-Caveat Lector-

Witness to Sabra and Shatila:
why Sharon is a war criminal

15 JUNE 2001
Dr. Ben Alofs

I am a Dutch doctor, currently living in north Wales. In the summer
of 1982 I was working as a nurse in West Beirut, which at the time
was being besieged by the Israeli army.

The American negotiator Philip Habib had mediated an agreement,
according to which the Israeli army would refrain from occupying West
Beirut after the Palestinian fedayeen guerrillas had left.

A second fundamental aspect of the agreement was that the United
States would guarantee the security of the remaining Palestinian
civilian population.

The evacuation, supervised by an international peacekeeping force,
went smoothly, and was completed on September 1, much earlier than
September 26, the date that had been agreed on.

The international peacekeeping force left between September 10 and
13. On September 3 the first violation of the Habib agreement took
place when Israeli forces occupied Bir Hassan in the southern suburbs
of Beirut. Before that, Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon had
stated he wanted the peacekeeping forces out of Beirut.

After the assassination of Bashir Gemayel, the charismatic and
ruthless leader of the Maronite Phalangist allies of Israel, Sharon
ordered the invasion of West Beirut under the pretext of restoration
of 'law and order'.

Contrary to this statement, West Beirut was perfectly quiet at that
moment. The invasion was a serious violation of the Habib agreement.
But, most important, from the start of the occupation of West Beirut,
the Israeli Army, being an occupation force under the Fourth Geneva
Convention and Protocol 1, became responsible for the security of the
civilian population under its control.

Israeli journalists Zeev Schiff and Ehud Yaari describe how Sharon
insisted on sending Phalangist militiamen into the Palestinian
refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila (see Israel's Lebanon War).

To accomplish this, Sharon had held meetings on September 15 with
Elie Hobeika, Fadi Frem and Zahi Bustani (leaders of the militiamen)
as well as with Amin and Pierre Gemayel, the political leaders of the
Phalangist party.

Sharon and the leaders of the Israeli army were very well aware of
the mood of the Phalangists shortly after the murder of their leader
and knew what would happen if they were let into the refugee camps.

When the Tell Al Zaatar Palestinian refugee camp was captured by
Christian militias in the summer of 1976, over 1000 civilians were

Sharon gave the green light for the Phalangists to enter Sabra and
Shatila. They did so at dusk on September 16.

I was working in the Gaza Hospital in Sabra. Many wounded were
carried into the hospital and our morgue was full within a short
time. Most of the victims suffered bullet wounds, some had been hit
by shrapnel.

On September 17 it became clear that the Kataeb (Phalangists) and/or
the militiamen of Saad Haddad (funded and armed by Israel) were
slaughtering the civilian population. At night the murderers were
assisted by Israeli flares.

A 10-year-old boy was carried into the hospital. He had been shot,
but was alive. He had spent the whole night wounded, lying under the
dead bodies of his parents, brothers and sisters.

I was working with a team of Scandinavian, British, American, Dutch
and German doctors and nurses. We had insisted that the Palestinian
hospital staff flee to the northern part of West Beirut.

On Saturday morning September 18, we were forced by the
Phalangists/Haddad militiamen to abandon our patients and leave Sabra
and Shatila via the main road.

We passed by hundreds of women, children and men who had been rounded
up. We saw bodies in the road and the small alleyways. The militiamen
shouted at us and called us Baader Meinhof, the German terrorist

A Palestinian nurse who thought he would be safe with us, was
identified and taken away behind a wall. A moment later came the

Just before we left the camp I saw an image that will forever be in
my mind: a large mound of red earth with arms and legs sticking out.
Alongside the mound stood an army bulldozer with Hebrew markings.

Just outside the camp we were ordered to take off our hospital
clothing and we were lined up against a wall.

It was at that moment that an Israeli army officer drove up in an
army vehicle. He saved our lives, ordering the militiamen to hand us
over to the Israelis. Alongside the southern and western borders of
the camps we saw Israeli tanks and halftracks.

