By Bill Murphy
June 16, 2001

  Gold $271.60 down $4 
  Silver $4.30 down 8 cents

Goldman Sachs and crew continue to flex their short side muscle and 
came up a winner on Friday after losing for a few days. While a $4 
drubbing is not conducive for sweet dreams on the weekend, it is not 
a reason to be down in the dumps either.

This is what I think is going on. 

For the past year I have asked my GATA delegation colleagues what 
could be done to solve the gold problem. That is, say I am the 
president of the United States, I know GATA is right,and I have 
called the Howes and Venerosos in, seeking suggestions on the best 
way to undo the gold mess created by the Clinton administration.

My colleagues have mostly answered, "I don't know." To illustrate 
just how serious and complicated the gold problem is, Frank 
Veneroso's specialty was crisis management. The finance ministers of 
Chile and Mexico called on Frank to help them solve  economic crises. 
He knew just what advice to give them. But on gold he draws a blank.

In recent Midas commentary, I have mentioned some anecdotal 
information about the government's main bank, J.P. Morgan Chase, like 
its stopping as many of the June Comex gold deliveries as possible. 
GATA also knows that the president, economic adviser Lawrence 
Lindsey, and Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill are very aware of the 
gold problem. We also know that the volatility in the gold price has 
increased dramatically in the past month and that the lease rates 
remain high.

My hunch is that to minimize damage in the unwinding of the gold 
fraud, the Bush Administration directed that the gold lease rates be 
taken to high enough levels to shrink the contango and discourage 
forward selling. That would tend to reduce the total number of short 
positions. That was the first step.

Step 2 would be to increase the gold volatility in a deliberate 
effort to warn market participants that a big gold event is coming 
and that to be overly short or too aggressive in writing calls is 
liable to be very dangerous, or even fatal, in the very near future.

They probably know that J.P. Morgan Chase has to be bailed out 
officially by the U.S. government in some way -- under the "too big 
to fail" principle. Their short position is just too big to be 
covered. How they will present this to Congress and the American 
public is hard to say. What they must be trying to do now is reduce 
the collateral damage to other gold shorts that will happen when they 
let the gold price go. 

With increasing volatility before the gold price takes off, a good 
number of gold market players should be scared out their vulnerable 
gold short positions, and out of their potentially disastrous written 
call option positions. The goal must be to have the Comex open 
interest as low as possible when the gold price explodes. And, in 
fact, the gold Comex open interest right now is an extremely low 
118,677 contracts.

That J.P. Morgan has taken in thousands of Comex gold contracts also 
fits, as it will make it harder for longs to squeeze Comex in the 
coming gold debacle, or cause an exchange default.

Whether my postulation is correct or not, the high lease rates and 
the increased volatility have the attention of everyone in the gold 
world and have become a topic of conversation.

For example, comments today from the Gold & Precious Metals Report 
from mega-gold bears Macquerie Research Equities in Australia:

* * *

* Traders are expressing a high degree of uncertainty about the 
current move and generally report little clear view on the likely 
direction in the short-term. It is fair to say that few generally 
believe that the rally in gold can be sustained for very long but are 
not convinced enough to sell into the strength evident from the U.S. 
This uncertainty, plus concerns about options positions, has seen 
gold option volatility jump higher.

* Not that the strong gold prices have been driven by massive buying 
surges into gold. The Comex exchange data shows that while large 
speculators are maintaining a significant net long futures only 
position, the overall open interest is considerably lower than 
earlier peaks.

* In our view the strongest positive argument for gold remains the 
narrowing gold contangos which have significantly reduced the 
risk/reward in forward-selling gold at these levels. Given that 
interest rates are still likely to fall in the coming months and the 
gold lease rates remain stubbornly near 2 percent, we still expect 
the contangos to narrow further and in the past contangos below this 
level tend to be associated with rising gold prices.

* * *

This is the most gold-friendly John Brimelow has seen the contangos, 
and this kind of commentary is becoming reasingly pervasive in the 
gold industry. I know of a silent Gold Cartel member that is "out of 
sorts" because it has a big option position and the increased gold 
volatility has its "models" buying and selling at the wrong times. In 
other words, they have to delta hedge written calls by buying on 
rallies. Then the rally fails and they sell. That has to be happening 
all over, which in itself increases the volatility. 

Adam Hamilton's gold volcano has given us spiking mini-price 
eruptions over the past month. It could no be more obvious that they 
are preludes to a giant eruption that is right around the corner. Woe 
to those that do not heed these obvious warnings and exit the short 
side of gold. The fix is ending.

And woe to those gold producer CEOs who are overly hedged and do not 
heed these obvious warnings and price set backs to take in a sizeable 
amount of their forward sale positions. Hello, Anglogold, Normandy, 
and Barrick.

John Brimelow on Friday:

* * *

Indian ex-duty premiums: AM $2.45, PM $1.92, with world gold at 
$275.10 and $274.70. Below legal import level of course, but 
impressive given the abruptness and lateness of yesterday's move.

