More on Sodomites vs. the Boy Scouts and little Cub Scouts in their
little beanies.......note the list and organizations who want to push
this element on these innocent children.....

It is bad enough our parks are no longer safe and restrooms have become
meeting place for perverts - now is time to boycott the United Way and
any organization where possible  - ever check out how much those people
rip off at the top?    Administrative costs prove one thing - United Way
is probably the most corrupt element in our society today - ever see
some of their expense accounts?


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A Word from Our Sponsors

*  Competitive Edge Research & Communication has been handling polling,
voter contact and grassroots lobbying for across the nation since 1987.
Candidates, organizations and independent expenditures have won at the
federal, state and local levels using Competitive Edge.  Call firm President
John Nienstedt today at 800-576-CERC to learn how you can get the
Competitive Edge.

Making the Peanut Man Look Good

For years his rare record has stood
And it looked like forever it would,
But Clinton's the man
Who said, "Yes, yes I can:
I can make Jimmy Carter look good!"

- F.R. Duplantier

Airing Her Hubby's Dirty Laundry

"Democratic political strategist Barbra Streisand issues 'a call to
conserve.' Among her suggestions: Turn up your thermostat to 78 degrees
(ugh!) and "use warm or cold water to wash clothes and try to line dry as
much as possible." Comments the New York Post's  Page Six:  'We can't
picture Barbra Streisand, clothespins clenched in her teeth, leaning out a
window of her Central Park West triplex to hang hubby James Brolin's boxer
shorts on a line to dry. We can't picture her hanging out the wash in her
Malibu backyard either.' Do Malibu's zoning laws even allow clotheslines? Ah
well, we suppose we shouldn't make too much fun of Babs. She is doing her
part to conserve, just by being such a dim bulb."

- Best of the Web, 6/19/01

All Heat But No Light

"So term limits has forced the retirement of Patricia Ireland as President
of the National Organization for Women or NOW as it has come to be called.
Media accounts of the twenty year reign of Ms. Ireland could only say of her
'accomplishments' that she was the central figure in the protest against the
confirmation of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court and of John Ashcroft as
Attorney General. Last time I checked Clarence Thomas was busy churning out
majority opinions on the court some ten years after he was confirmed and
Ashcroft is managing to do some good as Attorney General despite the fact
that few of his associates have yet to be confirmed. I'm not sure that is
what I would want to be remembered for after twenty years on center stage,
but in truth that is about what the so-called women's movement has produced
in recent years. Protest and little else."

- Paul Weyrich, Free Congress Foundation, 6/18/01

Mayor Magic

"With his old team closing in on yet another basketball championship, Magic
Johnson is considering taking up a new game: politics. An ardent campaigner
for Jim Hahn in this month's mayoral election, Johnson warned the
mayor-elect not to get too comfortable in the job."

- Associated Press, 6/14/01

Who Hates the Boy Scouts?

"A year ago, the Boy Scouts won a vital First Amendment victory in the U.S.
Supreme Court, which declared that the Boy Scouts´ right of free association
enabled them to remove James Dale from a leadership position after in
violation of the Boy Scouts´ principles publicly declared his homosexuality.
Since then, the Boy Scouts have been treated like pariahs around the
country. Cities have barred them from schools. In some places, police can no
longer sponsor Boy Scouts programs in areas where kids have no other
after-school activities. And 'public-spirited' private organizations have
stopped funding Boy Scout troops.

" ... Now, Rep. Van Hilleary of Tennessee has successfully introduced in the
House an amendment to the large-scale education bill called the No Child
Left Behind Act of 2001. His amendment requires schools that receive federal
funds to give the Boy Scouts the same access that they provide to other
groups.  The Hilleary amendment passed the House by voice vote...(but) on
the House floor, during debate on the amendment, Lynn Woolsey of California
presented a letter opposing the amendment. It was signed by a long list of
organizations. ... Among those on the list opposing the Boy Scouts are the
following organizations:

"The American Association of School Administrators; American Federation of
State, County and Municipal Employees; AFL-CIO; American Federation of
Teachers; Anti-Defamation League; Council of the Great City Schools;
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights; National Association of School
Psychologists; National Association of Secondary School Principals; National
Council of Jewish Women; National Council of La Raza; National Education
Association; National PTA; National Rural Education Association; National
School Boards Association; National Women´s Law Center; NOW Legal Defense
and Education Fund; People for the American Way; Unitarian Universalist
Association of Congregations; United Church of Christ Justice and Witness

- Columnist Nat Hentoff, Washington Times, 6/18/01

What Public Education is "All About"

"'When the doors open next fall, Eastchester High School's beloved Mr.
Gordon won't be Mr. Gordon anymore,' reports the Journal News of Westchester
County, N.Y. (Gore by 20%).  'Randey Michelle Gordon, 52, an art and jewelry
teacher known for creativity and popularity with students, is undergoing
$50,000 worth of gender reassignment surgery to effect a sex change.' At a
'lively public meeting,' superintendent Robet Siebert declared: 'This is
what public education is all about. It's all about inclusion. It's all about
tolerance for everyone.' And to think, we had been laboring under the
impression that it was about reading, writing and math. Thanks for setting
us straight, Superintendent."

- Best of the Web, 6/18/01

Once Again Class:  "Gov't Isn't the Solution, It's the PROBLEM"

"A recent evaluation of 1,600 Head Start children found that, on average,
they recognized only two letters--often fewer than they'd known when
beginning the program. ... Teachers in the program's demonstration preschool
are loath to even ask children questions, saying it will impose adult ideas
on their explorations."

- Los Angeles Times, 6/17/01

Tales From   the Left Side

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briefings, send their e-mail address to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You can also now
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*  Education Leaders Council's 6th annual conference Sept. 28-29 in Atlanta,
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Resort at the Mountain in the Mt. Hood National Forest.  $250 per person
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Published by:
Chuck Muth, Editor
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 454-0350
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

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