-Caveat Lector-

Sounds like a dangerous situation....

You lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em drink!


Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 07:03:37 -0000
From: "Mary"  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Patterns That Alarm Me ...

Dear Friends -- As usual, I am sending this post to my address, with blind
copies to a long list of friends and associates.  The blind copies are to
keep others from adding your email address to their list of contacts, and
to protect the general confidentiality of your email addresses. If you
want to be removed from my list, please let me know.

The purpose of this post is to inform you of a series of actions and events
that seem to be coming together into a huge and alarming scenario.

I don't want to sound too radical and conspiracy-oriented, but I feel this
information is so important that I am going to pass it around.  To some of
you, this post will sound totally bazaar.  You will think I am several
slices short of a sandwich.  Others will think this post is confirming
all their worst fears.  All I can say is that the facts that I am
reporting to you are true.  You can draw any conclusions you want.
And I am drawing some conclusions for you.

PLEASE NOTE: my conclusions are not the only opinions on these facts.
I am not claiming that my conclusions are the only accurate conclusions.
I am, however, saying that my conclusions are based on the following
facts, plus many more that I have not included or cannot include in
this post.  And I believe there is enough smoke here to call the
fire department.

This post will be a little long, even for me.  But I believe it is important
to let you people know what I have been seeing and hearing over the past
year that has me VERY CONCERNED!  Please read it!

Afterwards, you are free to draw any conclusions you want.  This is, after
all, a free America.  For the moment, anyway?

First, let me say that almost 30 years ago, I had my securities license
and was trained to watch stock patterns so I could make good recommendations
before certain stocks would rise in price.  At that time there were a
number of stock market patterns that were well established in their
accuracy, and these patterns were given names.

One of the earliest and most documented patterns was the "War and Peace"
cycle.  This cycle or pattern included several factors, but was most obvious
by watching the steel industry - specifically stock price movement,
manufacturing activities, raw materials inventory levels, and insider
trading in those stocks.  Most analysts downplayed the "War and Peace"
cycle because it was considered political and because it seemed to make
you look like a warmonger.

Yet I believe it was one of the best established, well-documented and most
accurate patterns in the stock market.  However, the "War and Peace" cycle
was only accurate in the periods leading up to military actions..

The "War and Peace" cycle is going through the roof right now.

Having been out of the securities industry for a long time, I have not
been watching these stocks for years.  And the steel industry in America
has been at a standstill for almost 30 years.  Stock prices have moved
almost none at all, and no insiders held any shares to speak of.  Yet,
in the last 6 months to a year, almost all American steel companies
have seen a significant rise in their values -- more than any seen in
the last 30 years.  Some companies, such as Bethlehem Steel and
Gibraltar Steel have risen as much as 400% over the past few months.
Further, their shares are ending up in insiders' portfolios in alarming
amounts.  Lately, there have been several well-known analysts who have
pointed out that the "War and Peace" stocks are showing surprising activity,
with some claiming the patterns are as alarming as just before W.W.II broke
out in Europe.

Almost 2 weeks ago, I heard a short discussion of the steel and war-oriented
heavy manufacturing companies, with the analysts giving a "buy" recommendation
for the first time since the 1970s.  They made no mention of any military
action, but they sure took notice of unusual raw materials levels and
insider trading.  One of the group of commentators suggested that "somet
hing" was happening, but no one offered any real suggestions as to why
the unusual corporate and insider activities.  They did, however, report
that there was no obvious activity anywhere in the world that would justify
this increase in stock value or increase in share ownership among insiders.
Of course, it is always possible that our leaders are gearing up for war.

Most of you have received posts from me in the past encouraging you to watch
and pray for the Mid-East conflict and the China/Taiwan conflict.

It seems at this point probable that one or both of these problems will
escalate into war in the near future.  It is possible that this rise in
the "War and Peace" index is a result of these pending problems.

Another pattern I have been watching for almost 2 years relates to US
military activities on American soil.  Many "right-wing" Patriot programs
and speakers have been claiming that for several years the US military has
been involved in training to disarm the American people.  I personally
talked with a friend of mine this past November about this very issue.
He is a ranking officer in the National Guard.  He admitted that the
National Guard was engaged in a series of "urban unrest" training programs
involving Guard units all over the country, and many of these training
programs involved military personnel from several other countries
training with our troops.  The training programs had been going on for
several months at that time and he admitted they had no ending date
scheduled that he knew of.

His comments that he offered (with no prompting on my part) stated that he
and all the officers he knew were fully aware that the purpose of the
training programs were not to prepare the US military for peacekeeping
actions around the world, as they have been explained in many Pentagon
news briefs.  He told me that he and all the officers he knew were aware
that these training programs were for the express purpose of disarming
the Am erican people and arresting resisters.  He also indicated that he
was in favor of this training and that Americans didn't need the guns
that we had. In other words, he was no right-wing gun nut.