Eventually, two of us were permitted to go back to the hospital with
a pass written in Hebrew and Arabic.

There certainly was coordination between the Israelis and the
militiamen. And not once did the Israeli military command try to
respond to reports of killings by putting an end to the slaughter.
Groups of civilians coming out of the camps with white flags were
being sent back.

Even on Saturday morning, September 18, when we were taken out of the
camps, we saw fresh groups of Phalangist militiamen entering the
camps under Israeli supervision.

About 20 minutes after we had passed the large group of women,
children and elderly in the main road of Sabra, we heard an orgy of
machinegun fire.

Swee, an orthopedic doctor, told me that a Palestinian mother had
tried to give her baby to him, as if she knew what was going to
happen. The baby was pulled out of Swee's hands and given back to her

On Sunday, September 19, I went back to Sabra and Shatila together
with two Danish and a Dutch journalist. The Lebanese army had
surrounded the camp and tried to keep journalists out. We found a way

The Israelis had told the militiamen to leave the camps some time
during Saturday. The militiamen had wreaked much more destruction and
slaughter after we had been taken out of the camps on Saturday

We will never know exactly how many people were butchered during
those terrible days of September 16-18 in 1982. 1500 perhaps? 2000?
Or even more?

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   Sharon held responsible for 1982 Lebanese massacre on BBC programme

   LONDON, June 18 (AFP) -

   Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon should be held responsible
   for the 1982 massacre of Palestinians in Lebanon, according to a
   former International War Crimes Tribunal chief prosecutor.

   Speaking on a BBC television programme aired Sunday, Judge
   Richard Goldstone, former chief prosecutor for the UN criminal
   tribunals for both the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, said: "If
   the person who gave the command knows, or should know... that
   there's a situation where innocent civilians are going to be
   injured or killed then that person is as responsible, in my book
   more responsible even, than the people who carry out the orders".

   Sharon was Defence Minister in 1982 when Israeli forces invaded
   Lebanon and allowed their allies in the Lebanese Christian
   militias to massacre up to 2,000 people in the Sabra and Chatila
   refugee camps. and massacre up to 2,000 people.

   He resigned from his post as defence minister after a 1983
   Israeli inquiry concluded that he had failed to act to prevent
   the massacre.

   "In the case of Sabra and Shatilla, clearly the Kahan Commission
   (which conducted the enquiry) found that very serious crimes had
   been committed and I have no doubt that any decent person would
   regret the fact that not a single criminal prosecution followed,"
   Goldstone told the BBC programme, entitled "The Accused".

   Richard Falk, Professor of International Law at Princeton
   University, said on the same programme that Sharon was clearly
   responsible for the events of

   "There is no question in my mind that he is indictable for the
   knowledge he had or should have had.

   "Sharon's specific command responsibility arises from the fact
   that he was the minister of Defence in touch with the field
   commanders, that he actually was present there in Beirut, that he
   met with the Phalange leadership (the Christian militia which
   carried out the massacres)."

   Former Sharon lawyer Dov Weissglass, described the comments as
   "simply totally baseless".

   "This is an insult," Sharon spokesman Ranaan Gissen told the BBC.

   "What cries out is the injustice that is being done to a man
   here. After 18 years. A great injustice."

   On its website, the BBC reported that it had "rebuffed intense
   criticism from the Israeli Government" over the documentary.

   In its statement the BBC said it stood by the story, which it
   called "a legitimate analysis of a human rights issue".

   In January, before his landslide election as prime minister,
   Sharon expressed his regrets for what he said was a "terrible
   tragedy," but refused to apologise.

   "To apologise for what?" the 73-year-old former general told the
   Arab Israeli weekly newspaper Kul-al-Arab.

