-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Chamish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 6:38 PM
Subject: Talking

In Honor Of Yesterday's Latest Postponement Of Avishai Raviv's Trial, It
Was Bound To Happen:

By Barry Chamish

    I ask my readers not to inquire who my sources are. I will be using
deceptions to hide their identities.

The Evolution Of Raviv

Source 1 - We wish you had made it clearer that the Shabak is not a
monolith, it's compartmentalized. You are taking down a lot of silent
heroes who don't deserve to be associated with the dirty tricks department.
We wish you understood the kind of heroism taking place in the service by
young men whose committed duty is to prevent mass murder in the country.
They're story should be told too. If the public knew the filthy job they
were doing and what daily dealings with vile scum terrorists does to their
permanent life's perspective, the damage that is about to be exposed
publicly could be minimized.

                You don't know it but you're on the edge of being proven
right about many of your claims. That's going to happen with or without our
help. We're just speeding up the process. We took the decision to talk to
you because things have gone too far. Even you don't know how serious
matters really are.

               We'll tell you some things we know and they'll know it had
to come from inside. We'll stop short of naming certain names that could
get you, or us, killed.

               Let's start with Avishai Raviv. You didn't get the whole
story. You don't understand how things got out of hand. And you don't know
what he was doing before there was an Oslo Accord. Start with 1992: His
assignment was to destroy the Tekhiya Party, the most committed
Knesset   representative of the settlers. The plan worked like this. He had
spent five years infiltrating far right wing groups and now he was ordered
to unite them into one party which would draw away enough votes to
annihilate Tekhiya but not enough to actually sit in the Knesset.

              He asked the Kach people to join his movement but they
turned him down flat. However Gershon Solomon's Temple Mount Faithful
initially accepted his proposal. Solomon was going to head the list and
Raviv began politicking for him. But Solomon soon suspected Raviv's motive
and backed out. Raviv was furious and asked his followers, who later would
form the core of Eyal, to wreck Solomon's car and property. They balked at
the idea and Raviv went looking for another party to siphon off Tekhiya's

              In the end he got desperate and backed a party run by a
disgruntled meat company owner, whose plank was to eliminate the income tax
authority. Raviv campaigned hard to have the hardline vote support what was
known as the Picanti Party and drew off just enough Tekhiya support to
eliminate the party from the Knesset. He did so well, we're told, he even
cost the National Religious Party a seat.

              You never understood where Raviv came from. He wasn't merely
a Shabak information gatherer, he was a pretend right winger planted by the
Labor Party to neutralize the political unity of the Right. That's what the
leaders of the Shabak were doing with our service even before Oslo. This
was a huge breach of the Shabak's mandate, which is to guard internal
security from violence and nationalistic crime.

             Raviv was a political tool illegally run by our chief
commander Yaacov Perry. But it was Carmi Gillon's Jewish Department, as you
rightly reported, which Raviv worked for. After the Hebron massacre Perry
was made CEO of the country's biggest cellphone operator and that was no
coincidence.He turned it into a surveillance tool of the highest order.
Meanwhile, Gillon was made head of the service and he expanded the role of
Raviv and others dramatically. From a political manipulator, Raviv was
ordered to become a criminal instigator.

            You are right that the goal of the instigations was ultimately
the forced removal of the Jewish residents of the West Bank and Gaza.
Raviv's assignment was to radicalize young people and inspire them to
commit a continuing chain of murderous outrages. This would eventually
justify the army coming in and removing these criminal residents from their

            But the settlers didn't cooperate. Raviv's superiors badly
misunderstood the settlers' thinking. Maybe they were victims of their own
prejudices but they weren't prepared for how meek these people really are.
Today, when the atrocities against them are being turned on high, they
still remain almost totally timid. The planners didn't get proper
intelligence on the effect of their rabbis either. Far from being
firebrands, the rabbis were preaching fatalism. While their best people
were being murdered, the rabbis taught that it was the victims' time to
die. And though the covert actions carry on with increased sadism, the
rabbis are holding courses in etiquette and values. The plan to remove the
settlers is way behind schedule and Arafat is going crazy. He thinks he was
taken for a ride. The way we were told it happened was that after the
Hebron massacre, Rabin was supposed to have the army round up the Jews of
Hebron and Kiryat Arba and start the removal process. He refused and that
was the moment the plan to murder him was hatched. You didn't get that

Source 2 - Another aspect about Raviv that you didn't report is how poor
his decision making was. This guy is not terribly clever and we were always
having to silence people who caught on to what he was doing. You got the
arrest of Shmuel Cytrin right. After he started spreading the word that
Raviv worked for us, he was arrested on no charge and kept at a safe
distance in prison.

                 But you didn't find out about the trouble we had with
Yehuda Miller, a police officer living near Raviv in Maale Levanim. Raviv
decided that he could hide his service ties by telling everyone that Miller
was his police commander. Miller found out about it and told Raviv to stop
the lying. But Raviv just turned up the heat. He even had his mail sent to
Miller's address.

                Miller, it turns out, was a first rate photographer and he
began capturing Raviv in criminal action on film. He had enough to bury
Raviv and all his officers, right up to Gillon. In the end we got him
kicked out of the police and terrified to tell anyone what he knows. I use
the word 'we' with reservations. I had nothing to do with these operations
and have learned to hate the people who did. Not everyone, there were kids
caught up in their duty who had nothing to compare to, I almost feel sorry
for them, but their officers were engaged in serious irregularities and
they knew better. As for the platoon that did the killing, I have not an
ounce of forgiveness towards them.

Rabin's Dead Bodyguards

Source 2 - We knew you would ask so we prepared partial answers. We don't
know that much, but we know it's worse than what you wrote.