Further, the Internet is full of many stories of joint police and military
"check points" where Americans are stopped and searched on the highways of
our nation.  As most of you know, using the military in America against
Americans IN ANY WAY is totally unconstitutional.

A couple of years this happened right here in east Tennessee.  The National
Guard joined with local, county and state law enforcement and ran a series
of checkpoints in a county north of Knoxville.

Some local people took up arms against these actions, intending to shoot
the National Guard and law enforcement.  (East Tennesseans are VERY
committed to their constitutional rights, and very courageous!

More Congressional Medals of Honor have been given to men from Tennessee
than from any other state.)  A couple of people (including our own Jack
Morgan!) requested that the self-appointed "citizen militia" stand down
until the County Commission could be addressed.  In the next County
Commission meeting just a day or so later, the constitutional issues
were presented to the commission as well as the warning concerning
the pending outbreak of violence.  The Commission stopped the checkpoints
the next day.

I have seen reports and pictures of a number of these joint military/police
checkpoints across America.  Literally dozens have been documented in local
media, but always from the perspective that they were training activities.
The question is seldom asked by the media, "Training for what?"

And I have seen videos of these checkpoints with other country's military
involved, along with American military and American law enforcement.

The media NEVER mentions military from out of country as far as I can

Another item that alarmed me last year was the discovery of tremendous amount
of government construction on most of the American military bases that had
been abandoned due to financial cutbacks.

These bases were supposed to be empty and unused, according to government
reports, yet many people had sent photos to some Congress critters of recent
construction on a number of these bases.  When a sub-committee dug into
these construction efforts, they discovered that FEMA was the source of
the funds.  The sub-committee inquired of FEMA and FEMA refused to give
any information.

One news report that I read of these initial inquiries indicated that FEMA
actually responded with data, but that the data comprised only 7% of FEMA's
budget.  This is the amount of money that FEMA spent offering coffee and
donuts to disaster victims.  The rest of FEMA's budget, 93%, was ominously
lacking from their report.  When this sub-committee inquired as to the rest
of the billions of dollars FEMA spent each year, they received silence.

So the Congressional sub-committee subpoenaed FEMA's director, and she told
them that the missing 93% was "black budget" and they would have to ask
President Clinton for that information.  They asked Clinton, and he refused
to supply any details.  So the investigation into what appears to be billions
of dollars of new construction on supposedly abandoned military bases has
closed down.  What is disturbing to me about all this is not just the fact
that billions of dollars have been spent without any oversight or any
explanation, but the fact that the pictures I have seen of this
construction shows high chain link fencing surrounding these bases,
and the barbed wire at the top is slanted in to keep people from getting
out, not slanted out to keep people from getting in.

Still another item has come to my attention that has no hard confirmation,
but the source seems to be impeccable.  About 3 months ago, someone inside
the National Security Council informed a well-known militia commander that
the citizen militia groups all over America would cease to exist by the end
of September of this year.  The action that would accomplish this was slated
to begin on July 1, just a few days from now.  This follows the FBI's Megiddo
 Report, wherein the FBI labeled as "potential terrorists" all independent
Bible church members, all conservative Christians, all Christians who
contribute more than the national average to their churches, all Americans
who call themselves Patriots (that is different than "patriotic" in the
eyes of the federal government), and all citizen militia groups in America.
The FBI report was presented to the annual meeting of the National
Association of Chiefs of Police in Charlotte, NC in October of 2000.
While most churches and almost all national Christian leaders remained
silent on the Megiddo Report, enough churches and Christians made noise
that the FBI released a statement "clarifying" that they did not mean
that these people were actually terrorists, but that some of them were
merely possible terrorists.  This was no retraction, even though the
AP report posed it as such.  The significance of all this becomes
ominous when we consider two bills Clinton signed into law.  The
Clinton Crime bill from 1997, and the Clinton Immigration Act of 1999,
gave federal agents and agencies additional powers that most would consider
unconstitutional, if it were not for another Declaration of Emergency by
Clinton.  Under declared States of Emergency, the federal government can
do things which would otherwise be unconstitutional.  So Clinton declared
several States of Emergency when he was president, and those States of
Emergency are still in effect.  As a result, federal officials can perform
certain actions against those who are suspected or potential terrorists
without court orders.  And now that the FBI has declared about half of
America to be potential terrorists, the federal government can commit
acts against many of your family and friends without going through due
process of law.  [By the way, few of you know that America is under at
least 9 declared States of Emergency, some as old as 68 years.

