-Caveat Lector-

Recount Couldn't Elect Gore
Reed Irvine
March 2, 2001

To borrow a phrase from Dan Rather, you can take it to the bank that CBS,
NBC and ABC would have led their evening news shows on Feb. 25 with
on the results of the Miami Herald/USA Today recount of the votes for
president in Miami-Dade County IF it had shown that Al Gore got enough
to win Florida. The New York Times and the Washington Post would have put
on page one. Editorials and columns would have cited it as proof that the
wicked Bush people and the partisan U.S. Supreme Court had stolen the
election from Gore.
We were spared all that because the recount showed that Gore picked up
49 additional votes in Miami-Dade. He needed 930 more votes to just draw
even with Bush when the hand recounts began. When the Miami-Dade
board voted not to proceed after a manual recount in 20 percent of its
precincts had produced a net gain of 157 votes for Gore, the Democrats
spread the story that a Republican mob had intimidated the canvassing
forcing it to call a halt because Gore was sure to pick up enough votes
win if the remaining 80 percent of the precincts were counted.
There had been no intimidating mob. There were a number of young
who noisily protested the fact that they were being barred from observing
the recount. The board explained that it had decided not to proceed
it had taken them four days to recount 20 percent of the precincts and
did not believe they could complete the count in the four days remaining.
The precincts already counted were predominantly Democratic, and as the
Herald/USA Today recount has shown, it was not realistic to assume that
’s net gain in those precincts would be replicated in the rest of the
There were 10,646 ballots in Miami-Dade that had shown no vote for any
presidential candidate when counted by machine. There were over 60,000 of
these "undervotes" in all of Florida, 28,000 of them in Miami-Dade,
and Palm Beach counties. The Gore campaign believed these three counties,
whose canvassing boards were controlled by Democrats, would easily find
enough Gore votes in their large undervote pools to overcome Bush’s
lead. They requested manual recounts there and in Volusia County, where
there had been a major anomaly in the vote count. The Broward canvassing
board managed to give Gore a net-gain of 567 votes from its pool of 6,716
Palm Beach and Miami-Dade, with more than 10,500 undervotes each, were
expected to help Gore as much as Broward, but in Palm Beach his net gain
only 215 votes. If they had not been submitted too late to be counted and
the Miami recount had been completed with the same results produced by
two newspaper recounts, first the Palm Beach Post and then by the Miami
Herald and USA Today, Gore would have lost by 99 to 142 votes.
The Palm Beach Post manual recount of Miami-Dade produced a net gain for
Bush of six votes. It got less attention than the Miami Herald/USA Today
project which covers the whole state and is being conducted by the
accounting firm of BDO Seidman. As of March 1, they had examined the
undervotes in all but two of Florida’s 67 counties, but the totals will
be made public until all 67 are completed.
Maybe the votes needed to justify the claim that Gore really won Florida
will be found in the other counties, but Mark Seidel, the Miami Herald
editor who supervised the project, says that the Miami-Dade results show
that Bush would have won if manual recounts had been completed and the
results counted in the four counties targeted by Gore. Millions of
disappointed Democrats must come to grips with the fact that the evidence
now in: Bush won legitimately. The news media should report the evidence.
NBC's Nightly News ignored it. CBS and ABC gave it 30 seconds. Dan Rather
used his time to cast doubt on the integrity and significance of the
recount. He said the "study" by "what are called independent accountants"
"suggests" that Gore "still might have lost the election" if the hand
had been completed in Miami. ABC was brief, but straightforward. Fox News
and CNN provided good coverage, as did the Miami Herald, USA Today and
Washington Times. The New York Times and Washington Post, which are
a rival recount, relegated the story to the inside pages. Terry
the Clintonoid chairman of the Democratic National Committee, still
that the election was stolen

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