In africa - the dead are piling up - AIDS has smitten an entire continent - so whats the source of this problem - it isn't as though all of africa had gone gay.
We know that we can catch AIDS from old needles - that it is rugged enough to survive in old blood in external conditions on our streets - and we get a jag - and thats that ...
So to africa - africa not being full of heroine addicts has a much bigger needle problem -
the flying kind - for it is entirely possible that AIDS/HIV is TRANSMITTED by MOSQUITO and BedBug
Mosquitos are flying needles, horseflies, bedbugs - all extract and share fluid/blood between victims.
Of course we get 'scientists' saying impossible impossible - but what does common sense say
if you can catch it from a syringe needle you can catch it from a blood parasite.
If that were thought true though - wouldn't there be the biggest Exodus that africa had ever seen ??
and if that were going to happen - do you think 'scientists' are going to identify Insects as Vectors for the disease.
andrew hennessey 
HND Biology

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