-Caveat Lector-

Source: Front Page Magazine
Published: February 20, 2001 Author: Richard Poe, Editor

Liberal Academia Shuns a Comanche Patriot

IS THERE A PLACE FOR PATRIOTISM in American universities?
Judging by the experience of Dr. David A. Yeagley, maybe not.

A Comanche Indian with a divinity degree from Yale, Yeagley is losing
his job as an adjunct professor of humanities at Oklahoma State
University, Oklahoma City. His conservative politics seem to have
played a role in his ouster.

"As a neo-conservative American Indian columnist, I guess I'm one of a
kind," says Yeagley, who recently joined our editorial team at
FrontPageMagazine.com. "They always told me that I didn't fit in at the
school. I guess it was just a matter of time."

OSU-OKC spokesman Tony Vann said that state law prevented him from
confirming or denying Yeagley's termination.

However, Yeagley says that his supervisor told him that he will no longer
have a job after May. Inside sources also told Yeagley that his
extracurricular activities as a spokesman for conservative causes
contributed to his termination.

For months, Yeagley has been lobbying to institute a patriotism course
in Oklahoma public schools. Things came to a head in December, when
he posted a letter to David Horowitz on our FrontPageMagazine.com
message board.

"I am a Comanche Indian… teaching college at Oklahoma State
University, OKC…" he wrote. "I have recently submitted to Governor
Keating a proposal and plan for the teaching of patriotism in the public
school systems of Oklahoma.

The Governor is quite supportive… Clearly, patriotism is the missing
element in our country right now… I feel, as an Indian, it is my sacred
honor to save the white man again, this time from himself.  Before he
gives this country away, thus defeating me twice, I want to try to save
what he built out of my land. Have any suggestions?"

Needless to say, we were intrigued. I called up Dr. Yeagley to sound him
out. What followed were many delightful hours on the phone, listening to
Yeagley expound on patriotism, Zoroastrian theology and classical
harmonics. He is a kind of American Indian Leonardo da Vinci.

In addition to his masters of divinity from Yale, Yeagley holds degrees in
music, art and ancient humanities. He has written a grand opera on the
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; exhibited pencil drawings of his Comanche
ancestors; and composed an epic poem on the life of Farah Diba
Pahlavai, wife of the deposed Shah of Iran, which has been serialized in
Persian Heritage magazine.

"When I met the Empress, she asked me one question: Why?" laughs

How did such a multitalented fellow end up in Oklahoma? "My mother,"
says Yeagley. "When my father died, I came here to take care of her."

Yeagley helps support his 78-year-old mother with his meager $800 per
month stipend from the university. That runs out in May.

Years ago, Yeagley could have chosen a more lucrative career as a
"professional Indian." When he first arrived at Yale, an Episcopal priest
proposed to Yeagley that he get involved in speaking out against
America's mistreatment of the red man.

"We could make a career of this for you," offered the priest.

Yeagley turned him down. "My parents brought me up to love America,"
he explains. "As a child, I used to choke back tears when I said the
Pledge of Allegiance."

Eschewing the path of professional victim, Yeagley chose hard work and
serious scholarship instead.

"I ended up going into academic fields where being an Indian didn't help
me. I had to succeed on my own merits."

It was Yeagley's mother who suggested that he write to David Horowitz.

A great-granddaughter of the Comanche war chief Bad Eagle, Mrs.
Yeagley admires Horowitz for his warrior spirit.

"He's very brave," she says. "The first time I heard him on the radio, I
knew he was telling the truth. Hating Whitey and Radical Son are terrific

Thanks to his mother's advice, Yeagley has now joined the FrontPage
team.  He has written hardhitting commentaries on gun control, eco-
extremism and the false idol of civil rights. In his latest column, Yeagley
warns fellow Indians against walking "the black man's path."

"It's all about playing the victim… It's not the way of our warrior

That sort of talk has made Yeagley an instant hit with conservative talk
show audiences. Sadly, it has not been popular among some of his
academic colleagues, who have accused Yeagley of generating "bad
PR" for the school.

Regarding his dismissal, Yeagley is upbeat. "My whole life has been
about facing hardship and conflict. I'm looking forward to what lies

Share Your Thoughts on Dr. Yeagley's Dismissal With the Good Folks
at Oklahoma State University

James E. Halligan, President, Oklahoma State University, 107
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078-1015 405-744-5627 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jerry D. Carroll, President, Oklahoma State University, 900 Portland
,Oklahoma City, OK 73107 405-945-3200 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tony Vann, Director of Public Relations, Oklahoma State University,
405-945-3317 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

E-mail Dr. David A. Yeagley:

Richard Poe is editor of FrontPageMagazine.com and SlapHillary.com.
He is the author of Black Spark, White Fire and other books. For more
information about Poe and his work, visit RichardPoe.com.

Copyright © 2001 FrontPageMagazine.com

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