a couple of points, dear bb
1. defending saba's pox spreading antics? LOL
2. paraphrasing anne robinson is so passe this side of the atlantic but i understand some of you american types find her "challenging" and witty, apparently.
3. grammer attacks ARE the weakest form of internet flames
4. and speaking of which, you speak to me directly and then in the third person. DO get your grammer correct before hypocriticising me dude- it looks awfully lame.
----- Original Message -----
From: BB
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity (or Deliberate Terrorism) IsBeyondThe Pale

You  ARE  the weakest link ...   good bye.

I wonder if keyboards have an upper case, or if the school system teaches
grammer and punctuation nowadays in the U.K.

Boy,  c. is a cranky person................. 

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