Do you know of any emergency in America that has continued for almost
70 years?  Well, your paid public servants in Washington, DC seem to
know more than you do, because they have continued old ones and declared
new ones for an awful long time.] So we have new laws which give federal
agents and agencies additional (and unconstitutional) powers over
potential or suspected terrorists.  Then you have the FBI declaring
that most conservative Americans, including all militia groups, are
suspected or potential terrorists.  Now you have the National Security
Council promising certain high federal officials that all militia groups
will cease to exist no later than the end of this summer.

If this sounds like a dangerous situation, read further.

By the way, most of you know that I have at least some involvement with
militia groups.  Some of you know more.  Let me formally announce to those
of you who do not know that I am the Chief of Staff, second in command, of
the Militia of East Tennessee, with the rank of Colonel.  This means, quite
simply, that if the federal government declares war against militia groups,
it will directly involve me.  But for my family members, please do not
worry - I am significantly better prepared for this than you will ever know.

This recent trip through Europe by President Bush has received very poor or
very slanted coverage by American media.  European media is full of stories
of the arguments Bush has had with world leaders over his political and
military plans.  All of the UN members are furious with America over our
refusal to ratify the Kyoto Protocols (which give the UN authority over
most environmental issues in America), as well as over our intention to
implement a missile defense system.  American media report some resistance
to Bush's plans; European media report an uproar.  American media reports
a few demonstrators; European media report hundreds of thousands of rioters.

Also, you probably know that America was recently kicked off the Human Rights
Council in the UN, being replaced by terrorist nations and countries who are
known to have killed millions of dissidents in their own countries.

Further, the UN Millennium Summit last year approved some of the requests by
Secretary General Kofi Anon, including the elimination of the Security
Council.  It is only in the Security Council that America has any real
voice.  We can simply say "no" and any proposed action is scuttled.

Without the Security Council, all UN actions will be subject to a general
vote, with America being only one vote.

The UN issues are becoming critical.  Almost the entire UN membership is
up in arms against America.  With the four international taxes being proposed
in the UN, as well as the proposed permanent 60,000-man army of mercenaries
(currently the UN uses troops from member nations -- they now want a UN
army with no ties to any nation), there are a number of serious disagreements
between the UN and America.  These disagreements exist in spite of the many
socialistic moves within America designed to appease the UN members who are
constantly detractors of America.  The American media seldom reports on these
problems, and when they do, the problems are seriously downplayed.  On the
other hand, the European media is full of stories about the latest "fight"
in the UN and how the UN and the European community are kicking America's
collective butts in political move after political move.  With the exception
of England and a couple of other small countries, almost all the hundreds
of UN nations are strongly anti-America.

And our political leaders call them "allies" in spite of the fact that almost
all UN member nations, including almost all European nations, are
self-proclaimed socialist states.

Another side note.  Two weeks ago, I was interviewed by a radio station from
Milan, Italy concerning the American militia movement.

The interview lasted almost an hour.  During that time, the radio commentator
kept asking about the United Nations.  He wanted to know why the militia
movement was so much against the United Nations and its agenda for worldwide
government (And you thought that a One World Government was only a radical
conspiracy theory espoused by right-wing extremists?  It seems that the entire
world knows what the American government and American media have consistently
denied.)  Anyway, I tried to help him understand the issues involved.  The
truth is, most of the nations around the world have severely limited "rights"
that their respective governments grant to them.  On the other hand, America
was created with the greatest freedoms of any nation in history.  I
explained to him that a world government run like the UN wants to run it
would be a significant improvement in freedoms for most nations, but would
be a radical setback to the freedoms enjoyed by Americans.  He seemed to
understand this concept much more easily than most Americans seem to
understand it.

And now the really bad stuff.

Recently, I have seen reports from investigative reporters in Europe, especially
in Germany, documenting the fact that their armed forces are training for
action in America.  This morning, a friend forwarded to me a report, from
which I am quoting from here.

(Thanks for the forward, Jerry.)  The following is a quote from American radio
journalist Pam Schuffert of Germany (daughter of legendary former high level
Air Force officer Jake Schuffert):  "I have been researching in Germany for
5 months now, and everything indicates rapid training of our troops to work
side by side with cooperating foreign troops for the coming conquest of
America under martial law.  As I read the European edition of STARS AND
STRIPES almost daily, numerous military publications plus European news
journals and newspapers, and interviewing actual military here, I am coming
to realize the extent that the American people have been deceived and
betrayed into the hands of the New World Order by her very own government
and military!"