Kahan Commission found that no Israeli either instigated or conspired to
cause the Sabra and Shatila massacres

14 February 2001

Michael Lerner begins his "The scary Sharon"(The Jerusalem Post Feb.14) with
the assertion that Sharon's troops at the Sabra and Shatila massacres "only
supervised, and didn't personally conduct the shooting of hundreds of
civilians." As everyone knows, to `supervise' means "to oversee (a process,
work, workers, etc.} during execution ... have the oversight and direction
of" (American College Dictionary). There is not the slightest hint to that
effect in the Report of the Kahan Commission which investigated the
massacres. To the contrary, the Report stresses that the Commission's
investigation found no reason for charges such as those made by Rabbi

Furthermore, the Kahan Commission found that no Israeli either instigated or
conspired to cause the massacres: "We have no doubt that no conspiracy or
plot was entered into between anyone from the Israeli political echelon or
from the military echelon in the I.D.F. and the Phalangists with the aim of
perpetrating atrocities in the camps ... We assert that in having the
Phalangists enter the camps, no intention existed on the part of anyone who
acted on behalf of Israel to harm the non-combatant population, and that
events that followed did not have the concurrence or assent of anyone from
the political or civilian echelon who was active regarding the Phalangists'
entry into the camps. . . . the direct responsibility for the perpetration
of the acts of slaughter rests on the Phalangist forces " Source: The Beirut
Massacre - The Complete Kahan Commission Report (authorized translation}
Karz-Cohl Publishing,Inc.1983 {pp.54-55)

The Commission found Sharon carried an "indirect responsibility" for the
killings because he was not sufficiently aware of what should have been
expected from the Lebanese Phalangists and did not take actions to prevent

" From Israel To Damascus The painful road of Blood, Betrayal and Deception "

    By Robert M. Hatem          http://www.israeltodamascus.com/

[ end of chapter 7 ]

On Tuesday September 14, 1982, at precisely 4:10 P.M, an explosion
destroyed the three-story building that housed the main East Beirut branch of
the Kataeb Party. Bashir Gemayel was inside the building for one last meeting
with the party members and supporters. Bashir, the 34-year-old
president-elect, nine days before he was due to take office for his six-year
term, had grown careless in the prevalent euphoria of his newly acquired
power and position. Oversight on Bashir Gemayel’s part and his new
antagonism towards the Israelis, allowed his enemies to successfully attack
and kill him.  Bashir was careless. The Special Security Unit conducted by Elie
Wazzen, alias «Abbas», who coordinated with H.K  supplied Wazzen with
information.   Elie Wazzen profited  during the year he commanded the unit,
because he orchestrated all arms deals. The least he could do was to take
good care of his «master» when the need arose!

The explosion was reported a few minutes after it took place. Elie Hobeika
dispatched me to inspect the premises. I was accompanied by the Israeli
Liaison officer called «Mandy».  As we struggled through the rubble, we saw
bits of arms, legs, heads and shoulders strewn among the collapsed pillars.  A
gray-black cloud of dust and smoke billowed through the neighborhood. The
street in front of the collapsed building was crammed with hysterical people
crying and bellowing. Sheikh Bashir’s wife, Solange, arrived a few minutes
after us. Karim Pakradouni, Gemayel’s close political adviser shuttled in his
Range Rover between the explosion site, Rizk Hospital and Hotel Dieu before
identifying the President -elect’s obliterated body.

By 6:00 p.m., the tension had become unbearable. The rescue workers were
trying to clear the rubble under arc lights. I was there with «Mandy» who
could not keep from crying. A wave of hallucinations seemed to take hold of
the crowd. Everybody, even the most noted international pressmen, dreamed
they had seen an ambulance carrying Bashir away, an ambulance which, in
fact, never existed except in their ravaged minds.

Later, a helicopter flew overhead and was driven off by the random shooting.
Rumors started circulating like a flash in the pan, when somebody in the
panic-stricken and angry crowd shouted that it was an Israeli helicopter sent
to take Bashir to a hospital in Israel. But none of this was true and we knew
The Israelis had the confirmation of Bashir’s death long before the Lebanese
forces did. They had the firm certitude at 8.30 p.m. while the Lebanese
Forces command waited until Gemayel’s body was removed at 10:00 p.m.
and carried by a Red Cross ambulance to the Hotel-Dieu.

