UFO NEWS BLACKOUT  SCOTLAND & UK  by andrew hennessey

ALIEN BASE and the SCOTTISH MAGIC WOOD   andrew hennessey
between may 5 and may 10 2001 - here are some mundane stories of the usual - !!!!
ok - so the times newspaper reports that some people in the south of england are giving up their UFO organisation because of lack of sightings .... !!! no UFOs - these guys have got to be kidding - the following reports are NOT UNUSUAL - everyday events in and around edinburgh, scotland 
well last week, Paul macDonald of edinburgh reports a massive Black Triangle over the Vale of Leithen north of edinburgh, and the night after he saw a BT, I saw one massive ship glide over the Firth of Forth estuary at edinburgh, when it headed more down the coastline - it veiled in cloud - but there were strobe lights jumping about over a massive area of cloud.
Paul macDonald then reports the next day that just where he makes his scottish and medieval weapons in the heart of edinburgh - and in broad, bright daylight - he looked up and saw three greys in a glass bubble which sat in the middle of a plate-like rim - for some reason he looked down, but when he looked back up, they were gone.
Another two friends were in bed, one woke up to see her boyfriend astrally projecting out of his body by sitting up - and there - his features appeared like a mask on a 3.5 foot grey-like being - and when she scrreamed - it was as if the grey screamed too - rather a comical moment - she afterwards reflected.
On the night that happened - I was down at Joppa, the port of the Scottish jerusalem [edinburgh] and seeing amazing pearly lights descend from the sky - splashing into 8 balls of light at rooftop level, or flashing in the sky around me [ again none of these were aircraft lights ]
So we heard that in a woods 20 miles south of edinburgh there were some strange goings on.
When people stop at the roadside to watch at night - they report being followed and accosted by a black 2 dimensional window/black square with a bar of light inside it - and it moves rapidly over the fields from the woods to any movement - but once it checks you out - it goes away again.
There have been as many as three of these objects in the field at the same time reports george wheatley - and sometimes if you talk to them - they hang around - maybe they are some kind of ship - or maybe some kind of surveillance device - for in those woods at night - there are flashes and moving lights -
so I got out the car and started shouting over to the woods - and the lights went out - these hills are legendary for the faerie tribes/greys that inhabit them - the Sidhe or [pronounced she]
I know I know - they could have taken me away - promises - promises - maybe I could have got to meet the kids - they must have grown up by now - I was abducted in 1980 .... :)
andrew hennessey
I was amazed to find the tabloid media in scotland reporting that all the aliens had packed up and gone home - especially since my Transformation Group has NEVER had so MANY sightings of late.
Worse still for the establishment - more and more people are witnessing the incredible sights of non-human activity.
The traffic is not all hardware however - and the usual suspects/debunkers consequently have rolled out the old marsh gas theories and 'the planet venus magnified by an atmospheric lense' stuff - a sort of throwback to the 70's and 80's
Some of the most wonderful accounts come from the witnesses themselves - abductees who have been toured round the galaxy - but worse than that for the government think tanks - the Phenomenon as they occur are actually crossing what were once clearly laid boundaries by the social engineering think tanks.
This stuff now makes the X-files plots look a little 50ish and seems to sweep us pass the placards and fond reminisces of 1947 and all that.
There are BOTH physical ships and non-physical beings of Light in alliance.
There is a hierarchy and these angels of light are controlled by a Being many experiencers call Christ, at least thats the name used on this planet.
I suddenly find myself referring to the old testament - a wheel within a wheel stuff of Ezekiel, and realise that there is a templar and gnostic history to these interdimensional beings known in dusty libraries as the Pearls of Great Price because of their pearly nascent glow - but when they dim themselves a bit they look like a donut with a hole in the middle - a taurus - it is as if a wheel had been within the middle of a wheel - a halo - a star - ... just like the darting halos of the recent Nasa footage.
These appear to be the true shape and form of the human energy body or ghost when it discards form - and we can see these glowing lights in a historical perspective - for they are also associated with the faeries/Greys as will O the wisp ...
beings of incredible power and light are descending through the dark rainclouds of scotland and lighting the horizon up - skeptics who talk about GPS satellites are dumbfounded by the energies of the high glares, low descents, pulsing strobe effects and the very pure pearly light.
many people in Scotland are being treated to the beauties of colours never before seen on this earth, and many who ask are coming into commune with these beings.
The strongest and most powerful are like the hierarchy of angels who I hear have been elsewhere but are now back .... excuse me ... let me find my X-files encyclopaedia - there is no adequate explanation for the ideologies of these abductees and witnesses in the establishment created X-files Mythos.
The Angels are in command of a Host of Ships and apparently have come to take on Lucifer and the fallen Host - ie. star wars - but where that differs from the X-files is that these 'redeemers' will only help us if we want to be helped - suddenly I'm an evangelist - because of the people I have interviewed there is a strong belief that the name of Christ is a chosen mobile phone number to God on this planet.
And when people ask - they will see - as in a group of us who had been told these things went out to a very high hill and watched the may skies and saw incredible pearly lights lighting up the valley.
Others we know have seen massive base ships [hardware] floating about the skies decloaking and cloaking - whole neighbourhoods are visited by ships and creatures resembling some 'greys' though I use the term loosely - and the local 12th century cathedral has recently defaced the head of a grey mounted in the church wall.
