-Caveat Lector-

Hello List:
The bottom line is that the Insane War On Drugs cannot function without
police state tactics. The dismembering of the 4th Amendment is a must
in order for the Nanny Nazi State to monitor and control our personal
behavior. The recent drive against "racial profiling" is the rare instance
when "political correctness" pays a positive dividend.

Consent Searches to Become Extinct?  New Jersey and
California Move to End Highway Searches Without Probable Cause

Driving down the highway, you notice a police cruiser tailing
you.  He follows for miles, then hits the lights and siren.  You
pull over, and the trooper announces that he stopped you for
failing to signal while making a lane change (or a burned out
license plate bulb, or crossing the center line -- pick your
pretext).  You have no pistols on the front seat, there is no
odor of burning marijuana, there is no evidence that would give
the trooper probable cause to search you and your vehicle.

"I'd like your permission to search your vehicle, sir," the
trooper says, staring down at you from behind his tinted
sunglasses.  "If you've got nothing to hide, you should not have
a problem with that."

Perhaps you initially demur.  After all, this is America and you
have rights.  But then the trooper, now noticeably more hostile,
informs you that he is calling for drug dogs or waiting for a
search warrant and that you must wait at the side of the road for
the duration.  At this point, you give in, and the trooper
proceeds to tear your car apart in search of drugs, guns, or
whatever other evidence of a crime he can turn up.
Congratulations, you have just undergone a consent search.

Consent searches occur when police officers lack any probable
cause to initiate a search, but nonetheless attempt to persuade,
browbeat, or intimidate travelers into waiving their
constitutional right to be free from unwarranted searches and
seizures.  But they won't be happening on California highways for
at least the next six months, and if some members of the New
Jersey legislature have their way, they won't be happening in the
Garden State either.

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) and the New Jersey
legislature are moving to the vanguard in addressing the endemic
police practice of racial profiling.  In California, CHP
Commissioner D.O. "Spike" Helmick last month ordered a six-month
moratorium on consent searches as the CHP confronts a civil
lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).  The
ACLU contends that the CHP, and especially its drug task forces,
are focusing on black and Hispanic motorists in the San Jose

"The drug interdiction officers have the most severe rates of
racial profiling," ACLU lawyer Michelle Alexander told the Los
Angeles Times.  "Officers are encouraged to use minor traffic
violations to stop motorists and then get consent to search their
cars for drugs... They're operating on a hunch, on a guess, on a

In documents filed with the court, the ACLU used data compiled by
the CHP to show that Latinos were stopped and searched at a rate
four time that of whites on US Highway 101 in the central coast
area, while blacks were stopped twice as often as whites.  The
ACLU said a similar pattern emerged on Interstate 5 in
California's Central Valley.

The CHP's Helmick denied that the ban on consent searches was
related to racial profiling or to the ACLU lawsuit.  "Our people
clearly do not racially profile," he told the Times.  "I think we
treat people fairly.  We're just trying to be sure."

But Helmick imposed the ban on the advice of a team of CHP
managers who reviewed search data from July 2000 through March.
The CHP began collecting racial profiling data in 1999 after a
growing number of citizen complaints of racially biased policing.

On the opposite coast, meanwhile, New Jersey courts and lawmakers
are also zeroing in on consent searches in the context of racial
profiling.  Despite last week's 5-4 US Supreme Court ruling that
police may arrest and search individuals for infractions as minor
as traffic offenses, the New Jersey state constitution bars such
tactics.  Last June, a state appeals court went even further,
ruling that police may not ask permission to search a car unless
the officer can articulate a reason for thinking a crime has
occurred.  In other words, no consent searches are allowed.

In handing down the ruling, Appellate Division Judge Sylvia
Pressler wrote that the rule is needed because "baseless requests
almost inevitably result in a search.  It is our view that
travelers on our state highways should not be subject to the
harassment, embarrassment, and inconvenience of an automobile
search following a routine traffic stop unless the officer has at
least an articulable suspicion that the search will yield
evidence of illegal activity."

New Jersey Attorney General John Farmer, however, is appealing
Pressler's decision to the state Supreme Court.  In documents
submitted to the court, Farmer argues that banning consent
searches would "hinder the efforts of police officers to
investigate crimes related to automobiles in transit, and force
the police officers of our state to abandon their proactive,
crime-preventative role."

What the ruling clearly does hinder is consent searches.  Their
numbers have declined precipitously, from 440 in 1999 to 281 last
year, with only 40 reported so far this year.  No concomitant
increase in New Jersey crime levels has been noted.

But while Farmer and the troopers await a definitive state
Supreme Court ruling, members of the New Jersey legislature are
preparing to act.  Members of the legislature's Senate Judiciary
Committee, who have been holding marathon hearings on racial
profiling in the state are preparing legislation to ban consent
searches once and for all.

"I think all consent searches are suspect," Temple University
professor James Fyfe told the committee in mid-April.  "I think
the way to deal with it is just to say: 'You can't do it,'" the
expert on police practices said.

Fyfe's testimony, packed with solid statistical evidence of
racial bias in consent searches, has increased lawmakers'
sympathy for a legislative ban on consent searches.  On the south
end of the New Jersey Turnpike, Fyfe reported, troopers last year
found contraband in 25% of searches of whites, but in only 13% of
searches of blacks and 5% for Hispanics.

"This difference in hit rates speaks volumes about the difference
in standards police use in searching blacks and whites," Fyfe
told the committee.

"I just haven't seen a good reason to continue [consent
searches]," Sen. Robert Martin (R-Morris) told the Newark Star-
Ledger.  Martin, who sits on the judiciary committee and is a
professor at Seton Hall Law School, told the newspaper police
should be able to search vehicles only with probable cause that a
crime is afoot.

So far, the move to legislatively ban consent searches in New
Jersey is still in the talking stage.  No bills to ban the
practice have yet been filed.  In the meantime, consent searches
remain effectively banned on New Jersey highways pending a state
Supreme Court ruling.


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