-Caveat Lector-


June 17, 2001

Roger Clinton Again Is Focus of Allegations

The New York Times

On the morning of Aug. 10, 1998, a Texas entrepreneur walked into an
Embassy Suites Hotel in Dallas and was escorted into a meeting with Roger
Clinton and two business associates. The men wasted no time on small talk.

"The first question that they asked was if I had brought the $30,000 in
cash," the Texan, Richard Cayce, has told prosecutors, adding that he
promptly turned over the stack of bills. "I don't remember if they counted
it or not."

Mr. Cayce, who is seeking immunity from prosecution, has told federal
investigators that Mr. Clinton and his associates promised to provide him
with two diplomatic passports, which are normally issued exclusively to
people working for the government and can speed passage through customs. He
said that the three also assured him that arrangements were on track for a
separate deal - a presidential pardon for an acquaintance facing a prison

Mr. Cayce has provided federal investigators with a written account of the
meeting. A copy of that statement, known as a proffer, was obtained by The
New York Times.

Mr. Cayce's assertions are a potentially important turn in a federal
investigation of Roger Clinton that began after Bill Clinton, his half
brother, granted 141 pardons in his last day as president.

Lawyers for Roger Clinton and the other two men deny that their clients
ever discussed pardons with Mr. Cayce. The meeting in Dallas, they said,
was for a different purpose. The lawyers said that Mr. Cayce had hoped to
recruit Roger Clinton as a spokesman for a charity he was setting up. They
acknowledged that $30,000 changed hands that day, but said the payment was
for their business advice and time, not diplomatic passports.

Neither the passports nor the pardon for Mr. Cayce's acquaintance, Garland
Lincecum, ever materialized. Mr. Lincecum went to federal prosecutors in
March, complaining that his family had paid more than $200,000 in late 1998
to Dickey Morton and George Locke, Roger Clinton's associate, for a pardon
that Mr. Clinton was to have arranged.

Mr. Lincecum, who had been convicted in a swindle and sentenced to a
seven-year term, reported to prison on April 15, 1999. On several occasions
in the months that followed, his friends and relatives said in interviews,
they confronted Roger Clinton's two associates about the progress of the
pardon and were told that it was delayed but coming.

In his statement to prosecutors, Mr. Cayce said that he, too, confronted
the two men in Roger Clinton's presence and was told by them that he could
"take it to the bank" that the pardon was coming.

Roger Clinton's lawyer, Bart H. Williams, said that his client had spoken
with Mr. Locke and Mr. Morton about importing building materials and other
business topics and had accepted $35,000 in 1998 in "appearance fees" from
their company, C.L.M., including his third of the $30,000 that changed
hands in the hotel room.

Mr. Morton, a former University of Arkansas football star who established
the company, has testified in an unrelated civil case in Arkansas that the
initials C.L.M. stood for Clinton, Locke and Morton. Roger Clinton's lawyer
said his client only recently learned of the company's existence and had no
role in its operations. The company is now defunct.

The investigation of Roger Clinton appears to have expanded in recent
months beyond the accusation of selling pardons to an examination of other
deals in which Roger Clinton might have traded on his brother's name, said
lawyers in the case.

"Roger Clinton has tried to be careful to assure that his business dealings
are legitimate," Mr. Williams said. "It is very difficult for me to believe
that anyone would reasonably think that Roger Clinton controlled either his
brother or anyone else in that administration."

But people who had business dealings with Roger Clinton said they believed
his relationship to the president would guarantee success. At the meeting
at the Dallas hotel, Mr. Cayce said he was assured by those present that
"Bill Clinton would do whatever Rodger Clinton wanted him to." (The proffer
consistently misspells Roger Clinton's name.)

The investigation is being directed by the office of Mary Jo White, the
federal prosecutor in Manhattan, who is investigating all the last- minute
pardons, because the most notable, that of the former fugitive commodities
trader Marc Rich, involved a case that originated in her jurisdiction.

Nothing in any of these accounts suggests that former President Clinton had
any knowledge of the various plans, and his spokeswoman, Julia Payne,
reiterated on Friday that "the president has been very clear he's granted
pardons and clemencies only on the merits."

Roger Clinton is expected to assert his Fifth Amendment right against
forced self-incrimination in the inquiries, said lawyers involved in the
case. The lawyers said it was by no means clear that any charges would ever
result from the investigation. It is legal, they noted, for a person
seeking a pardon to hire a lobbyist, even one related to the president. A
crime would be committed only if the fees were funneled to a public
official or if the lobbyist failed to provide any service for the payment.

Mr. Locke, a former Arkansas state senator, and Roger Clinton have known
each other for years, and were convicted of distributing cocaine in the
mid-1980's after being arrested in a sting that was authorized by Bill
Clinton when he was the governor of Arkansas.

There was also a memorable meeting between the two men at a party at the
Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, Ark., on the night Mr. Clinton was
re-elected president, according to a statement Mr. Locke has given
prosecutors. Mr. Locke said in the statement that Roger Clinton said he
failed to "capitalize" on opportunities that came his way during the first
four years of the Clinton presidency.

