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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Rehnquist -- Political Puppeteer

Behind the scenes of George W. Bush's swearing in on Jan. 20 was a
troubling new political reality in the United States. Though largely
missed by the national press corps, the conservative-dominated federal
judiciary was marking its success in changing the rules of American

At the center of this remarkable power grab was U.S. Supreme Court Chief
Justice William Rehnquist, who has worked over the past decade to
transform the federal judiciary into the ultimate political weapon.

The coup de grace was the court's 5-4 decision to enforce legal mumbo
jumbo to overturn the will of the American voters in the presidential
election. But the process has been under way since at least the early

For the full story, go to at


OpposeAshcroft Update: Pass the Petition Along!
Oppose Ashcroft Update        

Alert Date: January 26, 2001  --  Circulate Until: February 3, 2001



(1) Pass the Petition Along!
(2) Take Action Now!
(3) About Us / Subscription Information
(4) Please Support Our Efforts


You amaze us once again!  On January 23rd we delivered more than
130,000 petitions to Capitol Hill, and we plan to make a follow-up
delivery next week of new signatures.  Now is the time to pass on the
petition to your friends, family and colleagues.  It is important
that Senators hear from their constituents.  Senator Feinstein (D-CA)
received more than 28,000 petitions on the day that she announced her
opposition to John Ashcroft's confirmation.  We would like to be able
to deliver similar numbers to the other Senators on the Committee who
have yet to take a position.  Please ask everyone you know who cares
about civil rights and equal opportunity to sign the petition by

To see pictures of last week's delivery, visit:
Ashcroft lied in his hearings to the Senators!

Hormel stated:

1)That he never has met Ashcroft nor did he  recruit him to come to the
university, while he was assistant dean of law.
2) The Ambassador truly believed that Ashcroft purposely prevented his vote
for Ambassador to Luxembourg solely because of his (Hormel's) sexual
3) Judge Brown believes that Ashcroft did stop his vote to the Court of
Appeal -- not on his record -- but an agenda that had to do with his race/and
personal interpretation of the law.  That it was a campaign of lies that
stopped his election to this court.
4) Another man that had an interview with Ashcroft for a job asked him only
two question, one was about his sexual orientation, the other if he had in
his life time, tried or experimented with illegal drugs.   

You still have time to make a difference!  The Judiciary Committee

Vote will not take place before the last week in January.  Please
take time to call the members of the Committee and voice your
opposition to the John Ashcroft confirmation.

If you know of a rally in your area or would like to organize an
event, please contact us so we can add it to our calendar.


(2) TAKE ACTION NOW! Call or Email the following Senators using this syntax
or just cut and paste into the send to box



Sen. Orrin Hatch (UT)          Sen. Patrick Leahy (VT)
Chairman                       Ranking Member
202/224-5251                   202/224-4242

Sen. Strom Thurmond (SC)       Sen. Edward Kennedy (MA)
202/224-5972                   202/224-4543

Sen. Charles Grassley (IA)     Sen. Joseph Biden, Jr. (DE)
202/224-3744                   202/224-5042

Sen. Arlen Specter (PA)        Sen. Herb Kohl (WI)
202/224-4254                   202/224-5653

Sen. Jon Kyl (AZ)              Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA)
202/224-4521                   202/224-3841

Sen. Mike DeWine (OH)          Sen. Russell Feingold (WI)
202/224-2315                   202/224-5323

Sen. Jeff Sessions (AL)        Sen. Charles Schumer (NY)
202/224-4124                   202/224-6542

Sen. Bob Smith (NH)            Sen. Richard Durbin (IL)
202/224-2841                   202/224-2152

Sen. Sam Brownback (KS)        Sen. Maria Cantwell (WA)
202/224-6521                   202/224-3441



A Jewish Perspective on GW Bush
by Robert Lederman

For 70 years the Bush family has hidden their three generations
long connection to Nazis, anti-Semitism and eugenics. For a
Jewish person, learning that the President's family fortune and
political connections began with financing Hitler is a serious
matter. It may have accounted for GW getting few Jewish votes.

Unlike recent US Presidents GW Bush has appointed no Jewish
cabinet members. He does however have a Jewish press secretary,
Ari Fleischer, who will add ethnic credibility in the event
questions arise regarding the President's Hitler connection.

Somewhat uncomfortable around Jews, Bush is aggressively
reaching out to the African American community despite getting
less than 10% of their vote. Recently, CNN showed Black
ministers posing with Bush and then holding a press conference
announcing the end of both the civil rights era and the influence
of "agitators" and "radicals" like Jesse Jackson.

In Nazi Germany there were Jewish leaders, the Judenrate, who
similarly advised their followers not to resist Adolf Hitler.
Elevating a few members of a targeted group is an effective way
to disarm your victims. This 1939 quote from a leading American
eugenicist perfectly describes the Bush technique:

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with
social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The
most  successful educational approach to the Negro is through a
religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want
to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man
who can straighten out that idea if  it ever occurs to any of their
more rebellious members." [2]

Bush's assurances of equality and opportunity stand in stark
contrast to his past actions and family history. The seeming
diversity within this administration is quite literally, skin deep.

