What is this, bash everything that does not fit into the perspective of goodness to everyone on this list?  Whether you be gay, straight or star child, if your entitled as a human being then your entitled, so be it.  I am rather tired of all this paranoia about gays and sodomites etc.  I should think some would have other things to worry about rather than fearing what may or may not happen in any given time.
Whether or not anyone on this list likes gays or not, or lesbians or not or black people or not, they too have feelings and are a part of God's Kingdom as well and I do not care who does not like it.  God may not approve of these things, but he says he loves all people, how is it some on this list cannot and then you set in judgement of all that moves and does not fit into their holy schedule?  Some of you even blow way out of proportion many advertisments and things, this is so silly it deserves no reply at all, but it galls me to think so many on this list are so very perfect and only they are correct,,what rubbish.
I joined this list to learn of conspiracies and the like, not to run people down with some supposed idea that may or may not exist!  This lists name should be changed from CTRL to I hate everything that does not agree with me!
How would some of you like it, if allot of people hated you for what you beleived in or how you lived and set in judgement of you.  I am sure you would disapprove.  People cannot even get along on this earth that our Lord made for us, it is doubtful he will accept many into his kingdom with such horrible hate in their hearts for all that do not agree with them. 
This all saddens me to think that as human beings some can be so very cruel and then justify it with stupidity. 
Merely my opinion
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Federal AIDS Funding

From: Amelia

>Seems gays help themselves to all kinds of tax funding.
>Scroll down past the Home Depot article to find just a few.
>If all of these things were eliminated, I could get a tax
>refund and donate the money to the Boy Scouts.



>This weekend, hundreds of homosexuals will gather at the
>Cathedral City Boys Club, a homosexual resort in Cathedral
>City, California to attend "FistFest 2001," which is being
>billed as a "weekend of the hottest fisting in the U.S. Hot
>men--hot days--hot hands and hot h__s". (Interestingly enough,
>a spokesman for this homosexual sex orgy club has denied the
>event is happening, but FistFest is listed on the club's own
>web site and the club held a similar FistFest last June.)


Have you ever watched MTV during Spring Break week?  The above doesn't sound any different, except of course MTV highlights heterosexual orgies...


And I don't see anything about taxpayer dollars paying for this...


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