-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


10 January 2001 - "Common Sense and Readiness"

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

"Our militia will be heroes, if we have heroes to lead them."
Thomas Jefferson

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO

Note: This Newsletter contains articles and editorial comments that are
copyrighted to SFTT and require the Chief Editor's or author specific
authorization before further dissemination.

SITREP from the President

"Through Zman's Gun Sight"
Military Uniforms Show Lack Of Practical Sense

HACK's Target for the Week:
The Party's Over

The Big Picture:
Article 1 -- Six Gulf Nations Sign Defense Pact
Article 2 -- General Dynamics Offers Russia Arms Contract
Article 3 -- U.S., S. Korea OK Troops Rules

Voice of the Grunt:
Article 4 -- SFTT Question - How To Deal With Our Southern Front
Article 5 -- Army: The Interim Brigade Combat Team
Article 6 -- We CAN Do It!
Article 7 -- The Sergeant's Corner - "Ruck Up And Move Out!"
Article 8 -- Navy: No Basic Training For Naval Reservists?
Article 9 -- Army: About The Chief's Baby - The LAV
Article 10 -- Self-inflicted Welfare
Article 11 -- Navy: Russian Fighters Buzz The Tower
Article 12 - Troop Health/Useful Programs: Spain Soldiers Checked for

G.I Humor:
Article 13 -- GI HUMOR - The Ensign

Medal of Honor:


A. Main topics: 1) Working For Change 2) Training 3) The Border 4) Useful


* Thank you for all the great responses on the questions from last week. I'll
sort through them one by one and try to respond to most. I tried to summarize
the responses to our question about border security in Article #4.

* Questions for next week:

(1) Are your service and work uniforms functional and decent looking?
(2) Are our weapons and communications equipment becoming too complex and is
the equipment reliable enough for extended field use?
(3) USS Cole: Do you agree that no one is held responsible for the terrorist
bombing of the destroyer?

* Please continue to support us in 2001. We're getting closer to be able to
rent us a full time, small-office space with administrative support by mid
2001, to become more aggressive to spread our message. We also want to be
able to buy radio time to hit the airwaves like the BBC in WWII.

!!! Feel free to send me hot topics directly if you can't get through the
admin/log net -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

C. The WEBPAGE. Webmaster, John Cloven is continually working on improving
the site. Thanks for your feedback.

D. Thank you for your continuing support. Your donations are helping us to
get the word out. Thanks for supporting an organization that stands for the
Truth, even if it questions the rules of political correctness.

E. Keep the mail coming!!! We won't reveal your true identity unless you give
us your approval. We know how vindictive the "system" is.

F. How You can help:

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!!! If you think we HIT a target, forward the newsletter to TV, radio and
your local papers. YOU are the frontline recruiters and intel gatherers for

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Prepare for Action -- "Crew Ready! -- LOAD SABOT - DRIVER MOVE OUT!"

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT

"Through Zman's Gun Sight"
Military Uniforms Show Lack Of Practical Sense

By R.W. (Zimm) Zimmermann
President Soldiers For The Truth

It's amazing how General Shinseki's decision, to put a black wool patch on
every soldier's head, has gotten more attention than weapons, reorganization,
spare parts or training.

It all shows how superficial we are. We worry more about looks than substance
or practicality. The superficiality about appearance reminds me of a butt
chewing I received from a battalion commander during a move-out alert in
Germany. One of my mortar grunts hadn't yet shaved at 5 AM, his fatigues were
rumpled and he had oil stains on his shoulders and in the face. The irate
commander never bothered to find out that the grunt had been first in his
arms room and that he carried the bulk of the platoon's machine guns and
mortar tubes to their combat vehicles. I gave the guy a three-day pass.

As stated in other opinion pieces, I am not a proponent for a universal black
beret, and wasting of money on senseless uniform changes. Nonetheless, over
time, our ludicrous uniform line-up should be simplified and made more useful.

Take the Class A or dress uniform. Produced in multiple shades of green to
speed replacing it, it's a cheap-looking business suit. Worn with black
plastic shoes (patent leather) that make your feet sweat in the summer and
give you frostbite in the winter, it resembles a Christmas tree with all the
colorful ribbons the Army is constantly adding. But like any overloaded
Christmas tree, you can barely move in it, because all the little gadgets
keep popping off. Adding to the discomfort, you wear the suit with a Russian
looking dress cap that doesn't fit in any pocket. The Greens deserve a
thumbs-down and should be replaced with an outfit of better material, a
functional hat (beret?), and quality leather shoes, befitting the troops of
the world's richest military.

