-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Pugliese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Adam Richmond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 9:21 AM
Subject: BadTrans Worm

>    Dummy me opened an attachment that was advertised as a MP3, my
> antivirurus program zapped it. I think!
>   Needless to say, don't open any attachments "from me".
> Michael Pugliese
>       Contains signature of  Worm/BadTrans.2
>       File was destroyed by virus!
>       WAS DELETED!
>   WIN98_24.CAB
>   ArchiveType: CAB (Microsoft)
>       NOTE! The archive is created by multiple volumes
>   WIN98_25.CAB
>   ArchiveType: CAB (Microsoft)
>       NOTE! The archive is created by multiple volumes
> End of scan: 31.05.2001  08:52
> Time taken:         19:54 min
>  946 directories were scanned
> 14016 files were scanned
>    2 warning messages were issued
>    1 file was deleted
>    0 viruses were removed
>    1 virus was found
> YW55fiZwX2NhdF9sdmwxPTQmcF9zb3J0X2J5PWRmbHQmcF9wYWdlPTE*&p_li=
> Manually removing an infection from your computer can put your data at
> for damage that may or may not be recoverable. Central Command strongly
> recommends that you backup all of your data prior to attempting to remove
> infection or repair any damage causes by an infection.
> Details:
> ----------
> Name: I-Worm.Badtrans
> Alias: W32.Badtrans.13312@mm
> Detection added : April 12, 2001
> Spread Method : Via E-Mail (A copy of the worm will be sent as a reply
> message to all unread emails in the users Inbox folder)
> Description:
> ------------
> Worm part:
> -------------
> When the attachment is executed the worm drops the trojan "hkk32.exe" into
> the Windows folder and executes itself. A copy of worm is created under
> file name inetd.exe in Windows folder. The following line is added to
> "win.ini" in [windows] section: run=c:\windows\inetd.exe.
> This line actually runs the worm every time windows load. After it
> running its rountine, the worm will display the following error box:
> The worm will arrive with one of the following filenames:
> New_Napster_Site.DOC.scr
> Pics.ZIP.scr
> images.pif
> news_doc.scr
> searchURL.scr
> SETUP.pif
> Card.pif
> hamster.ZIP.scr
> YOU_are_FAT!.TXT.pif
> Me_nude.AVI.pif
> Sorry_about_yesterday.DOC.pif
> s3msong.MP3.pif
> Humor.TXT.pif
> fun.pif
> docs.scr
> It will also add, to the original message, the following line:
> "Take a look to the attachment"
> Trojan part:
> --------------
> The hkk32.exe is a trojan called: Trojan.PSW.Hooker. This trojan drops a
> file called hksdll.dll used later as hook component to intercept pressed
> keys. A copy of the worm called kern32.exe is created in Windows folder
> the original file hkk32.exe is deleted.
> It also add the following key to registry in order to be executed every
> windows loads:
> HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
> kernel32 = c:\windows\system\kern32.exe
> It sends information from infected computers to the email address:

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