Get It Off Your Chest

Comments, suggestions, letters-to-the-editor, rants, chants, curses and
verses should be sent to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GOP:  Getting the Job Done

"I want to make the positive argument for the Republicans.  First, the
purpose of a political party is to exercise power by electing people to
public office.  During the past 30 years, elected officials have deregulated
airlines, trucking, banking, and telephones, cut marginal tax rates,
devolved federal welfare, freed up trade with Canada and Mexico, put judges
on the Supreme Court who have restored federalism, enabled homeschooling and
charter schools, and proposed the idea of personal investment accounts
within Social Security.

"None of this was done by elected Libertarians, because there weren't any.
... Republicans are a big-tent party.  By gaining the possibility of
electing people to office, you give up the possibility of ideological
purity.  To give that up is necessary.  If you are not willing to do that,
you are not being serious."

- Columnist Bruce Ramsey, "Liberty" magazine, March 2000

Quota Chickens Coming Home to Roost

Blacks have been the Democrat Party's most dependable voters.  So
dependable, in fact, that the white leadership of the Democrat Party has
pretty much taken their votes for granted.  "Sure, we want your votes on
election day," seems to be the message, "but in between just go over there
and sit in the corner.  We'll call you if we need you."  But now some
members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), in a stinging letter to the
Democrat campaign committees this week, demanded more clout, more attention,
more leadership positions and more lucrative contracts for black political

"Failure to sufficiently address these concerns will justify a fundamental
re-evaluation of African-American loyalty to the Democratic Party," warns
the CBC in its letter.  The members ... many of whom are considered the most
outrageously radical of the Democrats' left wing ... are also demanding "a
diversity audit of the (Democrat) campaign committees' employment and
contracting practices."  Ah ... live by the quota, die by the quota.
Actually, we're in sympathy with the plight of the poor CBC.  In fact, we'd
like nothing better than to see loud-mouth Maxine Waters replace Dicky
Gephardt as leader of the Democrat congressional band.  What a circus THAT
would be!

- Chuck Muth, Editor

Whites Only

"Black voters have been Mr. Clinton's most loyal backers. But what will they
think when they learn that he granted clemency to a hard-case white drug
dealer who hired Mr. Clinton's brother-in-law, when so many young
African-Americans are in prison because of lesser drug offenses? This from a
president who tried to use the same race card against Republicans?  The
former prosecutor in the case, Todd Jones, told ABC yesterday that the
prison commutation for Carlos Vignali 'further erodes any confidence that
the public, particularly communities of color, may have' in the fair
enforcement of the drug laws. Could this one be too much even for Maxine
Waters?  OK, nothing's ever too much for her."

- Columnist Paul Gigot, "Potomac Watch," 2/23/01

How About "War & Piece"?

"And now rumors spread that Clinton is shopping a two-book deal - one a
memoir, the other a novel of the White House. The Washington Post is already
running a contest to name the novel.  Catcher in the Thigh. Devil with a
Blue Dress On. Bedtime for Bubba. From Rags to the Riches. It Takes a
Pillage. White Trash Christmas. Fast Times at 1600 Pennsylvania High."

- Columnist Howie Carr, Boston Herald, 2/22/01

Better Put Some Clearasil On That

"I know one thing, I am ready to move beyond the Bill Clinton scandals.  But
like zits on a teenager's face they just keep popping up!"

- J. C. Bowman, Director of Education Policy, Tennessee Institute for Public
Policy, 2/23/01

Presidential Herpes

"What's the deal with former President Clinton?  Boy, this guy just won't go
away. You know, he's like a sexually transmitted disease.  We can't get rid
of him, you know?  Every couple of days, he flares up."

- NBC's "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno, 2/22/01

Trick Question

"Question: Name one thing beneath Bill Clinton's dignity.  Answer: This is a
trick question, like asking whether zero is odd or even.  It has no known

- Columnist Tony Snow, 2/23/01

It Had to Be Hugh

"The Rodham-Clintons have said (Hugh Rodham) gave the money back.  No one
has promised that he would not be REPAID at some future time.  I am willing
to bet there will be some fees paid to Hugh over the next year or so for
unspecified legal work which will total oh, what?  Four hundred grand?"

- Rich Galen, "Mullings," 2/23/01

What Did You Know & When Did You Know It?

"It is inconceivable that Bruce Lindsey did not tell Bill Clinton that Hugh
Rodham had called him and asked for a pardon for convicted drug dealer
Carlos Vignali Jr. Lindsey is Clinton's best friend and closest confidante -
a man of proven loyalty, no matter how low his boss sinks. He admits that
Rodham called him twice to ask about a pardon for Vignali.

"If Lindsey knew, Clinton knew. It would have been an unspeakable violation
of trust if Lindsey, in reviewing pardons with Clinton, did not pass on the
fact that Hugh was involved. Bruce Lindsey does not withhold relevant
information from Bill Clinton. That's not how the two of them work. Lindsey
is in on everything and tells Bill everything. That's why he's still

- Former Clinton confidante Dick Morris, New York Post, 2/23/01

Campaign Hot Tips - FREE!

For those of you in the trenches - as candidates, campaign managers,
volunteers, consultants, party leaders, etc. - we're now publishing a new
FREE e-newsletter called "Campaign Hot Tips."  This short e-newsletter will
go out just a couple times each month and will include helpful ideas, hints
and tips on running political campaigns, party organizations or clubs.  To
subscribe and begin receiving your FREE "Campaign Hot Tips," just go to:
http://www.CampaignTraining.com and sign up.  It's that easy.  Here's your
first tip:  Do it right now!

Attention Goldwater Republicans

Tired of mushy-moderate, go-along-to-get-along Republicans-In-Name-Only
(RINOs)?  Tired of Republican activists who are long on words but way short
on actual deeds?  Then join the GOP organization that both talks the talk
and walks the walk - The Republican Liberty Caucus.  We think like Goldwater
and campaign like Atwater.  Principle AND Action.  What a concept.  Join the
growing movement to return our country to its constitutional,
limited-government roots by going to:

Help Spread the Word

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leaders and elected officials of over 17,000+ ... and growing each day.  If
you know someone who does not receive our FREE GOP News & Views briefings,
you can sign them up at http://www.GOPNewsAndViews.com.


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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Published by:
Chuck Muth, Editor
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 454-0350
Fax:  (702) 454-7798
web site:  http://www.gopnewsandviews.com

The opinions and views expressed in GOP News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein.

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