Then there is the Class B, the "Chaplain's Special." With its black sweater
and black West Point style windbreaker, it is the true Pentagon Battle Dress,
but few other people wear it when traveling. This "half-dress" uniform should
be canned immediately. Replace it with sturdy shirt and pants, an OD military
sweater and the option of combat boots. The troops should also be allowed to
wear it with a field jacket so they can travel in inclement weather and visit
troops in the field. The Brits and other allies have had this combination for

The BDUs were a vast improvement over the green fatigues of the 60's and 70's
but still need better pockets and an improved camouflage pattern. The Army
should also drop the mindless sleeve drill that demands rolled-up sleeves to
show the camouflage pattern outside. Also, cut out the excessive use of "I
love myself badges" and add little US flags on the shoulders. Our combat
boots must also be sturdier with the rough leather outside, to eliminate
time-wasting "spitshine drills." Troops should spend their time in training
and the motor pool, not "painting" shoes.

Our airborne troops and vehicle crews also deserve better. Why can't the Army
issue versatile crew coverall with cold weather liners and a sewn in pistol
pocket? The last thing an armor crewmember needs is a BDU uniform with
load-bearing equipment that restricts his mobility. My dad, a WWII tanker,
always stressed to me the need to be able to enter and exit the "iron coffin"
as quickly as possible. To improve his mobility, he wore blackened tennis
shoes and only carried an assault rifle, lots of ammo and one canteen.

Our paratroopers deserve an improved jump uniform with functional pockets,
knee protectors and a comfortable and aerodynamic Kevlar helmet. Heck, the
Germans had a more practical jump outfit in WWII. Why can't we afford one for
our elite troops today?

The Navy and the other services are facing similar dilemmas. Our sailors
would like more practical shipboard uniforms. In cold weather, stocking caps
should be standard, replacing the white spit-bowls. Modern cargo pants with
secure pockets and zip-off legs for warmer climates could easily be adapted
for Navy use.

The bottom line to the dress insanity is that we aren't listening to the
grunt level and most uniform decisions are made by senior NCOs and generals,
who are suffering from a common military disease -- nostalgia.

If you really want to improve military uniforms and raise pride, reduce the
number of uniforms required, make'em more functional. Spend saved maintenance
time on more and tougher training.

(c) R.W. Zimmermann, LandserUSA

Note: This article is copyrighted by the author and requires his approval for
other than newsletter further dissemination.

HACK's Target for the Week:
The Party's Over
Ed.: A parting shot at Cohen & Co...
By David Hackworth

Secretary of Defense William Cohen has spent four fun-filled years wasting
our money like no other public servant except Bill Clinton, who set the
standard by blowing more than a billion dollars on presidential junkets alone.

Here we foolish citizens have been thinking the two bits from every tax
dollar the Internal Revenue Service rips out of our hides to fund the
Pentagon was spent defending America, not paying for Cohen & Cohorts'
pleasure tripping.

Well, think again! Because Cohen's been lapping the world like a dot-com CEO,
staying at five-star palazzi while rubbing elbows with the rich and famous
and throwing lots of power parties. One of those we popped for cost $290,000,
according to the Pentagon, but a Pentagon general says, "BS, $750, 000 is
closer to the mark."

Cohen has used the fleet and the rest of our forces as though they were his
private toys and boys. Last month when he took a bunch of pals --
entertainers, sports stars, war heroes and old buddies -- to Europe to
"entertain the troops," the aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman was turned into
Radio City for a day. A pilot whose flights were canceled said, "It was damn
the hot operational missions, Cohen's USO Show must go on."

Meanwhile, Cohen and wife played MC in their matching, tailored "Top Gun"
costumes that cost the country a cool two grand, chump change when compared
with the millions we've contributed to run the Cohen Circus.

"Hollywood Cohen used U.S. warships like they belonged to the New York Yacht
Club," says ex-tailhooker Mark Crissman, who quit the Navy because of such
shenanigans. "He's done more to 'Pearl Harbor' the fleet than any SecDef and
is clearly more concerned with photo ops and self-promotion than protecting

Sure, Cohen runs a $310 billion corporation that burns through money as fast
as a drunken oil sheik playing no-limit baccarat in Monte Carlo. But that
doesn't mean he's entitled to the same perks as a sheik or the CEOs of
General Electric or General Motors, who are at least accountable to their

The years of being an inside-the-beltway taker on the government's teat seem
to have addicted him to the fast lane. He's plumb forgotten he's a civil
servant whose obligation as SecDef is to make sure every buck we give him
goes toward our nation's fighting capability, not his playing Globo Host.

