-Caveat Lector-

Wonder how true this is - published on Jeff Rense news.

Regardless Clinton has much for which to answer with regard to the
polluted blood he permitted to be sold to Canada which went around the


AIDS BioWarfare - Kadhafi
Says Libyan Babies
Intentionally Infected
By Joe Vialls
http://vialls2.homestead.com 5-29-1
Libyan AIDS Scandal - Internet and Short Wave Radio only. No television
or newspaper coverage allowed in the western press.

TRIPOLI, Libya - The trial will commence on Saturday 2nd June, of six
Bulgarian medical workers accused of deliberately infecting 393 Libyan
babies with AIDS in a Benghazi hospital. Though the charge may initially
seem staggering and bizarre in the extreme, close attention to this
trial is recommended. Records show that Libyan babies in other hospitals
not vulnerable to the accused Bulgarian medical workers, effectively do
not suffer from AIDS at all. If the case against the Bulgarians is
proved, it may just be the tip of a horrific biological warfare iceberg.

Abuja, Nigeria (Short Wave + Internet) Saturday 28 April 2001

The Libyan revolutionary leader, Col. Moammar Kadhafi Friday accused the
US Central Intelligence Agency or CIA of being responsible for the
spread of HIV/AIDS throughout the world. "The issue today, which no one
dares address, is the origin of the virus; namely who created HIV/AIDS.
The door is totally closed. Even experts and doctors present here in
Abuja have not addressed that ticklish and very hot issue," Kadhafi

Speaking in Abuja at the closing ceremony of the African summit on
HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, he said, "diseases
like tuberculosis are leprosy are known since a long time". According to
him, "CIA laboratories had lost control over the virus which was tested
on black Haitian prisoners. And it's not Kadhafi who says so, but this
is a truth divulged by scientists."

He refuted "the notion" according to which the disease was caused by
monkeys from Africa as utterly false and baseless". "Our monkeys have
always lived with us while the disease only emerged in the last two
decades. It's a recent disease that dates back to the 1980s". To support
his revelations, Kadhafi disclosed how health personnel contaminated 400
Libyan children with HIV/AIDS in the pediatrics ward of the Benghazi
University Teaching Hospital (1,050km east of Tripoli).

"The defendants - one doctor and five nurses - admitted that they were
separately requested by the CIA and MOSSAD (the Israeli intelligence
service) to contaminate Libyan children", Kadhafi explained to the
astonishment of the summiteers. One doctor and five nurses of Bulgarian
nationality were arrested and jailed for several months now in a Libyan
prison after having been accused of contaminating Libyan children with

He described the act as "a catastrophe and odious crime. We will file
the case to WHO and the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red
Crescent". Several of these children were transferred to European
countries for more in-depth investigations. A specialized centre in
Paris had confirmed their contamination by the virus. The case was
examined by the criminal court of Tripoli.

Kadhafi said the trial would have an international scope similar to that
of the Lockerbie affair. Kadhafi also accused capitalist companies of
engaging in "odious trade" by sacrificing the lives of sufferers of
HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases to make maximum profits. He
further accused those companies of prolonging the life of the virus and
delaying the marketing of drugs in a bid to gain more profits at the
expense of the millions of persons victimized by the pandemic.

He did not rule out the possibility that major western pharmaceutical
companies and firms end up formulating an efficient vaccine and a
treatment for that virus. But, he said, "they have preferred to exploit
this human catastrophe worldwide in order to enrich themselves". Kadhafi
criticized western countries of "spending billions of dollars on weapons
of massive destruction which kill hundreds of thousands of people while
relatively little money is being spent on AIDS control". These
capitalists, he insisted, "seem to take some pleasure in seeing us

And the Libyan leader emphasized that "HIV/AIDS is not a disease
strictly confined to Africa. On the contrary, he said, it's a pandemic
that strikes the whole planet even if it develops quicker in Africa
because of poverty, debts and other social evils colonialists have
plunged us into". Kadhafi later expressed satisfaction over the
deposition with the OAU on Thursday of the 36th ratification document of
the African Union. He urged African states to primarily rely on
themselves and on their own means to fight the AIDS pandemic. Africa, he
said, should "assume its responsibilities with courage and save its
riches including diamonds, gold, oil, gas, fruits, water to find the
necessary drug and save its sons". "Africa is today on the right track.
It has started, with the coming into force of the African Union, its
historic march for progress and development", Kadhafi added. ENDS
Bulgarian Radio 7 May 2001, 1000 GMT

Foreign Minister Nadezhda Mikhaylova has told the ambassadors of Arab
countries that Bulgaria will not accept a "political" trial of six
Bulgarian medics in Libya accused of deliberately infecting children
with AIDS. Mikhaylova said a statement by Libyan leader Mu'ammar
al-Qadhafi on the eve of the trial "entirely contradicts the principle
of justice, universally accepted throughout the world". The following is
the text of a report by Bulgarian radio on 7 May:

[Announcer] On 7 May a meeting took place between Foreign Minister
Nadezhda Mikhaylova and the ambassadors of the Arab countries in Sofia
on the case of the six Bulgarian medics accused in the AIDS scandal case
in Libya. Stoil Molov reports:

[Molov] Bulgaria will not accept a political trial of its citizens in
Libya, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nadezhda Mikhaylova said after her
meeting with the Arab ambassadors, which took place today in Sofia. Our
country's demands, aimed at guaranteeing an objective and fair trial

First: allowing independent medical experts with an international
reputation to check the evidence in the case.

Second: allowing the defence to check all the analyses made on the Blood
bank's products found in the apartment of one of the defendants.

Third: the court must allow the defendants' attorneys to question the
defendants and witnesses and review the evidence presented by the

Bulgaria will ask the WHO, the International Red Cross, and the Red
Crescent, as well as the relevant UN bodies to become involved in the
medical aspects of the case.

[Mikhaylova] We think that declaring the defendants to be guilty, as was
done in Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi's speech, on the eve of the trial entirely
contradicts the principle of justice, universally accepted throughout
the world, namely, the presumption of innocence until proven otherwise.
We think that any statement which violates this principle, prior to the
court's official verdict, is unacceptable. We pointed this out to the
Arab ambassadors.

We think that putting the trial in the context of experiments ordered by
foreign forces and aimed against the Libyan people and the peoples of
Africa, as Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi did, and doing this at such a high
international forum, inevitably testifies to the politicization of the
trial. It creates the preconditions for a campaign against Bulgaria and
the Bulgarian experts in Arab and African states.

The analogy made with the Lockerbie trial prompts thoughts about
political moves, aimed at turning the Bulgarian citizens into scapegoats
for settling scores with other countries. This contradicts the
traditionally friendly relations between Bulgaria and Libya.

[Molov] The Arab ambassadors were invited to brief their governments on
the justice and legal demands of the Bulgarian side and to facilitate
sending Arab observers to the trial in Benghazi to monitor the just,
transparent, and objective character of the trial and facilitate the
discovery of the objective truth.

Even today Libyan Ambassador Jibril has still not submitted the written
text of the speech of Libya's head of state Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi.
However, he gave assurance orally to Nadezhda Mikhaylova that the
Bulgarian citizens were not mentioned in it.

Footnote: Although given every opportunity to do so, Foreign Minister
Mikhaylova did not attempt to deny direct or indirect Bulgarian
Government involvement in the Libyan case.

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