Collective hallucination mixed with mass hysteria and chaos blurred common
sense. There, clamped down in front of the battered building, stood aghast
rescue workers, family members, mentors, Kataeb party officials, members,
supporters, friends, medical teams, military and militiamen.
Instead of six years in office, Bashir, had only 23 days, but 23 days during
which a myth was born. A myth that would soon become a stumbling block
and an element of strife and conflict within the Christian ranks: Christian
decision-makers, Lebanese forces, clans, Presidency.

The assassination of Bashir Gemayel pushed his tough, ruthless and
bloodthirsty lieutenants, and the Israelis into a hysterical rage and enraged
them to vow vengeance. Sharon and Begin panicked. It is true that Bashir had
disappointed them by turning down their peace treaty proposal, but they knew
he would restore peace, law and order and shake off the Palestinian and
Syrian tutelage. He was likely to bend in the end because with him they
secured, at least a friendly Christian-dominated regime in Lebanon.
In the meantime, Gemayel’s political adviser Karim Pakradouni, and the
Lebanese Forces commander Fady Frem had in the meantime agreed to
contain the militiamen. Shooting was prohibited. Meetings at the highest levels
were held through the night.  Beirut Radio, Kataeb Party’s Radio Voice of
Lebanon, Bashir’s Radio Free Lebanon interrupted their usual programs and
broadcast classical music without one single comment.

The assassination of Bashir Gemayel destroyed the Christians ultimate dream.
It sullied Israel’s honor, undermined American credibility and above all,
ushered to an era of bloody inter-Christian feuds, treason and battles that led
to the collapse of the power of the Lebanese Christian people who were burnt
down by the leaders who took over.


On the morning of Wednesday, September 15, 1982, the Lebanese forces
met at the Gemayel house in Bickfaya.  The house was crammed with
mourners, and the attendees decided to run Amin, Bashir’s brother, for the
president.  While all of Lebanon’s religious, political, military and civilian
leaders and Minister Sharon and the Head of the Mossad passed through the
room where condolences were extended, an invasion of West Beirut was
being planned. It went off 12 hours later.
 In the afternoon of Wednesday September 15, 1982,  Bashir’s military and
Intelligence lieutenants met with the Israeli chief of Staff Lieutenant General
Rafael Eitan, and Major General Amir Drori, in charge of the Lebanese

I was later told by Hobeika that there were about 2,000 PLO «terrorists» still
hiding in the Sabra and Chatilla camps.  Hobeika advised me that he was in
charge of the organization of an operation to clear them out.  He also
disclosed that the Israeli forces had taken up positions in West Beirut and
expected us to supervise the evacuation of the Palestinians from the camp.
We were to sort out the armed terrorists and hand them over to the Israeli
troops at the Cite Sportive,  Al Madina Al Ryadieh, cleaned up and fixed to
serve as a rally point.  Meanwhile, the whole country stood breathless and at a
standstill, half of it drowned in deep despair, and the other half paralyzed
fear.   So ominous was the tragedy.

Hobeika had 24 hours to prepare his elite key force composed of 200 men.
The men were allotted in several units respectively under the command of
Joseph Asmar, Michel Zouein, G. Melco, and Maroun Mashaalani. General
Sharon besieged the camps and the Cite Sportive.

By noon on Thursday, September 16, 1982, the «Shababs» started advancing
through the Beirut Airport Road. By 4:30 p.m., the Lebanese Forces had
crossed the Israeli lines surrounding the camps. Sharon had given strict orders
to Hobeika to guard against any desperate move, should his men run amuck.
They were to behave like a real dignified, regular army not like «chocolate
soldiers» and coordinate with the Israeli command. Their mission was to exert
pressure an the Palestinians to drive them all out of the camp, and pick out the
PLO agents left behind after the evacuation of the Palestinians in August,
1982.  They were rallied at the Cite Sportive and held prisoners. After
inspection the civilians would be sent back to their homes.  However, Hobeika
gave his own instructions to his men: «Total extermination ... camps wiped

It was Maroun Mashaalani’s men, undaunted by their regular and immoderate
use of heroine and cocaine who perpetrated the most ghastly slaughters in the
camp bordering Ghaza Hospital at the entrance of Sabra. That is where
foreign nurses and doctors were shot down in cold blood. The minute General
Ariel Sharon had been informed that something odd and unwanted was going
on, he summoned his commanding officers and Hobeika.

