-Caveat Lector-

Norwegian law expert accuses Israel of state terrorism

Source: Jerusalem Post May 30, 2001

Norwegian expert on international law Terje Lund is accusing Israel of
practicing state-sponsored terrorism and claims that Palestinian Authority
Chairman Yasser Arafat holds no responsibility for Palestinian terror

"I regard much of Israel's aggression against Palestinians to be pure
terrorism" Lund told Norway's NTB wire service.

Lund, who has worked in international law for 20 years and has long
experience investigating war crimes for the UN, said, "Israel is guilty of
innumerable war crimes."

Israel is guilty of "crimes [including] abuse of civilians, illegal
reprisals, deportations, and a long list of other war crimes" Lund
explained. Lund added that he was speaking on a judicial, and not a
political basis.

"The Geneva Convention has it's own life and is principally apolitical.
After signing them it is Israel's duty to clean up its act " says Lund.

An international court for Middle East war crimes should be established if
this doesn't happen, he said.

"Another option is to use the existing war-crimes commission based on the
Geneva Convention. This has never been used, but is put together by 15 of
the world's top experts on international law and should have been sent to
the Middle East a long time ago, says Lund.

"Israel is against any international investigation of the situation in the
occupied territories," Lund said, adding that he doesn't see why that
should be a consideration.

"Israel has ratified the protocol regarding the war crimes commission and
has by that accepted its jurisdiction" Lund said in defense of his

He did, however, note that according to international laws, Israel has
some rights to the use of force.

"Israeli forces are allowed to keep order and calm in the occupied
territories", and are therefore allowed to use what Lund termed "necessary

"But this use of force can only be strictly according to the principle of
proportionality," he added.

"One of Israel's methods is to blow up the homes of the stone throwing
youths, and that is state terrorism," Lund says.

"This has nothing to do with the rights of the occupiers," he said,
adding, "Another use of force which is absolutely illegal is Israel's
revenge on civilian targets." Lund also thinks there's a widespread
misunderstanding that international law can regulate what the Palestinians
can do in response.

According to Lund, the Palestinians are not covered by the international
law at all.

"They have therefore also no rights in connection to international law but
are instead protected by the UN's human rights conventions," Lund said.

"If the Palestinians wants to lead an armed fight against the occupation,
they should immediately establish a mini-state and fight based from
there," Lund's advised.

"Then a uniformed Palestinian force will have the right to kill according
to international law, and to be treated as prisoners of war [and] can't
anymore be called criminals by the Israelis," Lund says. Lund is not
denying the fact that extremist groups' actions against civilian Israeli
targets are terrorism. But he says there is one big difference.

"It is totally unacceptable that Israel as a state is guilty of these
actions. The first to react should be the Israelis themselves. By not
doing so, they're not trustworthy."

Lund also thinks Arafat cannot be accused of the acts of terror committed
by extremist organizations such as Hamas or Islamic Jihad.

"It is not easy to place the responsibility for these actions with Arafat.
First, he does not have the power and authority over all the Palestinians
- something Israel and the world around has denied him - and second he
cannot be held responsible as a state leader," Lund says.

"Does that mean Israel and parts of the world can blame Arafat for
everything the Palestinians are doing?" Lund asked rhetorically.

That has nothing to do with law, but with politics and propaganda, Lund

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