Here is a peace treaty; now USA made a lot of treaties with the indians,
but did they ever keep them?

Israel and PLO - well this stuff has been going on for 2,000 years and
they say things change?

Now is almost humorous for all these leaders are being charged with war
crimes?   This country has not be in war since  WWII?   Any of the wars

Used to be you declared a war - so is Israel question, are these civil
wars not subject to world wide courts claiming to hold jurisdiction over
the whole wide world - my god no wonder the creator of Superman had him
killed off when he got into the World Peace business.

Today it is illegal for a dog to run at large;  if the dog does not have
a owner, it is murdered;  if it does have an owner, someday they will
murder the owner

So now all these World Leaders are being charged with War
Crimes......should we fan the flames or will it be someday we will have
to save Clinton's worthless hide from  big time courts with no

But to think our Congress or whatnotso have entered into all these
agreements without our ocnsent and/or knowledge  and it seems without
our vote?

Diplomatic immunity?   What about that Chinese Embassy we blew up and
how is that for "diplomatic immunity".

What is a civil war as opposed to - well what is a declared war, for
that is a legal war?

What are we doing fighting in Civil Wars for foreign countries or with
them - you can lose your citizenship doing such things.

So if they want to take Clinton and Sharon and Albright and try them in
a Kangeroo Court should I complain.

Can't you see them dragging Clinton off to a War Crimes Court?   Think
anybody would give a crap?

Why is this thing so funny to is like my former husband -
once he told me he was king in this house and when he landed in Divorce
Court he still believed it?


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