-Caveat Lector-

David Lindstedt wrote:
> John Kucek  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Comrades:
> I plan to send the following letter to as many newspapers in NE PA as I
> can find Email addresses for and also send copies to the Gov, State
> Police Commissar and State Atty General.  Can you get me newspaper
> addresses around Stroudsburg and names and addresses of govt officials?
>                      JLK
> P.S. I need the addresses and names, not advice on where to find the
> information.
> Dear Editor:
> Last month a worldwide Christian radio and mail ministry from Colorado
> scheduled a Family Bible Conference in northeastern Pennsylvania, a few
> miles north of Stroudsburg.  The conference center, which they rented for
> their meeting, is at the end of a small country road two and one-half
> miles off the main road.
> On a Friday afternoon, just at the time the conference attendees began to
> arrive for the three day conference, ten Pennsylvania State Police Cars,
> a K-9 unit, twelve State Law Enforcers and a police helicopter decided to
> set up a welcoming committee for the Christian guests.  The greeting sign
> on the side of the road said "Safety Check", reminiscent of the old days
> in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
> As each of the arriving vehicles was stopped, a Law Enforcer asked the
> driver for his travel papers (i.e. drivers license, insurance papers,
> registration papers, inspection sticker) and asked if seat belts were
> buckled.  At the same time , a photographer came from the other side and
> started taking photographs.  Then there were the routine Gestapo
> questions like "Who are you and where are you going?"
> In view of the gross violation of our rights to: peaceable assembly,
> freedom of religion, security from unreasonable searches, freedom to
> travel and right to privacy, it became apparent that the inquisitors were
> actually a gang of armed thugs masquerading as police officers.  Evidence
> of this alarming fact is that lawful police officers must take and oath
> and abide by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of
> Pennsylvania.  Although the thugs that intercepted us on that lonely
> country road had the insignia and equipment of police officers, their
> behavior revealed their true identity.
> As a veteran of WW2 and Korea, I sometimes wonder whatever happened to
> all the freedom we were told that we were fighting for.

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