Chicago Tribune

FBI lapse let serial killer suspect remain free

By Cam Simpson 
Tribune staff reporter
June 16, 2001 

The Chicago FBI on Friday acknowledged a lapse in alerting Illinois
officials that they found a knife in the home of suspected serial
killer Paul Runge—notification that could have sent him back to prison
before he allegedly murdered four more women.

Runge, a 31-year-old truck driver and former shoe salesman, was
charged Thursday with killing six women and a child. His last four
victims, police said, were slain in Chicago in early 1997, more than
one year after the search of his Carol Stream home.

When the knife was found on March 8, 1996, the FBI and two other law
enforcement agencies involved didn't think of using it to invoke a
violation of Runge's parole for a 1987 rape, said Ross Rice, a
spokesman for the FBI in Chicago.

Instead, investigators were solely focused on finding evidence they
hoped would link Runge to the 1995 murder of Stacey Frobel and the
disappearances that same year of two sisters who were refugees from
war-torn Bosnia, Rice said.

Only in May 1997, when authorities were desperate to lock up Runge
because they suspected— but could not prove— that he was a killer, did
they hit on the tactic of violating Runge's parole for possession of
the weapon, Rice said.

Illinois officials jailed Runge the next month. When his sentence
expired in 1999, authorities went to court in 1999 to keep him in
prison under the Sexually Violent Persons Act. Psychologists testified
he was a "sexual sadist" and said he had no remorse for the
kidnapping, repeated rape and torture of a 14-year-old Oak Forest

He was still being held when police said DNA evidence linked him to
two murders and Runge then allegedly confessed to the other slayings.

Authorities believe Runge is responsible for at least one other
murder, law enforcement sources said Friday. He allegedly confessed to
also killing a prostitute and chopping up her body, scattering the
remains, which have not been found, the sources said.

Police have charged him with three murders in which the victims were
dismembered. Two of those bodies have not been found and a dog found
the legs of another victim in Lake County.

Authorities also said Runge nearly escaped last year after he and two
other inmates being driven to a Cook County court hearing overpowered
a corrections officer during a stop in Plainfield. Their escape was
brief because they were immediately captured by local police who
witnessed the incident, officials said.

The knife that eventually sent Runge back to prison was among more
than 200 items seized from the home Runge shared with his wife and
father, according to court records. FBI agents also found a book about
a serial killer who dismembered women and kept their eyeballs as
souvenirs, a guide to police radio traffic, a crossbow and a stun gun,
records show.

Looking for evidence

"We never felt that any of these items, including the knife, in and of
itself, would be a parole offense, nor were we looking to violate his
parole," Rice said. "We were looking for evidence linking him to the
disappearances and or linking him to the murder of Frobel."

When the FBI finally notified state officials about the knife, Runge
had only about three weeks left on his parole, which was part of what
motivated the effort to lock him up, Rice said.

What is clear from once-sealed court records obtained Friday is that
the FBI's efforts to link Runge to the 1995 Frobel killing and the
disappearance of the two Bosnian women was intense in 1995 and early

Runge's wife, Charlene, was also considered a suspect in the
disappearances of Frobel and the Bosnian sisters, an FBI agent said in
a affidavit to obtain a search warrant.

Two law enforcement sources said Friday that Charlene Runge has been
assisting in the investigation of her husband. That cooperation began
after Paul Runge was back in custody in June 1997, but long before DNA
evidence linked him to two Chicago murders late last year, a source

Attempts to reach Charlene Runge for comment were unsuccessful Friday.

On Thursday, Runge was charged with the murders of the
Bosnians—Dzeneta Pasanbegovic, 22, and her sister, Amela, 20.

FBI tracking Runge

The 1996 affidavit revealed FBI agents had studied bite marks on
Frobel's dismembered leg, followed Runge and his wife, traced calls
from pay phones the couple used, tapped their phones and sifted
through their garbage for months looking for evidence.

Investigators said Runge became a suspect in the murder of Frobel a
few days after a German shepherd named Friendly brought home a severed
leg it found in a field near the Wisconsin border on Jan. 16, 1995.
Five days later, the dog brought home another leg. Tests concluded
they were Frobel's, who was a friend of Charlene Runge's. She had been
missing since Jan. 4 and was last seen at the Runge house.

The Pasanbegovic sisters were last seen on July 11, 1995.

Runge became a suspect in that case after the FBI discovered Runge and
his wife had allegedly offered the women housecleaning jobs through a
mutual acquaintance, records show.

The day the sisters disappeared, "I believe that [they] left in the
company of Charlene Runge, to go to her residence for the purported
purpose of taking a job cleaning houses," FBI agent Kathy Dee Shumaker
said in the affidavit.

Another connection to sisters

At that time, the Runges lived in Glendale Heights and Paul Runge
worked for a HoneyBaked Ham store at a mall, where he boasted to
employees that his wife was starting a cleaning business, the FBI
said. A woman he met there also helped connect him to the sisters,
authorities said. The FBI also used records from a gas station pay
phone on Bloomingdale Road in Glendale Heights to link the couple to
the women, records show.

After Richard Runge told his son that he had given the FBI permission
to search the house they shared, seven garbage bags were placed on the
curb for pickup, the FBI said. The FBI scoured it for evidence and
found a note written on HoneyBaked Ham stationery. It contained the
sisters' names and phone number, as well as the name and phone number
of the friend who helped arrange the job, the FBI said.

The FBI also discovered a pattern: Agents said Runge called in sick
for days after Frobel was killed, then quit his job at a Lady Foot
Locker. When the Bosnian sisters disappeared, he also called in sick
for his HoneyBaked Ham job and quit.

Tribune staff reporters Eric Ferkenhoff and Janan Hanna contributed to
this report.,2669,ART-52481,FF


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