People are simply walking up to us as we meet and declaringthat they are protected and nurtured by the Lights and Angels of God and that Christ is the 'Commander' - and that the angels follow them about everywhere - so is that true - are they followed about everywhere ? so after a nightime meeting a group of 5 of us went outside - and there beneath low thick cloud were 3 very bright dazzling pearly lights - the star of the magi and bethlehem - or as the skeptics would have it piezzo electric discharges, that is until they come down close to your hands and take you up and out across the galaxy within 7 seconds, tour you about and return you to your body - Russell asked everyone after this awesome trip for two weeks - who am I this time ? - indeed the Romany Gypsy protected by the angels of God remembers her previous life as part of a beautiful non-human civilisation.
And as we lay ourselves down to sleep - the lights are in our room - hallucinations - all in the mind - until you realise that they answer your thoughts, that they respond to your ideas and once a dialogue is constructed - very much have a positive message for the worried populations.
There are incredible multiple sightings, multiple proofs beyond the aircraft and satellite and marsh gas and venus stuff - there have been attempts to communicate with the media - no results and we also know that this phenomena is not confined to scotland - its Global - as the Nasa footage of the glowing donuts will confirm.
Digital video evidence of a clarity and beauty that surpasses the mexico footage shot in broad daylight is being regularly shot by Brian mcphee of Stirling Scotland - and with no commercial intent I commend his Video Ufos over scotland by [EMAIL PROTECTED] as an example of the startling evidence that the establishment are trying to sit on.
There is also another guy down in London who meditates then climbs onto a high roof with a camcorder and he appears to be shooting wonderful stuff too ...
So whats with all this stuff that the aliens are packed up and went home - in the last 30 days I have seen 20 amazing events in my local skies, neighbourhood and home, and I don't think that I am a priveleged exception.
I suspect that the establishment senses an impending  upset in the balance of power and may also be afraid that if you realised that these Angelic Lightbeings are really listening to you - as we saw last night on our skywatch - that they are really aware of your thoughts - that the lowliest man or woman or reptile could alter the balance of power with a simple prayer - though I don't want to sound religious here, because I went off churchianity long long ago - and after a long long life watching scully and mulder act out their tavistock scripts - I have finally realised that the returning Cosmic Commander, the mayan Stargods, the returning King etc is named Christ at least on this reptile planet - sons and daughters of God we are - someone has to be in charge.
Well - for the moment at least - I seem to be a bearer of Good News - and I would have been the last person ever to associate myselfwith the hypocrisy and evils of the church - but all of this is way beyond what we have all been taught to beleive about Angels - for it appears that [according to Russell penman] that when the earth changes come and the angelic lights come down for you - don't be afraid and don't run - they have come to lift you up [translated - as in beam me up]
Now I'm not an evangelist and am not up on raptures and tribulations - all I know is that some very Benign and powerful Beings appear to have finally taken a guiding influence in my life - and as I said I'm not unique or priveleged - for when I ran a UFO conference - people rang me up saying that husband and wife were abductees and that their kids were regularly toured round the solar system and got to fly the ships, another guy said that the pearly lights had been following him about since he was little - but that he didn't know - or I suppose really want to know what they were or what it really meant - for the bottom line here is that in one sweeping gesture; - a spectrum;
starwars,aliens,hitek,telepathy,dimensions,energies,beings oflight,ghosts, angels, souls, hierarchy -
the notion of the narrow confines of our televised reality break down - the frontiers of the paradigm of materialism is about to fall and that event is both x-files, and, well, eternally awesome and religious - for the day that every human claims their birthright that they are eternal souls, slipping in and out of shells and incarnations as indeed some of the abductees who have interviewed 'aliens' can claim, and, can
 some of the under 5s human children who  remember their  past lives and realities before it gets educated out of them - will be the day that the reptiles lose their power forever on this world.
The frontiers of materialism are falling - just like te einsteinian star trek physics they try to sell us, just like the kak TV programmes that try to mess with history and our heads - and as much as the NWO wanted to have us all brainwashed into subservience - what has to have got them rattled is the undeniable proofs that the forces of light are now providing the general population - and as more and more proof of eternity and real empowerment break the chains of slavery - so the reptilian thugs start to head for their ships - for it looks very much like our older brothers and sisters have returned - people we have probably known many times and lives before - but if you are darth Reptile - how can you outrun a being that can cross intergalactic space in 7 seconds ??
I refuse to be labelled christian with a small c - for that way is the way of delusion and corruption - but, as things are eternal and so am I and that these other eternal beings of greater power have arrived with forces of great magnitude to help us all out - and their commander can be called Christ - I for one am not one to try to belittle something eternal and noble and one in charge of so many ships - so because I know that we can respectfully ask [pray] to these noble telepaths - as opposed the dark little crap heads working with the military - I suddenly find that there is some [religious] implications to my statements - and didn't the NWO say that we as a planet were not ready for contact because as little primitives we would worship and be beguiled by the aliens -
It won't end suddenly, abruptly, I don't think so - for that would defeat the purpose of why we bothered to find a body here to stay in in the first place - but it is my 'hope' that things will not turn out the way the reptiles want.
So the matter rests with you, not me, I tell you what I have seen here and what appears to be happening - all you have to do is respectfully ask  these beings/Angels of Light and see what happens for yourselves - Your future rests with You, not me.
best wishes
Andrew hennessey     brian mcphee can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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