you *believed* it?   cool- they love 'overseas' audiences, they are so much more believing. and marketable cause you all think (wrongly) they have and ever had integrity.
one thing in our favour is that we (in scotland) forced one of our main banks to not deal with pat robertson. he doesn't really agree with you about us being oppressed and weak- he reckons we are a dark country- full of gay homosexuals and drugs and stuff and we need a tougher authority to sort us out etc.
you might be taken up the backalley if you go up a back alley in scotland- but it ain't gonna kill ya ;)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 30 January 2001 20:13

In a message dated 1/30/01 2:08:12 PM Central Standard Time,

cameras every ten feet? LOL

surely you jest, carl, you obviously haven't been here

I just watched a BBC program on the complete loss of privacy in UK. The fact
you pooh pooh this says volumes.  Enjoy the gulag.


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