So is this our Johannes?   Spelled his last name wrong.

Or did they.   Regardless,  here is where William Cooper left the list.
He wrote Behiold the Pale Horse which is now a Dead Horse which is
considered somewhat of a classic work of genius in some quarters.

Ran across this for I was looking for names with communist connections
and up this popped from old archives.   At least Cooper realized that
CTRL was unique and a good list.

Like to read his stuff, but then at times for a laugh I read stories
about how the Militias were alleged to be behind the blowing up of the
Murrah Building and Gore Vidal was so attracted to McVeigh, he will notw
write a book abut him?   A short book, for we have read about all he has
done already, with one exception - for whom, he really worked an to whom
he owed his allegiance - this Gideon bible though, would like to know
more about the secret messages he left in same....Gideon, the Hit and
Run Guerrilla Warfare Soldier who did exactly as God ordered - but who's


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Re: psychoceramics: Goodbye Mr (Implanted Micro) Chips
Subject: Re: psychoceramics: Goodbye Mr (Implanted Micro) Chips
From: "Johannes Scmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 06:03:28 PST
Sender: owner-psychoceramics

>Stormin' Bill Cooper says his goodbyes to the conspiracy >list....

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Harvest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 12 December 1997 19:03
>Subject: [CTRL] Goodbye and good luck...
>>I am an extremely busy person... I have accomplished my >>goal. I have
>>informed you that when I had done this I would leave this >>list.
>>Those of you who asked me to subscribe to to this list and >>give you
>>help dealing with the REAL controllers and REAL >>propagandists on
this list
>>have been given examples how to handle them... remember >>they are
still here.

>>I have also managed to get several socialists and >>communists on this
list to
>>admit their real affiliations and loyalties... remember >>who they
are... and
>>realize they are also still here.
>>The goal of socialism and communism (no matter how polite >>they may
be or
>>what they say) is the total destruction of all existing >>religions
(Christianity is their prime target), all >>existing nations
(establishing a
>>totalitarian world government), and the complete control >>of every
person on
>>this earth 24 hours a day every day from birth to death. >>The real
source of
>>this philosophy and plan is the subversive secret >>societies
throughout history... to be absolutely correct >>the Illuminiti.
>>If you do not wish to be enslaved by these, our enemies, >>you must
>>them publicly at every opportunity, expose all of their >>lies, and
>>defeat them totally and forever. Don't wait for WW-III >>because it is
>>being fought... most of you just don't realize it yet.
>>And last but not least... there are some really good, >>intelligent,
>>loving people on this list... get behind THEM and support >>THEM...
>>Goodbye and good luck...
>>William Cooper

Well I am a subscriber to the CTRL (Conspiracy Theory Research List) and
I never got this as I blocked his messages some time ago.

Typical thread would run with someone posting something innocuos about
UFOs or the NWO or something.

Cooper (Harvest) would then spend about 10 kilobytes abusing them for
being socialists wanting to enslave us all.

The person would then politely disagree that they were a socialist
and/or refer to their original posting.

Mr Cooper would then spend another 5 or so K (all posted with all
previous posts included of course) lambasting them and saying that
Socialists dont want to be called Socialists, thereby making their
denials further proof.
Some of the threads between him and his tormentors were entitled

Goodbye Mr Monkey-head
Our List is being Harvested

He seems to have one other imitator/alter ego still on the list so I
think I will leave the block on...

FROM SABA:  Hey Johannes if you never got this, how did you get it to
send to this list?   MonkeyHead?   You got blocks in your head?

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