At 7:30 p.m. on September 16, 1982, Hobeika and I arrived at General Ariel
Sharon’s Headquarters.  We climbed up to the terrace of the tall building next
to the Kuweity Embassy.  From there we could plunge right into the camp and
have an overhead view. Besides the Israeli officers, Assaad Shaftari, Michel
Zouein, Elie Hobeika «H.K.» and myself were poised and ready.

The Israeli officers were jealous and filled with rage, blaming Hobeika for
actually ordering the massacre of Palestinian civilians. Hobeika coldly retorted
that it was because of the darkness he could not tell who they were. General
Sharon, being too fat to climb up the flight of stairs, waited on the second
to see Hobeika and have it out with him personally. The minute he saw him he
roared out: «You were not supposed to do this. I didn’t ask you to commit
massacres. If I wanted, I would have done so with my tanks. You’ll pay
dearly for this blunder!» Hobeika replied that he would handle it with his men.
Hobeika and I went back on the terrace.  Hobeika got a walkie talkie
message from a guy called «Paul» saying, «There are women and children,
what should we do?» Hobeika answered,  «It’s your lookout and don’t call
me back again, you shit.»

Hobeika, Zouein, Shaftari and I ran back down to the second story where an
Israeli officer drew a map of the site with a piece of chalk on the floor,
pointing to where the massacres were taking place. That is when we had
confirmation that it was Maroun Machaalani’s unit which was involved at the
entrance of Sabra Camp.

Hobeika went back to report to General Sharon his account of events.
General Sharon ordered his men to fire flares from that moment on until 4:00
a.m. to avoid a further blunder.  It was too late.  The harm was done.  All the
victims were civilians killed with grenades, hatchets, assault rifles, knives.
Some of the corpses were even boobie-trapped.

At around 6:00 a.m., the Lebanese Forces, arrived to inspect the butchery.
Fadi Frem, Fuad Abou Nader, Steve Nakkour, Elie Hobeika and I inspected
the premises. Hobeika  instructed Nakkour, who was in charge of Logistics,
to send tractors to clean up the camps and leave no traces of the massacres,
wiping out incriminating evidence.

 The Israeli officers prevented the Lebanese Forces from getting into the
camps with their chiefs.  At 9:00 a.m., artillery fighting broke out between
Maroun Mashaalani’s men and gunmen from Moslem shia Mekdad family
members.  The Mekdad families came to inquire about their relatives who
were among the camp inhabitants. A Lebanese army officer ordered
Mashaalani to get off to stop the skirmish.  He complied.

By now, news accounts of the massacres had leaked out.  The reports
became amplified, confused, and mixed-up. Some witnesses claimed that it
was actually Major Saad Haddad’s men who had perpetrated the slaughter
because of the South Lebanon accent.  Not one single man from Saad
Haddad’s Free Lebanon Army took part in the operation. The Christian militia
was unchained and blinded by rage after the assassination of  their Chief,
President and martyr.

Once again, the mastermind, Hobeika had toyed with the lives of young
patriots, committing them to carry out reprehensible actions which could serve
only Syria’s interests!  It was the Syrians not the PLO who had never
accepted Bashir’s election. It was later discovered and proven that Bashir’s
actual assassin, Habib Tanios Shartuni, was a secret member of the
pro-Syrian, anti-Kataeb Party, Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SNSP).  The
SNSP was represented by Assaad Hardane via Nabil Al Allam Chief of
Intelligence and Security of the SNSP.  Syrian Army Intelligence «conducted»
by Ali Douba assisted Shartuni in providing and stashing the bomb.  How
could Hobeika claim that he had received orders to massacre the Palestinians
from the Israelis?  I did not know where his two ultra secret meetings with
Abdul Halim Khaddam during the first half of 1982 fit in.

