-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Reporter predicts Iraq-US, Syria-Israel showdowns
By Tom Tugend

LOS ANGELES (March 25) - Iraq and the United States will face off again
within two years, while a likely confrontation between Israel and Syria is
also on the horizon.

The dour predictions were delivered Thursday at a small private luncheon by
Kenneth R. Timmerman, an investigative reporter who has made the turbulent
Middle East his beat for the last two decades.

"There's no doubt that there will be war between Iraq and the United States,
but President George W. Bush will set the timetable and will finish the job,"
his father, by implication, left undone, said Timmerman.

In the 20 months since United Nations inspectors were kicked out of Iraq,
President Saddam Hussein has perfected chemical and biological weapon
programs and is on the verge of nuclear weapon capability, Timmerman

During a later brief interview, Timmerman clarified his war prediction by
saying that Bush will get at Hussein by rebuilding and strengthening Iraqi
movements, inside and outside the country, opposing the dictator's rule.

A new broad-based coalition of countries, similar to the one that won the
Gulf War, is not in the cards, added Timmerman.

The 47-year old Timmerman described himself as a former proto-liberal and
Palestinian sympathizer who was "cured" during a month's imprisonment by
Moslem forces during the 1982 fighting in Lebanon and is now a "conservative"

Among other adventures, he covered the Iraq-Iran War in the 1980s and spent a
year tracking Osama bin Laden, before the Saudi financier gained a reputation
as a terrorist mastermind.

He is the author, most recently, of Selling Out America, which alleges that a
corrupt President Bill Clinton sold sensitive US military technology to
Communist China.

A major threat to Israel could be Syrian attempts to win a limited war, using
chemical and biological weapons, Timmerman believes.

In a doomsday scenario. he said that such an attack, causing massive Israeli
civilian casualties, would force Israel to respond with nuclear weapons.

Timmerman's talk was sponsored by Los Angeles supporters of the Jewish
Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). The Washington-based
organization advocates a strong American military capability and US support
for a strong Israel.

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