This report and others that I have seen or heard about suggest that the many
UN and NATO police actions around the world actually occurred so that American
troops could work with foreign troops to learn each other's tactics and so
that these international troops could be used in police actions against
Americans.  Most of you have heard that there is a strong move in the UN
to totally disarm individuals.  At least two major UN conferences over
the past two years have formally adopted provisions that call for no
individual ownership of weapons, not even for hunting purposes.

It sounds like they are getting serious about enforcing these provisions.

Last, but certainly not least, there have been at least 9 reports from at
least 5 states of large groups of empty railroad boxcars with iron manacles
welded to the walls and floors of the boxcars.  Most of the boxcars were
painted black and sitting in rail yards or remote sidetracks.

It has been confirmed that a company linked to President Bush has been granted
a government contract to build 107,200 full-length railroad boxcars with the
shackles inside.  The company, Gunderson Steel Fabrication, has a satellite
factory in Texas, which is involved in this contract.  In fact, President
Bush made a nationally televised campaign speech from this factory. At
present, I do not know the connection between Bush and this company.

What are the boxcars for, you say?  Well, if the federal government is going
to make all the militia groups disappear this summer, they have to have some
means to move the hundreds of thousands of people they are going to pick up.
And where would they move these people?

Could they possibly be moved to the barracks-like buildings that have been
recently constructed on so many of these abandoned and inactive military
bases with the tall barbed wire fences designed to keep people inside?
Of course, this is probably just some knee-jerk conspiracy theory?
Or maybe not?

I have included in this post a lot of information and very little

I have done so on purpose.  Otherwise, this post would have been a few hours
in downloading.  If you want documentation, please call or write me. I would
be happy to share what I know.

What does all this mean?  I can't say.  But it seems that there are a huge
number of facts, many of which I have not included here, that add up to all
the worst nightmares that many Americans hope never to experience.

Of course, each and every one of these individual facts could have totally
innocent explanations.  On the other hand, they could also tie together into
one large and dangerous pattern.  If so, then America is headed into war.
And this war will involve a lot of Americans fighting against Americans.
Those of you who continue to deny what seems to be going on might be about
to discover that you were wrong.  Of course, it will be too late to do
anything when you discover it.  Those of you who have some idea of what
has been going on but choose to ride the fence are about to discover that
the fence is made of barbed wire - it is going to hurt to remain sitting
on it.  And those of you who are wide awake and prepared for this?  well,
keep your powder dry.

A Lecture By Phil Schneider (Audio tape will be on APFN in near future)

You may order a copy of this tape from Backcountry Productions 303-772-8358
Government Secrets Revealed - Phil Schneider Tape #23 - 1995 GSC

( Shortly after this Lecture Phil was found DEAD - See add'l web pages )

"Now, I am very worried about the activity of the federal government. They
have lied to the public, stonewalled Senators, and have refused to tell the
truth in regard to alien matters. I can go on and on. I can tell you that
I am rather disgruntled. Recently, I knew someone who lived near where I
live in Portland, Oregon. He worked at Gunderson Steel Fabrication where
they make railroad cars. Now, I knew this fellow for the better part of
30 years, and he was kind of a quiet type. He came in to see me one day,
excited, and he told me "they're building prisoner cars." He was nervous.
Gunderson, he said, had a contract with the federal government to build
107,200 full length railroad cars, each with 143 pairs of shackles. There
are 11 sub-contractors in this giant project. Supposedly, Gunderson got
over 2 billion dollars for the contract. Bethlehem Steel and other steel
outfits are involved. He showed me one of the cars in the railyards in
North Portland.

He was right. If you multiply 107,200 times 143 times 11, you come up
with about 15,000,000. This is probably the number of people who disagree
with the federal government. No more can you vote any of these people out
of office. Our present structure of government is "technocracy," not
democracy ,and it is a form of feudalism. It has nothing to do with
the republic of the United States. These people are God-less, and have
legislated out prayer in public schools. You can get fined up to $100,000
and two years in prison for praying in school. I believe we can do better.
I also believe that the federal government is running the gambit of
enslaving the people of the United States. I am not a very good speaker,
but I'll keep shooting my mouth off until somebody puts a bullet in me,
because it's worth it to talk to a group like this about these atrocities.

Philip was dead in his apartment and apparently had died up
to a week before his body was discovered. At the time of the removal
of his body, his cause of death was by a stroke. When I went to the
funeral home I had feelings of discomfort about his death.
We were to meet again, on Friday, of the week Phil got whacked.
Phil had much info on the shadow government.

Phil may be gone, but he is not forgotten!

Kenneth L. Vardon...  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Additional web info on Phil Schneider
The Mysterious Life and Death of Phil Schneider
A Message from the ex-wife of Philip Schneider

It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything
else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly.
-----Bertrand Russell

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