for the left's opposition. They are against making him attorney
> general because they are frightened out of their wits by the prospect of a
> good and honest attorney general being turned loose at the Justice
> Department and being in a position to turn over the rocks and discover
> how corrupt the Clinton administration and its attorney general were over
> the past eight years.
> These people want the sleeping dogs of the Clintonite criminality to be
> allowed to lie because they fear if awakened they will turn out to be
> pit bulls capable of tearing hordes of Clintonistas to shreds. Nothing
> strikes more fear in the hearts of scoundrels than an honest man in a
> position to assure that justice is done.
> The left's motivation for opposing Linda Chavez was similar to that which
> causes them to oppose Ashcroft. The rest was just nonsense being elevated
> wisdom by the simpering sophists of the mainstream press who are currently
> promulgating every rumor about what they wanted to be a case of nannygate
> if it was fact.
> Chavez scared the left because she has firm principles and opinions that
> does not fear to express. Much mischief has been done at the Labor
> Department Bush wanted her to head, and the mischief makers knew she'd
> much of the damage they have done. Moreover they knew she'd continue to
> speak her mind about the absurdity of their brand of opportunistic
> liberalism. They got her, but they haven't heard the last of her.
> Finally, the eagerness for the potential hangings of Bush nominees shown
> some of the Democrats in the Senate is simply the result of the fact they
> have their eyes firmly fixed on the 2002 congressional elections and their
> lust to regain full control of Capitol Hill. As a result, they will do
> anything, no matter how slimy, to achieve that goal, even if they have to
> destroy those they know are good and decent Americans in the process.
> And to hell with the United States of America. Power is the name of the
> game.
> Domine Miserere Nobis
> Phil Brennan is a veteran journalist who writes for NewsMax.com. He is
> editor & publisher of Wednesday on the Web (http://www.pvbr.com), was
> Washington columnist for National Review magazine in the 1960s and also
> served as a staff aide for the House Republican Policy Committee. He can
> reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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