"I caught [William Sherck in a teen binary
newsgroup posting a picture entitled "d**vil
and the fl**sh." He was part of the  group that
was defending the fraudulent allegations
by M. Aquino.... These people are liars, and
dangerous liars...."

Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 18:17:33 -0400
Subject: Reply to "S.A. Jordan"

*The person writing this, "S.A. Jordan,"
writes exactly like a man named "Raven, J. Singleton"
from the occult community. I can't absolutely
verify they are one and the same, they just appear
to be. He is the person who followed me from
newsgroup to newsgroup until he made such
a public jack*** out of himself that he dissappeared
under the name of Raven.

The information he is quoting from the '"wide
variety of sources" are basically all from the same
source -  him and his friends. This is the
game and this is how they play it.

I retrieved lots of documentation about a cult
leader by the name of M. Aquino during 1996.
He became very unhappy about it, attempted to
censor me and finally he sued an internet company.


The internet company owner saw this for what it
was and put up  a web page about it.  He was
then threatened about his web page and told
to take it down. He did not, and he was then sued
a second time after the first suit was dismissed
in middle 1997. The last suit was dismissed in
late 1997....

>Opinions differ, rather sharply. Here are some
Notice that these are the same [people] who quote
each other. That is the game.

>Net Magazine 8/97:
M. Aquino gave an interview to a web magazine
in England that thought it would be entertaining
for the readers to quote his frivolous allegations.
In the actual lawuit the allegations are entirely
fraudulent and false. This article is what Raven,
I mean S.A. Jordan,is quoting as some type
of factual representation. The web magazine never
interviewed me, lied about it, and gave out the
wrong URL to the internet company.

>Curio Jones FAQ Site:
>(works better with Internet Explorer than with
This web site was created  by a man named
William Scherk. I caught him in a teen binary
newsgroup posting a picture entitled "d**vil
and the fl**sh." He was part of the  group that
was defending the fraudulent allegations
by M. Aquino. Mr. Scherks web site has been
taken down once before by his internet company,
but I am letting this one stay up for a while for
my own purposes.

>Curio Jones discussion:

This also was set up by William Scherk.  In the
links area of this site there was a skull and
crossbones, threats to post pictures of me, and
other identifying information when Scherk was
associating with this person:


..notice that Ms. Devereaux went to a lot of trouble to
try to frighten me over a long period of time.

Raven, "S.A. Jordan", and the folks promoting
themes that not all sex with children is harmful in
SPP - the very same people defending Mr. Aquino -
began cross-posting my messages to alt.usenet.kooks
right after I publicized my archive on ritual cases.

They then began making claims that I was calling
people "pedophiles," which is a lie.  The truth is
that some of these people are promoting a
pedophilie-supporting agenda and they are not
going to terrorize me off the internet and keep me
from pointing that out.

They have recently been involved in trying to make
false allegations to my local police department.
An S.A. Jordan and others accused me of
"cyberstalking" Carol Hopkins,  when I wrote a
very factual report about her and clearly stated
what my opinion was. I included info taken
from her own web page when I saw that her URL
was no longer working. They claimed I was
threatening her and stalking her simply based
on that article.

These people are liars, and dangerous liars.
This is why I have been anonymous all of these
years. To try to protect myself from false allegations,
cult set-ups and retaliation.

And these are the people trying to cover up r**tual
abuse activity.

K. Curio Jones

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