-Caveat Lector-

For an immigration time-out: http://www.projectusa.org/
New York
New Gallup poll points to immigration time-out
Issue 73: May 7, 2001


In a new Gallup poll released Thursday (May 3, 2001), more Americans
(43%) want to see immigration levels lowered from current levels, than
to remain the same (41%).
(http://www.gallup.com/poll/releases/pr010503.asp )

To those who object to current U.S. immigration policy -- which will
drive 90% of the country's population growth in this century -- this is
very good news for two reasons:

1)  Historically, Americans have shown more concern for the consequences
of immigration during tough economic times, so it is significant that
public sentiment is so strong against mass immigration coming as it is
on the heels of a ten year cheap labor economic expansion.

2)  Such strong opposition to mass immigration is remarkable when one
considers that the immigration issue has been so successfully linked to
the ethnicity of the individual immigrants themselves.  (Remember the
mass amnesty bill that was barely defeated in the last Congress?  It was
cynically named the "Latino and Immigrant Fairness Act.")

This marriage of "diversity" and immigration has been a serious problem
for immigration realists, since the mere accusation of diversity heresy,
like the mere accusation of witchcraft in the 17th Century, is often
sufficient to condemn the accused.

One need not exhibit any evidence of racism to be harshly and publicly
denounced as racist for criticizing mass immigration.  Consider the
following from an article written by a New York State assemblyman
attacking ProjectUSA founder Craig Nelsen for erecting billboards in New
York City -- billboards that simply raised the issue of immigration and
had nothing to do with race or ethnicity:

"Those who yearn to breathe free should be allowed to," the assemblyman
wrote, "without the putrid stench of racism that Craig Nelson
endorses."  ( The Jewish Press, September, 1999
http://projectusa.org/press/sep99/jewishpress-9-24-99.html )

No doubt, in public conversation, as well as in private musings, the
association of immigration with the sin of racism, and the threat of
such severe public censure, prevents many Americans from taking a
clear-eyed view of the subject.

However the political climate is changing quickly.  It is becoming
increasingly apparent to average Americans that "diversity" might not
justify sticking their children with the environmental and political
disaster to come if Congress does not implement an immigration
time-out.  Congress needs to reduce levels to the more traditional 100 -
200 thousand legal immigrants per year.

Diversity vs. Freedom: Jihad on the Campus

Updated link: Issue 71 had a link to an April 18 editorial in the
Providence Journal in which the quote appeared: "The Sierra Club's Web
site is an exercise in intellectual cowardice."
Unfortunately, the Journal removes web pages rather quickly, and many
found the link dead.  The same editorial, however, also appears in the
Omaha World Herald at:


A full color picture of the ProjectUSA Truthmobile -- a big red
billboard on wheels -- was featured on the front page, above the fold,
of the May 3 issue of the Chicago Tribune.  In the photo's caption, the
nation's seventh largest paper referred to the Truthmobile as an
"anti-immigration billboard."

We find it interesting that everyone -- opponents, supporters and casual
observers -- refers to our mobile billboard as "anti-immigration."

The billboard isn't actually "anti" anything. It displays nothing more
than the Census Bureau statistic, "Immigration will double U.S.
population in your child's lifetime," and lists our web address.  Those
who describe this message as "anti-immigration" are demonstrating that
they understand  that unsustainable population growth is something worth

Let your representative and senators know that you object to an
irresponsible U.S. immigration policy that now has our population
growing -- needlessly -- at a faster rate than China's.  You may contact
them through: http://capwiz.com/fair/home/

To see the Chicago Tribune photo:


In my youth I stressed freedom, and in my old age I stress order. I have
made the great discovery that liberty is a product of order.

Will Durant
Time August 13, 1965


I think part of this fear of screening for disease thing is based on
recent Hollywood depictions of the action in history, such as Ellis
Island, as racist. We're so brain washed in the name of political
correctness that we can't even use good sense.

Kathleene Parker
Los Alamos, NM

+== E-ZINE STAFF ==+

Editor: Brenda Walker
Head writer: Craig Nelsen
Contributing writer: Allison Solin


If you no longer wish to receive this publication, just email us the bad
news and we will comply. Or, conversely, if you wish to include
appropriate friends in the happy throng, send us their email addresses
and they will be added.

Tax-exempt donations to ProjectUSA can be made online at
http://www.projectusa.org/contribute.html or by sending a check to:
ProjectUSA, 38-11 Ditmars Blvd #544, Astoria, NY 11105-1803

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