Title: Beating a Rigged Game!
For those of you who have never had the pleasure of reading Nikki Case's fine analysis of where we are today, and what we need to do about it, with great honor, I give you this ON-TARGET message.
                        Beating a Rigged Game!

                By Nikki Case (a fine Californian Patriot)

It's an open secret: Apparently, someone is doing more than just corner the market; they're trying to corner the world.  Call them globalist, global capitalists, CFR, Bilderbergers, the Insiders, the Establishment, the Knights, the Illuminatti - they're all the same greedy bloodsuckers and they're all members of the same clubs.  I call them elitists; a more exact name would be to call them what they are - the latest super bug: Millennium Parasites.  They strive to enslave and feed on the world.

They disguise themselves as friends of 'big business' or free enterprise.  This is a lie.  They loathe free enterprise and have all but destroyed it by cornering every market, swallowing every competitor and monopolizing all possible economies.  It's all about 'the money, honey,' and they want it all.  Other disguises include posing as actors, statesmen, diplomats, and politicians.  It's still about money, translated 'power.'

Satisfaction will elude these parasites, no matter the billions they amass, as long as there are free men with the potential to earn even a fraction of what these elitists spend on one Lear jet ride.  Commoners are a threat.  Threats must be neutralized.  Threats demand control.  Control can be accomplished easily: It calls for a rigged game.

Rigged games have been around forever.  In a game of Hearts, it's as simple as eliminating a certain suite of cards; there are also loaded dice; formulas for chess and other gimmicks.  The parasites use these principles and similar gimmicks to achieve their 'global neighborhood' agenda, alias global control, alias-totalitarian world government, the 'New World Order, or Global Union.'

They've attacked and all but eliminated morality, religion, any kind of free press, and robbed those protesting of hope.  Why? Morality breeds discipline, responsibility, and order, thus freedom and independence.  As for religion: Hope can't be allowed, or any kind of faith - these might inspire a fight ... a victory even.  Better rig the game.


The ultimate parasitic weapon has been television, newspapers, and magazines.  Employing formulas of indoctrination through the now monopolized media, messages were sent: 'Everyone does it.'  'All kids have sex.'  'Religion is extreme.'  'Conservatives are extreme.'  'Commitment is bad - it's literally extreme.'  'Morality is relative.'  'Lies about sex are okay.'  'Parents are oppressors - disobey.'  'The government will do it all for you, if you're willing to sacrifice a large portion of your income, never smoke, wear a seatbelt, and use politically correct language.'  'Universal harmony can only be obtained through the sacrifice of sovereign nations, and the gobbling of their culture, religion, and individual rights.'  'Be nationality-less, culture-less, faceless 'Stepford' children - it's for the children.'  'Live for the moment, because AIDS only happens if you don't use a condom and abortion is available on demand - even if you're six months along.'  'Cheat, after all, this is the age of 'no fault' divorce.'  'Give your child a latch-key.'  'Guns kill all by themselves - never mind defending yourself or checking crime 'ban them.'  'Don't nurture your child - use day care!  You need a BMW!'  'Materialism is everything.  The government will fix anything else - with your money.'

Originally, most thinking people objected to these formulaic messages acted out and sold via sitcoms, soap operas, drama series, and sensationalized movies.  Thinking viewers objected to the violence, the lack of values, and the 'sleeping around,' done even by young teens.

Sadly most of the protestors shut up, suffered, and then accepted the messages when the media refused to acknowledge the people's protests, flooding protestors with 'New World Order' messages instead.  Here the people failed.  They allowed indoctrination in their living rooms and in their children's ears.

After all, who could give up TV?  Magazines?  The 'in' newspapers?  And wasn't it probably true - most kids 'did it' at thirteen?  Lawyers twisted the law to win cases, whether right or wrong?  Powerful men 'slept around'?  Women did too?  Doctors were no exception?  Immorality was normal, especially under certain circumstances?  Heck, nobody's to blame, and blaming is extreme, right?  It's out to be an 'extremist' and so many things are extreme, yeah?

Distractions, like 'slight of the hand' in magic and poker, are another part of the game.  Give the people 'Monica,' Kosovo, emphasize 'violence' and 'school shootings' rather than the documented fact that 'an armed society is a civil society' and people won't notice when you sell the country's security to Communists.  They won't notice when you legislate 'thought control' in the name of 'hate crimes' (after all, it sounds good, doesn't it?).  They won't notice that the Constitutional proviso for 'search and seizure' is a protection no longer available via another great sounding program: 'The War on Drugs.' Oh yes, and this war is being waged on citizens, property owners, and teenagers - not on Cuban importers, the KLA (known heroin dealers), or Chinese importers.  Oh no, it's the hard working people you have to watch out for - those yuppies and property owners, they're the ones with 'freedoms' that must be curtailed.  Right?