I was Hobeika’s field man always present on the premises with my chief
wherever he went.   I can state under oath, that General Sharon would never
have lit up the area the way he did had he planned for any butchery. He would
not have cleaned up the Cite Sportive to house all the Palestinians pending
their return to their homes after verification. He would not have placed his
tanks and armored cars all around the camps to capture the remaining armed
Palestinian agents. One thing was certain, the Syrians had their men within the
ranks of Lebanese Forces leaders.

Reflecting back on the events of my life, all the facts led me to believe that
Hobeika was the man, who in 1982, provoked the Sabra and Chatilla
massacres.    This is my own assumption of what was behind it because there
are no real facts to support my claim.  After killing Bashir Gemayel, in secret
coordination with the SNSP and Syria, I also suspected Hobeika was
instrumental in the fall of the Likoud Government.  Prime Minister Begin and
General Sharon resigned, allowing the Labor Party in Israel to come to
power.  This rise reversed the process and destroyed everything the Likoud
Government had worked to establish with the Lebanese Christians.

Bashir’s death and the massacres were pivotal in the fall of the Likoud
Government.  It is alleged that  Hobeika contributed to the destruction of the
Likoud Government plan for Israel and Lebanon because of his participation
in the events.  While Syria was working for a new consensus with the United
States, Hobeika became a pro-Syrian and a Hafez Assad hero.  Hafez Assad
personally placed a protective umbrella over Hobeika’s head to avert any
assassination attempts on Hobeika’s life following the massacres of the Sabra
and Chatilla camps.

The assassination of Bashir and the attacks on Sabra and Chatilla also led to
the fall of power for General Sharon and Prime Minister Begin.  Hobeika’s
actions changed the course of events.  Israel lost power and Syria gained it.
was the same mechanism that destroyed the courageous Israeli Government’s
plan to save Lebanon and restore peace through a solid and strong Christian
state.  Following Bashir’s death and the failed Likoud/Israeli plan, the United
States then entered the Middle-East conflict with a new consensus and
perspective different from the original Israeli perspective.  The Labor Party
took control of the Israel government and compromised the Lebanese
Christians with Syria.  Rabin stated many times, he would not mind for Syria
to stay in Lebanon should Syria sign the peace treaty with Israel.  When
Netanyahu took office, the whole middle eastern peace plan changed.

Five years after Hafez Assad kidnapped the American and western hostages
through the Hizballah in Beirut, and released them later in Damascus.  He did
so to gain the blessings of the United States political power.  The United
States attempted to a deal with the Labor Party, headed by Rabin in Israel,
Assad released 5,000 Syrians Jews from Damascus and authorized them to
leave Syria and travel to the United States.  The United States was blessing a
naive peace between Rabin’s Israel and Syria.  The Labor Party leaders
believed this naive peace with Syria.  Rabin backed by United States support
sought a peaceful resolution to the Middle-East conflicts. What Hafez Assad
and Syria wanted was the return of the Golan and Lebanon and to be in a
position of strength in the balance of power in the Middle East.

Assad was loosing time.  The United States Secretary of State, Warren
Christopher, traveled numerous times to the bargaining table to resolve the
terms of the agreement, but was unsuccessful in his diplomatic attempts.   He
failed because Syria never believed in Israel.  Assad was counting on a change
that might occur with the New World Order, perhaps a new revolution with
Russia that would topple the pro-United States regime and establish the Old
Soviet Union, thus returning to the Cold War.  Assad could then take a power
position in the Arab-Israeli conflict.  This never happened.  The Labor Party
failed to understand the ideology that prevailed in Damascus, a denial of Israel
to «exist» as a Nation in the Middle-East.  Therefore, the only peace that
could dominate in the region was the peace through strength.  Hobeika
succeeded in playing Syria’s political game and Syria was fooling the United
States of signing a peace treaty with Israel. The political perception of
President Reagan for the Middle East was the best.  Peace through strength.