If he'd have set the example and not hogged it up, maybe, just maybe, our
generals and admirals would've followed suit instead of also acting like
American royalty entitled to first-class everything. Then maybe our military
would be shipshape and combat-ready rather than just a heartbeat away from
stroking out.

If the troops had received even a portion of the dough Cohen's run through,
morale wouldn't be at the bottom of the septic tank, and there'd be no need
for him to dash from Beverly Hills to Bosnia to try to pump everyone up.

Our troops need everything from toilet paper to aircraft and vehicle spares
and money for training to sharpen their dull combat edge, which when push
come to shove is what keeps them alive. They don't need Al Franken, Jewel or
Jerry Bruckheimer to thank them for "keeping our country strong" when they
know they're out there hanging without the right stuff to pull off another
Desert Storm.

Had Cohen looked at the homes and barracks at Fort Benning, Ga., and almost
every other U.S. military base, he'd have seen how the other half lives. Had
he gotten his nose out of the VIP room and talked to the troops, he'd have
found out in a GI minute just how burned out and ragged the force is.

At least Donald Rumsfeld, earmarked to replace Cohen-of-the-flying-costume,
can slip on his "Top Gun" flight suit and wear it with pride because he
earned it and those gold wings the hard way. But Rumsfeld's track record
shouts that the party days are over and the Pentagon had better brace itself
for a much-needed overhaul. It can't happen fast enough for all our good
troops and their long-suffering families.

How ironic that the absentee ballots of our warriors who've been so badly
treated in the Clinton years cost Cohen and cronies their jobs. Many troops
say, how sweet it is!
Http://www.hackworth.com is the address of David Hackworth's home page. Send
mail to P.O. Box 5210, Greenwich, CT 06831.(c) 2001 David H. Hackworth
Distributed by King Features Syndicate Inc.

Six Gulf Nations Sign Defense Pact
Ed.: A step in the right direction to stabilize a potential powder keg and
the possibility of big bucks for US contractors to settle Arab security
paranoia with a missile warning and defense system. A recent AP Report.

MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) - A group of six Gulf nations signed their region's
first defense pact on Sunday, pledging to come to each other's aid in the
event of attack.

The pact comes a decade after the 1991 Gulf War, when the six countries -
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates -
realized that their small armies could not do much alone to ward off an
adversary such as Iraq. But in practice, the area will continue to rely on
the United States for its defense.

In a summit communique ending two days of meetings, the six-nation Gulf
Cooperation Council said the defense pact will take effect after being
ratified by each member nation.

The GCC states also discussed an early warning system for possible missiles
fired from Iraq or Iran. Kuwait was invaded by Iraq a decade ago, and the
United Arab Emirates is locked in a territorial dispute with Iran. The United
States has proposed a missile defense system for the region that could
identify chemical or biological agents involved in an attack.

The cost of the early warning system has been estimated at $70 million; a
project to link the armies of GCC countries in one communication network
would cost $80 million.

The council also discussed increasing a rapid deployment force formed in
1986. The force currently numbers about 5,000 soldiers, and officials have
talked about raising it to 22,000.

The Gulf Cooperation Council was formed in 1981 as a loose political,
economic and military alliance. All six GCC countries rely largely on
protection from the United States and other Western allies.

The council also called on Iraq to renew cooperation with weapons inspectors
to assure the world it has surrendered weapons of mass destruction, respect
Kuwait's security and sovereignty and release all prisoners held since 1990.

In addition, the group said it was rethinking its strategy after Iran refused
to cooperate with a GCC committee trying to mediate its territorial dispute
with the United Arab Emirates. The dispute is now before the World Court in
The Hague, Netherlands.

The council also expressed support for ``Palestinian brothers'' who are being
subjected to ``ruthless aggressions'' by Israel, saying comprehensive peace
in the Middle East can be achieved only when the Palestinians have an
independent state with Jerusalem as its capital and Israel withdraws from
lands occupied during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

On the financial front, the council called for reducing oil production to
``preserve market stability and achieve targeted prices.'' Saudi Oil Minister
Ali Naimi later told The Associated Press that the production cuts will
likely be implemented by members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries at their Jan. 17 meeting to discuss oil prices, which have been
falling recently.