"Bill had instructed him since this was his last term in office, Roger
should find a way to make a living and use his relationship with the
president to his advantage," Mr. Locke stated, adding that Bill Clinton
"stressed to Roger that whatever business ventures he was involved in, they
must be legitimate and not illegal." Mr. Locke introduced Roger Clinton to
his friend Mr. Morton, the former football star, and in 1998, C.L.M. was
formed, lawyers in the case said.

In the summer of 1998, according to Mr. Cayce's proffer, he steered his
friend Mr. Lincecum to the three men. Mr. Lincecum was facing a long prison
term at the age of 64 because of a prior fraud conviction in the 1970's.

So he jumped at an offer from Mr. Cayce to introduce him to two associates
of Roger Clinton, said Mr. Lincecum's lawyer, Edward W. Hayes.

Mr. Lincecum, who testified about his quest for a pardon under a grant of
immunity on June 6 before a grand jury in White Plains, N.Y., never doubted
C.L.M.'s ability to deliver, Mr. Hayes said.

The only hitch was the price. Mr. Cayce told Mr. Lincecum that Mr. Locke
and Mr. Morton wanted $225,000 to $250,000, according to Mr. Cayce's
proffer. Mr. Hayes said that his client scraped together $25,000 as a show
of good faith at the urging of Mr. Cayce until he could come up with the

Mr. Lincecum and Mr. Cayce have conflicting accounts over this money. Mr.
Lincecum's lawyer says his client gave the $25,000 to Mr. Cayce to pass on
to Mr. Morton, Mr. Locke and Mr. Clinton as a down payment on the pardon at
the Aug. 10 meeting in Dallas. Mr. Cayce said in his proffer that the
entire $30,000 he handed over that day in the hotel came from a bank
account he controlled and was the first installment on the two diplomatic
passports. The proffer states that he hoped the passports would give the
organization he worked for "immediate credibility."

Later that day, Mr. Hayes said, Mr. Lincecum met separately with Mr. Morton
and Mr. Locke in the hotel's atrium to discuss the pardon. Roger Clinton
was not present, but during the conversation Mr. Lincecum looked up and
noticed a man on a balcony overhead, whom he later recognized as Roger
Clinton, Mr. Hayes said.

Numerous associates of Mr. Lincecum's have vouched that he spent the next
weeks feverishly trying to raise the money for the pardon. On Nov. 23, Mr.
Lincecum turned over a $100,000 cashier's check from his 85- year-old
mother, Alberta, to C.L.M.

A month later, his younger brother, Guy, withdrew $100,000 from his I.R.A.
account, and got on a plane for Little Rock, brokerage and airline records
show. In a men's room at the Little Rock airport, Guy Lincecum has told
federal agents, he gave Mr. Morton his $100,000 check, and Mr. Morton told
him that his brother's balance was now paid in full.

In an interview, R. V. Wilson, who went to prison for his role in the same
fraudulent scheme that put Garland Lincecum behind bars in the 1970's,
recalled seeing Mr. Lincecum a few days after the $100,000 payment. Mr.
Wilson described Mr. Lincecum as having been convinced by Mr. Morton and
Mr. Locke that he would have to go to prison in order to get out. Three
months later, Mr. Lincecum was behind bars, serving a seven-year term.

Friends and relatives of Mr. Lincecum have testified that after he went to
prison they spoke with Mr. Morton and Mr. Locke about the pardon on at
least five occasions. Each time, they said, they were given different
excuses but were assured that it would happen.

In June 1999, Mr. Wilson said, he drove from Hattiesburg, Miss., to Little
Rock, partly to ask Mr. Morton "when the pardon that Mr. Lincecum paid for
was going to come through."

They met for lunch and Mr. Wilson said: "I brought it up and they almost
broke for the door. `We can't talk about that here.' "

Mr. Wilson said Mr. Morton kept reaching around him in an attempt to "see
if I was wearing a wire."

Mr. Cayce also made inquiries, in Las Vegas, according to his proffer,
which said, "Dickey called me and told me that he, Roger and Senator George
Locke wanted to meet me and finish the deal regarding the passports."
Lawyers for Mr. Morton, Mr. Locke and Roger Clinton said that their clients
met Mr. Cayce there but that it was only to discuss the charity he was

According to the proffer, any talk of business had to wait because Roger
Clinton, upon arrival, had his heart set on an evening out. "I wanted to
talk business, but he insisted that it wait until morning," Mr. Cayce said
in his proffer.

The next day, the C.L.M. contingent demanded another $70,000 from Mr. Cayce
for the passports and told him his friend's pardon was paid "in full" and
"was assured," according to Mr. Cayce's proffer.

In his proffer, Mr. Cayce said he asked what would happen if President
Clinton were impeached before he could grant the pardon request. "Then
Rodger Clinton said that he could control Al Gore as well and that business
would be as usual if Bill was gone," the document states.

Roger Clinton did submit the names of six friends to the White House for
pardons just before Bill Clinton left office. Mr. Locke's name was on that
list. Mr. Lincecum's was not and he is still in prison.

The only person close to Roger Clinton who got a pardon in the last round
was Roger Clinton. A stroke of his brother's pen wiped clean the effects of
his 1985 conviction. He has yet to pick up his pardon letter.

Related Articles

Roger Clinton Is Subpoenaed to Testify About Pardons (April 16, 2001)

Expanded Coverage
Special Report: The Clinton Legacy (Dec. 24 - Dec. 28, 2000)

                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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