Nice item here takes in Fanny Fox, Elizabeth Ray, Monica Lewinsky, and
let us do remember John Stennis who was so old its w wonder he could get
down the aisle without support in this instances, he was just
gunned down in front of his home during this time frame.

Seems to be there is one thing overlooked; John Gotti is now in prison,
supposedly and his daughter is to be a columnist or have featured
stories in the New York papers; then we had Meyer Lansky, of murder inc.
and involved in murder of JFK (you shoot the head not the dog) and a
vicous vendetta against the entire family - but boy, his son went to
West Point which has since that time turned into another murder inc.,
ie the Japanese sharpshooter who murderd a mother holding a bab, blowing
off the bottom ohalf of her face.

Oh no that could not be could it - John Gotti in prison and he wants out
' Give Us Barabas' who sits all alone from all indications with his
telephone still giving orders.   Sounds impossible, but then Luckey
Luciano engineered the sinking of a US ship in a New Jersey harbour from
his prison cell - for he wanted out; and even the baby Lindburg, it was
Al Capone who said "he let me out and I will find the LIndburg baby",
but no - they would not release the prisoner nor give them Barabas - so
the baby was then found dead.....this is how we treat American heros
like Lindburg - now Johnn Glenn, they stole his medals from his home, to
show how close they could get to him no doubt.

The 7 dwarfs who ran against Glenn, could not destroy John Glenn for you
see this one was honest (not perfect) but honest and true to his


 NOT for Publication
Nothing New Under the Sin
Clinton and that grand old Washington tradition
By Thomas M. D'Andrea
Posted September 26, 1998

A few weeks before my father's death, we were at my home having Sunday
dinner with members of the family. During that dinner, and in what we
believed was a serious moment, Dad tapped his glass and asked for our

When he was sure we were all listening, he spoke in a solemn voice, "I
sincerely hope that when I die I die peacefully in my sleep, like dear
Uncle Marty." He hesitated a moment, then added, ". . . and not
terrified and screaming like all his passengers."

When I stopped choking on my last mouthful, Dad looked over at me and
said, "Tom, you've got a terrible memory. Over the years, I've told that
same stale joke a dozen times, and you still don't remember it."

Then he said, "It seems the whole country is suffering from memory loss
when it comes to bad jokes."

And speaking of bad jokes he reminded us that political sex scandals
aren't something new in this country. It was during coffee and desert
that he began to refresh our memories about political peccadilloes
committed in the neighborhood of our Nation's Capital.

He began with a question. "Does anyone remember a woman named Annabel
Battistella?" I said I thought she was the daughter of a deposed Cuban
dictator. Wrong!
"Son, that was Batista not Battistella."

Anyway, Dad went on to explain that Annabel was a stripper (exotic
dancer) who worked the nightclub circuit in Georgetown, elsewhere in the
District of Columbia and Baltimore. Professionally, she was known as
Fanne Fox, the Argentine Firecracker.

According to Dad, Annabel hit the front page of every newspaper in the
country when park police stopped a car that was driving erratically with
its lights off. Out of the car stepped an Arkansas member of Congress
named Wilbur Mills. Mills was known in the corridors of power as the
chairman of the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee.
He was intoxicated and his face was scratched.
His companion, Fanne Fox, ran from the car and jumped into the Tidal
Basin near the Jefferson Memorial. Park police had to wade into the pond
and physically rescue the reluctant Miss Fox. It was a marvelous scandal
that fed the ravenous appetite of newsmen and columnists for many

But wait!

A few years later, another powerful chairman, Wayne Hayes, of the House
Administration Committee, was accused of hiring Elizabeth Ray on his
staff to serve as his personal mistress. Not unlike a few other
politicians one might mention, Representative Hayes denied that
Elizabeth was ever his mistress.

Unfortunately, Elizabeth confided to the press that she was no
secretary, then added: "I can't type. I can't file. I can't even answer
the phone." Hayes resigned a short time later.

Another sterling example was the high jinks of a South Carolina
congressman, John Jenrette.

He quit after being convicted of bribery as a result of the infamous
Abscam sting operation. After the scandal, his estranged wife posed
seminude for Playboy and told the magazine that she and Jenrette once
had sex on the front steps of the U.S. Capitol. And we thought it was
risky business in the Oval Office!

After the Jenrette episode, the press went into a "kiss and tell"
frenzy. It marked the beginning of a journalistic contest to be "first
with the worst." No longer was a politician's personal life
considered out of bounds.

One of the first to get nailed was Representative Gary Studds of
Massachusetts, who was accused of having an affair with a 17-year old
male page. Not to be outdone, Representative Daniel Crane of Illinois
reportedly had his way with a 17-year old female page. Studds was
reelected a few more times but Crane was not.

In 1990, the House publicly reprimanded another Massachusetts
congressman, Barney Frank, for among other things using his political
influence to fix parking tickets for an intimate friend who was also a
male prostitute. Since then, Frank has been reelected consistently.
And who could ever forget Representative Donald "Buzz" Lukens of Ohio
and Illinois Representative Mel Reynolds? Both were convicted of having
sex with 16-year-old girls.

Then along came a young senator from the great state of Colorado, Gary
Hart. At the time, Hart was the odds-on favorite to win the Democratic
presidential nomination. Enter the Miami Herald with photographs of
model Donna Rice leaving Hart's elegant Capitol Hill townhouse. To
further complicate his sincere denials, the Herald produced pictures of
Miss Rice and the senator fooling around on board a boat appropriately
named "Monkey Business." Under a barrage of criticism, Hart dropped from
the presidential race.

Television cameras, reporters and artists all crowded into a packed
Senate chamber to monitor the confirmation hearings of Clarence Thomas.
They were particularly interested in the scurrilous accusations of a law
professor, Anita Hill. It was sensationalism at its best and journalism
at its worst. Although Professor Hill accused him of sexual harassment,
her charge was unsubstantiated and Thomas was confirmed as an associate
justice of the United States Supreme Court.

It was only recently that we suffered through the trials and
tribulations of Oregon Senator Bob Packwood, who resigned in 1995 rather
than be expelled for allegedly harassing a number of female staff

And, finally, who hasn't heard the unflattering stories about former
presidents John Kennedy, Franklin Roosevelt, Warren Harding, Dwight
Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington?

Those stories pale in comparison with the ones being spread about
President William Jefferson Clinton. His alleged record of sexual
achievements, if true, makes the above list of philandering presidents
look like a bunch of eunuchs.

Regrettably, my father passed away just a few days after our family
gathering and prior to the president's appearance before a federal grand

I guess God appreciated Dad's sense of humor, because he graciously
allowed him to depart in his sleep, just like our mythical Uncle Marty.
I'll always have fond memories of my Dad. He was a friend, a pal and
always a loving father. I remember his final comment as we carried the
dinner dishes into the kitchen that night. He said that he felt truly
sorry for the president and the president's wife and daughter.

Then he added this thoughtful remark. "You know, son, our president
wouldn't be in such an awful fix if Monica had just kept her mouth

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