Bahrain's foreign minister, Sheik Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, told
reporters after the meeting that the leaders agreed to take steps toward
establishing a single currency.

Kuwait, which pegs its dinar to a basket of currencies, would join other GCC
members in pegging its currency to the U.S. dollar, Sheik Mohammed said. He
did not give a time frame for introduction of the single currency, but said
much preparatory work was required.

The GCC countries, which were discussing ways to implement a unified custom
tariffs early - perhaps by 2003 - decided to keep the 2005 deadline. The
long-discussed move is hoped to bolster the region's position in trade talks
with European and other nations.

General Dynamics Offers Russia Arms Contract
Ed.: First, berets made in China, now reactive armor from the Russians --
anything to make a buck, without concern about becoming overly dependent on
foreign (non-allied) products and technologies. Using Russian armor also
means that they and others, who have bought it before us, will know how to
defeat it. A good deal for General Dynamics, could become a deadly one for
the troops. UPI Report, 12/30/00.

MOSCOW, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- A U.S. defense contractor, General Dynamics, has
offered Moscow an unprecedented contract to produce high-technology armor for
U.S. tanks, the Russian Itar-Tass news service reported Friday.

The contract would pay for what is known as active armor for 3,000 Abrams
tanks as well as other platforms, according to sources identified as both
military and diplomatic.

The two types of armor, called "Arena" and "Canopy," would have be tested at
U.S. firing ranges, a requirement that has triggered Russian apprehension
about the loss of production technology to the West, one source said.

According to the report, Russia has supplied arms mostly to only two major
regional markets, India and China. Now a Russian arms trading company has
been formed to export armaments to Western markets under commercial contracts.

U.S., S. Korea OK Troops Rules
Ed.: Times are changing. South Korea is demanding a Status of Forces
Agreement that's been in effect in Europe for several decades. A recent
Associated Press report.

By SANG-HUN CHOE, the Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - South Korea has received the right to detain
American servicemen suspected of rape and murder as part of a revised
agreement governing the 37,000 U.S. troops stationed throughout the country.

The new accord, reached Thursday after 11 rounds of talks since 1995,
resolves one of the most contentious disputes between the two allies.

Under the old Status of Forces Agreement, first signed in 1966 and revised in
1991, American troops accused of a crime were detained in U.S. military
custody until convicted in the South Korean judicial system and all appeals
were exhausted.

Calling it too lenient and an infringement upon its sovereignty, South Korea
sought revisions to the agreement, which governs the legal treatment of U.S.
troops stationed there since 1954 as protection against communist North
Korean aggression. Activists said the accord discriminated against South
Korea compared to similar arrangements the United States has with Japan and

Under the revised treaty, U.S. soldiers accused of murder, rape, arson, drug
trafficking and eight other serious crimes would be turned over to South
Korea upon indictment. In murder or rape cases, South Korean police would
have the right to arrest and detain U.S. military suspects.

South Korea, in return, promised to protect and strengthen suspects' rights
to legal counsel and speedy trial. The new agreement also called for enhanced
safeguards for accused U.S. soldiers regarding detention facilities and media
exposure, said Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Frederick Smith, who
signed the accord with his South Korean counterpart, Song Min-soon.

The rights and responsibilities of the U.S. troops stationed here is a
politically sensitive subject among South Koreans. Many were enraged by the
handling of a murder case involving a U.S. soldier accused of killing a South
Korean waitress. Under the old agreement, the soldier was detained by the
U.S. military but fled the base hours before he was to stand trial in a Seoul
court. Eventually apprehended by Seoul police, he later was sentenced to
eight years in prison.

Environmentalists also blasted the U.S. military for dumping 24 gallons of
formaldehyde into the Han River, a main source of drinking water for Seoul's
12 million people, earlier this year. The U.S. says the chemicals did not
pose any risk to public.

President Kim Dae-jung urged Washington to revise the treaty as quickly as
possible to prevent anti-American activists in Seoul from using the issue to
demand that all U.S. forces leave South Korea.

The new agreement calls for U.S. troops at 85 facilities nationwide to
respect South Korean environmental regulations. It also boosts the labor
rights of South Koreans working for the U.S. military, and calls for joint
quarantine inspections on animals, plants and other products imported by U.S.

Civic groups welcomed the changes in custody but accused the U.S. and South
Korean governments of failing to offer concrete measures to prevent or
compensate for environmental damage already caused by American forces.

``The revision is full of lip service and lacks substance,'' they said in a
joint statement.

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