-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/22/01 10:35:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< "Sodomy" is oral OR anal sex.

Websters New Unabridged Dictionary says, Sodomy, n. any sexual intercourse
regarded as abnormal, as between persons of the same sex, especally between
males, or between a person and an animal.
Strange, Webster doesn't say anything about oral sex. Could it be your are
wrong again?

So is it wrong according to your brand of superstition to engage in oral sex
with one's wife?
If so, and if you stick to this silly creed, I can only wonder to whom your
wife turns for her sexual gratification.

Bill. >>

What does my sex life have to do with the orginal question, should homos
raising little children or what is sodomy? Or do you get your sexual
gratification from watching / reading about other peoples sexual encounters?

Bill H

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