Increasingly it looks that action is developing in gold. Apparently 
some parties are 'short volatility,' the stratagem which destroyed 
LTCM. As Mitsui euphemistically says in its NY report today:

"There seems to be some negative gamma around providing support. With 
vols rising, spot and option spreads are starting to widen 

The problem is that ' volatility' is an intellectual construct, which 
which exists only in a commercial sense if someone is willing to 
synthesise it. As a Lehman man said in Nicholas Dunbar's 
brilliant 'Inventing Money":

"There was no fresh supply ... With anything else ... price ... can 
create ... more supply. This is like fine art. Why should anyone pay 
X million for for a Picasso? It's because there's not going to be 
another one."

Maybe the LTCM debacle has relevance here. Enthusiasts might refer to 
my essays on the two wonderful books written on this mysterious 
subject: and 

My friend the long term chartist Martin Pring has called a bottom on 
the Euro:

He is also constructive on gold shares and gold and negative on the 
US, and world wide stock markets, all fresh judgements.

-- JB

* * *


The news could not be much worse for stock market bulls and the 
bullion banks in the Gold Cartel.

-- Nortel loses an unexpected 19 billion

-- The CPI rises to 4% - 4.8% on an annual basis, yet the boob tube 
TV analysts rattle on all day that inflation is not a problem.

-- There is no economic "visibility" in sight -- the recovery is now 
put off until some time in 2002.

Add this from the King Report:

* * *

The eight months of decline in industrial production is the longest 
stretch since March-December 1982, which was a recession year. 
Today's report also showed that industry operated at 77.4 percent of 
capacity in May, the lowest since August 1983 and a drop from 78.2 
percent in April.

Our friend Paul notes mortgage delinquencies of 30 days or more now 
number 10 percent of mortgages (Mortgage Bankers Association); it was 
only 8 percent in the last recession. About 400,000 additional 
families went delinquent in Q1. 

It was only a matter of time, a natural occurrence -- U.S. 
manufacturers are complaining that the strong dollar hurts them. They 
will lobby Congress for a weaker buck. When you're the largest
in the world and the reserve currency, weakening the $ is tres 
dangerous. You can look it up in the`70s. 

M3 exploded $26.4B for the week ended June 4. Fed holdings of US 
debt, thanks to Easy Al's persistent coupon and bill passing, is
record $531.9B. 

Meanwhile, inflation is now at 3.9 percent in Canada, the highest in 
a decade ... and rising. Wage settlements are starting to go up. 
Nurses here in BC will settle for around 20 percent+ over three 
years. That's just the start. 

* * *

>From a very savvy Cafe member about what is going on out there in 
mainstream USA. The daisy chain of misery that occurs when a "bubble" 
bursts that few on Wall Street are articulating:

"My brother (an executive with a well-known major tech firm) told me 
yesterday that one of his folks who had left about three years ago 
was back to try and get a job at 'the tech firm.' He left for a 
startup, the stock went through the roof, he made (on paper) about $8 
million on at his option point. But was committed to keep the stock 
for two years from that point. Apparently there is a tax law in the 
U.S. that forces you to pay the tax when you exercise the option.  So 
he was forced to pay the tax ... some $3 million.

Since the stock could not be sold, he borrowed the money against the 
stock to pay the tax. On top of that he bought a house for about $2 

Well, Bill, two pennies to you if you guess what happened. The stock 
cratered before he was allowed to sell. It is now virtually worthless.

The loan for the tax and house is intact at the bank. He is about to 
declare bankruptcy. His wife left. He is looking for a job at his old 
firm. They are not hiring. Oh, boy!

* * *

What are seeing the aftershocks of the bursting of the stock market 
bubble. They are becoming more intense. As they do so, the public and 
Wall Street are going to cry out for more and more interest rate cuts 
by the Fed. The pressure on the Fed to be very aggressive is going to 

The bond market will not like it, and long-term rates are likely to 
go up, not down. Before you know it, the new investment mantra is 
likely do be: "Don't fight the rising bond yields, sell stocks."

The lower short-term U.S. interest rates WILL reduce the gold 
contango even further and put more pressure on the shorts. Meanwhile, 
as stocks dive, more investors will eye gold and gold shares as the 
place to be. 

>From Mark H:

* * *

Subject: Newmont long / Barrick short 

A day trading firm that has ties to a San Francisco hedge gund has 
made this market call this morning. I view their site on a daily 
basis. It is the first mention whatsoever about gold. Thought you 
might be interested.

* * *

Ed Hamula, an officer of EnviroGold, one of those gem little junior 
gold companies I keep referring to, sent this in:

* * *

Great commentary Bill. All of us at EnviroGold are a happy lot. We're 
producers and sellers of real bullion coming out of our mill at 100-
130 troy oz/day at an all-in cost of less than US$100/oz. We'll be 
out of development cost debt in about four months and then look out!

We look forward to those lofty days ahead when it approaches 
$600/oz  . . . that's $900/oz in Canadian dollars! 

The IPO underwriter hounds will be barking at our heels for certain. 
We may never go public. Our geologists estimate our unmined reserve 
at 2 million ounces.

Keep up the great work.

* * *

Ed and his firm are Café members and GATA supporters.

A couple of notes to wrap up with. 

A bullion dealer tells us that the Australian government is concerned 
over the state of the Aussie gold producer hedge books. 

The same dealer says that Goldman Sachs has lost its reputation of 
being able to stop gold rallies whenever it wants to. It is not 
feared as it had been.



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