All of GW's cabinet appointees - including his minority
appointees and advisors - are associated with right wing think
tanks and  foundations connected to white supremacists, the CIA
or eugenics, the pseudo-science of racial superiority. Many -
including Stephen Goldsmith, Tommy Thompson, Elaine Chou,
John Ashcroft, Marvin Olasky, Linda Chavez, Karl Rove and
Spencer Abraham - are colleagues of or are organizationally
associated with Charles Murray, author of The Bell Curve. [3]

According to the Bell Curve, Blacks are genetically inferior.
Having a low IQ, they can't help but have out of wedlock
children, live in poverty or resort to criminal activity. This
conclusion is then used to justify building more prisons,
privatizing schools and eliminating affirmative action, welfare
and many social programs. [4]

Undoubtedly, some people share this view of African Americans.
Re-packaged as, "compassionate conservatism" - a motto coined
by the CIA's Manhattan Institute - this kind of subtly-coded
racism is exactly why Bush appealed to many white voters. [5]

However, it's not just Blacks and Jews who need to be concerned
about the Bush presidency. Bush's cabinet has striking parallels
to and many of the exact same corporate players as the IG Farben
oil, pharmaceutical, chemical and munitions cartel that formed
the industrial base of Nazi Germany. By means of their vaccines,
pharmaceuticals, pesticides and pollution these corporations and
their modern day subsidiaries have already caused the death,
illness and injury of more people than the Nazis did. [6]

The Bush-Nazi connection began in the 1930's when GW's
grandfather, Prescott Bush, and Prescott's father-in-law George
Herbert Walker, made fortunes in the Wall Street offices of
Brown Brothers-Harriman. They were managing directors for
companies funneling laundered money and strategic materials to
Nazi Germany. These banks and shipping companies were seized
in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act when The US
Congress characterized them as Nazi front organizations. [7]

It is true, as defenders of the President say, that the Bush family
were not alone in their support for Hitler. Among the legendary
American corporations and individuals who backed the Third
Reich were Henry Ford, JP Morgan, The Du Ponts, Allen and
John Foster Dulles (America's first CIA director and President
Eisenhower's Secretary of State), Charles Lindbergh, William
Randolph Hearst, Alcoa Aluminum, Rockefeller's Standard Oil
(Exxon), General Motors, ITT and Chase Bank. [8]

Today this history is suppressed by the corporate media which
depends on advertising from the very same companies that put
Hitler in power, but prominent Americans were not always shy
about being fascists. In the 1930's America's industrial elite was
so openly pro-Hitler that in 1937 William E. Dodd, US
Ambassador to Germany was quoted in the NY Times as saying:

"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state
to supplant our democratic government and is working closely
with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of
opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of
our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime.... " [8]  

Immediately following WWII, the US government brought
thousands of Nazis to America, provided them with false
identities and established them in the newly formed CIA, in
universities, in the media, in medical and psychological research
institutions and in the US military. [9]

Former Presidents Bush, Reagan and Nixon used many of these
former Nazis as advisors, fundraisers and campaign aides and
they were an essential element in building the extreme right wing
of the Republican party. [10]

After WWII Allen Dulles, a Bush associate who was
instrumental in financing the Third Reich, became the first CIA
director. His brother, John Foster Dulles - the largest stockholder
in Standard Oil/IG Farben after Rockefeller - became US Sec. of
State. Reagan's CIA director, William Casey - who worked with
the Dulles brothers in bringing Nazis to the US.  - created The
Manhattan Institute - the think tank that invented GW Bush's
political agenda and advises him on a daily basis. [11]

It was the first Bush administration which gave Sadamn Hussein
the chemical and biological weapons we've spent the past decade
trying to locate in Iraq. It was the anti-Semitic, anti-Christian
Arab oil partners of the Bush family that our soldiers risked their
lives to protect in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War.
The corrupt dynasties which oppressively rule these Arab nations
were among Hitler's closest allies in WWII. [12]

After WWII discredited Nazism its American sympathizers, who
numbered in the millions, realized the need for a fresh vehicle to
disseminate their views. What they came up with - combining
fascism, states rights and white supremacy with a new
interpretation of Christianity - has emerged in recent years as the
immensely powerful and well-funded Christian far right. [13]

When John Ashcroft addressed the commencement ceremony at
the anti-Catholic, anti-Mormon and until recently, racially
segregated, Bob Jones University and solemnly intoned, "We
have no king but Jesus", were we hearing patriotism, faith or
fascism? (Ashcroft was misquoting a Baptist Revolutionary War
slogan, No King, No Pope", according to Revolutionary War
historians). As Missouri Attorney General, Ashcroft certainly
knew of the US Supreme Court decision declaring Bob Jones
University to be racist and revoking its tax deferment. [14]

Ashcroft's denial under oath that he knew what Bob Jones
represented, like claims he did not know Southern Heritage
magazine routinely defended slavery, are hard to believe. As
evidenced by numerous pamphlets and books from the 18th and
19th century, Southern slave-owners extensively used t

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