-Caveat Lector-

The 'compliant and cowardly press' of the US

By Ali Abunimah


LET US suppose that Russia had been providing Yugoslavia with billions of
dollars worth of military aid during Yugoslavia's repression against
Kosovo Albanians, and even stepped up such aid during the Kosovo war,
while vetoing any UN resolutions that displeased President Slobodan
Milosevic. Few commentators would have described such a Russian policy as
hands-off or non-interventionist, or hailed Russia as a potential
evenhanded mediator. Such notions would likely have struck all but the
most deranged observers as completely absurd. Indeed, far less tangible
expressions of Russian support for Yugoslavia were cited as evidence of
Russia's pro-Yugoslav policy.
And yet, it is perfectly normal for US commentators to describe American
policy towards the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in precisely such terms.
The announcement of a new mission to the region by Secretary of State
Colin Powell is the latest occasion for making such assertions.

The Powell mission was a sign that Bush is abandoning the last vestige of
his standoffish approach to the Middle East because he seems to have
concluded that the US stake in the region is too high for Washington to
stay on the sidelines, according to a news article in The Los Angeles
Times on June 21. The Houston Chronicle, on June 22, reported the comments
of White House spokesman Ari Fleischer that the Powell visit did not
signal a reversal of course by the administration to become more involved,
because the administration has already been deeply involved though only by
bringing the two parties together, and as a facilitator to secure the

How is it that these reports, and so many others, failed to mention that,
in fact, the US is deeply involved in the conflict, economically,
militarily and diplomatically, on Israel's side. Neither report mentioned
that just one day before the announcement of Powell's visit, it was
revealed that Washington was to sell Israel fifty more F-16 warplanes
worth $2 billion, mostly financed with US aid money. How is it that I
could not find one editorial questioning the wisdom of such an extravagant
gift, on top of all the others Israel receives in a period of such high
tension, and just weeks after Israel used the same weapons to bomb
Palestinians in the occupied territories? Why is it so hard to find voices
that point out the contradiction between such a move and the declared US
desire to be a facilitator?

This gulf between reality and its representation is a symptom of a chronic
inability by the majority of the US media to view the United States
objectively, and as others around the world see and experience it. As far
as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is concerned, this is caused in part
by a general reliance on so-called Middle East experts from think tanks
and lobby groups who have a vested interest in the conflict, usually on
Israel's side, as well as a widespread fear of criticising Israel far more
intense in the US than in Israel itself, as a result of the phenomenon
that Edward Said has dubbed American Zionism.

No less important is a common unwillingness in American culture to view
the United States negatively, even if such a view may at times be
warranted. American history  as portrayed in Hollywood movies (more
influential), and school textbooks (less influential)  is often reduced to
a series of mawkish passion plays in which justice and virtue  embodied by
the United States  always triumph. Any injustices, whether to Native
Americans (who suffered a genocide at the hands of European settlers) or
African Americans (who were enslaved for centuries) or others, are viewed
more as opportunities for the American collectivity to restate the
essential goodness of the Founding Fathers' creed and correct occasional
lapses in conduct, rather than as phenomena that may have stemmed directly
from the worldview, goals and policies of those with power who saw the
destruction and enslavement of others as a necessary step in fulfilling,
maintaining and entrenching their position.

Similarly, despite decades of revelations about US-sponsored atrocities,
from Iran to Central America to East Timor, as well as CIA-backed coups
and subversion against democratic governments around the world, the most
respected and widely read newspapers still defer cravenly to the US
government in almost all matters of foreign policy. US government's
misdeeds are well-known to people around the world, but barely register in
the consciousness of the American public and seldom interfere in the rosy
self-image of the United States as a promoter of democracy, human rights
and general global well-being.

If Americans are largely unaware and unconcerned about the thousands of
Iraqis who die each month due to US-backed sanctions, their memory of the
millions killed by the carpet bombing of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
throughout America's involvement in Southeast Asia is even more remote.
Even there, to the extent that the Vietnam War is still a subject of
discussion, the United States is often presented as the principal victim.

If the US hand in world affairs cannot be ported as benevolent, it is
usually simply airbrushed out of the media picture. For two decades, it
was normal for most US media reports to refer to the Lebanese resistance
fighters who ejected Israel's occupation as Iranian-backed or
Syrian-backed. The same reports, however, never referred to Israeli
occupation troops as US-backed. There are even cases of direct US media
collusion with government policy. In January 1999, The Washington Post
admitted to its readers that it had for months concealed at the request of
the US government information it possessed confirming that the US was
indeed using the UNSCOM inspectors to spy, as Iraq had charged, a
revelation its reporter eventually made only because the same information
had begun to leak from other sources. This may literally have cost lives,
since in December 1998 the US carried out a massive bombing operation
precisely on the grounds that Iraq was not cooperating with those same
inspectors. (See Withholding the News by Seth Ackerman in Extra!,
March/April 1999, http://www.fair.org/extra/9903/unscom.html)

These examples illustrate that, to a great extent, the most influential US
media are part of the foreign policy establishment, rather than a check on
government excess, as recent history has shown they need to be, and is the
primary responsibility of a free press. Such a failure of introspection is
by no means unique to the United States, but it is particularly dangerous
in the world's only superpower. Yet, it is also true that many other
societies have done better. Christopher Hitchens, in his new book `The
Trial of Henry Kissinger', makes a strong case for bringing that former US
secretary of state to justice for war crimes and crimes against humanity,
and points out that while many countries around the world established
truth commissions to give a public accounting of atrocities committed in
their recent past or put former leaders on trial, the United States
Congress, media and human rights establishment have consistently failed to
apply the same standards in their own country, and continue to treat as
great statesmen and sages figures like Kissinger who, at the very least,
have many questions to answer and, at worst, may have records that would
put them in the category of the most odious criminals.

We cannot be surprised that the United States government wants to present
itself in the best possible light. All governments  without exception  are
sometimes willing to bend the truth to do that. Unfortunately, however,
the United States is proof that it does not require state censors and
repressive laws against the media in order to have a compliant and
cowardly press that aids and abets government policy. There is no case
today where this is more marked than that of the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict, and none where the consequences could be more damaging.

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