Well, the elitists own the media, so the dice were loaded long ago.  Most of the stations and all but a few of the newspapers have been sending these messages for decades.  Communications has been compromised, and the Internet, once taxed by the UN via Gore and subsequently regulated (perhaps through Art Bell and his new lawsuit) will be swallowed as well.  Small ISP's will go out of business, and elitist owned conglomerates will emerge: Ted Turner will surely grab enough of the pie to turn the Net into another mindless, spin machine for the zombified as soon as possible.

Planned Parenthood talks to the teens almost as often as schoolteachers do, and the banks have already started practicing the 'know your customer' agenda, though Congress shot it down.  Let's face it, the millions of us still awake realize we're fighting a rigged game.  So many are crying, "Is there any way to win?"  You betcha.

We Know Who They Are!

That's right, we know who's in bed with who and which companies are owned by these parasites.  Do you have the guts to boycott these people and their companies, turn off their owned and sponsored programs?  I do.

I'll never turn on CNN again, even if they're the only ones airing the first landing on Mars.  Barnes and Noble won't get my business.  I'll order from Amazon (.com) instead.  And what about Microsoft?  (Bill) Gates just accepted his first Bilderberg meeting invitation.  Hmmm ... seems he sold out, after all.  No more Windows or mediocre software for me - Linux will do just fine.  The head of ATT will be there too.  Life-Line will get my long distance business.  Yes, there seem to be so many of them ... all rolling in cash and lusting for even more exaggerated power.  Still, I refuse to continue paying for my own enslavement.  How about you?  Read on.

Note:  If you don't know who they are, our book, Who's Who of the Elite, will tell you exactly who they are, where they work, and their job titles.

They're Outnumbered

Another 'oh yes.'  It's two or three hundred parasites versus millions of people demanding their continued freedom.  Each of us can make a difference.  Tell ten of your friends, relatives, and co-workers who these people are and what they're striving for: Cornering the Globe the way Rockefeller cornered the oil business decades ago.

Do this every week.  If even one in ten sees the light, that's another freedom lover willing to say, 'NO.' 'No' to globalized slavery; 'No' to monopolized trade; 'No' to NAFTA; 'No' to GATT; 'No' to 'thought crimes,' 'Internet Licenses,' 'sixty percent tax brackets,' and 'NO' to the 'overturning of the Constitution,' the 'dividing of Canada,' 'the dissolving of any kind of freedom under a sovereign government.'  It's one more person who'll say 'No' to the monopolized financing of inflation driven slavery and the abolishment of the 'small but local banks and independent lenders' courtesy of the 'World Bank.'  Another who'll say 'NO' to 'secular humanism' as the 'one world' or 'global neighborhood' religion.  Another who'll work to beat a rigged game.

This one person will tell others, and the numbers will grow.  Let us unite and spread the word.  Exposure to sunlight kills all parasites - expose those who would feed off our labors to secure their comfort - and that of their heirs - and I promise you, they'll retreat.

Make sure you hit them in the pocketbook too.  Don't add one more nickel to the parasite 'Bondage Campaign' coffers.  There are millions of us!  Let's deny power to a handful of them!  Write the government letters; write letters to the editor of your local and national newspapers; call talk radio and scream until you're heard.  These people own traceable monopolies: Complain to your government until they're investigated and penalized.  Complain until they're taxed the way you are.  Refuse to buy their products and services.  Turn off your TV.  Write them and their sponsors and tell them you've done so.  Spread the word.  It's your freedom they're after.  Don't help them by staying silent for fear of ridicule.  Above all, don't finance your own slavery.  Boycott and expose: Call them on their loaded dice.  Win when they forfeit.

There is a cure for parasites.  Expose them, starve them out, and drive them from your environment.  Let them know the 'jig' is up.  Stop playing a rigged game.  This is the way to win.  You couldn't start too soon.  Withdrawal and recovery may be a little painful, but the healthy effort - with time and commitment - will secure freedom for you, your children, and their children.

Nikki Case

I now ask you to forward this message to everyone on your e-mail list.  Within just a few days, the entire world will know what is going on, if you do your part.

My children and grandchildren thank you.

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