What Syria really wanted to do was waste time and swallow Lebanon for its
own.  By doing so, Syria gained economic and political strength in the region.
On October 2, 1982, 17 days after the assassination of President Bashir
Gemayel,  the Kataeb Party Radio Voice of Lebanon announced that the man
who perpetrated the outrage, the assassin, Habib Tanios Shartuni, age 26,
was captured. Strange coincidence indeed, Shartuni, his sister and
grandparents occupied the top floor of the small three-story building which
accommodated the Kataeb Party’s Ashrafieh headquarters. A friend of mine,
then in West Beirut, overheard  two SNSP party leaders commenting that one
of the greatest assets Hobeika gave to the Syrians was the Bashir story.  One
can only infer that Hobeika was behind Bashir’s assassination.

Speculation of Hobeika’s participation in Bashir’s assassination was wide
spread.  Hobeika had been Syria’s man inside the Lebanese Forces.  Hobeika
had travel numerous times with Bashir.  Hobeika made many contacts there,
but it was speculated that he was secretly working for the Syrian interests.
The last trip Bashir made to discuss the treaty, Bashir got into a verbal
with Prime Minister Begin.  What followed was the Syrian leader’s plan to
assassinate Bashir with the help of the SNSP.  After the success of the
operation, the leaders then devised a cover for the operation.  It is reported
that the Syrian Moukhabarat began circulating news that the Israelis had killed
Bashir because he had gotten into a conflict with the Prime Minister Begin
during their last visit in Naharia.  The plan was to remove suspicion from the
Syrians and color the Israelis with the crime.

Many in Lebanon do not understand why Israel would kill a man they had
devoted and invested so much time and energy into gaining peace for their
country.  The whole Israeli project was built on Bashir.  When Syria
succeeded in eliminating Bashir, the whole Israel plan for Lebanon was lost.
There was no leader to fill Bashir’s place. Hobeika took advantage of the
situation by averting the attention from the Bashir assassination to the
massacres at Sabra and Chatilla.  Everyone forgot the crime against Bashir
and focused their attention on the camp massacres.  It was well planned and
successfully carried out.  Following these events, the Likoud Government
collapsed, Prime Minister Begin and General Sharon resigned.  Alexander
Haig, now the United States Secretary of State, was the man who gave his
blessing to the «Peace Accord», who went home without any success.
Everything in Israel collapsed and Syria was getting out of the game
victorious following Bashir’s death.

If Bashir had continued forward with his plans in Israel, Lebanon would have
been the second State in the Middle East to sign the peace treaty with Israel
after Egypt. This move would have ensured a friendly government to Israel in
Lebanon. The Lebanese Forces were considered the Israeli mechanism in
Lebanon, with the tripartite agreement and the Intifadas, Hobeika sliced the
Lebanese Forces into two pieces and took the half of it to the Syrian side
when he went to Zahleh.  He converted them working for the Moukhabarat
Sourieh sending car bombs and executing assassinations in the Christian
enclave for Syria’s interest.  Assad himself placed a protective umbrella over
Hobeika because the Palestinians wanted to kill him and gave him a residence
in Damascus and protection for the «favors» he did for Syria.

Sabra and Chatilla.
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 02:41:08 +0100



This operation was mounted by the SECOND DESK of syrian secret services and
the "MAKTAB el-KHAS", who are attached to the ministry of interior. They
where, and they still, specialy mounted and trained for psycological
operations and underground killing activities.

Ali Dhadha WAS the boss of 2nd DESK and still now in the Syrian head of
Secret Service.

He was the brain of this operation to destabilize ISRAEL.


SHARON was NEVER implicated in those masacres.

Jean-Paul NEY
Journalist / Autor
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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