Source 1 - All we know about Yoav Kuriel was that he was in a Shabak course
and taken out. Almost always that means he went into the deep underground
on assignment. I never knew him but I do know that after he was buried, we
had to talk to the people who buried him. I can't imagine that the
commanders thought they could hand a body riddled with bullets and missing
internal organs to a legitimate burial society and not expect the
undertaking crew to talk about what they saw afterwards. We made it clear
to one of the crew living in Bnai Brak, his name was Baruch as I recall,
that the loose talk would have to end then and there. He has been most
obedient since then. And we had to lean on this guy Biton from Pardes Katz
who was blabbing about what he saw.

Source 2 - There were a couple of other of our people who were eliminated;
one was from Ashdod or Rishon, I think, another guy named Tzvi, as I recall
was buried in Jerusalem the night of Rabin's murder. A minyan was gathered
in a hurry to supervise the burial and, of course, someone reported the
incident, this time to a Haredi paper in Bnai Brak. This paper was called
Hashavuah and they were about to publish the victim's name. We just closed
down the paper and confiscated the damning issue. The paper was re-opened
under another name right after.

Source 1 - At the risk of repeating myself, my friend uses the word 'we,'
when neither of us were involved in the operations. People in the service
talk to each other, we are human after all, and that's where this
information comes from. There are now enough of us who have had it with the
situation that we decided to fight back. I am sure that most of our buddies
agree with what we are doing. At first, no one believed your conclusions
about the Rabin murder. You were checked out, and it was concluded, now
don't be insulted, that you were too weird to ever be taken seriously.

Source 2 - The service really underestimated you. They never dealt with a
personality like yours. The intelligence reports painted you as an oddball
who could be neutralized with ease through the media. No one anticipated
that you had these kinds of persuasive talents. We have guys in the service
who are convinced you either have hidden powers or are working at a
high-ranking mutineer's behest. Either way, a lot of us have reached the
conclusion that it is inevitable the Rabin murder is going to rock the
service like never before. We want to make sure the damage won't be
permanent. The only people who should be prosecuted are those who killed
Jews, and there aren't many of them. We want them purged from our ranks.

Uzi Meshulum

(A rabbi who exposed the kidnappings of thousands of, mostly, Yemenite
infants in the early days of the state).

Source 2 - At the same time that the service was being exploited to smear
political opposition to the Oslo process, we were being used to snuff out
another political threat, Rabbi Uzi Meshulum. I bought the propaganda that
he was a dangerous cult leader threatening widespread violence in our
society. Most of us did at the time so we cooperated in his silencing. Now
we know that his message was honest and that it threatened the very basis
of the Labor movement. If it was allowed out, Labor's first heroes were
going to be pilloried, the political movement would have no moral
imperative to continue and thus the Oslo process would die. We were used

                As far as the service was concerned, Meshulum's fatal
mistake was naming his Shin Bet infiltrator, Ilan Raz. We do not appreciate
having our men exposed and their lives thereafter threatened. We planned to
move in on Meshulum big-time for that.

                But Raz tried to warn Meshulum. He had actually come around
to admiring him, and that by the way, is breaking regulation number one;
Get close to your target but not too close. He told him to stop his
campaign immediately or we would come down on him very hard. He even tried
bribing him but Meshulum wouldn't budge. We laid siege to his compound with
army and police snipers everywhere. They killed one of Meshulum's young
supporters. Meshulum was put into prison and now he seems to have forgotten
everything to do with missing infants.

               And the story gets worse. The Prison Services medical head,
Yaacov Ziegelboim was appalled by the medical treatment Meshulum was
receiving and was on the verge of reporting the facts to the proper
authorities. A bomb in his car put an end to that. Our public relations
people shifted the blame to Meshulum's followers. They are like the
settlers; they talk big, they used to call protest rallies thinking they
could persuade the public to seek justice but they never took murderous
actions. Yet the propaganda was so effective that the public believed the
bombing was by an extremist Yemenite. I have no proof but I'm convinced,
and I'm not alone, that victims like the Amir and Kahalani brothers were
chosen because they were Yemenite. Part of the overall operation was to
convince the public that Yemenites were unstable and their claims shouldn't
be taken seriously.

We Mean It

Source 1 - We worked out a strategy that we can live with. We are going to
allow you to report a highly sensitive piece of information. It should show
the dirty tricks people that we aren't kidding. Their operations have to
stop and now. This will be the last information you get from us. Next time
we'll find a more conventional media outlet. That is a promise. You will
not be contacted again.

Source 2 - I suggest you take a trip to Coresh street in Ramot and look at
villas around the number 100 block. You'll see one with a special garage
door. Suspects from the Ramallah area are taken there for interrogation.

                 Let them find a new villa. If we don't see a change of
policy, the next reporter we talk to will get more, much more information.
We are looking for an internal order that lets us know that the Shabak will
have only one function from now on, to protect Israelis from their real

Source 1 - And like I said before, you must report that the Shabak is where
our country's finest men serve. Most of us have no role in any of this
subterfuge. We are confident that we will be forgiven by the public when
the full story comes out. And it will.


* * *

I asked if one of my early informants, Moshe Pavlov worked for the Shabak.
Neither knew him.

The brand new Hebrew edition of Last Days Of Israel was the bestseller of
the Jerusalem Hebrew Book Fair with some 250 sold. It can be acquired from
the author.

THE LAST DAYS OF ISRAEL by Barry Chamish is available through:

www.amazon.com, www.bn.com,

www.borders.com , www.booksamillion.com, www.hiddenmysteries.com

The new e-mail address for the 2nd edition of Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin


If you live in the NY area, all my books including Israel Betrayed are
being sold discounted by writing:


In Israel all the books are distributed by the Zionist Book Club.


Please visit:


                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                    *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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